Please find below contact details for key PTA Committee Members who act as a support network for new and existing parents. If you have any questions you would like answered, or you would like to become more involved with the PTA, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!
KES PTA Committee Members Jill Leask
Annette Tidby
Jane Holt
Sophie Liardet
As a parent at King Edward VI School, you are automatically a member of the KES PTA and we warmly welcome you to join us at one of the many events that take place during the year.
We welcome all new parents to a Wine Tasting Evening
WHO AND WHAT ARE WE? The role of the King Edward’s PTA is to support the School by uniting parents, past pupils, teaching and non-teaching staff in raising funds and organising social events. The PTA Council oversees each of the core groups (Social, Prayer Group and OBNO) whose representatives report to the termly Council meetings which are attended by the Head, the Chair of Governors and other key personnel. The Council discusses and agrees upon the areas that will benefit from financial support of the KES PTA. All parents are welcome to these meetings. SOCIAL The Social Committee organises a number of social events for parents throughout the year such as the New Parents’ Wine Tasting in the Autumn Term and the ever-popular Quiz Night in the Spring Term. A BBQ/Hog Roast and Ceilidh will be held in the Summer Term of 2017.
FUND RAISING Through activities and events, funds are raised which are put to good use within the School community. Many aspects of School life including various clubs and societies have benefitted over the years from donations made by the PTA. This year we have funded the cookery club, fish tank re-stocking, photographic equipment, weight lifting apparatus, interactive aural periodic table, protection for a telescope, Operation Wallacea cameras, cactus club, outdoor clock for Wellington, robotics club, lego club and KEStrel, a student designed and built pedalo. HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? Firstly, we would love to see you supporting the social events organised by the PTA. It is an ideal way to meet new friends and catch up with old ones, and in doing so, sustain the community spirit of the School. Secondly, we would value your help. We recognise that lives are busy and time is precious, but being part of the PTA is very rewarding and a great opportunity to get more involved with and contribute to the life of King Edward’s. Any offer of assistance would be welcomed with open arms. If you would like further information, please get in touch with one of the committee members overleaf. For more information on the PTA and its activities, please look at the school website: http://www.kes.hants.sch.uk/community/kes-pta
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2016/17 KES PTA Council Meeting
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
New Parents’ Evening
Thursday, 29 September 2016
PRAYER GROUP The KES Prayer Group meets four times a term, twice at the School and twice for breakfast meetings held outside School premises. Details can be found on the KES website under KES PTA.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
New Parents’ Wine Tasting
Friday, 18 November 2016
OBNO (Outgrown But Not Outworn) The PTA raises funds by selling, on your behalf, various items of school uniform, PE kit and other equipment in the OBNO shop which opens every Wednesday during term time 1-2pm.
Quiz Night
Friday, 3 March 2017
Saturday, 8 July 2017
Please see the Monthly Bulletin for further information nearer the time.