King Edward VI School
November Bulletin 30th November, 2012
School Christmas Lunch
Carol Service
Pupils who do not usually have School lunches but would like a Christmas lunch on the last day of term are able to purchase a ticket (£3.35) from the accounts office from 3rd December
Monday 17th December at 7.30pm St. Mary's Church, St Mary Street, Southampton
Deadline for the sale of tickets is 13th December LAST DAY OF TERM The last day of term will end at our usual time of 3.55pm THERE WILL BE NO LATE BUSES
SO14 1NX
The deadline for changes to School lunch arrangements is:
The service is followed by mulled wine and mince pies
Wednesday 5th December
It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline Please email giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present
St. John's, Smith Square Concert Sixty of the School's advanced musicians performed in an outstanding concert at St John's, Smith Square, Westminster on 8th November and once again demonstrated the breadth and depth of music at King Edward’s.
Any request using the dinners@kes email address will have their request acknowledged
Parents’ Childnet Talk
Several former Edwardians now pursuing Music at Conservatoire and University joined the players, parents and staff in the KES Adult Choir. To perform in such a prestigious London Concert Hall was a real privilege for all involved.
Internet Safety Seminar for Parents Tuesday 15th January 2013
To hear excerpts from the concert please click here.
You are invited to attend the Know IT All seminar presented by Childnet International. This is a very informative presentation which will give you an insight on how your child uses online and mobile technologies and the pitfalls and risks that can be associated with it.
VACANCY A vacancy has arisen in our Finance Department for Head of Finance and Administration. If you are interested in the post, please click here for further details.
Further information will follow in the End of Term Bulletin 1
Morrisby Psychometric Testing for all Fourth Year Pupils
- Corner
Many of you will be aware that HMC Schools frequently offer Morrisby Testing to students in their pre-GCSE years. Following several years of conducting the Morrisby Test on an opt-in basis the decision was taken last year for the whole of the Fourth Year to take the test. This trial proved both popular and successful and we intend to provide the same opportunity this year.
Is your son/daughter safe using Facebook? Do you know how much information on your son/daughter’s Facebook page can be seen by the world? For information about privacy settings and how to use them for your children (or you) please click here.
The test is intended to provide detailed profiles of your child’s aptitudes, learning styles and problem solving abilities and provide useful information for detailed careers guidance. The test takes 3 hours and is booked for the morning of Wednesday 16th January. A feedback interview will be provided later in the term.
Curriculum Support All children at King Edward’s have, as a matter of principle, equal access to the school’s curriculum, notwithstanding any disability or identified learning difficulties.
Please contact Mrs Mandley on for more information.
Charities Commission
Please click here for information regarding the support KES can offer.
Christmas Stalls in the Crush Hall 3rd to 7th December There will be games and all sorts of Christmas paraphernalia!
Friday 8th March at 7.30pm in the School Hall for parents and friends Teams of 8 The cost is £12.50 per head with supper included Click Quiz for more information and booking form 2
Andalucia Information Evening
Tout ce qui est français 2013!
Tuesday 5th March at 8pm in the Dobson Theatre
Le Havre Exchange Away leg: Friday 5th to Monday 8th April Home leg: Friday 24th to Monday 27th May
HELPERS WANTED! KESSOC is the King Edward VI School Society. It functions to support the school by uniting parents, past pupils, governors, teaching and administrative staff in fund raising and social events.
Information Evening 7pm on 14 March in the Hospitality Suite Angers Sixth Form Exchange The French group will arrive on Friday 8th March and will depart Friday 15th March
We would welcome any parent who could spare us some time to join our various teams and committees.
Normandy Second Year Visit 4th – 7th July
The Social Committee organises a number of social events throughout the year such as new parents’ wine tasting evening, the quiz evening and the biannual summer ball.
DADS’ BAND UPDATE A core quartet have been rehearsing on and off for a year now and we have a repertoire of over twenty songs – an eclectic mix of old favourites and more contemporary numbers. We have wanted to complement what we have already (vocals, lead and bass guitars and drums) with keyboards and sax and our latest ad produced a great response! So we should be ready for gigs in the New Year although we are still debating what to call ourselves – watch this space!
The Hospitality Team supports many of the School’s activities by providing refreshments and hospitality at concerts and parents’ evenings. OBNO raises funds by selling on your behalf, various items in the OBNO (out-grown but not out-worn) shop such as school clothing and PE kit. If you are interested in joining us, please email Petra Sansome at and she will be happy to discuss details.
Tickets ca n be purch ased via K o r from th espay e b o x o f f ic Crush Hal l from Fri e in the day 30th N ov
Charity Christmas stalls week
Tuesday 4th Dec
Fourth Year Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 5th Dec to 7th Dec
School Play ‘The Recruiting Officer’
Wednesday 12th Dec
Closing date for 11+ and 13+ applications
Monday 17th Dec
Carol Service - St Mary’s Church - 7.30pm
Thursday 20th Dec
Term Ends
Adult Choir Carol Service Rehearsals
Please note: A more comprehensive calendar, which is updated and reviewed regularly, is available on our website
KES SUSTAINABILITY We have recycled printer cartridges and batteries for some time at KES. If you have printer cartridges or batteries at home, rather than putting them in the bin, please bring them in and put them in the large white boxes in the school office. The boxes have been moved so please ask for their location if you are unsure. If you put your cartridges in small plastic bags to transport them they can be left in these.
Once again this year we are inviting parents and friends of King Edward VI School to join forces with our School choir and orchestra for the Carol Service at St Mary’s Church. If you sing and read a little music we would be pleased to welcome you into our SATB choir. There will be a few evening rehearsals for those who need to learn notes and then one massed rehearsal for pupils and adults – which all should attend.
Formal Complaints We are required by law each year to let you know that you can apply at any time to see the number of complaints which have gone through the School’s formal complaints procedure during the previous twelve months. I am happy to confirm that again there have been no formal complaints over the past year. Click here for complaints policy and procedure. Head Master
This year, in addition to the general congregational carols, we will be singing And The Glory of the Lord, Angels Carol, The Truth from Above, Unto Us a Son is Born. Rehearsals will be held in the Music Department from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on: Wednesday 28th November, Monday 3rd Thursday 6th and Monday 10th December. All singers will need to attend the massed rehearsal with the pupil choir on Thursday 13th December in the School Hall. New singers should contact Mrs Freemantle, Director of Music, for further details
A polite reminder to all parents and pupils to be mindful of the residents when parking and dropping off in our local area. Assistant Bursar (facilities))
Live at the Theatre Royal Winchester!
8th March, 2013 10th May, 2013 6th July, 2013
Copies of the DVD and cast studio recording CD will soon be available at £5.00 for the DVD, £5.00 for the CD or £7.50 for both and will make an excellent souvenir or Christmas present.
To purchase, your son/daughter can either sign up on the form outside Dr Leaman’s room in the Music corridor or you can email with your requirements. Payment will be via Kespay once orders have been received.
Please note that navy skins are now available in the School shop. These base layers can be worn underneath sports tops in the cold winter months. Only navy skins are permitted in School. 4