Creative & Critical Review 2021/22 Issue 11

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& Critical Review

Corsets by Saanchi Gupta, Chloe Saunders and Evie Bulstrode GCSE Textiles AMLB

2020/2021 Issue 11

Hannah Gawne-Cain GCSE Art



Welcome to the

Critical Review 2020/2021

We are delighted to bring to you the latest edition of the KES Creative and Critical Review. The past couple of academic years have been challenging, to say the least, as I’m sure you are only too aware! However, the dedication and determination of KES staff and pupils has remained undiminished, and the flow of outstanding pieces of work has continued, extending learning beyond the confines of the core curriculum. This edition contains just a small sample, across a range of ages and disciplines, but hopefully, having had your appetites whetted, you will be tempted to explore some of the other pieces available online too. Editor, Mr G Lawson, Teacher of Modern Languages and Co-ordinator for the Very Able Graphic Designer, Mr D Blow, Digital Media Coordinator




Zak Crane-Whatmore Designing and Finding The Optimum Sailing Foil Crest Award

Zak has worked independently since the beginning of term to complete a Crest Award project entitled ‘Designing and Finding the Optimum Sailing Foil’. Zak used a 3D printer to design different shapes of foil and conducted experiments at home to determine the optimum design. He worked extremely independently throughout, conducting research and communicating his ideas clearly and with little teacher intervention. Although he originally submitted his project for a Silver Award, the assessors were so impressed that they granted him a Gold Award – a level only normally obtained by sixth form pupils. CLCK

Becky Saunders Volcano Cakes Geography

During the Spring Term lockdown, Geography students in the Lower School were given a choice of independent learning activities to undertake. One such task was the designing and making of a volcano cake, which was a favoured option by many students. Becky Saunders of 2-4 completed an impressive ‘Bake-Off’ style plan as well as a fantastic finished product. LJG




Catherine Thomson

A Level Art

Steven Louw Mulago Computer Science




Alice Dyer

The extent to which the gene editing technique CRISPR-CAS9 could provide treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy EPQ

Alice has submitted an excellent piece of work for her Extended Project on “The extent to which the gene editing technique CRISPR-CAS9 could provide treatments for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy”. She carried out extensive research into this gene editing method and compared it to the two main treatments currently used for DMD: glucocorticoid corticosteroids and gene therapy. She concluded that although this genetic engineering technique looks very promising, further extended research is necessary before it could become viable as a treatment option for DMD sufferers as currently there is too much uncertainty for it to be safe. Alice worked with great diligence throughout the project which involved researching some extremely detailed and complex scientific papers – well beyond the A level syllabus. CLCK

Evelyn Nagy Theme from ‘Once Upon a Time in the West’


Evelyn researched the work of composer Enrico Morricone, providing musical analysis and critical Music - Theme fromin Once Upon a Time in the West commentary onCompetition his cinematic leitmotifs a very well written essay. Evelyn Nagy L10

Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ee how it made me feel. I didn’t have to think twice, I ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǫ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ see where Morricone’s head was when he was composing. He wa ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ȋ Ȍ Ǥ

Ǥ ȋ Ȍ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ‘Jill’s Theme’ ends in a major key with strings pl Ǥ ǡ Ǥ





Isabel Smith A Ghost Story English

Hattie Wheeler A Level Art




April Richards GCSE Art

Ian Costigan ‘Good bye, Lenin!’ German

This essay was written by Ian Costigan in U6 and it is about the techniques used by the director of the film 'Good bye, Lenin!'. MJ Gorbat Welche Methoden benutzt der Regisseur, um seine Ziele zu erreichen? “Goodbye Lenin!” ist eine Tragikomödie, also ist es immer das Ziel des Regisseurs, die ernsten und witzigen Themen der Geschichte auszugleichen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, hat der Regisseur, Wolfgang Becker, eine Vielfalt an filmischen Mitteln benutzt, inklusive Auszüge von alten Nachrichtensendungen, humorvollen Voice-Overs von Alex und verschiedene Kameraeinstellungen. Der ganze Film ist aus der Sicht von Alex, also sehen wir die historischen Ereignisse mit seinen zynischen Voice-Overs. Sie sind oft lustig und zeigen uns, was Alex über die Veränderungen denkt, die passieren. Zum Beispiel, wird die Militärparade am 40. Geburtstag der DDR als ein “überdimensionierter Schützenverein” beschrieben, und der Fall der Mauer als der “Beginn einer gigantischen Altstoffsammlung”. Diese Off-Kommentare sind natürlich lustig, was ein wichtiges Element einer Tragikomödie wie Goodbye Lenin! ist, aber sie bedeuten auch dass wir Alex’ Meinungen zu den Situationen, in denen er sich findety, hören. Die Bezeichnung der Militärparade als “überdimensionierten Schützenverein”, zum Beispiel, zeigt uns, dass er die Machtentfaltung der DDR als ein bisschen kindisch und doof sieht - ein gutes Vorbild von einem filmischen Mittel, das der Direktor benutzt hat. Becker zeigt uns während des gesamten Films echte Auszüge von historischen Nachrichtensendungen im Jahr 1989. Zum Beispiel, sehen wir echtes Filmmaterial vom Mauerfall und den eröffneten Grenzen zwischen Ost- und Westberlin. Der Grund dafür ist meiner Meinung nach um uns zu erinnern, dass diese Ereignisse echt passiert sind, und dass obwohl die Familie Kerner fiktiv ist, es viele echte Menschen gab, die die Ereignisse von dem Ende des Kommunismus selbst erlebt haben. Das ist äußerst wichtig, weil eine Tragikomödie auch ernste Momente und Themen braucht. Der Regisseur benutzt auch eine große Vielfalt an Kameraeinstellungen im Film, um verschiedene Aspekte der Geschichte zu erzählen. Zum Beispiel, als Christiane in der Straße den Hubschrauber, der die Statue von Lenin wegträgt, sieht, benutzt Becker eine Totale-Einstellung, damit wir die ganze dramatische Szene sehen können. Wenn zwei Charaktere zusammen sprechen, wie Alex und Ariane oder Alex und Christiane, zeigen die Two-Shots (wo es zwei Menschen im Bild gibt) die Beziehungen zwischen ihnen, und als Alex im Krankenhaus von den schönen Krankenschwestern schwärmt, benutzt der Direktor eine Nah-Einstellung von ihren kurvigen Beinen, um die Zuschauer zum Lachen zu bringen. Zusammenfassend, benutzt Becker eine Mischung von filmischen Mitteln in “Goodbye Lenin!”, um uns die ernsten und lustigen Aspekten des Films zu zeigen, die im Allgemeinen sehr erfolgreich sind.




Millie Parsons

Does Plymouth’s high street reflect national high street trends? Geography

Millie’s NEA was an investigation into whether the state of Plymouth’s high street reflected national high street trends. Millie conducted an impressive amount of wider reading on the changes that have already occurred to British high streets and how they may look in the future. In this project, Millie collected photographic data in order to compare the high street today with the state of the high street in 2012. She also made use of this data to categorise the type of shops which were there in 2012 compared with the type of shop today. Millie conducted interviews with people on Plymouth’s high street and interacted well with members of the public. Millie’s passion for Geography is clearly evident and it was an investigation which went above and beyond the specification. She clearly engaged with the topic and made full use of up-to-date news articles to make this a relevant report on the state of Plymouth’s high street. ESW

Cara Lea

A doctor’s medical practice in Ancient Alexandria at the time of Roman rule Latin

This is a leaflet for a doctor’s medical practice in Ancient Alexandria at the time of Roman rule. The class independently researched typical remedies and procedures from the time and then each student put together an advert for their own practice. Cara’s includes some unusual suggestions and some wonderful comments. JMM

Robert Ingram & James Trenchard Angular Momentum Crest Award

Abi Tebb GCSE Art




Rebekah Davis

How Epigenetics Can be Used to Detect Cancer at its Earliest Stages Biology

Towards the end of the Lower 6th, A level Biology students pick a Biology related news story and then read some of the original research papers that have triggered the news story. This is quite a demanding thing for the students to summarise and critique at a level beyond their syllabus. Rebekah’s work on the use of epigenetic markers to diagnose cancer is particularly well done, one of the most impressive attempts in several years. STA

tumour tumour


Nuzhath Syed GCSE Art




Joshua Lam

To what extent will stem cell treatments become the most suitable and preferred treatment for Parkinson’s Disease? EPQ

Sophie Englyst Ancient Rome Classical Civilisation

The task was to produce an article for a travel magazine from Ancient Rome on the Parentalia festival celebrating the dead ancestors. Sophie’s piece is full of detail and important information, including reference to the Roman poet, Ovid. JMM




Joe Linehan Building a modular analogue synthesiser EPQ

Joe designed and created an analogue synthesiser and managed to connect it up to a keyboard and calibrate and tune it so it worked as an impressive electronic instrument. He was extremely independent in his work, which involved detailed research into electronics and much deeper investigation of the technology behind analogue sound production than is required in the Music Tech course. This was a very successful piece of work and Joe deserved credit for his entirely self-motivated and very thoughtful approach to it. CLCK

Anthony Rogers Carbon Sequestration in the New Forest Geography

As part of the Geography A-level course, students are required to undertake an Independent Investigation on an area of study linking to the examination specification. Anthony Rogers of the U6th chose the challenging but extremely topical subject of Carbon Sequestration in the New Forest. Anthony’s execution of this investigation was very thorough and his work was awarded full marks. Carbon sequestration is an important aspect of the future of the planet and it was fantastic to see an A-level student taking on such a study. LJG




India Griffiths GCSE Art

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