First Year Info Booklet 2020/21

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Information Booklet Everything you need to know about life at King Edward’s but might not want to ask...

Contents Daily Rou ne Friends The First Day


Top Tips


First Year Worries


Reflec ons of a Current First Exams Year Buses Pastoral Day Cycling Clubs



Lost Property


Staff Interviews


Word search

The House System

Cross Word



School lunches/Sandwiches Breakfast P.S.H.E.

Daily Routine There is a two‐week metable (Week A and Week B). The plan for the day during both weeks is as follows: 08.40

Group Base


Full School Assembly Monday and Tuesday, Sec on Assembly alternate Thursdays


Period 1

10.05– 10.55

Period 2




Period 3


Period 4




Period 5


Period 6

16.10 and 17.30

Buses depart

During lunch mes and a er School there are many clubs — see the informa on later on to decide which clubs you are going to join!

Friends Be yourself. Everyone is different in their own way! Star ng from the moment you step into your classroom, it’s important to be think‐ ing about making friends. With a good friend, you can guide each other in a new school, trust each other and explore your new journey at KES with them. When you walk into the classroom, try to sit with a group of people rather than on your own. It can be nerve racking at first but trust me – conquering your fears and si ng with people will pay off! Try star ng a conversa on on your first day so peo‐ ple can find out more about you: discuss your hobbies, skills and interests and hope‐ fully they will be your new friend! In addi on, you can go to taster days, where you can have lots of fun while making new friends. At these, you can try out music and sport op ons such as boys or girls choir, boys’ rugby, girls’ hockey and many more. There are many a er‐school and lunch me clubs that you can join to meet people who might become your friends. If you get offered the chance, take it: it is never too late to try something new out! Choose your friends wisely, talk to them and if you don’t feel sa sfied with the way you see them behave, do not feel pressured to invite them to your next birthday party. If you see a pupil in trouble, stand up and protect them – you may ini ate a friendship that will last a long me! People will really appreciate your help as they are probably just as nervous as you! Don’t be afraid to ask if you’re not sure about something, and always try to help others whenever you can. Enjoy your me at KES! Don’t worry or feel nervous, we are all new and we are all star ng at the same level. Don’t forget to have a smile on your face! By Evelyn Nagy

The First Day I was the only person from my school, I knew nobody. So, I was nervous, but I could see apprehension in everyone else’s faces too, so I knew that everyone else felt the same. The school seemed huge, I thought that I would never be able to navigate it. But I learnt the way around quickly, and now I can get from lesson to lesson it with ease. A er many introduc ons we were led to our group base, where a tutor group of about 20 of us would come every morn‐ ing. We got to know each other with a series of games and spent the day ge ng a feel for the school. On the first day, only first years go into school, so the corridors were unusually quiet. I loved the fact that we were the only ones to go in, because we could tour the school without disturbing anyone, and we could get our bearings, ready for the next day, when lessons would start. We were given booklets and le ers (including a map, so if you are scared you will get lost you can use it, but any older students will be happy to help you the way) which told us where we needed to go. By the end of the day I was de‐ lighted at having such a friendly tutor group, and all the teachers are kind too. Don’t worry about your first day, everyone is very pa ent and kind. Friends will come and go in the first few weeks but eventually you will find a group of people you like. Some may become your best friends later on. Remember, all the other students who are there on the first day are new, just like you. By Elsa Buerk

Top Tips: 

Don’t be shy to ask for help if you are lost, ask the second years (they are especially nice).


When you get your metable, be sure to make a few copies of it. Maybe one for your locker, one for your pocket and one for home. You will prob‐ ably be able to find it on the KES website if you ask your tutor.


You can get ice cream in the summer and in your first half term in KES.


Make a good first impression with your teachers, most of them are really nice.


There are a LOT of clubs to join in KES and make friends with people with the same interests as you.


Relax and try to enjoy it ‐ in no me at all, it’ll seem like you’ve been at KES forever.


As long as you are yourself, you will make a lot of friends.


Always keep some change in your pockets ‐ there are always lots charity events from football compe ons to Krispy Kreme sales.


Stay organised by having some folders, this way, it is easier to keep all of your books in one place instead of losing them.


Make sure to turn off your phone before school to avoid any distrac ons during lessons or at break/lunch.


Bring a pair of earphones, you’ll need them for I.T and your teacher may even let you listen to music in class.

First Year Worries ID cards: In the first week you’ll have photos for your ID cards. The ID cards are used for ge ng into lunch and prin ng. They are also used when you want to take a book out from the library. Your ID cards can be put in your blazers for safe keeping because you need them at school every day even when it is a non‐ school‐uniform day. They also let you in and out of the school building if you walk or cycle. On the ID cards it also says which bus you take if you get one, and if you have chosen hot lunches or packed lunches.

Lockers: On the first day I had quite a few bags and I was worried that they wouldn't fit in my locker or if I had forgo en my locker code. But on the first day you take all of your bags up with your class and tutor then you will be sorted into lockers of twos and threes don't worry boys will be with boys and girls will be with girls. In first year you have the locker rooms next to the crush hall. If you forget your locker code hopefully your locker partners have remembered it but if not don’t worry just go to recep on and say you have forgo en your locker code and it’s the same if you want to change your locker code. The one thing not to do is tell people even if you trust them you never know who they are going to tell.

First Year Worries Leaving Lessons: If you have a music lesson, or you feel ill, you are allowed to leave the lesson. If you’re feeling sick, or you have injured yourself, you can go to the nurse. If you put your hand up and ask to go to the medical room, generally teachers say yes. The medical room is opposite the First Year lockers, so it’s easy to find. Some‐ mes you can take a friend. People go to the medical room for all sorts of rea‐ sons, from feeling sick, injuring wrists and ankles, or to take a medicine if you have to. Another reason for leaving a lesson is if you have extra lessons, such as music lessons. You will receive a metable for your extra‐curricular lessons every term and it is your job to remember when it is each week. If you put your hand up five minutes before you lesson, it will give you me to get there. On your first lesson, try ge ng there earlier, so you can make a good impression. All the music, LAMDA, and other extra‐curricular lesson teachers are friendly and will help you achieve your full poten al. The music rooms are in the music department, which is at the top of the stairs next to the locker rooms, or at the end of the First Year locker rooms. The LAMDA rooms depend on where your teachers are based, as do curriculum support lessons. You will get an email to tell you where your lessons are.

Reflections of a current First Year on starting at KES Dear Me Here is some advice on what to do and not what to do when coming to KES. I know it does all seem very daunting when just starting out but there is no need to worry because all the pupils and staff are amazing all year round. Here are some things that most people will find scare them at the back if your head. One of those things are lockers and who you will be with for the rest of your year but there is nothing to worry about because you will always be with one or two of your classmates and your locker section is always just your class and maybe some others from other classes. Another benefit of having a shared locker is if you forget your code you can always ask your locker buddy and keep it that way. So don't tell anyone else your code. Secondly, many of us are a little bit scared of the first school lunch but don't be because you can sit with whoever and wherever you want in the lunch Hall and getting your food is always fine but remember get what you want when you are in the food area because if you forget to get something you can't go back in to get it. The final big thing not to be frightened of is asking for help. Even if it is just the spelling of a word or you cut your knee. Always ask. Here are some things to do to keep on top of things. Try to hand in your homework on time and keep on track on what needs to be done first. I would also recommend revising early to get it into your head. And remember, have fun. Best wishes Me

Reflections of a current First Year on starting at KES To Me You have no need to worry about yourself about ge ng lost in school as I know it seems huge but you will soon get used to it. There are signs all over the school saying where you are, ask one of the older people to give direc ons and my advice is to always s ck with classmates and friends when going around the school because if you get lost you s ll have some‐ one with you. If you are worried about making friends then don’t be! Just get involved with conversa ons and start with saying what’s your name, introduce yourself , talk about your hobbies and just show your personali‐ ty. Try to pay a en on to the me by wearing your watch as it’s always good to be on me and punctual. Try and pay a en on to clubs as they are good fun and something to do with your friends at lunch. If you aren’t go‐ ing to a club I would suggest going to the library to do any homework that is due. Also pay a en on to folding up clothes or pu ng them under your sports bag when changed as you don’t want to get you and your class‐ mates uniform muddled up. I would strongly urge for you to label all your clothes (the iron on name tags are good) and always try to play matches if you are free even though you have never played that sport before. From Me

Pastoral Day Early in the autumn term each first year form group spends a day at an outdoor ac‐ vity centre you will be going to the Itchen Country Park Throughout the day you do lots of fun ac vi es, for example: abseiling, rock climb‐ ing wall, problem solving, blindfolded obstacle course, assault course and many other ac vi es. All the ac vi es are designed for teamwork, and it is a great way to bond and get to know your classmates.

Clubs at King Edward’s There are so many clubs and Ac vi es and King Edwards. Whether you like street dancing or sailing, drama or deba ng, you are sure to find something you enjoy. I enjoy dance and drama in KES’ facili es; for example, the new Dobson Theatre and the KES dance studio are amazing, and it makes the clubs really fun. There is even a cactus club! For many clubs there are regular trips as well. In the holi‐ days, for example, there is a sailing trip! There is something for everyone!

Clubs at King Edward’s Here is an example from previous years, the website will have the up to date clubs available to you. Club, Ac vity Art Club Astronomy Society

Day Monday & Thursday By arrange‐ ment


Loca on


Available to:


Art Dept


All Years


Outdoors RSS

All Years

Badminton Club



Sports Hall MAW, SDG

All Years




M9/the roof


All Years

Bridge Club






Cactus Club





All Years

Chari es Commission





All Years

Chari es Commission ‐ Lower School





Lower School

Chess Club

Every day

Lunch me M5


All Years

Classical Society




Classics Dept

All Years

Cookery Club



Dining Room


First Year

Dance ‐ Ballet



Dance Studio



Dance ‐ Lower School Dance Club



Dance Studio



Dance ‐ Streetdance



Dance Studio


All Years

Dance ‐ Zumba



Dance Studio




Deba ng & Public Speak‐ Monday ing Society ‐ Lower School


All Years Lower School

Clubs at King Edward’s Club, Ac vity



Loca on


Available to:

Digital Leaders





By invita on

Drama ‐ Junior Drama Club Wednesday


Dobson Theatre

Sam Riley

First & Second Years

Drama ‐ Technical Theatre Tuesday


Dobson Theatre



Drone Club






Fencing Club



Sports Hall PJR


German Magazine Club





Lower School

Get On Board (Board

By arrange‐



Greek Club




First and Second Year

Green Team

Thursday wk A 1.30pm



All Years






All Years

Highfield Philosophy Club Monday


Highfield Primary


Lower School






Lower School






All Years

Kayak and Canoe Club

Weekends, by All Day



All Years

Lego Club





Lower School

Lower School Mandarin





Lower School







Music ‐ Aural



Prac ce



Music ‐ Big Band






Music ‐ Chamber Choir






Music ‐ Chamber Orches‐ tra







Clubs at King Edward’s Club, Ac vity



Loca on


Available to:

Music ‐ First Year Choir





First Year

Music ‐ Flute Choir






Music ‐ Grade V Theory



Music Dept



Music ‐ Guitar Ensemble






Music ‐ Orchestra Sec on‐ Monday als





Music ‐ Percussion Ensem‐ Thursday ble


Recital Room



Music ‐ Rock Academy






Music ‐ Sinfonia



Recital Room



Music ‐ Symphonic Wind Band



Recital Room


Lower School

Music ‐ Symphony Orches‐ Monday tra


Recital Room



New Connec ons Club





First Year

Photography Club





All Years

Rhythmic Gym Club ‐ First Monday




First Year

Rhythmic Gymnas cs Club Thursday


Dance Studio


All Years






Lower School

Sailing Club

Weekends: see website for details

Scamp Club School Council

Tuesday 1.30pm Friday Week B 1.00pm

Southamp‐ ton Water PEB Ac vi es Centre CL3 CEG PY1 PEB

All Years All Years All Years

Sport Sport is one of a number of things integral to life at KES. You will have a two ‐hour Games less every week consis ng of rugby, hockey or cricket for boys, and hockey, netball or rounder's for girls, each sport is allocated to a term. You will also have a one‐hour PE lesson a week, involving basketball, fit‐ ness, gymnas c and athle cs. In PE lessons you’re with your whole class, but for Games lessons you are separated into girls and boys. From the clubs lists in this booklet you can see that there are lots of extra‐ curricular sports that aren’t covered in metabled sports lessons. If you are selected for a sports team there is an a er‐school training session. The ses‐ sion is also open for un‐selected pupils to help them progress through the D, C, B and A teams. Sport is a great way to make new friends, keeping you fit, and having fun. It will be up to you to find out any informa on needed to par cipate in sports at KES. To help you find this informa on, there is a KES sports app and a no ceboard in the sports hall area. These sources should provide all the informa on you need, such as where and when training sessions are, match dates, mes, uniform requirements and venues. If you can’t find the informa on you need then talk to your coach. Don’t forget that there is a KES sports group offside called Wellington, which you will probably visit during Games lessons throughout your me at KES. By Oliver Daniels

Music Music is an important part of life at KES. All First Year students have three mu‐ sic lessons with the rest of their class over a two week metable, with one of the fabulous music teachers who really make you feel at home in the class‐ room. In these lessons you will learn how to play various instruments, includ‐ ing the keyboard and percussion, learn different styles of music and even how to compose your own melodies! You also learn some theory, such as what musical terms mean and general scales and arpeggios. There are orchestras to suit every musician; scholar or novice, keen or not so sure – KES has it all! There are two main orchestras: the chamber orchestra and the Sinfonia. There is also the Big Band and a symphonic wind ensemble for woodwind and brass. There is even a rock academy, First Year Choir and Glee Club for singers. Students of all ability are welcome, and all the ensem‐ bles are great fun! They have played in and travelled to many different places, including local concert halls, Rome, Disneyland Paris and New York! You can also arrange to have extra music lessons to learn a new instrument or improve your playing of an instrument you already play. The op ons include singing, piano, violin, flute, clarinet, harp, cello and many, many more! Music gives you so many opportuni es in the school that you should not miss. By Sophie Kileff

House System There are six houses at KES and all pupils and most staff belong to a house. In the 2nd – 5th years, pupils are arranged in House tutor groups, and throughout the school there are House compe ons, for example Sports Day and the House Carol Compe on. Each House has a Housemaster or Housemistress (a teacher) and two Heads of House (a girl and a boy from the sixth form). The Heads of House for September will be announced at the end of the Summer Term but the house staff and the colour of your houses are:


Housemaster or Housemistress



Mr Crichton



Mr Miller

Dark Blue


Mr Brown



Mr Penn



Miss Barron

Light Blue

Wa s

Mrs Brown


Merits Merits are awarded for five different reasons; 1. A ainment (how well you do) 2. Effort 3. Improvement 4. Helpfulness 5. Other

When you get a merit, the teacher who gave it to you signs the box on your merit card.

When you get five merits, your form tutor signs the box on the right. At ten merits your Head of Year, Mrs Henderson signs the box on the right. Your tutor signs again at fi een merits.

When you have twenty merits you need to tell Mrs Henderson so that you can have your card signed by the Head Master, Mr Parker. If you get enough merits for the Head Master to sign your card three mes then you will receive a lovely pen.

If you have produced an excep onal piece of work then you may be awarded a Head Master’s commenda on.

School Lunches Lunch Lunch break is from 12.50pm un l 2.10pm for first years. You are re‐ leased from lessons at 12.50pm so you are able to get your lunch and sit down before the rest of the school. The following is an example of a typical day’s menu, there are always vegetarian choices available: Salad Bar; Selec on of salads Pasta King; Pomodoro or Chicken Torino Jacket Potato; Baked beans and/or cheese

Bague e Bar (On Tuesdays and Thursdays); Mixed Fillings Main servery; Cajun Chicken, pork casserole or creamy vegetables en croute served with new potatoes, minted peas or salad Desserts; coconut sponge, custard, mousse, yoghurt and fresh fruit.

Sandwiches If you don’t want to have school lunches then you can choose to bring in a packed lunch.

Having packed lunch is great! You can eat from 12:50pm in the dining room, and you can have whatever you want. You can get a drink from the water dispenser instead of bringing in a drink if you want.

Breakfast Every morning between 8am and 8.30am breakfast is served in the dining room. Really tasty cooked breakfasts are available at a rea� sonable price and are very popular. If you live quite a long way away and have to leave home early, it is lovely to be able to have breakfast here and it is a nice place to chat to your friends.

P.S.H.E. Also called tutorial, P.S.H.E. takes place once every two weeks. Your tu‐ tor will take you for this lesson and it is a great opportunity to speak to your teacher as well as learn about the wider aspects of school life. You start the year with a lesson on ‘star ng school’, this will include in‐ forma on on helping you make new friends and the other things you will need to know to get through your first couple of weeks at school. A typical lesson would maybe discuss bullying and the school behaviour code. During the year you will also receive a few talks from the school nurses, they will talk to you about your health as well topics such as drugs and alcohol. This lesson is a great opportunity to learn about all sorts of different things as well as ge ng to know the people in your tutor group, and it can be a really enjoyable way to get away from your average school les‐ son.

The Library The Library or LRC (Library and Resource Centre) is situated next to the Head Master’s office. Upstairs there are fic on books and com‐ fy chairs for you to sit and read at break – me. The non‐fic on books are on both floors and they are on hundreds of subjects. The librarians are very helpful and kind. If you want to take out a book, go to the desk which you face when you enter and give your ID card and book to the librarian. You then have about four weeks to read it. You can also take out videos, DVD’s and audio tapes. When you wish to return your book, take it back to the desk. If a book is overdue, you get a note in your group base to tell you. Ask if there is something they do not have in the library and they will get it for you. You can also buy pens and other supplies. On occasion you can also borrow spare iPads from the library if you have forgo en yours or it is in need of repair, try to avoid this if possible. There are also chargers available in the library if you ba ery runs out, remember to try to charge your iPad each night to avoid this.

ICT (Computers) There are many computer rooms around the school. You are giv‐ en your own login name and password when you first come to the school.

You can use the main IT room at break, lunch mes and a er school.

In the First Year you will receive IT training in your lessons. You will have at least one lesson a fortnight. You will need to bring your iPad to all classroom lessons and remember to charge them every night. You will have instruc ons of how you should use them on the first Friday and there will be Pupil digital leaders to help you at other mes.

Homework Homework is given every day but it is not something to get worried about.

Each night you will receive two homework's, each taking about half an hour. On a Friday you may be given an extra homework for Extended Studies or you might have a reading homework.

Make sure you are clear exactly what your homework is, you may rec‐ ord it in your iPad student planner or generally your teachers will send the tasks directly to the Planner.

Some homework tasks will have to be handed in the next day, others may not be collected for a few days.

However, it is good to get into good habits so try and do your home‐ work on the night it is set – if you don’t, you will be le with lots to

Exams All First Year pupils will sit internal school examina ons. These are held just before the half term holidays in the Summer Term. You will be ex� amined on most of your subjects, but not PE, Art or Drama.

The examina ons are important but you should not get too worried about them as you will have studied everything you need to know throughout the year.

Your teachers and tutor will give you guidance about what to learn and how to go about revising. There will also be revision during some of your lessons in the Summer Term.

You will each get your own revision guide to give you some ps and help you plan ahead.

King Edward’s Buses The buses are a great way to get to school, but here are some top ps on how to handle them. 1.

Make sure you know when your bus is due to get to the bus stop and how long it takes to walk/drive there so that you can get up and ready in me. Try not to miss it!


The buses may be late to school some mes if the traffic is bad. If it is, then make sure you know if your tutor has done the register, because if they have you will have to sign in at that office.


If someone on your bus asks you to move because they want to sit there, just remember s ck up for yourself be‐ cause there are no set seats and you can always go to a bus prefect or, when you get into school, tell a teach‐ er and they will sort them out.


If you hear any bad language on the bus, then you can always report them to Mr Collinson, head of behaviour, and hopefully that won’t happen again.


Finally, don’t worry about ge ng the bus because there is nothing to be worried about!


Hopefully a er you have read this, you won’t have any more worries about the buses and if you do, just ask a teacher for help.

Cycling If you don’t take the bus to school then you can ride your bike, walk or travel by car.

Cycling in groups or with a friend is especially great. King Edward’s has a bike rack so you can keep your bike locked up there.

If you do cycle to school remember to wear brightly coloured clothing and use a light in the winter so that drivers can see you, and always wear a helmet.

If you cycle, you can get access rights on your ID cards though the Kelle Road gate, this means you don’t have to go though the turns le with your bike.

Lockers at KES At King Edward’s you have a locker that you share with one or two other people. You usually would share with 2 other people. Sharing a locker is great because it helps you too make better friendships with other people you may or may not have known before! At King Edwards’ the First Year locker room is divided into 4 separate rooms but are still next to each other! In some classes the lockers are decided by alphabetical order but in others it could just be random. The lockers are also organised by class order, like 1/1,1/2,1/3……. You stay in that locker for a whole year unless you, your friend and your form tutor agree a swap. The locker codes have 4 numbers, no 2 locker codes are the same. You can change your locker code throughout the year if you and your locker agree you need to change it. My suggestions for locker organisation are: never just drop your litter in the locker because it is really hard to clean it out from all the gaps and corners of the locker. Have the top 3 shelves for your books (and possibly you bags) and the bottom shelf for P.E bags ( because these are the biggest), underneath the bottom shelf is a big gap (which you could count as a shelf) which is also great for P.E bags. In the lockers are also 2 pegs, one on the back of the door and one on the side of the inside these are great for hanging blazers and bags. And finally, try too clean your locker at least once a month because it will really pay off for those surprise locker checks (you can even earn merits). Last but not least enjoy the company in the locker and tell a teacher if you are unhappy about anything.

Lost Property If you lose something like an ar cle of clothing or sports gear, you can find it in Lost Property, which is the building opposite the kitchen. Lost Property is open every day at first break and there is a fee of 20p (which goes to charity) when you redeem an ar cle.

There is also a storage bin in the sports changing rooms where some sports kit gets collected. Ask a member of the games staff about this.

Glasses, pencil cases and locker keys are kept in the Main School Office. Ipads, Calculators and watches are looked a er by Mr Collinson. Com‐ puter memory s cks will be passed to the IT department.

The most important thing to remember is to name everything; that way it will get back to you.

Staff Interviews Name: Mr Parker Posi on in School: Head Master What are you looking forward to most at KES? A er the past few months, when we all been in lockdown, I am just really looking forward to having the pupils and my wonderful colleagues back at KES… a full school is a brilliant place to spend your me!

What is your greatest achievement? I have been very fortunate and privileged throughout my life to have been given wonderful opportuni es and experiences so it is difficult to choose. I once conducted a school choir at St Peter’s Basilica in the Va can which was a pre y special experience and achievement.

What is your favourite animal and why? I love dogs and we have just had a brand new Cava‐ poo puppy arrive in our house – Henry – who is both the cutest thing in the world, and also taking up an awful lot of me at the moment!

What is your biggest fear? I have a genuine fear of heights which has put me in some tricky situa ons over the years.

Do you have a favourite sport? I love all sports. I used to play hockey a lot but I am also a massive Arsenal fan. My son plays basketball so I am ge ng increasingly interested in basketball as well.

If you could play any instrument what would it be? I am a music teacher and have played lots of different instruments since childhood. Violin, viola, piano, bass guitar, mandolin and singing! If I could play another instrument it would be the trumpet as trumpeter Louis Armstrong is one of my heroes.

Staff Interviews Name: Mr A Dellar Posi on in the School: Senior Deputy Head How long have you been at KES? 7 Years What is your favourite School lunch? Tomato and Brie tart with salad. What is your favourite animal and why? Bu erflies because it means spring and then summer is here. Do you have a favourite sport? What is your greatest achievement? Coaching a School football team to win the North West regional final at Old Trafford What is your biggest fear? Heights Do you have a favourite sport? Football If you could play any instrument what would it be? I would love to be able to play any instrument well but probably the Piano.

Name: Mr Collinson Posi on in School: Assistant Head Pastoral How long have you been at KES? 5 year What is your favourite School lunch? Mushroom soup What is your favourite animal and why? Sharks because they’re awesome What is your biggest fear? Ge ng A Week confused with B Week Do you have a favourite sport? Rugby rugby rugby If you could play any instrument what would it be? I used to play both saxophone and violin to a Grade 8 standard, but I always wanted to play guitar What is your greatest achievement? Marrying Mrs Collinson

Staff Interviews Name: Mrs Sheppard Posi on in the School: Assistant Head, Registrar How long have you been at KES? 24 years What is your favourite School lunch? Sweet potato and baked beans followed by banoffee pie What is your favourite animal and why? Blue footed boobies because they look so funny and are very endearing. What is your biggest fear? Rock climbing!! Do you have a favourite sport? Running If you could play any instrument what would it be? The piano (considerably be er than I currently do!) What is your greatest achievement? Having 3 children who I think are genuinely lovely people Name: Dr Waymark Posi on in the School: Deputy Head (Academic) How long have you been at KES? 7 years What is your favourite School lunch? Meatballs What is your favourite animal and why? Cats – they like to sit and watch and take note of everything. Also they are very friendly – un l you annoy them … What is your biggest fear? Reality TV Do you have a favourite sport? Sailing, running, volleyball, football, and handball If you could play any instrument what would it be? Alpine horn What is your greatest achievement? Being awarded my doctorate. It took eight years of independent study, whilst also working full‐ me, changing jobs, and having new‐ born twins. The sa sfac on of perseverance, resilience and doing something no mate‐ rial gain or necessity was, and is, excep onal.

Staff Interviews Name: Mrs Cox School Role: Senior School Nurse How long have you been at KES? 11 years What is your favourite School lunch? Lasagne or Toad in the hole! What is your favourite animal and why? Penguins. I think they are very striking and I find them amusing (especially their waddle!) The only downside is they pong! What is your biggest fear? Snakes! Do you have a favourite sport? Netball in my younger days (I’d be useless now) If you could play any instrument what would it be? I played the piano when I was younger and sadly gave it up when I concentrated on my GCSE’s. My son is learning now and so I have begun to dabble again.

Name: Annie Davison Posi on in the School: School Counsellor / Mindfulness teacher How long have you been at KES? 16 years What is your favourite School lunch? Any curry and Eton Mess What is your favourite animal and why? The dog, because of the uncondi onal love and joy that they bring when you share life with one. What is your biggest fear? Spiders, definitely spiders! Do you have a favourite sport? Yach ng If you could play any instrument what would it be? Flute and Harp … I’m trying!

Staff Interviews Name: Mr Crichton Posi on in the School: Head of Hockey How long have you been at KES? 7 years What is your favourite School lunch? They are all amazing The puddings are my favourite part of lunch! What is your favourite animal and why? Dog, A man’s best friend! What is your biggest fear? Snakes, you can’t see them un l they bite you! Do you have a favourite sport? Hockey!!!!! If you could play any instrument what would it be? Guitar! What is your greatest achievement? Finishing Ironman South Africa (triathlon )

Name: Posi on in the School: Head of Rugby How long have you been at KES? What is your favourite School lunch? What is your favourite animal and why? What is your biggest fear? Do you have a favourite sport? If you could play any instrument what would it be? What is your greatest achievement?

Staff Interview Name: Miss Cole Posi on in School: Head of Netball. How long have you been at KES? 3 years. What is your favourite school lunch? I don’t have a favourite – I like to try new things all the me! What is your favourite animal and why? My favourite animals are monkeys because they can be cheeky and fun but also are intelligent. What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear is flying. Do you have a favourite sport? I like to watch a variety of sports but I think if I had to choose a favourite it would be between netball, gymnas cs or cricket. If you could play an instrument what would it be? If I could play an instrument I would love to learn to play the saxophone! What is your greatest achievement? My greatest achievement would have to be reaching my ‘A’ award in netball umpiring and then being honoured to umpire the England Roses trials before they went to the Gold Coast. Name: Mr Penn Posi on in the School: Head of Cricket and Head of Reynolds House How long have you been at KES? 2 Years What is your favourite School lunch? Fish and Chips What is your favourite animal and why? Lion – They are big, powerful and beau ful animals What is your biggest fear? Spiders Do you have a favourite sport? I love all sports but if I had to choose one then Cricket If you could play any instrument what would it be? Piano What is your greatest achievement? Opening the ba ng for Somerset 2nd XI with Marcus Trescothick when I was in Lower Sixth at School and winning the Rosslyn Park Na onal 7’s in 2007.

Staff Interviews Name: Mrs Henderson

What is your job at the school? : Head of Lower School and First Year

How long have you been at KES? 25 years

What is your favourite School lunch? The spinach curry and Banoffee pie

What’s your favourite part of the school year? Summer, so many ac vi es to get involved with.

What was the last book you read? Holes, I have listened to extracts from it for Years and have finally got around to reading the whole book.

Do you have a favourite sport? I enjoy all sports but currently enjoying Netball, Climbing and Kayaking most regularly! I enjoy walking in the mountains and hope to see many of you involved with D of E further up the school.

If you could play any instrument what would you play? Definitely the guitar, I had les‐ sons when I was younger and wish I had kept them up.

What is your greatest achievement? Pre children it was comple ng the GR20 a long dis‐ tance route across Corsica. Since being a Mum it is any day I manage to not drop a ball when juggling everybody’s logis cs!

Staff Interviews Name: Mr Miller 1/1

Name: Mr Miller

What is your job at the school? : Teacher Psychology and Science, and head of House for Lake—the best house!

How long have you been at KES? Ten years.

What is your favourite School lunch? The kitchen staff always make a huge effort to feed all of us at KES and it is all good food.

What’s your favourite part of the school year? Summer term, as it is always busy with varied ac vi es.

What was the last book you read? Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela—a er travelling to South Africa a number of mes over the past few years, I have fallen in love with the country. A fantas c read.

What is your greatest achievement? I am immensely proud of all my children – they are wonderful people who make me so proud to be their father.

Staff Interviews Name: Mr Singleton 1/2

What is your job at the school? Maths teacher and Deputy Director of Studies (academic administra on) and ďŹ rst year tutor of 1/2

How long have you been at KES? Over 30 years!

What is your favourite School lunch? Anything with pork.

What is your favourite part of the school year? The ďŹ rst term ge ng to know the new students.

What was the last book you read? . I read quite a bit of theology but the last ordinary sort of book I read was Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

What is your greatest achievement? Wri ng the words of a hymn that people enjoy singing (or say they do!).

Staff Interviews Name: Mrs Thimbleby 1/3 Name: Mrs Thimbleby Posi on in School: Maths teacher How long have you been at KES? 4 years What is your favourite School lunch? I love the lasagne or moussaka with salad. All the puddings are nice! What is your favourite animal and why? I used to love pigs when I was younger as I thought they were cute. Now I am older I re‐ alise they probably smell a lot so wouldn't make an ideal pet. What is your biggest fear? Heights! I am rubbish at anything involving climbing or abseiling. Do you have a favourite sport? I like lots of sports. I like watching football and cricket and I like going cycling and danc‐ ing. When I was younger I wanted to be a ballet dancer but it just didn't happen. If you could play any instrument what would it be? I can play the recorder (badly). I have always wished I could play the piano as it looks really impressive.

What is your greatest achievement? Helping students to enjoy Maths even if they find it hard.

Staff Interviews Name: Mrs Moxon 1/4

Posi on in the School: Art Teacher and Extended Studies Coordinator and 1/4 Tutor. How long have you been at KES? long enough to require a third hand! What is your favourite school lunch? I don’t take lunch so I will pass on this ques on! What is your favourite animal and why? I am hideously allergic to any animals with fur or feathers and am always out and about so my preference is a Hermann and Steif Mohair bear. What is your biggest fear? The supermarket shop Do you have a favourite sport? I have been lucky enough to enjoy many exci ng sports such as mountain climbing, skiing, rowing and cycling. I am presently working on my golf swing with the challenge of not being totally humiliated by my son! If you could play any instrument what would it be? I would love to be able to play the Saxophone and improvise Jazz music. What is your greatest achievement? Perhaps climbing Mont. Blanc pre family; but since having had a son, deďŹ nitely raising a family, this is an on going challenge, achievement and delight.

Staff Interviews Name: Mr Chandrachud 1/5 What is your job at the school? I teach English at KES, but I am also heavily involved with Rugby, Netball and Cricket coaching, as well as being a first year tutor!

How long have you been at KES? This will be my 2nd year at KES – I am looking forward to it, if the first was anything to go by.

What is your favourite School lunch? Ohhhh, probably Fish Friday, can’t go wrong with that!

What’s your favourite part of the school year? Probably the beginning of the year – it is always great to meet your new students and classes and get them excited for what’s to come!

What was the last book you read? I have just finished re‐reading Charlo e Bronte’s ‘Jane Eyre’ a er watching the Na‐ onal Theatre’s superb produc on recently. Definitely one of my favourite novels…

What is your greatest achievement? Mhmm I was lucky enough to officiate at the Dubai and London World Series 7’s events last year, which was a really cool experience. Even as a proud Scotsman, it was exci ng to run out in front of 55,000 people at Twickenham!!

Staff Interviews Name: Mrs Matthews 1/6 Posi on in School: Teacher of Mathema cs. How long have you been at KES? years I joined in September 2019. What is your favourite School lunch? I really like the salad they do with Feta cheese in it. I like to have this with spicy chicken. What is your favourite animal and why? I really like bu erflies because they seem so colourful. They always make me smile when I see them and make me think of summer me. What is your biggest fear? I don’t like feeling trapped. I’m not claustrophobic but if I feel like I can’t find my way out of somewhere then I can get a bit panicky. Do you have a favourite sport? As a child I loved trampolining but now I am happy walking for miles. If you could play any instrument what would it be? A grand piano. What is your greatest achievement? Taking part in “The Crystal Maze” when I was only 16yrs old.


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Important Notes

Important Notes

This booklet was prepared by members of the First Year

We have had a really good year and you will too, so don’t worry!

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