King Edward VI School
February Bulletin 16 February, 2017
e’ve had our share of winter weather but with relatively few disruptions of fixtures as a result of poor weather. Both hockey and netball have seen impressive numbers involved with a number of successes against a good level of competition.
Summer Term Leave of absence Thursday 4 May - Fifth Year Leave of Absence begins at 4:00pm Friday 26 May - Upper Sixth Leave of Absence begins at 4:00pm
The first half of term concluded with an excellent Spring Concert, the play The Ash Girl, a Dance Gala, the most successful Battle of the Bands we have had raising £1500 for charity, our A level musicians performing at Southampton Art Gallery and the choir took part in Evensong at Romsey Abbey. Many parents also attended the annual charity dinner in aid of the Goedgedacht Trust in South Africa. We have had dozens of school trips, activities and charity events as well as the Fifth Year mid-sessional examinations and many of our students are in need of the break that half term provides.
Upper Sixth Book Collection & Leavers’ Assembly: Friday 30 June at 8.40am
SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER The deadline for changes to School lunch arrangements for the Summer Term is:
4pm Friday 10 March
Work is proceeding well with the new Theatre, Art Department and expanded Concourse project. We hope to open the Art Department for the start of the summer term and the Theatre will be completed before the start of the autumn term. We are also building a small lecture area to assist with training for the Duke of Edinburgh award as well as other curriculum functions. Plans are also now advanced for the expansion of the School’s dining hall and work is planned over two phases of construction, largely focused on the summer holidays of 2017 and 2018, to avoid disruption to routine school business.
It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline Please email giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended.
No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present. Parents of Fifth, Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth pupils should refer to the email they have received informing them of the reduction in lunch charges due to leave of absence for examinations.
Congratulations go to the 7 students who have received offers from Oxford and Cambridge along with the many others who have received good news from other very competitive universities. As ever, there are some disappointments but almost all students who have applied this year for university have a realistic target to aim for over the coming months.
Any request using the dinners@kes email address will have their request acknowledged Pupils leaving the School
I wish you and your children a good break over half term and hope to see a number of you at parents’ evenings and other events in March.
For all pupils, other than those in the Upper Sixth, who intend to leave KES at the end of this academic year, a reminder to parents that written notice must be received in all cases by the Registrar or the Head before the end of the spring term.
AJ Thould Head Master
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the Registrar on 02380 799216.
Fifth Year Book Collection: Friday 16 June at 10:30am
Staff & Parent Prayer Meeting Tuesday 21 March 2017 1.00pm - 2.00pm in the Commemoration Room Charity Events Calendar Pancake Day Tuesday 28 February Pancakes for sale in the Crush Hall at break KES Has Got Talent Thursday 9 March Open to all year groups at lunchtime University Challenge Friday 17 March Sixth Formers versus Teachers Comic Relief Friday 24 March Fun activities and competitions at lunchtime Summer Camp 12-hour Triathlon Thursday 30 March Cycling, running & rowing in the Crush Hall
Celebrating Sporting Success There are many talented sportsmen and women at KES and Mr Kent, our Director of Sport, is very keen to keep an up to date record of students’ sporting achievements. Please email him on to let him know of any notable sporting performances by KES students outside the school.
First Year Disco 24 March 2017 7 - 9pm in aid of Summer Camp
More details will be circulated via tutor groups 2
Videos and photos taken by parents at School events should be for personal use only and may only be uploaded onto social media sites with appropriate privacy settings in place.
It is important that images of other pupils are not made publicly available without their consent. The School’s e-safety policy may be found on the School website or by clicking here.
Just in time for half term! Click here to access a voucher for 50% off the price of a family ticket to visit in timeMuseum for half term! Click TheJust National of Computing at Bletchley Park.
Keep up-to-date with our news and events by ‘following’ our new Facebook page: Higher Education Evening Tuesday 21 March 7.00pm in the Main Hall This Information Evening is designed to help Lower Sixth parents understand current procedures for applications to universities and in particular how we at KES prepare our students. We will be joined by an Admissions Tutor from Southampton University who will talk about the process from a university perspective and there will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions about our Higher Education Programme.
King Edward VI School & Wellington Sports Ground are NO SMOKING SITES Parents are also reminded that there are NO DOGS ALLOWED
on both the School site & Wellington Sports Ground Exceptions are hearing assistance and guide dogs
We do hope you will be able to attend and we look forward to seeing you there. Please contact Mrs Millar, Deputy Director of Sixth Form on if you require further details.
Lower Sixth Geography Webinar Quantitative Skills
Monday 27 February 4pm - 5.30pm in H7 All Lower Sixth Geographers are expected to attend
Easter Holiday Courses There are some places left on the beginners, improvers and advanced sailing courses during the first week of the Easter holiday - click here for details.
Morrisby Feedback interviews - reminder
Weekend Sailing
These will be held in our Student Guidance Centre between Tuesday 28 February and Friday 10 March (inclusive). Students have already been issued with interview dates and times, via their tutors.
Weekend sailing will resume after Easter. Times can be found here. Any pupil who has their RYA-stage 1 or equivalent is welcome to come along. Details of how to join the club can be found here.
Parents who are planning to attend these interviews are reminded that they must sign in at our Reception and wait to be collected by their sons/daughters.
Beginner sailors will need to have completed the beginners course before weekend sailing. 3
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Thursday 16 Feb Fri 17 Feb 20 to 24 Feb Mon 20 Feb Wed 22 Feb Tues 28 Feb Thurs 2 March Friday 3 March Tuesday 7 March Monday 13 March Wed 15 March Friday 17 March Tuesday 21 March Friday 31 March
Sat 1 April Sunday 2 April Tuesday 4 April Saturday 15 April Sunday 16 April Monday 24 April
Sixth Form trip to Salamanca Third & Fourth Year trip to Florence INSET Day: School closed Third & Fourth Year trip to Space Camp Half Term Fifth Year History trip to Munich & Nuremberg Lower Sixth trip to CERN Third Year Parents’ Evening Information Evening for Prospective First Year KES PTA Quiz Second Year Parents’ Evening INSET Day: School closed Spring Concert: Turner Sims Non-Uniform Day Lower Sixth Parents’ Higher Education Evening Term ends Fifth Year & Sixth Form Creative Arts trip to New York Third & Fourth Year Spanish trip to Andalucia Ski trip to France Fourth Year Prague Exchange Fifth & Sixth Form Geography trip to Iceland Trip to Italy: Rome & the Bay of Naples Third & Fourth Year trip to Morocco Sixth Form French trip to Montpellier INSET Day: School closed
Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website at parents
Charlotte Exchange
This is a special part of life in the Lower School. It consists of a series of sporting events for Second and Third Year pupils, that take place after school on a Friday afternoon throughout the year. It aims to foster a spirit of friendly competitiveness amongst the pupils, as each House takes on the other five in a variety of different sports.
The Third Year Charlotte Exchange is now open for any Second Years who are keen to get involved with a very exciting exchange programme to our sister school in North Carolina. This involves visiting their buddy in October 2017 half-term and hosting them in the spring term 2018.
In the autumn term, the boys play rugby and the girls play hockey. In the spring, it is the boys' turn to play hockey, while the girls play netball. Summer term brings Sports Day heats after school and a mixed rounders competition during lunchtimes. Most events have an A and a B Team to cater for different levels of experience and ability.
Applications (a short letter of why you would like to go) will need to be submitted to Mrs Burnett by Wednesday 1 March. Please contact Mrs Burnett on if you have any queries.
All Lower School pupils are expected to participate in Junior House and the evenings are also well attended by older pupils, who come along to support. Parents are also welcome to attend these events and watch their children in action. Spring dates will be: 3, 10 and 17 March 4