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School Governors
HM Lord - Lieutenant of Hampshire
Chair: Mr AJ Morgan MA (Oxon), FCA, ATII (7) Vice-Chair: Mr IH Rudland (7)
Dr Y Binge MB, ChB (7) Cllr M Chaloner MA (Cantab) Barrister-at-Law (5) Mr N Challis CEng, BEng, MIStructE (7) Mrs M L Chant (7) Mr A J Connell BSc (2) Reverend J M Finch (1) Mr B E Gay BA (7) Mr J J Gray BSc FCA (7) Ms A Holden (7) Mr A Jones (7) Miss P S Kirk B.Ed Cert.Ed (7) Mr A Knibb BA (Hons), B Arch, ARB, RIBA, Vice Chairman Hampshire RIBA (7) Mrs S J Mancey (7) Cllr K Mans (3) Dr J E Mitchell MA (Cantab), MBBS, DRCOG, DCH (7) Mrs C G Musker Chartered MCIPD (7) Mrs H V Nicholson MA (Oxon) MSc (7) Mr W A Oscoft BSc (7) Mrs W P Swinn BDS, LDS, RCS (7) Dr A L Thomas MA, PhD (Cantab), CBiol, MRSB (7) Mrs J L Wadsworth (7) Clerk: R V Maher BA (Econ), ACA Mr AJ Morgan, Chair of Governors
1. Ex officio
2. Appointed by the Old Edwardians’ Association 3. Appointed by the Hampshire County Council 4. Appointed by the Senate of the University of
5. Appointed by the Southampton City Council 6. Appointed by the Board of Directors of the
Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
7. Co-opted
For further information on the Governors’ Committees and Sub-Committees, contact the Bursar: bursar@kes.hants.sch.uk