February 2016

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King Edward VI School

February Bulletin 11 February, 2016


t has been a rather rain drenched half of term but we have had relatively few cancellations as a result of poor weather. Both hockey and netball have seen record numbers involved with a number of successes against strong competition.

Summer Term Leave of absence Friday 29 April - Fifth Year Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm Friday 13 May - Lower Sixth Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm

The first half of term concluded with an excellent Spring Concert and two drama productions - the Sixth Form play, Heritage, and a Lower School classics play, The Golden Masque of Agamemnon. We have had dozens of school trips, activities and charity events as well as the Fifth Year mid-sessional examinations and many of our students are in need of the break that half term provides.

Friday 27 May - Upper Sixth Leave of Absence begins at 4.00pm Tuesday 14 June - Lower Sixth Return to lessons

SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to School lunch arrangements for the Summer Term is:

Congratulations go to the 9 students who have received offers from Oxford and Cambridge along with the many others who have received good news from other very competitive universities. As ever, there are some disappointments but almost all students who have applied this year for university have a realistic target to aim for over the coming months.

4pm Friday 11 March It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present

I wish you and your children a good break over half term and hope to see a number of you at parents’ evenings and other events in March.

Parents of Fifth, Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth pupils should refer to the email they have received informing them of the reduction in lunch charges due to leave of absence for examinations.

AJ Thould Head Master Staff and Parents’ Prayer Meeting Tuesday 8 March from 1pm to 2pm Commemoration Room

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will have their request acknowledged

All parents are welcome to attend

Pupils leaving the School

Fifth Year Book Collection: Friday 17 June at 8.40am

For all pupils, other than those in the Upper Sixth, who intend to leave KES at the end of this academic year, a reminder to parents that written notice must be received in all cases by the Registrar or the Head before the end of the spring term.

Upper Sixth Book Collection & Leavers’ Assembly: Wednesday 29 June at 8.40am


Spring Concert Wednesday 9 March at 7.30pm at Turner Sims, Southampton Featuring Chamber Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Choir, Big Band and soloists. Tickets priced ÂŁ8 may only be purchased from the Turner Sims Box Office (Box Office number is 023 80595151). Click here for more information.

Watersports 2016 14 - 21 August A place has become available on this trip in the summer. Open to First, Second and Third year pupils, if your son or daughter is interested, please click here for more information or email Dr Gamblin on sdg@kes.hants.sch.uk

SPORT NEWS KES students continue to be offered a 10% discount on coaching courses from Hampshire Cricket club at the Ageas Bowl. Click here for holiday courses and here for evening preseason courses. Cricket fixtures All cricket fixtures are in place and can be found here. Please use this information to ensure that players are available to play for the School during the summer. Please also note that we do expect students to manage their academic studies so that they have time to play cricket for the school. Not only is it an important life skill but it is also important that they have an opportunity to relax from their academic work from time to time. Twitter Regular updates for KES sport can be found by following @KES_Sport on twitter Celebrating Sporting Success There are many talented sportsmen and women at KES and Mr Kent, our Director of Sport, is very keen to keep an up to date record of students’ sporting achievements. Please email him on dk@kes.hants.sch.uk to let him know of any notable sporting performances by KES students outside the school.

Call 023 80915753 to book 2

Service of Thanksgiving 2016 On Wednesday 16 March we will be holding our annual Service of Thanksgiving at Winchester Cathedral. This is our formal opportunity to thank God for our life together and to reflect on all the many blessings we enjoy at King Edward’s, not least because of the vision and generosity of those who founded and endowed the School over many generations. We will be operating the KETA homeward buses from Winchester so there may be changes to arrival times at bus stops at the end of the day. We aim for all buses to leave the cathedral between 3.45pm and 4.15pm and as we are not able to give exact times of arrival at stops we would encourage pupils to communicate with their parents during the journey home. Pupils who need to get back to School will have transport provided. There will be no late buses on this day and no after school activities. If you are happy for your son/daughter to make their own way home from the Cathedral you must let us know by emailing thanksgiving@kes.hants.sch.uk stating your child’s name and tutor group by 4pm on Monday 14 March.

Book here!

Morrisby Feedback interviews - reminder

The service will start at 2.15pm and parents are welcome to attend.

These will be held in our Hospitality Suite and Guidance Centre between Monday 22 February and Friday 4 March. Parents who are planning to attend these interviews are reminded that they must sign in at our Reception and wait to be collected by their son/daughter.

If you are planning to join us, please take your seat by 2pm. King Edward VI School & Wellington Sports Ground are NO SMOKING SITES Parents are also reminded that there are NO DOGS ALLOWED

on both the School site & Wellington Sports Ground Exceptions are hearing assistance and guide dogs As parents will be aware, KES is using a new system for management of trips and visits. There are many advantages of the EVOLVE system, one of which is the online consent facility that it offers for both Parents and Trip Leaders. Whilst the vast majority of online consent requests that have been requested so far have been successful, there have been a couple of glitches. Please ensure the following when completing and returning your consent to the Trip Leaders: Ensure your Browser settings are not preventing you from seeing the full email; you may have an option to ‘click here to download pictures’. If you have not received an expected consent request, please try checking your trash or suspected SPAM folders as the request is sent from the evolve system. You may want to add the EVOLVE address so that it does not get blocked: (evolve.kingedschvisits@edufocus.co.uk) Please click here to view a copy of the EVOLVE online consent process. 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Fri 12 Feb 15 to 19 Feb Mon 15 Feb Tues 23 Feb Thurs 25 Feb Tues 1 March Thurs 3 March Fri 4 March Wed 9 March Mon 14 March Wed 16 March Friday 18 March Wed 23 March Thurs 24 March Sat 26 March Sun 10 April Mon 11 April

INSET Day: School closed Please note: Half Term A more comprehensive calendar, which is Fifth Year History trip to Berlin: returns 18 Feb updated and reviewed regularly, is Third Year Parents’ Evening available on our website at Information Evening for Prospective First Year 2016 http://www.kes.hants.sch.uk/welcome/ parents Upper Sixth PSHE Day Second Year Parents’ Evening KES PTA Quiz Spring Concert: Turner Sims INSET Day: School closed Service of Thanksgiving Non-Uniform Day Third & Fourth Year trip to Cordoba: returns 27 March Term ends Ski trip to Italy: returns 2 April Third & Fourth Year German Exchange trip to Mutterstadt: returns 17 April Sixth Form German Exchange trip to Schifferstadt: returns 18 April Sixth Form French trip to Montpellier: returns 16 April

Videos and photos taken by parents at School events should be for personal use only and may only be uploaded onto social media sites with appropriate privacy settings in place. It is important that images of other pupils are not made publicly available without their consent. The School’s e-safety policy may be found on the School website or by clicking here.



This is a special part of life in the Lower School. It consists of a series of sporting events for Second and Third Year pupils, that take place after school on a Friday afternoon throughout the year. It aims to foster a spirit of friendly competitiveness amongst the pupils, as each House takes on the other five in a variety of different sports.

Further to our recent email, we would like to remind you that every three years we conduct a survey of all parents, staff and students. We apologise for yet another survey but we always value feedback and hope that this will not prove to be too much of an imposition. The conclusions from this survey inform the revision of the School Development Plan and your views are very important as a part of this process. The answers that you give will be analysed by an independent company and are completely anonymous. The conclusions will be summarised and published to all parents later in the year after a presentation to the KES PTA.

In the autumn term, the boys play rugby and the girls play hockey. In the spring, it is the boys' turn to play hockey, while the girls play netball. Summer term brings Sports Day heats after school and a mixed rounders competition during lunchtimes. Most events have an A and a B Team to cater for different levels of experience and ability.

If not already done so, please spare 10 minutes to complete the survey by going to http://survey.glassessment.co.uk/s/KSCOG/ and logging on using the password below.

All Lower School pupils are expected to participate in Junior House and the evenings are also well attended by older pupils, who come along to support. Parents are also welcome to attend these events and watch their children in action.

Your password is: kiv84331parent and is case sensitive.

Spring dates will be: 26 February, 4, 11 and 18 March 4

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