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FORM TUTORS Your child’s form tutor is their main point of contact. They are responsible for your child’s welfare in school and should be your first port of call if you have any questions or concerns. As appropriate, this will then be shared with the Head of Senior School or the appropriate ELT staff.
REWARDS AND GUIDANCE Children collect stars for commendable work and actions. Gold Stars, worth ten stars, are awarded for going above and beyond. Children collect the stars for their Sections, and the Section that has collected the most stars at the end of each term is given a special Section treat. Poor behaviour will be dealt with by the form tutor and, where appropriate, senior managers. The focus will be on correcting children in a supportive and pro-active way what helps them to make better decisions in the future. Form tutors will communicate with parents to provide a cohesive approach.
SECTIONS Each child is allotted a Section: Bulldogs, Greyhounds and Terriers. They collect stars for their Section and compete in sporting events throughout the school. Year 8 Section Leaders are responsible for leading their Section in assemblies, running litter picks and helping to build Section morale.