Bulletin november 2016

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King Edward VI School

November Bulletin 30 November 2016

LAST DAY OF TERM The last day of term will end at our usual time of 3.55pm THERE WILL BE NO LATE BUSES

School Christmas Lunch

King Edward VI School Carol Service

Pupils who do not usually have School lunches but would like a Christmas lunch on the last day of term are able to purchase a ticket (£4.10) from the accounts office from Thursday 1 December.

You are warmly invited to join us on Monday 12 December at 7.30pm

Deadline for the sale of tickets is 12 December.

The service will be held at SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER

Romsey Abbey Church Lane Romsey SO51 8EP

The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Spring Term is:

The service will be followed by mulled wine & mince pies

4pm on Friday 2 December, 2016 It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline. Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended.


No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present.

There is very limited parking at the Abbey but there is free parking after 4pm in any of the car parks in Romsey Town Centre.

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged.

Charities Commission Christmas Stalls

Young Enterprise Christmas is coming and Young Enterprise are producing Christmas Cards designed by one of their team.

Crush Hall 12 to 15 December

If you would like to purchase a pack of two designs, priced £3 for 6 and £5 for 12, they will be on sale in the Crush Hall soon or you can order via Youngenterprise@kesgmail.net.

There will be games and all sorts of Christmas paraphernalia to buy with small change! 1

Adult Choir Carol Service Rehearsal

Curriculum Support

A rehearsal will be held in the Music Department from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Monday 5 December.

All children at King Edward’s have, as a matter of principle, equal access to the School’s curriculum, notwithstanding any disability or identified learning difficulties.

All singers will need to attend the massed rehearsal with the pupil choir on Thursday 8 December in the School Hall.

Please click here for information regarding the support KES can offer.

WORLD WAR ONE HISTORY DAY As a new departure for the History department, all of the Third Year pupils will be out of lessons on 13 January taking part in the first KES 'World War One History Day'.

Communication with KES staff

This is intended to act as an introduction to the main issues of the Great War, covering amongst other things Trench Warfare, Women and the War and recruitment, and should serve as a useful foundation for the work on 1914-18 that the pupils will do later in the year.

Please note that if you need to communicate with a member of staff, use the official email address which uses the staff initials followed by @kes.hants.sch.uk


Forthcoming KES PTA Events

Our second hand uniform shop, OBNO (Outgrown But Not Outworn), will be open on Tuesday 3 January from 2 - 4pm in the Hospitality Suite.

Friday 3 March, 2017 Quiz Night Saturday 8 July, 2017 Summer BBQ


More details to follow.

There are still places available for the following trips: Classics Trip to Italy 4 -11 April, 2017 – open to all year groups, First Year’s particularly welcome. (Trip leader Mr Halls) Euro Space Camp in Belgium 17- 20 February, 2017 – Third and Fourth Year pupils. (Trip leader Mrs Mahdavi)

HELPERS WANTED! KES PTA is the King Edward VI School Parent Teacher Association.

Interested pupils can either contact the trip leaders or Mrs Paul as early as possible to avoid disappointment. The Aachen Christmas Market trip takes place between the 9 and 11 December. Parents must ensure that Mrs Paul has a copy of their child’s passport and EHIC card as soon as possible.

It functions to support the School by uniting parents, past pupils, governors and staff in fund raising and social events.

The Catalonia trip proved very popular and was fully booked within twenty four hours after the launch. First and Second Year pupils who study Spanish and wish to be added to the waiting list can speak to Mrs Paul.

We would welcome any parent who could spare us some time to join our various teams and committees.

Parents who experience any problems receiving trip information via email are advised to check that these

If you are interested in joining us, please email Jill Leask (Chair of KES PTA) at PTA-Chair@kes.hants.sch.uk and she will be happy to discuss details.

haven’t been filtered into junk or spam mailboxes. For any trip enquiries please email trips@kes.hants.sch.uk 2

Travelling to School We would like to remind all your sons and daughters who walk or cycle to school that during the dark winter months, their visibility to other road users can be a real issue and the wearing of appropriate safety equipment is very important. They can see the cars as they travel to School but motorists cannot always see them without appropriate lights or visibility jackets.

11 February, 2017  7.00 for 7.30 - 11.30 Three course meal, music, dancing and the famous KES auction The South Africa team will be hosting the ball in support of the Goedgedacht Trust

Tickets £30 via KESpay

Remember too that safety helmets save many lives each year.

Black Tie

Mindfulness Course for Parents

Hampshire County Cricket Coaching Once again we are pleased to inform parents that KES students can claim a 10% discount on all Hampshire coaching courses. These courses can be found on this link.

We are delighted to advise you that we have arranged for Annie Davison to run an 8-week Mindfulness Course for KES Parents in the Spring Term. This course will start on Wednesday 25 January 2017, 7.30 - 9pm.

Hockey Sale There will be a hockey kit sale on 8 December run by representatives from Hockey-Cricket.com in the Table Tennis Room between 1-2pm and 4-5pm. They offer excellent advice on all kit and will have a good range of sticks, shin pads, gloves, etc to suit all budgets together with excellent customer care. All boys in First to Fourth Years will do hockey in games during the final week of term and all next term and this is an opportunity to ensure they are fully equipped.

The practice of mindfulness has been found to promote health and wellbeing, improve mood and energy levels and reduce anxiety. Mindfulness does not conflict with any beliefs or traditions. To apply for the course and to see further information, please click here.

Psychology Society News The Society will meet fortnightly on Tuesday or Wednesday lunchtimes and will be offering a variety of outside speakers, student talks, and opportunities to take part in research. All Fifth Year and Sixth Form are welcome whether or not studying Psychology.

Collection from sports fixtures Parents are kindly requested to ensure that they are at school to collect from fixtures in advance of the advertised time. Should expected return time alter during a journey students will be informed and they can communicate this with parents by phone.

Forthcoming topics include: Lullaby Africa (supporting baby bonding in traumatised communities in Uganda and Kenya), Forensic Psychology (a visiting speaker from a secure psychiatric facility) and Testing your Memory (a student-led memory research experiment).

Parents are asked to leave space on Hill Lane for the coach to park to drop off the students. It is unsafe to both our students and other road users for the coach to stop in the middle of the road to drop off. Parents are able to park inside the main school by use of the code given at the start of the school year.

For further information, contact Mrs Moody on rjm@kes.hants.sch.uk.

Morrisby Psychometric Testing for all Fourth Year Pupils Many of you will be aware that HMC Schools frequently offer Morrisby Testing to students in their pre-GCSE years. King Edward’s offers the test to all Fourth Year pupils. The test is intended to provide detailed profiles of your child’s aptitudes, learning styles and problem solving abilities and provide useful information for detailed careers guidance. The test is booked for the morning of Monday 9 January, 2017. A feedback interview, that parents are also welcome to attend will be provided later in the term. Please contact Mrs Mandley on cjm@kes.hants.sch.uk for more information. 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Thursday 1 Dec Wednesday 7 Dec Friday 9 Dec Monday 12 Dec Thursday 15 Dec Tuesday 3 January Wednesday 4 January

Fourth Year Parents’ Evening Closing date for 11+ and 13+ applications Aachen Christmas Market trip: returns 11 Dec Carol Service - Romsey Abbey - 7.30pm Term Ends Inset Day Spring term begins

Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website

South African Hockey Tour 2017 Fundraiser Multi Sports Activity Day on Friday 17 February, 2017 The staff and students involved in the South African Hockey tour 2017 will be holding a multi-sports activity day for students from KES and Stroud to raise money for the tour. Participants will have the opportunity to play a range of sports during the day with sessions being led by the touring students under the guidance of KES staff. The day is open to pupils in Years 3-8 (First & Second Years at KES). For more information and how to book a place, please click here or contact Mr Crichton on csc@kes.hants.sch.uk.


Parents’ Childnet Talk

We have been asked by the Southampton City Council Local Travel Officer to inform you that Southampton City Council’s new camera car enforcement vehicle is in operation to tackle illegal parking on zig zags at Southampton schools and fines of £70 will be issued to offenders.

Internet Safety Seminar for Parents Tuesday 24 January, 2017 at 7.00pm You are invited to attend the Know IT All seminar presented by Childnet International.

The additional parking enforcement measure at school entrances is being introduced in response to complaints and concerns raised by parents and teachers whose children are being put at risk by irresponsible parking.

This is a very informative presentation which will give you an insight on how your child uses online and mobile technologies and the pitfalls and risks that can be associated with it.

The special vehicle will be equipped with the latest CCTV technology and will have extensive CCTV signage on it making it clearly identifiable. During patrols, the car will be able to gather footage of cars parked in restricted areas which the council will then review, and decide if a penalty charge notice should be issued.

Further information will follow in the end of term bulletin

Message from the Nursing Team If your son/daughter brings an inhaler into School please make sure it is named as unfortunately, nameless inhalers have to be disposed of, due to health and safety requirements. If you wish to discuss this or other matters, please contact the Nursing team on 023 80799213.

Parents are advised to park further down Kellett Road or in Radway Road, Wilton Road and Kineton Road and make arrangements with their sons/daughters to meet them there. By using these alternative roads, parents can do much to ease the congestion at the end of the School day and avoid a hefty penalty. 4

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