Cacti care

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Cacti Care Preparation for the Annual Competition and year round care tips.

Watering  Most

cacti are killed by over watering.

 Only

water once compost has dried out.

 Water

about every 2 weeks in summer, gradually decrease in autumn, increase in spring (with feed).

 Allow

good drainage, and avoid leaving water on plants.

 Rainforest

cacti should be kept damp in summer.

Temperature  High

temperature fine for most.

 Allow

ventilation when hot.


cold rest period in winter helps promote flowering.

 Keep

temperature above 5ºC.

Light and Location  Cacti

need plenty of light.

 Potential

locations: -Greenhouse -Outside -Conservatory -Window

 One

sided light can affect growth.

 Some

species need a little shade.

Compost and Potting  Use  Do

cactus soil, or compost with plenty of grit.

not use too big a pot.

 Clay

pots are better for allowing soil to dry out.

 Use

thick gloves and strips of paper to manoeuvre cacti.

 Do

not water for a week after repotting.

Diseases  Quarantine  Keep

new additions.

a look out for insects such as mealy bugs.

 Be

careful for rot – often damaged parts have to be cut off.

 Check

for open wounds, and when cutting use a sterile knife or scalpel.

 Some

cacti can split when watered.

Identification  Many

species have special light, temperature, compost, and water requirements.


beginners guide can be extremely useful.



 The

has a full directory, tips and

BCSS has useful resources as well.

Terrarium Update  Results

from meeting with PEB: -Permission to place cacti on homework shelf, library, IT, biology bridge and guidance centre.

 Recommended

poster of information and species.

 QR

codes can be used

 We

must now identify our cacti!

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