King Edward VI School
Half Term Bulletin
20 October, 2016 he new academic year began with some excellent weather, so much so that we might have been better advised to have extended the cricket season rather than playing rugby and hockey!
Examination Certificates Certificates for examinations taken in the summer will be distributed early in November to Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Form students through Group Base. These certificates are valuable documents and will be required for future university applications and prospective employers throughout your son/daughter’s working careers. They cannot be replaced.
The new welfare and reception area has been well received by pupils and staff alike and the reconstructed Theatre, Art and Sixth Form concourse area is making impressive progress after an extended and complex demolition. The construction has now begun and it is anticipated that the art facility will be ready for occupation at the start of the summer term 2017. If you would like to follow the development in photographs please click here.
The certificates will need to be signed for and must be taken home for safe and secure keeping.
We enjoyed Speech Day with the address by academic and broadcaster Dr Nick Middleton OE being very well received by all in attendance. Our musicians have also, alongside a number of our local junior schools, enjoyed an amazing day playing with the London Mozart Players.
SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Spring Term is:
We have had a good term so far on the sports field with an outstanding first half of the season for our senior girls’ hockey team and some strongly contested rugby.
4pm on Friday 2 December, 2016
I wish you a very good break over half term.
It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline. Please email giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended.
A J Thould Head
No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present.
King Edward VI School Carol Service
Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged
You are warmly invited to join us on Monday 12 December at 7.30pm
Children in Need 2016 Non-Uniform Day Wear Your Pyjamas!
The service will be held at
The Charities Commission is proud to present pyjama day on Friday 18 November in aid of Children in Need. Pupils are asked to bring in £1 and wear full length pyjamas, a onesie, dressing gown or simply their own clothes. However, they must not wear shorts, nighties or slippers.
Romsey Abbey Church Lane Romsey SO51 8EP The service will be followed by mulled wine & mince pies 1
PERMISSION FOR ABSENCE It is expected that family holidays will be taken in the School holidays and ideally all appointments should be arranged outside School hours but there may be occasions when you need to request time out of School for your child.
Our second hand uniform shop, OBNO (Outgrown But Not Outworn), will be open on the first day of half term, Friday 21 October from 2 4pm in the Hospitality Suite. Please click here for more details.
If this is the case your child’s tutor should be informed, in writing, in advance of any appointments. Requests for permission for absence for other occasions should be made to the Head of Year, giving plenty of advance notice.
A note from Stevensons our uniform provider. Once again this year we are inviting parents and friends of King Edward VI School to join forces with our School choir and orchestra for the Carol Service at Romsey Abbey on
TRIPS & VISITS HUB Barbican Theatre - King Lear: 17 November 16 This is an excellent opportunity for Lower Sixth students to see a live production of King Lear in London to assist their English Literature studies. Full information about this trip can be found here.
Monday 12 December at 7.30pm If you sing and read a little music we would be pleased to welcome you into our SATB choir. There will be a few evening rehearsals for those who need to learn notes and then one massed rehearsal for pupils and adults. If you are a new parent to the School and would like further details please email Mrs Freemantle on
Space Camp: 17 – 20 February 17 There are still places left for all Third and Fourth Year pupils to attend the Euro Space Center in Belgium. Full information can be found here. Andalucía: 31 March – 4 April 17 The Andalucía trip has now been launched and is open to all Third and Fourth Year pupils studying Spanish. Places are expected to fill quickly. More information can be found here.
Rehearsal dates: 28 & 30 Nov and 5 Dec - 7.30pm in the Music Department and a massed rehearsal on 8 December at 7.30pm in the Main Hall.
Loire Valley: 26 – 29 May 17 This exciting new trip is open to all Third Years pupils who study French. More information about this trip can be found here.
KES PTA invite you to their 44th AGM on Tuesday 8 November, 2016 at 7.30pm in the Music Recital Room
Iceland: 2 – 6 April 17 For those pupils signed up to go to Iceland, please be reminded that all payments are due by the end of the Autumn term. Here is more information about the trip.
The proceedings will start with a presentation about the School’s Creative & Critical Review Refreshments will be provided If you wish to attend the AGM or are interested in joining one of KES PTA’s sub-committees, please follow the link KES PTA AGM
Slapton Ley Geography Field Trip: 7 - 10 July 17 The deadline for the first payment is 5 December. Full information is here. Operation Wallacea 2017 and 2018 Summer 2017 expedition: Malawi and Tanzania. Summer 2018 expedition: Ecuador and Galapagos.
Young Enterprise Our Young Enterprise company is currently working on a range of Christmas themed products, including Christmas cards, for sale after half term.
There will be an Information Evening for those interested in either the 2017 or 2018 expeditions on Monday 7 November at 7pm in the Hospitality Suite.
Full details of the range will be available soon, so watch this space!
Any other enquiries about any upcoming trips can be referred to Mrs Paul.
King Edward VI School & Wellington Sports Ground are NO SMOKING SITES Parents are also reminded that there are NO DOGS ALLOWED on both sites Exceptions are hearing assistance and guide dogs 2
Mindfulness Course for Parents
Theatre Preview Evening
We are delighted to advise you that we have arranged for Annie Davison to run an 8-week Mindfulness Course for KES Parents in the Spring Term. This course will start on Wednesday 25 January 2017, 7.30 - 9pm.
On Friday 11 November parents are warmly invited to attend the GCSE Devised Theatre preview evening from 6.30 - 8.30pm where the Fifth Year Theatre Studies students will present their final devised pieces. Please email Mrs Arnold on for further details.
The practice of mindfulness has been found to promote health and wellbeing, improve mood and energy levels and reduce anxiety. Mindfulness does not conflict with any beliefs or traditions.
Staff and Parent Prayer Meeting A prayer meeting will be held on Tuesday 29 November between 1 & 2pm in the Commemoration Room. All parents welcome.
To apply for the course and to see further information, please click here.
First Year Camp
Alles, Was Deutsch Betrifft
As part of the School’s Endeavour programme the School is organising a residential camping trip for all members of the First Year to Fairthorne Manor Activity Centre near Botley. The camp will run between 5 and 7 July 2017. More details to follow.
Friday 11 November A number of Fifth Year Germanists will be taking part in a Languages Study Day at Bath University. This is an exciting new opportunity which will offer a practical insight into studying languages at university. Thursday 3 November Sixth Form Polyglots will be having a talk by OE Virginia Stuart Taylor at 1.30pm in L7. Monday 21 November Sixth Form Careers Lunch with a talk by OE Michael Swann of the European External Action Service at 1pm in the Hospitality Suite. Hants County Cricket Coaching Once again we are pleased to inform parents that KES students can claim a 10% discount on all Hampshire coaching courses. These courses can be found on this link. Hockey Sale There will be a hockey kit sale on 8 December run by representatives from in the Table Tennis Room between 1-2pm and 4-5pm. They offer excellent advice on all kit and will have a good range of sticks, shin pads, gloves, etc to suit all budgets together with excellent customer care. All boys in First to Fourth Years will do hockey in games during the final week of term and all next term and this is an opportunity to ensure they are fully equipped. Match Socks Can be purchased from Mrs Paul in the Main Office for £3 while stocks last. Información sobre los viajes a España 2017
Tout ce qui est français 2017!
Salamanca Sixth Form - 16 - 22 February
Sixth Form Trip to Montpellier Sunday 16 April - Saturday 22 April
Andalucía Third & Fourth Year - 31 March - 4 April
Third Year Trip to the Loire Valley Friday 26 - Monday 29 May
Cataluña First & Second Year - 26 - 30 May
Second Year Trip to Normandy Thursday 6 July - Sunday 9 July 3
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Fri 21 - Mon 31 Oct
Half Term
Tues 1 November
Fri 11 November
Act of Remembrance
Wed 16 November
First Year Parents’ Evening
Fri 18 November
Children in Need Non Uniform Day
Thurs1 December
Fourth Year Parents’ Evening
Wed 7 December
Closing date for 11+ and 13+ applications
Mon 12 December
Carol Service - Romsey Abbey - 7.30pm
Thurs15 December
Term Ends
A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website at
PLEASE NOTE Tuesday 1 November is an INSET Day
PARENT PORTAL You will have recently received details in a separate communication regarding the new parent portal and how to access it. If you have missed this email or have any questions please contact
All existing information and more will be available in the replacement version. The previous parent portal will remain active for reference until the end of this term.
Please be reminded that the School operates a 5mph speed limit on site and that it is critical that all drivers adhere to this limit for the safety of students.
Videos and photos taken by parents at School events should be for personal use only and may only be uploaded onto social media sites with appropriate privacy settings in place.
SAVE THE DATE Goedgedacht Dinner Dance 11 February 2017 Not to be missed!
It is important that images of other pupils are not made publicly available without their consent. The School’s e-safety policy may be found on the School website or by clicking here.