Bulletin october 2013

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King Edward VI School

Half Term Bulletin 23rd October, 2013

Carol Service

Please be reminded that the School operates a 5mph speed limit on site and that it is critical that all drivers adhere to this limit for the safety of students.

The School’s carol service is at 7.30pm on Monday 16th December at St. Mary's Church, St Mary Street, Southampton. SO14 1NX

First Year PSHE Day As part of our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme all First Year pupils will follow a carousel of activities on 8th November, looking at Basic Drug Facts, Alcohol, Safer Social Networking, Cyber Bullying, Study Skills and Saving and Budgeting.

You are warmly invited. The service is followed by mulled wine and mince pies. We do not issue tickets for this event but would advise you that it is extremely popular and it has been known for latecomers to have to stand at the back!

The sessions are designed to be interactive as well as informative and the intention is that the pupils become fully involved in the work that is undertaken during the day.


Some of the sessions will be run by School staff and others by outside agencies.

The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Spring Term is:

Wednesday 4th December, 2013

It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline. Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended.

PLEASE NOTE Monday 18th November is an INSET Day and Tuesday 19th November will be Monday’s timetable

No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present. Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged


The Controlled Assessment and Coursework GCSE/IGCSE handbook and the Advanced Level Coursework handbook are now available to view on the KES website - click here for GCSE/IGCSE or here for Advanced Level.

King Edward VI School & Wellington Sports Ground are NO SMOKING SITES

Parents are also reminded that there are NO DOGS ALLOWED on both the School site & Wellington Sports Ground Exceptions are hearing assistance and guide dogs

The handbooks include guidance for students in completing their GCSE/IGCSE controlled assessment and Advanced Level coursework and avoidance of plagiarism.

PARENT CONTACT INFORMATION It is important that the records we hold for your child are as up to date as possible in case of an emergency. Please check your contact details on the Parent Portal and notify us of any changes http://parents.kes.hants.sch.uk/

It is particularly important that pupils read and understand the JCQ official notice. Reporting Schedule Year Group Reports posted home Second & Third 9th December Fifth 16th December Upper Sixth 20th December Once again this year we are inviting parents and friends of King Edward VI School to join forces with our School choir and orchestra for the carol service at St Mary’s Church Southampton on

If you have not already signed up to the Portal, please email isams@kes.hants.sch.uk for more information.



It is expected that family holidays will be taken in the School holidays and ideally all appointments should be arranged outside School hours but there may be occasions when you need to request time out of School for your child.

Monday 16th December at 7.30pm

If this is the case your child’s tutor should be informed, in writing, in advance of any appointments. Requests for permission for absence for other occasions should be made to the Head of Year, giving plenty of advance notice.

If you sing and read a little music we would be pleased to welcome you into our SATB choir. There will be a few evening rehearsals for those who need to learn notes and then one massed rehearsal for pupils and adults. If you have sung in our adult choir previously you will automatically receive full details about repertoire and rehearsals. If you are a new parent to the School and would like further details please email Mr Watson on blw@kes.hants.sch.uk

KES PTA: WHO AND WHAT ARE WE? The King Edward VI Parent Teacher Association functions to support the School by uniting parents, past pupils, governors, teaching and non- teaching staff in fund raising and social events. As a parent you are automatically a member of KES PTA.

KES PTA (formerly KESSOC) invite you to their 41st AGM on Tuesday 12th November, 2013 at 7.30pm in the Music Recital Room

If you would like to know more or how to get involved please click here to access our page on the School website.

The proceedings will start with a presentation about the School’s PSHE Programme

Ski 2014

Refreshments will be provided

The final payment for Ski 2014 is due by Friday 25th October. There will be an information evening for parents on Tuesday 19th November at 7pm in the Dobson Theatre.

If you wish to attend the AGM or are interested in joining one of KES PTA’s sub-committees, please follow the link KES PTA AGM 2


First & Second Year Disco

We have been asked to remind all parents with regard to the zig-zag markings outside the principal entrances to the School. Following a City Council Traffic Regulation Order, it is an offence to park on these lines. Please make a point of keeping these areas clear at all times, particularly when delivering or collecting your children.

Friday 22nd November Tickets ÂŁ3 via KESpay

Prior to the marking up of these lines, not only was there a critical problem of congestion at the School entrances but these areas were also unsafe for pupils. This was particularly true at the Kellett Road gates, where the whole area in front of the Caretaker's house, to the road, must be kept completely clear of cars, as a safe zone for pedestrians only. The gates themselves must be left clear for essential access to and from the School site. Parents are advised to park further down Kellett Road or in Radway Road, Wilton Road and Kineton Road and make arrangements with their sons/daughters to meet them there. By using these alternative roads, parents can do much to ease the congestion at the end of the School Day.

Examination Certificates Certificates for examinations taken in the summer will be distributed early in November to Fifth Year and Sixth Form students through their Tutor Groups. These certificates are valuable documents and will be required for future university applications and prospective employers throughout your son/daughter’s working careers. They cannot be replaced. The certificates will need to be signed for and must be taken home for safe and secure keeping.

Staff and Parent Prayer Meeting A prayer meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd December between 1pm and 2pm in the Commemoration Room. All parents welcome. KES PTA New Parent Wine Tasting Evening Friday 8th November Click here for information and booking details


DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Thurs 24th Oct Fri 25th Oct - Mon 4th Nov Tues 5th Nov Friday 8th Nov Monday 11th Nov Fri 15th Nov Mon 18th Nov Thurs 21st Nov Fri 22nd Nov Tues 26th Nov Thursday 5th Dec Mon 9th Dec Wed 11th Dec Mon 16th Dec Friday 20th Dec

INSET Day Half Term Second half of Autumn term begins First Year PSHE Day Act of Remembrance Open Evening INSET Day First Year Parents’ Evening Non Uniform Day Krispy Kreme doughnut sale First & Second Year Disco Lower Sixth Parents’ Evening School Musical: Grease - finishes Saturday 7th Dec Charity Christmas stalls week Fourth Year Parents’ Evening Closing date for 11+ and 13+ applications Carol Service - St Mary’s Church - 7.30pm Term Ends

Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website at http:// www.kes.hants.sch.uk/ calendar



All routes will leave KES at 15.05

Please be reminded that the school day finishes at 14.50 on Friday 15th November.


Tea will be served to pupils who have volunteered to help members of staff with the evening and a film will be shown in the Main Hall.

Sustainability We have recycled printer cartridges and batteries for some time at KES. If you have printer cartridges or batteries at home, and can’t recycle them through the Council, please bring them in and put them in large boxes at the back of the School office. Please ask for their location if you are unsure. If you put your cartridges in small plastic bags to transport them they can be left in these.

Czech Republic Exchange 2014 Away Leg 11th-18th April - Home Leg September There is a brand new cultural exchange to Prague which will be open to current Fourth Year pupils. It will involve community work with local children as well as an opportunity to experience an exciting European city. Please contact Miss Hewitt if you are interested on lh@kes.hants.sch.uk.

We can only recycle “domestic” cartridges i.e. not toner/ laser, and “domestic” batteries, i.e. not lead acid! Fabric Request

LOST PROPERTY If property is found it is sent to our Lost Property Store. Students are able to claim property back from the store for a small charge of 20p which goes to charity.

If you have any “old” unused fabric then the Design and Technology Department would like it. Particularly “roll ends” of dress making and furnishing fabric.

The Store is open at break time, Monday to Friday. Pupils are informed through their tutor about named property that has been found. Weekly reminders are sent three times to the pupil and when the final reminder is issued, an email will also be sent to parents. If the item has not been collected two school weeks after the final reminder it will be disposed of.

In the second year students make bags out of recycled materials; odds and ends are really useful for this, bigger pieces will be utilised by older student projects. 4

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