Issue 12 WINTeR 2011
History Repeats Itself Historically, King Edward’s was a boys’ school until, in 1983, the move towards co-education began with the first thirteen girls admitted to the Lower Sixth. One of these girls was Julie Stevens. This September marks an historic date for KES as Julie’s daughter has also now joined the School in the Third Year marking the beginning of a second generation of King Edward’s girls. KES now has over 360 girls on roll (throughout all years) equating to approximately 38% of the School population - somewhat of a change in the last 27 years!
Forthcoming Reunions Poole Veterans’ Lunch - Sunday 12th June 2011: KES Dining Hall. Annual reunion for those Edwardians evacuated to Poole during WWII. Pre 1939 Leavers’ Reunion - Thursday 30th June 2011: KES Hospitality Suite. Annual luncheon for our Edwardians that left KES prior to 1939. London Universities Reunion - Sunday 11th March 2011: East India Club, London. Formal dinner for those Edwardians currently studying at any of London’s universities.
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Legacy Club Dinner - Wednesday 15th June 2011: KES Commemoration Room. Head Master’s formal dinner for those Edwardians and friends of the School who have pledged money to the King Edward’s Foundation. Edwardians’ Cricket Match - Wednesday 29th June 2011: KES, Hill Lane site. Current 1st XI team V Edwardians match. All welcome to come and watch but please email the Development Office if you intend to spectate and would like to stay for the cricket tea. For further information on any of the above events, please contact the Development Office. Tel: 023 8070 4561 Email:
If you have not already joined the list of fans on Facebook then do so today. There are currently over 750 fans.
King edward VI school Wilton Road . southampton . Hampshire sO15 5uQ Telephone: 023 8070 4561