Bulletin june 2016 a

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King Edward VI School

June Bulletin


28 June, 2016 s I write the School is full of busy activity as we enjoy our Science and Technology Festival. The clouds have given way to sunshine as our students make giant models of the solar system, launch rockets, give presentations on the speed of light, gaze into distant space and dissect the occasional brain.

The pace changes in the final weeks of term with a healthy mix of Sports Day, the Swimming Gala and the Endeavour programme to look forward to with activities across all year groups, ranging from the First Year Camp, the Second Year Normandy trip and a variety of activities for the Third, Fourth and Sixth Form. Leavers’ Day follows shortly with mixed emotions; relief at seeing another generation of KES students emerge from their A level examinations intact and still smiling (for the most part!) and a degree of sadness as we say goodbye to another generation leaving School and preparing for GAP years, work or university. We are also saying farewell to some long serving staff, including Mr Fitzpatrick, Mr Long, Mr Walter and Mr Patten after a collective 142 years of service at KES. We wish them all well as they leave the School. A J Thould Head Swimming Gala This year sees the Lower School Swimming Gala held again at Southampton University Jubilee Pool on 6 July. Please note that spectator space is limited. Full details can be found here. Endeavour takes place on Thursday and Friday of this week (30 June and 1 July). The majority of pupils are offsite for either day-activity trips or residential visits. The full list of all the trips taking place during Endeavour are on the website here.

EXAMINATION RESULTS GCE (A and AS) results will be published on Thursday 18 August, 2016

For the pupils staying in school during Endeavour, parents should be aware of the following: *

Pupils are not required to wear school uniform.


Lunches will not be served so pupils must bring in their own packed lunch. Parents have not been charged for lunches over Endeavour.


IGCSE/GCSE results will be published on Thursday 25 August, 2016 Please see the Examination section on the website for post results help and information


KETA buses and late buses run as per usual at the same times.

On the last day of term all KETA buses will depart at 3.05pm

For any further questions regarding Endeavour or any of the trips, parents can contact Mrs Paul on ext. 231 or email ymp@kes.hants.sch.uk.


Staff & Parent Prayer Meeting including Communion Tuesday 5 July 1pm - 2pm Commemoration Room Students in the Fourth Year and above are welcome.


AUTUMN TERM 2016 Monday 5 September

Medical Information


It is very important that the nursing team are kept up to date with any medical changes or health needs relating to your son/daughter. Please contact them as soon as any changes arise on schoolnurse@kes.hants.sch.uk or by phone on 023 80799213.

Tuesday 6 September NEW PUPILS First Year Second & Third Year Fourth Year Lower Sixth

JUNIOR HOUSE Junior House is a House based competition where teams from each of the six Houses play against each other in the major sports of the term. It takes place on a limited number of Friday evenings and it is compulsory for all members of the Second and Third Years. The events finish by 5.15 pm, and in time for the late buses.

8.40am to 3.55pm 8.50am to 3.55pm 11.00am to 3.55pm 8.30am to 3.55pm

ALL OTHER PUPILS Second & Third Year Fourth & Fifth Year Lower Sixth Upper Sixth

The Junior House competition is a highlight of our annual House championship. It is a wonderfully inclusive and popular event, bringing together all of our Second and Third Years as well as a significant number of staff and older students who stay after School to support the younger students and help run the competitions. In addition, it is an integral part of the School educational experience, as it provides opportunities for pupils to learn to play in a team and for them to realise the importance of the individual within the context of a group situation.

1.45pm to 3.55pm 1.45pm to 3.55pm 8.55am to 3.55pm 8.55am to after 12.30pm

(First Year prefects will be needed from 8.40am and Lower School prefects will be needed during the afternoon)

We hope that by publishing the dates this far in advance, any clashes with other activities can be avoided.


The dates are as follows: Term Autumn 2016

Wednesday 7 September

Spring 2017

Normal school times apply 2

Dates September 9, 23 & 30 October 14 February 10 March 3,10, 17 & 24

Tout ce qui est français 2016/17!

OBNO IS ON THE MOVE Due to relocation, OBNO has consolidated their stock in order to streamline their operation. It is their intention that all current stock priced below £10 will be sent to charity. Consequently, if you have donated an item under £10 and would like to recover it, please contact Sophie Liardet on PTA-OBNO@kes.hants.sch.uk.

Normandy 2016 We are looking forward to seeing all pupils at the Hill Lane gate for a 5:45 am departure on Wednesday 29 June. All pupils need to hand their passport to the teacher in charge of their group for safekeeping before getting on the bus. Please remember to pack food for the journey.

For future reference, only items sold for £20 or more will receive a 50% reimbursement. PARENTS’ GUIDE

Normandy 2017

The most up-to-date version of the Parents’ Guide is available on the School’s website under the Information/Parents’ Guide tab or by clicking here. There is a modified version for parents of Sixth Form students.

The trip is full and further details will follow. Montpellier 2017

If you would like a printed copy of the Parents’ Guide please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Canty, the SMT Administrator at jmc@kes.hants.sch.uk and she will be happy to send you one.

This hugely successful Sixth Form Language Trip to Montpellier will take place in April 2017 The trip will be launched in September.

Watersports 2016 14 - 21 August There is a space on the Watersports 2016 trip for any interested Second or Fourth Year pupil. Please contact Dr Gamblin on sdg@kes.hants.sch.uk for more information. Boats for Sale The School has a Wanderer for sale. Sail No. 1493. We are also selling our Rib (F40 Mercury 4 Stroke, two seat Jockey console) which we purchased in November 2013 - click here for more information.

Our uniform suppliers, Stevensons have updated their website. Click here for more information.

If you are interested in purchasing either of these items please contact Mrs Burrows on peb@kes.hants.sch.uk.

Exchange News

Charlotte Exchange Information Evening 22 Sept 2016 Hospitality Suite 7 - 8pm

Summer Cricket Coaching Courses Hampshire CCC are holding a number of summer coaching courses at the Ageas Bowl this year. More information about dates and times can be found here.

Prague Exchange Information Evening 7 Sept 2016 Hospitality Suite 7 - 7.30pm

They have generously offered a 10% discount for KES students on the advertised price. If you would like to take advantage of this discount, please input the code KES10 at the checkout. 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Click here for the most up to date calendar events

Tuesday 28 June

Visit of new Third Year pupils Upper Sixth Leavers’ Dinner

Wednesday 29 June

Upper Sixth Leavers’ Day First Year Endeavour trip: New Forest: returns 1 July Second Year French trip: Normandy: returns 2 July

Thursday 30 June Friday 1 July

Endeavour - please click here for details

Monday 4 July

Visit of new First Year pupils

Tuesday 5 July

Fourth Year Looking Forward Day

Wednesday 6 July

Swimming Gala Looking Forward Evening for Fourth Year parents


Looking Forward Evening for Fourth Year Parents

We are keen to work alongside the Global Youth Ambassador Project to initiate a cultural exchange programme to China. We are hoping to gauge interest based on a handful of students from Fourth Year to Lower Sixth (2016-17) to take part in this next year.

6 July at 7pm in the Dobson Theatre Following the Looking Forward Day for Fourth Year pupils, this evening session for parents will feature presentations and discussion on the decisions students will need to make about their Sixth Form academic choices, co-curricular involvement, and preparation for university entrance.

It would involve hosting a Chinese student for 10 days in February who would be keen to submerse themselves in school life. We would then visit China in October half term with a full itinerary including visiting reciprocating schools in what would be an opportunity of a lifetime! Cost is dependent upon numbers but likely to be in the region of £1500.

The day for pupils is designed to enable them to make informed decisions about their academic careers, and this evening session aims to support you as parents as you help them do this.

There may also be the option to just host a Chinese student and not attend the trip where no/limited costs would be involved – please mention this when registering your interest.

Mr Thould, Dr Waymark, Mr Culver, Ms Greenwood, Mrs Burrows & Mr Sheppard will lead the discussions.

Please email Mrs Burnett before the end of the academic year on(lcb@kes.hants.sch.uk) to register your interest. MINDFULNESS FOR PARENTS

Art Show online

We are hosting an 8-week Mindfulness course for KES Parents, run by Annie Davison, the School Counsellor.

Unfortunately, due to the Art Department refurbishment there will be no Art Show this year. For a taster of the exceptional examination work produced in the department this year please click here.

The first session will start on Wednesday 14 September, 7.30 – 9pm. The practice of Mindfulness has been found to promote health and wellbeing, improve mood and energy levels and reduce anxiety. Mindfulness does not conflict with any beliefs or traditions.

There will also be another opportunity to see a selection of art work at the Mayflower Theatre on Speech Day.

To apply for the course and to see costs and further information, please click here.


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