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King Edward VI School

May Bulletin 31st May, 2012


he first half of term has shot by with weeks of cold and gloom accompanied by frustrated cricketers, tennis players and rounders’ fans. But it is an ill wind that blows no good and our examinees have found the conditions well suited to revision and hours under pressure in the School hall. Good weather has returned just as our GCSE and AS students are in full stride and, as I write, our First XI have continued their run of good form.

Annual Athletics Sports Day 2012 Friday 29th June 1.00pm until 4.45pm on the School field Parents and friends are warmly invited to attend and we would be delighted to see you on the day All students are required on site until 4.45pm. If a pupil must leave before this time then agreement must be sought from their Head of Year in advance and the pupil will require a letter from home, also signed by their Head of Year

Preparations are well under way for our summer Olympic festival of events with a primary school minischool tournament a great success in brilliant weather. The theme will continue through the term with Sports Day, Activities Day and the Swimming Gala all having a similar focus. We have also enjoyed three concerts and some drama to lighten the mix while rehearsals are well advanced for the next production of That Certain Uncertainty under the capable direction of Mr Herklots and Dr Leaman.

KETA buses will leave at approximately 4.45pm and there will be NO LATE BUSES Third and Fourth Year Option Choices Notification of confirmed option choices for both Third and Fourth Year pupils will be sent via email during the June half term holiday. Any queries should be directed to Mr Courtney at rtc@kes.hants.sch.uk

Our major building project for the summer will be a significant extension of the music department facilities including a new recital and rehearsal space as well as the final phase of refurbishment of the remaining classrooms in the languages area. Initial work took place over the Easter holiday and we hope to have both projects finished in September.

Friday 22nd June is Pink Friday Non Uniform Day proceeds to Cancer Research ÂŁ1 on the day

The principal focus of the School in June will be on examinations and many will be under considerable pressure. There is very useful guidance for students on our website to help them make the best use of their time. Please remind your sons and daughters that normal school regulations apply, particularly those relating to summer uniform.

Literature at Lovaton 4th - 6th July The English Faculty are delighted to announce that Professor Nick Groom from Exeter University will be visiting us on our Lower Sixth Dartmoor trip and giving sessions on The Gothic and The Pastoral. His book The Gothic: A Very Short Introduction is due to be published in September, and The Pastoral, a cultural history of the seasons, will be published in July 2013.

I wish you a good break over Half Term and hope to see a number of you on the boundary. Head Master

ART EXHIBITION 26th June 6.30pm - 8.30pm in the Art Studio


All exhibits are taken from the GCSE & A level courses in Art & Photography


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‘Looking Forward’ Evening for Fourth Year Parents th 11 July at 7pm in the Dobson Theatre

Internal Examinations take place for the First to Fourth Years during the period 14th - 20th June.

The Student Guidance team will examine the implications of A level choices and Mr Courtney will look at how we assess students’ strengths and weaknesses. The Sixth Form team will also be looking at options for the future.

All pupils will be given guidance on revision. Lower School pupils will be given a Revision Guide to help them develop their own individual skills in study and revision. Upper School pupils can view subject specific revision guidance on the KES website.

Ultimately, we want our students to be better able to make decisions about their own academic careers, and the evening should help you as parents to help them to do so.

Copies of all guides can be found by clicking Revision Guides


Many thanks to all pupils who brought in printer cartridges for the non-uniform/Green day last term. The cartridges alone totalled nearly 400!! Please remember that we continue to recycle printer cartridges and batteries throughout the year; the recycling point at the back of the main office has boxes for these items.

Watersports 2012 Information Evening 26th June at 7pm in the Hospitality Suite SCHOOL LUNCH REMINDER

Procedure for if your child is ill and unable to attend school

The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the Autumn Term is: Wednesday 4th July

To enable us to be sure of the whereabouts and safety of our students it is important that you contact the Main Office (02380 704561 or by email absent@kes.hants.sch.uk) as soon as possible, preferably by 8.30am, if your child is ill or is going to be late.

The price for a lunch from September is £3.35 It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline Please email dinners@kes.hants.sch.uk giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended

If the illness is on-going please contact the Main Office on each day that your child is absent.

No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present

We would also be grateful if you would reinforce the need for your child to report to the Main Office if they arrive late to School.

Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged

THAT CERTAIN UNCERTAINTY! Theatre Royal, Winchester July 11th & 12th at 7.30pm The cast of 70 pupils will be performing a revised version of the musical comedy about love, life and quantum physics at the Theatre Royal in Winchester. As tickets are on sale to the general public we advise that you make your bookings in good time. Tickets can be purchased from the Theatre Royal box office on 01962 840440 or via the website www.theatreroyalwinchester.co.uk There will be a special matinee and introductory lecture on Thursday 12th July at 2.00pm. This is primarily for local schools but tickets can also be purchased at the above address. 2

A Level and AS Examination Results

Important deadline for returning School text books

Students can collect their A level and AS examination results in person on Thursday 16th August from the Sixth Form Study Centre.

Fifth Year Replacements will be ordered for any books not returned on or before Thursday 31st May. You will therefore be charged for books lost or not returned by this date. Please be aware that refunds or credits are NOT available for books returned after 31st May, 2012.

For those Sixth Form students who need support or advice concerning the immediate next stage of their career (current university offers or A2 choices), a face-to-face post examinations clinic is available on the Thursday and Friday between the hours of 9.30am and 12noon and in the afternoon, from 2pm until 3.30pm. Upper Sixth students currently holding offers are reminded that they will need their UCAS identification number.

Upper Sixth After taking account of outstanding monies and school text books which have not been returned we aim to refund your deposit at the earliest opportunity. Please be aware that replacements will be ordered for any books not returned on or before Thursday 28th June 2012. We will therefore not be able to adjust your deposit balance or reimburse you for any books returned after this date.

A further clinic will be available on the following Monday morning from 9.30am until noon which will include an Oxbridge clinic for PQA and returning Sixth Form. Activities Day - Friday 6th July

Third Year Drama

This year there is an Olympic themed Activities Day. There have been many options for your son/daughter to choose including:

Mrs Price’s Third Year Theatre Studies groups will be performing a variety of short, dramatic pieces on Wednesday 4th July at 7.30pm in the Dobson Theatre.

Marwell Activity Centre, Woodmill Activity Centre, Rowing, Badminton, Rhythmic Gym, Tennis & Squash, Diving & Swimming, Kayaking, Sailing, Track Cycling, Mountain Biking, Skiing/Snowboarding, Gymnastics and a workshop to learn how to make a film.

Parents and friends are very welcome to attend this performance. Free admission. OBNO Shop (Outgrown But Not Outworn)

Just a reminder that no breakfasts or school lunches will be provided on Activities Day even if your child is taking part in an activity on the School site.

The OBNO Shop (next to the School Shop) has a great deal of good quality second-hand uniform and sports equipment for sale. In particular we have a plentiful supply of cricket wear. Opening Hours: Wed 1-2pm Please note we no longer open on Fridays Please email: sonia@ohri.co.uk for more information

Tickets £5

Music Department Quiz Friday 29th June 19:45 - 21:00 Dining Hall

First & Second Year Olympic Themed Disco & BBQ Friday 22nd June 6pm - 9pm Click here for reply slip

Come to the quiz event of 2012: you’d have to be as mad as Schumann to miss it! In an effort to raise money for the Prague Tour, the Music department are putting on a musical quiz extravaganza and YOU are invited. Be guided through the evening by the legendary wit of quizmaster Herklots as we sort the quavers from the crotchets in our attempt to find the best music brains in the land. Bring your own food and drink to enjoy (plates, cutlery and glasses will be provided, as will tea and coffee). Tickets are available from the Music Office. Please contact Mrs Cooke on phc@kes.hants.sch.uk for more details.

Exciting opportunity from the Spanish Department We have a number of contacts in Northern Spain for girls (14-16 years of age) interested in doing a private exchange this Summer. This would be a fantastic opportunity to practise the language and live with a Spanish family for a short while. Further information please contact eml@kes.hants.sch.uk 3

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 1st June Monday 11th June Thursday 14th June

Sunday 24th June Tuesday 26th June Thursday 28th June Friday 29th June Friday 6th July Wednesday 11th July Friday 13th July

Break up for Summer Half Term Second half of Summer Term commences Internal examinations commence First Year finish Monday 18th June Second Year finish Tuesday 19th June Third and Fourth Year finish Wednesday 20th June School Sailing Regatta First Year Pupil & Parent Tennis Tournament Art Exhibition Upper Sixth Book Collection & Leavers’ Assembly Please note: Sports Day A more comprehensive calendar which is Activities Day updated and reviewed Lower School Swimming Gala regularly, is available Fourth Year ‘Looking Forward’ Evening for Parents on our website. End of Term - NO LATE BUSES SUN SAFETY Please could parents remind their son/ daughter to apply sun screen before school during the summer months. It is also important to reapply sun screen throughout the day and specifically before sports fixtures where pupils are outside for long periods. Pupils should provide their own sunscreen for this. It is advisable that a sunscreen of at least Factor 15 or above is used. Pupils are allowed to wear a predominantly white or navy sun hat/ cap for Physical Education and Games. For more advice regarding sun safety please refer to www.sunsmart.org.uk

Permission for Absence It is expected that family holidays will be taken in the School holidays and ideally all appointments (i.e. medical/dental) should be arranged outside School hours. However, there may be occasions when you need to request time out of School for your child. If this is the case your child’s tutor should be informed, in writing, in advance of any appointments and requests for permission for absence for lengthier occasions should be made to the Head of Year, giving plenty of advance notice.

Ski 2013 The next payment of £250 was due by 25th May. Please click here for the link to the payments page on Kespay if you have yet to pay.

Forthcoming Charity Commission Events

21st June 8th July


Fun Olympics Lower School charities Cancer Research Race for Life Southampton Common TERM DATES 2012/2013

Autumn Term 2012: Tuesday 4th September – Thursday 20th December (Half-term Friday 26th October – Monday 5th November inclusive) Inset Days: Monday 3rd September, Thursday 25th October & Monday 19th November Spring Term 2013: Monday 7th January – Thursday 28th March (Half-term: Monday 18th February – Friday 22nd February) Inset Days: Friday 15th February & Monday 11th March Summer Term 2013: Monday 22nd April – Friday 12th July (Bank holiday – Monday 6th May) (Half-term: Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May) 4



Upper Sixth

Thursday 20th September 2012


Thursday 22nd November 2012

Lower Sixth

Tuesday 27th November 2012


Tuesday 4th December 2012


Wednesday 6th February 2013


Tuesday 26th February 2013


Thursday 7th March 2013

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