REWARDS Our reward system is based on children earning stars in all areas of school life: for effort, achievement and courtesy. Each child will have a ‘Class Dojo’ account where stars are logged. At the end of each term, the stars are counted and added to the section’s total. Stars are awarded for: Achievement in all areas of school life – academic, sport, music and drama
Effort in all areas of school life
Specific improvement in a certain area
Helpfulness and good manners
Gold Stars represent a major achievement or improvement, eg: Consistent high standard of progress and attainment over a period of
weeks in a particular subject
Consistent progress across the curriculum in a term
Consistent helpfulness to a member of the school community
Gold star certificates are handed out in a Celebration Assembly where the children are individually congratulated. Gold stars are worth 10 section stars and count towards winning the section treat. The top star earners in each class are presented with a prize in the end of term assembly.
Tel: 01794 513231
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