Bulletin November 2011

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King Edward VI School

November Bulletin 25th November, 2011

School Christmas Lunch Pupils who do not usually have school lunches but would like a Christmas lunch on the last day of term are able to purchase a ticket (£3.20) from the accounts office from 2nd December Deadline for the sale of tickets is 9th December

LAST DAY OF TERM The last day of term will end at our usual time of 3.55pm.

Carol Service


Monday 12th December at 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church St Mary’s Street, Southampton

SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements is:

The service is followed by mulled wine & mince pies

Wednesday 30th December It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline

KES Adult Choir Rehearsal Dates Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended

Rehearsal dates for the Christmas Carol Service on Monday 12th December are as follows:

No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present

Monday 28th & Wednesday 30th November & Monday 5th December all at 7.30 - 8.30pm in the Music Department

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will have their request acknowledged

There will be a massed rehearsal for all adult and pupil choirs in the School Hall on

Postponed First & Second Year Disco

Thursday 8th December at 7.30 - 8.30pm

will now be held on

There are still some spaces for singers, so if you are interested, please contact Mrs Priscilla Cook Tickets on phc@kes.hants.sch.uk for more details.

Friday 25th November

£3 1

Morrisby Psychometric Testing for all Fourth Year Pupils

Parents’ Childnet Talk Internet Safety Seminar for Parents Tuesday 10th January 2012

Many of you will be aware that HMC Schools frequently offer Morrisby Testing to students in their pre-GCSE years. Following several years of conducting the Morrisby Test on an opt-in basis the decision was taken last year for the whole of the Fourth Year to take the test. This trial proved both popular and successful and we intend to provide the same opportunity this year.

You are invited to attend the Know IT All seminar presented by Childnet International. This is a very informative presentation which will give you an insight on how your child uses online and mobile technologies and the pitfalls and risks that can be associated with it.

The test is intended to provide detailed profiles of your child’s aptitudes, learning styles and problem solving abilities and provide useful information for detailed careers guidance. The test takes 3 hours and is booked for the morning of Thursday 5th January. A feedback interview will be provided later in the term.

Please see End of Term Bulletin for more information Young Enterprise presents: Professionally printed, luxury KES greeting cards, designed by Zen Young Enterprise will be on sale soon. Cards will feature seasonal photographs taken around the school including pupils and staff. £5 for a pack of 10.

Please contact Mrs Mandley on cjm@kes.hants.sch.uk for more information. Communication

Enquiries in the first instance should be addressed to Mrs Quinn (sq@kes.hants.sch.uk) along with the name and tutor group of your child.

Under normal circumstances parents may expect a response to communication within 3 working days during term time. Parents are asked to understand that staff are very busy and are not always in a position to respond immediately, though obviously any urgent matters will be prioritised.


During School holidays, issues that require urgent attention should be directed to the Main Office or to enquiries@kes.hants.sch.uk.


KES Luxury Tea Towels *Flux is a Young Enterprise company

Christmas Stalls 5th to 9th December selling Christmas hats, ties, candy canes and the KES Charities Calendar

Friday 3rd February at 7.30pm in the School Hall for parents and friends Teams of 8 The cost is £12.50 per head with supper included Click Quiz for more information and booking form

CHARITIES COMMISSION 7th December South Africa Team will be selling Christmas themed cakes


Italy - Easter 2013

Tout ce qui est français 2012!

The Classics department is organising an exciting educational tour of Rome and the Bay of Naples. The trip will run from the 2nd to the 9th April during the Easter holidays of 2013.

Le Havre Exchange Home leg: Friday 23rd to Monday 26th March Away leg: Friday 13th to Monday 16th April

We will spend two days in Rome, visiting the Forum, Palatine, Colosseum, Pantheon and other sites and will have an afternoon excursion to the ancient port of Ostia where students can explore independently. We shall then travel to Sorrento via Cumae, the seat of the oracle and Apollo. Day visits will include Pompeii, Vesuvius, Herculaneum, the roman villa of Oplontis and the volcanic site of Solfatara.

Information Evening 7pm on 1st March in the Hospitality Suite Paris in the Spring Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th April Information Evening 7.30pm on 13th March In the Dobson Theatre

Travel to and from Italy will be by air and we shall travel around the sites by coach.

Angers Sixth Form Exchange The French group will arrive on Friday 2nd March and will depart Friday 9th March

The tour is open to all students at a cost of £815 which can be paid in instalments over the coming months. In order to reserve a place on this trip for your son or daughter please would you pay the nonrefundable deposit of £200 by Friday 16th December. Please click here for more information.

Normandy Second Year Visit 5th – 8th July



Wednesday 30th Nov - Friday 2nd Dec 7.30pm King Edward VI School Wilton Road, Southampton £6 - £8 Free onlineClick booking here at to kes.hants.sch.uk book your tickets 3


Lower Sixth Parents’ Evening

Wednesday 30th Nov

School Production ‘Ali Baba’ starts: finishes 2nd Dec

Thursday 1st Dec

Big Band performing at Romsey Abbey

Monday 5th Dec

Charity Christmas stalls week

Tuesday 6th Dec

Fourth Year Parents’ Evening

Friday 9th Dec

Closing date for 11+ and 13+ applications

Monday 12th Dec

Carol Service - St Mary’s Church - 7.30pm

Friday 16th Dec


Look out for more information about the

Quiz Evening KESSOC Lecture

King Edward VI Burns Night Celebration on Saturday 28th January 7.30-12 midnight in aid of the Goedgedacht Trust in the End of Term Bulletin

Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website at http:// www.kes.hants.sch .uk/calendar

3rd February 2012 11th May 2012

Curriculum Support

5 £2 per

ts p ke ng su c i T di

All children at King Edward’s have, as a matter of principle, equal access to the school’s curriculum, notwithstanding any disability or identified learning difficulties.



Please click here for information regarding the support KES can offer.

Message from the Medical Room . . . . Would all parents who have not yet returned the new Homely Remedies form to the Main Office please do so as soon as possible.

Are your children interested in Politics? Economics? International affairs? Public Speaking?

Click here to access a copy of the form. German A Level Study Weekend There is an opportunity for Sixth Form German students to visit Lovaton for a languages study weekend. This will be a wonderful occasion for students to take part in a revision weekend in readiness for their AS or A2 examinations in May and enjoy a fun weekend with their peers whilst improving their language skills!

Model United Nations is a new club which is just getting started at KES. It is particularly aimed at First to Third Years, although all pupils are welcome. It is a debating club where pupils represent the views of their chosen country. So if your child would like to practise their public speaking skills in a fun environment and would like the opportunity to attend MUN conferences at other schools, please encourage them to come along to H2 on Mondays at 13.30.

We will leave during the afternoon of Friday 16th March and return on Sunday 18th before 6.30pm. Please email Mrs Parkyn on rhkp@kes.hants.sch.uk for more details. 4

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