PSHE Handbook
Aims/ Entitlement of students/ Overviews across year groups
King Edward VI School Southampton
Aims of PSHE at King Edward VI School
Aims The aims of the PSHE Department are: To support every pupil to become a confident, healthy, considerate, responsible young adult To equip each pupil with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices to enhance and enrich their own and other people’s lives To provide opportunities for pupils to reflect on their own learning and achievements and identify their own personal development targets To develop skills of enquiry and communication To promote pupils moral, social, spiritual and cultural development, increasing their self-confidence To promote respect for others including the protected characteristics in the Equality Act, (detailed in the Inclusion Policy
PSHE Entitlement for Students First Year In their first year at KES students have a timetabled PSHE lesson with their group tutor once per fortnight. Time for PSHE is also available during group periods on Wednesday morning. First Year PSHE lessons cover a variety of topics about new beginnings and the challenges they can bring, school life and relationships with friends and family. The curriculum programme is resourced by the Tutor File and is supported by individual Personal Review booklets that enable pupils to set themselves goals and regular targets throughout the academic year. This culminates with a one to one review for students with their tutor at the end of the Summer Term. The PSHE curriculum is designed to complement the Extended Studies and Junior Science programmes. The Junior Science curriculum addresses several topics that relate to PSHE themes. Lessons on cell division, specialised cells and tissues and organs help to form an understanding of health and there is a series of lessons on puberty and reproductive systems. The extended studies programme looks at the core skills of well being and self, physicality, culture, philosophy, creativity and confidence. This is achieved via topics on food, first aid and an introduction to mindfulness, dance, castles, reality and representation, iPad creativity and drama. Early in the Autumn Term there is a first year assembly about online safety and iPad use which is followed up later in the year in both IT lessons and in PSHE. In the Summer Term there is a PSHE Day where the timetable is collapsed for the First Year so that they can cover the topics of internet safety and drugs and alcohol education, with specialists, as well as learning about simple budgeting and developing their communication skills further. The sessions delivered are: Basic drug facts Alcohol Safer social networking Being smart online
Communication Skills Making the most of your money
The sessions on drugs and alcohol are delivered by LACAUK Ltd and those on communication skills and Internet safety by specialist members of staff here at KES. The session on making the most of your money is presented by a team from Barclays Bank.
The School’s nursing team cover several issues with the students during the year. In the Autumn Term they discuss menstruation with the girls and during the Spring Term they discuss personal hygiene with all the pupils. Both of these sessions are covered by individual tutor group.
PSHE Entitlement for Students Lower School (2nd and 3rd Year) The PSHE programme of study is designed to complement the issues and topics covered by those academic subjects studied by all students at KES. GCSE Religious Studies (incorporating topics on relationships and war and conflict) is taught to all 3rd Year students. Short 25 minute PSHE lessons are delivered by Tutors during the extended Wednesday morning group period. The curriculum programme is resourced via the PSHE shared folder on the T: Drive and the PSHE webpage, with hard copies of some resources provided directly to staff by the PSHE Co-ordinator. Tutors set pupils manageable targets via the reporting system and these are reviewed by pupils and staff throughout the academic year. As each Lower School Tutor Group comprises 2nd and 3rd Year students a two year programme is in place to avoid repetition. The programme is enhanced by the provision of two collapsed timetable days, one for each year group. In the Autumn Term a variety of topics such as good organisation, bullying, the benefits of sleep, consumer rights, smoking, depression, relationships (with parents, friends and the opposite sex), self esteem, healthy lifestyles, managing strong feelings and assertiveness are covered. Subject option choices and a series of sessions about jobs and careers are covered in the Spring Term and in the Summer Term, after revisiting internet safety, the emphasis is on study skills and how to revise in the lead up to the end of year examinations. After the examinations the students participate in the “Summer Health Challenge.” This is put together by the School’s nursing team and covers healthy eating and sun safety in alternate years. On each PSHE Day pupils are put into groups, with each group partaking in 6 sessions. The sessions encompass a range of issues and pupils are encouraged to give feedback on their experiences from the day. The sessions are delivered by a mixture of KES staff and external speakers, including Childnet and LACAUK Ltd.
2nd Year Day: Internet safety (including risk of radicalisation) and gaming Being a digital citizen Friendships Body image Managing your money Why people work
3rd Year Day: Careers matching (Kudos) Mental well being Being an effective learner Politics (voting systems) Harmful substances (drugs and alcohol) Managing new technology
In the Autumn Term all the 3rd Year pupils sit the “Fast Tomato” careers profiling test as part of the School’s careers programme. In the Spring Term the 2nd Year students participate in an anti-bullying play and workshop by Robert Higgs and the 3rd Year students have a presentation on sex and relationships education, which also addresses pornography, by Alex Fryer an expert in this field.
PSHE Entitlement for Students Upper School (4th and 5th Year) In the Upper School PSHE provision is designed to complement the issues and topics covered by those academic subjects studied by all students at KES. For example the curriculum for the three sciences addresses several topics that relate to PSHE and Citizenship themes, such as risk management, environmental issues and sex education. GCSE Religious Studies (incorporating topics on relationships and war and conflict) is taught to all 4th Year students. Guest speakers are invited in to cover a range of issues in collapsed timetable sessions which include: 4th Year: Drug education Alcohol education 5th Year: Sex and relationships education. Internet safety (Online Safeguarding) Internet safety (including risk of radicalisation) and sexting are addressed on the 4th Year PSHE Day by Childnet. Sex and Relationships There are sessions on Contraception and STIs on the 4th Year PSHE Day. Relationships and marriage are discussed in the RS course followed by the 4th Year. Pornography, consent, the law and respectful relationships are covered in the SRE talk to the 5th Year. Careers Upper School students are introduced to the Careers Department facilities during Wednesday morning group periods on a tutor group basis and in the Spring Term all 4th Year students take the Morrisby Careers Profiling Test and receive individual feedback about the results. Throughout the school year individual careers interviews for every member of the 5th Year are organised.
Study Skills and Exam Stress A 5th Year private study period is used to cover purposeful learning during the Autumn Term. Sessions on examination technique are run by the RS Department before pupils sit their first GCSE in the 4th Year. Subject specific examination advice is covered with pupils during normal lessons as pupils prepare for their GCSE examinations. A session about coping with exam stress is delivered by the School Counsellor during a private study period in the Spring Term. Other activities: Checking your body for signs of cancer is covered in a 5th Year Private Study lesson. 4th Year PSHE Day There is a collapsed timetable PSHE Day for the 4th Year pupils during the Autumn Term. This covers a range of topics in greater depth. The sessions are delivered by a mixture of KES staff and external speakers and cover the following: Internet safety (including risk of radicalisation) and sexting Personal finance Self-esteem Contraception STIs Leadership and teamwork
PSHE Entitlement for Students Sixth Form Rather than follow an established curriculum, King Edward’s has developed its own General Studies programme, designed to give students the chance to broaden their school experience without adding to their workload. The General Studies programme comprises four parts; Lower Sixth Open Forum, Upper Sixth Open Forum, Lower Sixth Foundation Studies and Upper Sixth Foundation Studies. In the Sixth Form PSHE is offered through the Foundation Studies and Open Forum programme, as well as the LVI PSHE Day and sessions on Travel Safety and SRE in the UVI. The PSHE Coordinator liaises closely with the Head of Foundation Studies and the Director of VI Form as this is developed. LVI PSHE Day This is a collapsed timetable day which encompass a range of issues in greater depth and pupils are encouraged to give feedback on their experiences from the day. The sessions are delivered by a mixture of KES staff and external speakers, including Elevate Education and LACAUK Ltd. UVI Sessions The UVI FS timetable is collapsed at various points during the year so that sessions on travel safety, employment and SRE can be run. LVI Day Drug and alcohol misuse Study skills Introduction to the HE programme Discussion of progress and HE ambitions with tutors
UVI Sessions University, sex and risky behaviour Travel Essentials Employment
Open Forum Open Forum takes place in the School’s theatre and is run as a series of presentations that are mainly delivered by outside speakers. Speakers are chosen so that a wide range of topics are covered, including travel, health and
social issues. All the presentations are intended to be thought provoking and even if some students feel that a particular talk is not directly relevant to them, they are encouraged to see the world through the eyes of others. The guest list varies from year to year but previous years have included the following: HektorKrome – travel opportunities Freddie Knoller – Auschwitz survivor Tony McClellan – about alcohol Mike Hurst – former 60s music producer Emma Cole – living with HIV Rick Findler- war photographer Rob Lillwall – cycled across Siberia Erwin James – former convict Peter Stark – orchestra leader Steve Pendleton – disabled former soldier Karl Hopwood – about online profiles Lower Sixth Foundation Studies All students in the Lower Sixth currently spend one period per week attending the Lower Sixth Foundation Studies Programme. This is a combination of presentations and short courses that are intended to provide students with key skills and useful information. A typical programme includes: PSHE talks on sexual diversity, domestic violence, mental health and HIV IT and study skills lessons An introduction to financial management Presentation skills Politics Road ready Introduction to work – CV writing, preparing for interviews etc.
UCAS sessions and Personal Statement preparation
Upper Sixth Foundation Studies Students in the Upper Sixth that are studying three rather than four subjects take part in the Upper Sixth Foundation Studies programme. This runs in the Autumn Term and most of the Spring Term and allows students to try new skills without the need for any assessment. Students choose courses from a range developed to suit all tastes and talents. Some are practical, some more cerebral, but in all courses the emphasis is on having fun through new experiences while enjoying a break from exam driven study. Options that have been offered are: Cookery Dance Digital photography Drama Film studies First aid Language Practice Leadership and team skills Travel planning Life to the max (how to be effective) Model rocketry Political Philosophy Politics
Power boat driving Psychology Public speaking Self defence Signing Video editing Yearbook Some students can opt out of the Foundation Studies programme in order to follow the Extended Project qualification which is worth half an A level.
PSHE Entitlement for Parents Various PSHE Evening Talks are run for parents during the year: Autumn Term Talk on legal and illegal drugs by LACAUK Ltd Spring Term Talk on Internet Safety and Gaming by Childnet Summer Term (Alternate Years): a) Understanding your child’s behaviour (2 sessions, 1st covering boys the 2nd girls) – Lorraine Lee b) Life with a Teenager Evening Teenage Mental Health – Dick Moore Mindfulness – Annie Davison How to survive and enjoy your child’s teenage years – Jan Symes How to talk to your teenager about sex and contraception – Helen Ellerby Eating disorders and self-harm – Jenny Langley Supporting your teenager’s learning - RLJ
Substances Harmful to Health – An Overview across Year Groups 1st Year PSHE Day – 2 sessions Basic drug facts – LACAUK Ltd. Alcohol – LACAUK Ltd. 3rd Year PSHE Day – 1 session Substances harmful to health (including alcohol and caffeine) – LACAUK Ltd. 4th Year Alcohol – talk to whole year group by Amanda Simoes (recovering alcoholic). Drugs – talk to whole year group on legal and illegal drugs and their effect on both individuals and society – LACAUK Ltd. LVI PSHE Day – double session Talk and discussion with whole year group on all aspects of drug use and misuse – LACAUK Ltd. Parent Talk Evening talk to parents about all forms of drugs (School’s substance abuse policy is also outlined) – LACAUK Ltd. Bob Tait of LACAUK Ltd is a former member of the Royal Navy Drug Education Team and he has been working with the School on Drug and Alcohol Education for many years.
Internet Safety and Cyber Bullying (Online Safeguarding) – An Overview across Year Groups 1st Year 1st Year Assembly early in Autumn Term PSHE Day – 2 sessions Safer social networking – DTB. Cyber bullying – PJM. Internet safety is also addressed in 1st Year PSHE lessons. e-safety cards have been produced by student digital leaders. Lower School 2nd Year PSHE Day – 1 session Social networking, gaming, e-safety/security (including risk of radicalisation) – Childnet International. Being a digital citizen - RLJ rd 3 Year PSHE Day – 1 session Using new technology – your online footprint and digital reputation - DTB. Internet tracking and damaging sites are covered during Wednesday morning PSHE in summer term. Upper School 4th Year PSHE Day – 1 session Sexting, e-safety/ security (including risk of radicalisation) – Childnet International. LVI An ICT lesson in FS to cover e-safety and being a digital citizen – RWA/ PJM. Online profiles are covered in Open Forum – Karl Hopwood. Parent Talk Evening talk to parents covering simple, practical steps that parents can take in order to minimise the risks to which their child is exposed and to provide advice to share with their child (School’s e-safety policy is also outlined) – Childnet International.
Childnet International has worked with the government, the online industry, adults and children and is a nationally respected organisation. The School has been working with Childnet for several years on e-safety.
Sex and Relationships – An Overview across Year Groups 1st Year Human reproduction covered in Junior Science – name and function of male and female body parts, sexual intercourse and fertilization, pregnancy and birth, menstrual cycle, puberty. Menstruation is also covered by the School Nurses with girls from individual tutor groups by arrangement with tutors during a Wednesday morning extended group period. 2nd Year AIDS is discussed in terms of modes of disease transmission in Junior Science. 3rd Year Talk by Alex Fryer about consent, alcohol and pornography and developing healthy respectful relationships. Attitudes towards sex, relationships and marriage are discussed as part of the RS Course. 4th Year PSHE Day – 2 sessions Contraception – Helen Ellerby. STIs – HMS/ JMBW. Human reproduction is covered within GCSE Biology – structure and function of male and female reproductive systems, the roles of oestrogen and progesterone in the menstrual cycle, the role of the placenta, protection by amniotic fluid, the role of oestrogen and testosterone in the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Attitudes towards sex, relationships and marriage are revisited as part of the RS Course. 5th Year Talk by Alex Fryer about contraception, peer pressure and delaying intercourse. Private Study lesson with each class covering testicular and cervical cancer – Dr R Buchanan and AEW. Inheritance and genetics is covered in GCSE Biology –the sex of a person is controlled by one pair of chromosomes, interpreting and using genetic diagrams. HIV is discussed in terms of viral characteristics in Biology.
LVI PSHE carousel in FS – 2 sessions Sexual diversity – Heather Parsons PSHE consultant. HIV – HIV Education (HIVE) Southampton. Parent Talk Talking to teenagers about sex is covered as part of the “Life with a Teenager Evening” which is run every 2 years.
Study Skills and Communication – An Overview across Year Groups 1st Year PSHE Day – 1 session – Communication – RLJ. Some PSHE tutorial lessons. To briefly cover the following: Mind maps Memory Organisation and homework diary Revision Lower School (2nd and 3rd Year) 3rd Year PSHE Day – 1 session Being an effective learner - RLJ Revision guidance is also given in the summer term during Wednesday morning PSHE sessions with tutors. A revision guide is given out and activities from it are carried out to assist the pupils. Upper School (4th and 5th Year) Sessions on examination technique are run by the RS Department before pupils sit their first GCSE in the 4th Year. Subject specific examination advice is covered with pupils during normal lessons as pupils prepare for their GCSE examinations. A 5th Year private study period is used to cover purposeful learning during the Autumn Term. LVI There are lessons on study skills and on presentations as part of the FS programme. There are two sessions on study skills on the LVI PSHE Day run by Elevate Education. Subject specific examination advice is covered with pupils during normal lessons as pupils prepare for their AS examinations. UVI Subject specific examination advice is covered with pupils during normal lessons as pupils prepare for their A2 examinations.
Parent Talk Helping teenagers with study skills is covered as part of the “Life with a Teenager Evening� which is run every 2 years.
Careers – An Overview across Year Groups Lower School (2nd and 3rd Year) Wednesday morning PSHE with tutors – 5 or 6 sessions over 2 year programme. Decisions Qualifications Careers progression The right job for your personality Careers in the non-profit sector Connect the dots 2nd Year PSHE Day – 1 session Why people work – CJM rd 3 Year PSHE Day – 1 session Careers matching and researching a career (KUDOS) – CJM Both the 2nd and 3rd Year get careers option talks from CJM during extended tutor time as well as presentations about the various subject options. The 3rd Year students take the “Fast Tomato”careers profiling test. Upper School (4th and 5th Year) Pupils are introduced to the facilities in the Careers Department on a tutor group basis during the extended Wednesday morning group period. All 4th Year students take the Morrisby careers profiling test and receive individual feedback. Throughout the school year individual careers interviews are organised for every member of the 5th Year. Sixth Form (LVI and UVI) Sixth form students and tutors work closely with the Careers Department and the Director of Student Guidance as students consider University applications and future careers. Work experience placements are organised for those pupils who wish to have them. UCAS sessions and Personal Statement preparation as well as an introduction to gap years are undertaken during FS in the LVI Year. Advice with personal statements, gap years, University Interviews and UCAS applications is ongoing throughout the LVI and UVI Years and advice and input is tailored to individual students.
Economic Education – An Overview across Year Groups 1st Year PSHE Day – 1 session Budgeting – Barclays Bank Lower School Wednesday morning session on Consumer rights Wednesday morning session on Budgeting for Xmas (depending on term length) 2nd Year PSHE Day – 1 session Managing your money. 4th Year PSHE Day – 1 session Personal finance. LVI FS course: An introduction to financial management – NDC/ SQ. UVI Some financial advice is given during the following sessions: Travel essentials Employment
Personal Identities and Healthy Lifestyles – An Overview across Year Groups 1st Year PSHE Day – 4 sessions Basic drug facts – LACAUK. Alcohol – LACAUK. Communication. Cyber bullying Social networking Junior Science covers various topics related to health – cells, tissues and organs, reproduction, energy within food. Self esteem, families and feelings and bullying are covered during PSHE lessons. Personal hygiene and menstruation are covered by the School nursing team in a PSHE lesson. Healthy lifestyles and an introduction to mindfulness are covered in Extended Studies. Lower School (2nd and 3rd Year) 2nd Year PSHE Day – 3 sessions Body image – PEB Being a digital citizen Social networking and gaming – Childnet Friendships – Lorraine Lee nd 2 Year Junior Science covers the topics – health and fitness, microbes and disease. 3rd Year PSHE Day – 4 sessions Harmful substances – LACAUK. Using new technology - DTB Being an effective learner Mental wellbeing – AD/ Nursing Staff Talk by Alex Fryer about consent, alcohol and pornography and developing healthy respectful relationships. Wednesday morning PSHE sessions cover various topics – benefits of sleep, how to manage strong feelings, self esteem, assertiveness, bullying, e-safety, social networking, on-line tracking, depression, relationships, healthy choices, same sex relationships, summer health challenge (sun safety and healthy eating in alternate years). 3rd Year Biology lessons cover several topics – nutrition and digestion, respiration and smoking.
4th Year PSHE Day – 5 sessions Self esteem – PEB Contraception – Helen Ellerby STIs – JMBW/ HMS Leadership and teamwork Sexting and social networking – Childnet There are also collapsed time-table talks to the whole year group on: Alcohol - Amanda Simoes Drugs – LACAUK 4th Year Biology covers several topics - blood clotting preventing blood loss and infection, heart rate and exercise, the role of the skin in temperature regulation, the roles and effects of various hormones, human reproduction. 5th Year Session on checking for signs of cancer – Dr R Buchanan and School nurses. Session on managing exam stress – School Counsellor 5th Year Biology covers several topics – microorganisms and disease, inheritance and genetics. Talk by Alex Fryer about contraception, peer pressure and delaying intercourse. LVI Talk (Extended session on LVI PSHE Day) to whole year group on drugs – LACAUK. PSHE FS sessions cover HIV, mental health, domestic violence and sexual diversity. All students Students are able to sign up for the .b mindfulness course. Parent Talks Evening talks to parents about understanding your child’s behaviour (separate talks for boys and girls) – Lorraine Lee.
Talking to teenagers about sex and contraception, eating disorders and self harm, Mindfulness, how to survive and enjoy your child’s teenage years, teenage mental health and supporting your teenager’s learning are covered as part of the “Life with a Teenager Evening” which is run every 2 years. There are talks each year to parents about the misuse of drugs and internet safety.
Social Education and Citizenship – An Overview across Year Groups 1st Year PSHE Day - 3 sessions Cyber bullying – PJM. Safer social networking – DTB Drug facts – LACAUK Alcohol – LACAUK Communication. Budgeting - Barclays PSHE lessons cover a variety of issues – ground rules, friendships, families and feelings, bullying, internet safety, personal hygeine. Lower School (2nd and 3rd Year) 2nd Year PSHE Day – 4 sessions Managing your money - PS Communication skills – SJS Social networking and cyber bullying – Childnet Friendships – Lorraine Lee rd 3 Year PSHE Day – 3 sessions Politics – NDC Mental Wellbeing Online footprint and digital reputation Wednesday morning PSHE sessions cover several topics – bullying, relationships, assertive behaviour, managing strong feelings, internet safety. There is an assembly on “Magistrates in the Community.” Talk by Alex Fryer about consent, alcohol and pornography and developing healthy respectful relationships. 3rd Year Biology covers food production. 3rd Year Geography covers globalisation and poverty. 3rd Year Physics covers heat loss from the home and the relative merits of different methods of saving energy. 3rd Year RS covers relationships and war and conflict.
4th Year PSHE Day – 5 sessions Sexting and social networking – Childnet. STIs – JMBW/ HMS Contraception – Helen Ellerby Personal finance – SQ Leadership and teamwork – LCH/ GPH th 4 Year Physics covers road safety and stopping distances. 4th Year RS covers relationships and war and conflict. 5th Year 5th Year Biology covers cloning, selective breeding, genetic modification and human influences on the environment. 5th Year Physics covers digital communication and the arguments for and against nuclear power. LVI FS sessions on personal profiles and e-safety, finance, politics and being road ready. PSHE FS sessions cover domestic violence, sexual diversity, HIV/AIDS and mental health. FS Open Forum covers a range of issues but the content varies. UVI FS Open Forum covers a range of issues but the content varies. Parent Talks Teenage mental health and how to survive and enjoy your child’s teenage years are covered as part of the “Life with a Teenager Evening” which is run every 2 years. There are two talks every other year on understanding your teenager’s behaviour (one each for boys and girls). There are talks each year to parents about the misuse of drugs and internet safety.