1 minute read
• Stroud navy coat • Stroud green rucksack • Black leather shoes • Wellington boots and socks • Water bottle
• Stroud tartan kilt • Stroud green crew neck jumper • Collared, long or short sleeved white shirt • Navy tights • Stroud green knitted hat • Gloves
• Stroud tartan dress • Stroud green cardigan • White ankle socks • Stroud green sunhat
• Stroud navy coat • Stroud green rucksack • Stroud green/white striped short sleeve shirt • Stroud green crew neck jumper • Grey ankle socks • Black leather shoes • Wellington boots and socks • Water bottle
• Mid-grey school trousers • Stroud green knitted hat • Gloves
• Mid-grey school shorts (not cargo style) • Stroud green sunhat
All items * are to be purchased from Stevensons. You can order from Stevensons in the following ways:
1. Order online at www.stevensons.co.uk To register, enter ‘Stroud School’, select and follow instructions.
2. Shop in store. For expert fitting advice and a range of other school essentials’ visit our Bournemouth branch; open 9.00am-5.30pm Monday-Friday and 9.00am-5.00pm on Saturdays. 148-150 Seabourne Road, Bournemouth, BH5 2JA T: 01202 425192 E: bournemouthbranch@stevensons.co.uk
3. Telephone orders Call Customer Services Department on 01727 853262 and choose option 1. Available 9.00am-5.30pm Monday-Friday and 9.00am-5.00pm on Saturdays. Items will be posted to your home address.
Please direct any queries regarding uniform to: nearlynewuniform@stroud-kes.org.uk
Nearly new uniform items can be viewed or purchased at https://stroudschool.square.site
If the weather is warm up to the Autumn Half-Term, summer uniform may be worn at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Pupils will be reminded in assembly when to change between uniforms.
Please ensure that children with long hair have it tied back – bottle green hair ties or bands are preferred.
Lost Property - Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name. Lost property will be collected and stored in cupboards on the mezzanine floor in the ASD. Please look here for any items misplaced. Please view the lost property list. https://vle/stroud-kes.org.uk/lost-property