King Edward VI School
November Bulletin 29 November 2018
his month we commemorated the end of hostilities in 1918 with the dedication by the former Chaplain General, the Venerable Stephen Robbins CB, of a new memorial garden designed by Mrs Peebles, our Head of Finance, with the centre piece a superb statue created by Michael Long, our former Head of Art, and fifty ceramic poppies, each one made to remember an Old Edwardian who perished in the First World War. We are very grateful to the Old Edwardian Association for their support for this venture.
King Edward VI School Carol Service You are warmly invited to join us on Monday 10 December at 7.30pm at
We were all immensely proud of our pupils involved in the BBC’s Children in Need concert in the new Dobson Theatre on Friday 16 November. This took a great deal of time and effort to organise, with our staff working closely with the team from the BBC. It was a resounding success and our pupils raised over £2000 on the day through various activities, sponsorship and a non-uniform day.
Romsey Abbey Church Lane Romsey SO51 8EP The service will be followed by mulled wine & mince pies
The autumn term is moving into its final phase with the cast of ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan’ preparing for the last few days of intense rehearsal and performance while preparations for the Carol Service at Romsey Abbey are keeping our musicians busy. We have had a good term so far on the sports field making excellent use of the facilities at Wellington with particular success for our first XI hockey team.
IMPORTANT PARKING INFORMATION FOR THE CAROL SERVICE There is very limited parking at the Abbey but there is free parking after 4pm in any of the car parks in Romsey Town Centre.
Many in the Upper Sixth are now rather nervously waiting for the outcome of UCAS applications with many already securing good offers and others preparing for interviews at medical schools and Oxbridge. We wish them well!
IMPORTANT NOTICE In an effort to reduce plastic waste and to improve the quality of our packed lunches/ teas, without increasing the cost, from January 2019 we will no longer be providing drinks as part of the packed lunch. Please could you send your son/daughter to school every day with their own labelled water bottle.
A J Thould, Head Master
SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Spring Term is:
4pm on Friday 7 December, 2018 It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline. Please email giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended. No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present.
LAST DAY OF TERM The last day of term will end at our usual time of 3.55pm THERE WILL BE NO LATE BUSES
Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged. 1
Charities Commission Christmas Stalls
Adult Choir Carol Service Rehearsal
Crush Hall 17 & 18 December
All singers will need to attend the massed rehearsal with the pupil choir on Monday 3 December in the School Hall.
There will be games and all sorts of Christmas paraphernalia to buy with small change!
On Thursday 6 December, all French students in the Third Year will watch the play, La Salle des Enigmes.
On 4 and 5 July the whole school is off timetable for two days. Each year group has a theme and we are aiming to provide something fun and educational for everyone to do during the two days. The entire First Year will be camping, whilst other year groups will be given a choice of activities. For those who haven't already opted for a residential trip, options will be distributed in the near future.
The entire play is in French and the story is about friends playing an Escape the Room game.
Looking for something special this Christmas? Our handmade customisable crackers will be available to purchase in school soon. Chosen by you, each cracker will include two gifts, a hat, a joke and a personalised message. Forms will be distributed through group bases and at reception. Individual crackers are on sale for £3 and our exclusive multipack offers are 4 for £10 or 6 for £15. We look forward to personalising each and every one of your crackers. Merry Christmas from the Young Enterprise Team!
More information can be found here.
Forthcoming KES PTA Event Friday 22 March, 2019 Quiz Night More details to follow.
SPORTS NEWS Spring Term Fixtures
All spring term fixtures are now on the Sports Website with venue and timing details
Spring Term Practices
The schedule for weekly squad practices can be found on the Spring Term 2019 Training Schedule
Transport for fixtures
Parents are reminded of the following arrangements for travel: The team sheet will detail the mode of transport (coach or minibus) Minibus transport will depart from and return to Hill Lane Coach transport will depart from and return to Wellington
Player availability
Students are reminded that they are expected to be available if selected. Staff must be notified by parent email of unavailability at the start of the week preceding a fixture.
Sports Tours We continue to develop the range of both long haul sports tours for older students and short haul trips for younger students. We are currently planning the next five years of sports tours and the current proposed schedule can be found on Future Tours Programme. This might be of use to parents of pupils in the Second to Fifth Year in particular to plan which trips they might wish to be available for in the future. Please note this is continually evolving to try to ensure that there are a wide range of touring opportunities for our sportsmen and women. 2
Young Enterprise
Travelling to School
Our Young Enterprise team are holding a Cinema Night to which all Second Year pupils are invited.
We would like to remind all your sons and daughters who walk or cycle to school that during the dark winter months, their visibility to other road users can be a real issue and the wearing of appropriate safety equipment is very important. They can see the cars as they travel to School but motorists cannot always see them without appropriate lights or visibility jackets.
The first Hunger Games movie will be showing in the Dobson Theatre between 16.15 and 19.45 on Friday, 14 December and the ticket price of £7 will include popcorn and a drink. Tickets will be on sale on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 November at lunchtime in the Crush Hall. They will also be available on the door.
Remember too that safety helmets save many lives each year.
Christmas Lunch
Summer Camp First Year Christmas Disco Friday 14 December 7.00 – 9.00pm in the Dining Hall/Hospitality Suite
Pupils who do not usually have School lunches but would like a Christmas lunch on the last day of term are able to purchase a ticket (£4.50) from the accounts office from Monday 3 December.
Tickets £4 on KESPAY
Deadline for the sale of tickets is 14 December.
Money raised will go towards our Sixth Form Summer Camp project, which is a self-funded holiday in the New Forest for local Young Carers aged 8-11, to give them respite from the challenges they face every day at home.
Curriculum Support All children at King Edward’s have, as a matter of principle, equal access to the School’s curriculum, notwithstanding any disability or identified learning difficulties. Please click here for information regarding the support KES can offer.
Please email Miss Downing on if you would like your child to stay between the end of school and the disco and arrangements can be made.
Sailing News KES has an active and very well equipped Sailing Club at Southampton Water Activities Centre (SWAC). Sailing takes place at weekends during the Autumn and Summer Terms. The Sailing Club provides its members with many hours of fun throughout the year and looks forward to welcoming new members. More information can be found about the school sailing club on the website and directions to SWAC can be found here.
Mindfulness Course for Parents
SWAC is a Royal Yachting Association recognized training centre and is offering a number of courses specifically for KES pupils in the Easter holidays including Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced sailors. We are also offering a multiactivity week to include sailing, catamaran sailing, paddleboarding and windsurfing. Pupils doing multiactivities would need to be age 12 or over.
We are delighted to advise you that we have arranged for the School Counsellor, Annie Davison to run an 8-week Mindfulness Course for KES Parents in the spring term. This course will start on Monday 14 January, 2019, 7pm - 8.30pm.
The courses will run from 1-5 April. Numbers are limited and will be on a first come first served basis. The fee for the course is approximately £150, which includes an RYA logbook and certificate. Please book directly with SWAC quoting King Edward VI on 02380915753.
The practice of mindfulness has been found to promote health and wellbeing, improve mood and energy levels and reduce anxiety. Mindfulness does not conflict with any beliefs or traditions. More information can be found here.
If you have any queries regarding the courses, or School sailing in general, please do not hesitate to contact me at the School (
To apply for the course please contact Annie on 3
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 30 Nov Wednesday 5 Dec Monday 10 Dec Friday 14 Dec Thursday 20 Dec Monday 7 January Tuesday 8 January
INSET Day Fourth Year Parents’ Evening Closing date for 11+ and 13+ applications Carol Service - Romsey Abbey - 7.30pm Summer Camp Disco Young Enterprise Cinema Night Term Ends INSET Day Spring term begins
Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website
Sotonensis 2018 has now been published and pupils should be bringing a copy home. If you would like a preview, please click here.
OBNO Our second hand uniform shop, OBNO (Outgrown But Not Outworn), will be open on Saturday 1 December from 10.30am to 1pm in the North Playground.
Lady Windermere’s Fan 6, 7 & 8 December - Dobson Theatre Tickets here That day in your life you will never forget – that day you will remember on your own death bed. In the 24 hours that the play is set, Lady Windermere faces such a day. Wilde’s first play explores the pitfalls of the prevalent puritan morality of his day; so relevant to our own world, and breaks the key convention of the Victorian melodrama, by never revealing to Lady Windermere that her arch rival, Mrs Erlynne, is a lot closer to her than she would like to think. 4