School Governors Patron HM Lord - Lieutenant of Hampshire
Governors Chair: Mr AJ Morgan MA (Oxon), FCA, ATII (7) Vice-Chair: Mr IH Rudland (7) Dr Y Binge MB, ChB (7) Cllr M Chaloner MA (Cantab) Barrister-at-Law (5) Mr N Challis CEng, BEng, MIStructE (7) Mrs M L Chant (7) Mr A J Connell BSc (2) Reverend J M Finch (1) Mr B E Gay BA (7) Mr J J Gray BSc FCA (7) Ms A Holden (7) Mr A Jones (7) Miss P S Kirk B.Ed Cert.Ed (7)
Mr AJ Morgan, Chair of Governors
Mr A Knibb BA (Hons), B Arch, ARB, RIBA, Vice Chairman Hampshire RIBA (7)
1. Ex officio
Mrs S J Mancey (7)
2. Appointed by the Old Edwardians’ Association
Cllr K Mans (3)
3. Appointed by the Hampshire County Council
Dr J E Mitchell MA (Cantab), MBBS, DRCOG, DCH (7)
4. Appointed by the Senate of the University of
Mrs C G Musker Chartered MCIPD (7) Mrs H V Nicholson MA (Oxon) MSc (7) Mr W A Oscoft BSc (7) Mrs W P Swinn BDS, LDS, RCS (7)
Southampton 5. Appointed by the Southampton City Council 6. A ppointed by the Board of Directors of the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce 7. Co-opted
Dr A L Thomas MA, PhD (Cantab), CBiol, MRSB (7) Mrs J L Wadsworth (7) Clerk: R V Maher BA (Econ), ACA
For further information on the Governors’ Committees and Sub-Committees, contact the Bursar: