Opening hours: Monday - Friday (term-time)
8:00 am - 5:15 pm Email: LRC@kes.hants.sch.uk
Extended and refurbished in 2019, the KES Library offers students of all ages an unrivalled location within the school to read and study.
With several networked PCs, printing facilities, charging stations, tables for group study and study booths for individual work available, the Library is well-equipped for the needs of KES students. There are even comfortable armchairs and sofas in the fiction section, where students aged 11-14 will spend their reading lessons.
The collection is kept up-to-date, and Library staff will always be happy to help you find what you are looking for!
Fiction, magazines and graphic novels are found downstairs. These books are kept in alphabetical order by author’s surname. Non-fiction, study guides, plays, poetry and newspapers are found upstairs. These books are kept in numerical order by shelfmark—this can be found on the Library Catalogue. Please feel free to ask a member of Library staff to help you find something.
Always work quietly and considerately
Only bottled water - no other drinks or food allowed
Phones must be on silent or switched off
Please take the item you’d like to borrow to one of the staffed desks
You need your current ID card to borrow material
Standard loans are for 4 weeks
Lower School pupils may borrow 4 items at a time
Upper School and 6th Form may borrow 8 items at a time
Borrowing books is free, however, any items lost, damaged or not returned will be charged for
Item not in stock? Just email LRC@kes.hants.sch.uk to request it!
Try searching on the library catalogue, our database of over 15,000 books! You can search by title, author’s name or topic.
Alternative ways to access the catalogue:
On the Intranet, click on Visit: kedsou.cirqahosting.com
Short video lectures by University Professors in Classics, English Literature, History, Philosophy, Politics and Psychology
Over 12 million academic journal articles, books, and
primary sources in 75 subjects
To access current and archived issues of the emagazine, log in with these details: Username: kesemag Password: Hardy