King Edward VI School
June Bulletin 27th June, 2013
‘Looking Forward’ Evening for Fourth Year Parents 10th July at 7.30pm in the Dobson Theatre
s I write the sun is emerging from the clouds and some welcome cricket is being played very enthusiastically out on the south field. Examinations are over and there is a certain degree of bated breath as papers and results are returned to pupils. One group of Upper Sixth formers took their final A level paper in full evening dress; they were determined to go out in style!
Following the Looking Forward Day for Fourth Year pupils on 9th July, this evening session for parents will feature presentations and discussion on the decisions students will need to make about their Sixth Form academic choices, co-curricular involvement, and preparation for university entrance.
We are very much looking forward to some end of term activity with the Arts Festival, Sports Day, Activities Day, the KESSOC Summer Ball and the Swimming Gala all to look forward to, subject as ever to the vagaries of the English summer weather.
The day for pupils is designed to enable them to make informed decisions about their academic careers, and this evening session aims to support you as parents as you help them do this. Mr Thould, Mr Dellar, Mr Culver and Ms Greenwood will lead the discussions.
We hope to see many of you at these occasions as we move towards the end of term.
KETA BUSES On the last day of term all KETA buses will depart at 15:10. THERE WILL BE NO LATE BUSES
AJ Thould Head
Reports for First to Fourth Year pupils will be posted to parents on or before Wednesday 17th July.
Annual Athletics Sports Day 2013 Friday 28th June 1.00pm until 4.45pm on the School field
Parents and friends are warmly invited to attend and we would be delighted to see you on the day. Refreshments will be served in the Dining Hall between 2.30pm and 4.00pm.
The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Autumn Term is: Wednesday 3rd July The price for a lunch from September is £3.55
Please note that this year parents will not be required to provide cakes, sandwiches or biscuits or to serve refreshments at this event.
It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline
All students are required on site until 4.45pm. If a pupil must leave before this time then agreement must be sought from their Head of Year in advance and the pupil will require a letter from home, also signed by their Head of Year
Please email giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present
KETA buses will leave at approximately 4.45pm and there will be NO LATE BUSES
Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged 1
Staff & Parent Prayer Meeting with communion celebration
Tuesday 2nd July 1pm - 2pm Room M1
Tuesday 3rd September JUNIOR HOUSE
Junior House is a House based competition, where teams from each House play against each other in the sports that are appropriate to the term. It takes place on a limited number of Friday evenings and it is compulsory for all members of the Second and Third year. Matches on these evenings finish by 5.15pm.
Wednesday 4th September NEW PUPILS First Year Second & Third Year Fourth Year Lower Sixth
8.40am to 3.55pm 8.50am to 3.55pm 11.00am to 3.55pm 8.30am to 3.55pm
Junior House is an integral part of the School educational experience as it provides opportunities for pupils to learn to play in a team and for them to realise the importance of the individual within the context of a group situation. We also hope that they will enjoy the experience!
ALL OTHER PUPILS Second & Third Year Fourth & Fifth Year Lower Sixth Upper Sixth
It has been disappointing in the past that some pupils have not been able to attend Junior House due to appointments, music lessons or weekends away. These pupils not only miss out on the experience of Junior House, but they also let down other members of their team.
1.45pm to 3.55pm 1.45pm to 3.55pm 8.55am to 3.55pm 9.00am to after 12.30pm
By publishing the dates in advance, it is intended that a clash with any other activity can be avoided.
(First Year prefects will be needed from 8.40am and Lower School prefects will be needed during the afternoon)
The dates are as follows:Term
Thursday 5th September Normal school times apply
Autumn 2013
September 13thand 27th October 4th, 11th and 18th
Spring 2014
February 7th March 7th 14th and 21st
Summer 2014
May 9th (with May 16th as a reserve date)
The most up-to-date version of the Parents’ Guide is available on the School’s website under the Information/Parents’ Guide tab or by clicking here. There is a modified version for parents of Sixth Form students.
We are currently launching our annual Watersports trip for First, Second and Third Year pupils. Provisional dates with Rockley Watersports are from Sunday 17th to Sunday 24th August 2014. The trip involves travel by coach and ferry to the south west of France. The centre, La Rive, is located on Lac Biscarosse, which is about 35 miles from Bordeaux. The group will stay on a four-star campsite, which has its own secluded area amongst pine trees. Activities include windsurfing, sailing, canoeing, catamaran sailing, body boarding and mountain biking. All activities are wellsupervised by highly qualified staff to ensure your child has a safe and enjoyable stay. All water based activities require the use of a buoyancy aid and pupils must be able to swim 50m.
If you would like a printed copy of the Parents’ Guide please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Wood, the SMT Secretary at and she will be happy to send you one.
EXAMINATION RESULTS GCE (A and AS) results will be published on
Thursday 15th August, 2013
The cost of the trip will be £560, including all meals on the site and travel. If you would like your son or daughter to take part in this trip, please pay the deposit of £100 via KESpay as soon as possible since places are limited. In the meantime, should you have any questions about the trip, please contact me at School on
IGCSE/GCSE results will be published on
Thursday 22nd August, 2013
Please see the Examination section on the website for post results help and information
A Plea from KES PTA (formerly KESSOC)
As numbers are restricted, there will be a reserve list kept throughout the year.
We are currently looking for a parent who could take over the role of Secretary next term as the present incumbent will be retiring. All that is required is someone who is organised and can type – and who could spare the time to attend four KES PTA meetings per year (evenings) and prepare the Minutes after these meetings.
Summer Library Book Sale We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a Book Sale for pupils in the Library during the last week of term offering a variety of withdrawn stock at bargain prices!
This role provides the incumbent with a wonderful way of keeping in touch with the workings and ethos of the school – and also assists greatly with facilitating the enjoyable events that are organised by the KES PTA.
Monday 8th July 10.50am – 5.00pm Tuesday 9th July 8.15am – 5.00pm Wednesday 10th July 8.15am – 2.00pm Books: from 20p Magazines: 10p
Do, please, contact Pat Stroud on 07796 760167 if you are interested in this role.
Pupils should make sure they bring their money with them as we are unable to reserve items. This year’s Creative and Critical Review, showcasing the best work across many departments and areas of school is now available to view by clicking here. Contributors will be given a copy but if you would like one of the limited numbers of hard copies available, please email the editor, Mrs Allen at stating your child’s name and group base and she will organise a copy for you. 3
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 28th June Saturday 29th June Tuesday 2nd July Wednesday 3rd July Thursday 4th July
Friday 5th July Saturday 6th July Tuesday 9th July Wednesday 10th July Friday 12th July Saturday 13th July
Sports Day Click here for the First and Second Year Summer Camp Disco most up to date Sailing Regatta calendar events Sports Team Photographs Visit of new Third Year pupils and parents Third Year Theatre Studies Evening Visit of new First Year pupils and parents Third Year Theatre Studies Evening Second Year Normandy Exchange: returns 7th July Dale Fort Biology trip: returns 10th July Third Year WWI Battlefields trip: returns 5th July Visit of new First Year pupils and parents Activities Day Fourth Year Geography trip: returns 8th July KESSOC Summer Ball Fourth Year Looking Forwards Day Swimming Gala Summer Camp trip: Swanage: returns 17th July Music Tour: Italy: returns 17th July Thailand/Cambodia Expedition departs: returns 30th July
Parents’ Evenings 2013-14 Year
Upper Sixth
Thursday 19th September 2013
Thursday 21st November 2013
Lower Sixth
Tuesday 26th November 2013
Wednesday 11th December 2013
Wednesday 5th February 2014
Tuesday 25th February 2014
Friday 5 th July Click here for information about all activi ties. Parents are re minded that no breakfast or lunch will be av ailable on Acti vities Day even if the acti vity is on the s chool site. MEDICAL MATTERS
Thursday 6th March 2014
Having had a couple of reported cases in recent weeks we would be grateful if you would check your child’s hair regularly for head lice. Click this useful NHS link for information and advice or please do not hesitate to contact one of the nursing team here at school on 023 80 799213.
Please note change of date for Fourth Year Parents’ Evening from Tuesday 3rd December as advertised in the May Bulletin. Swimming Gala This year sees the Lower School Swimming Gala held again at Southampton University Jubilee Pool on 10th July. May we remind you that spectator space is limited. Full details can be found here
If your son/daughter brings an inhaler into school please make sure it is named as unfortunately, nameless inhalers have to be disposed of, due to health and safety requirements. Again any problems contact the number above. 4