King Edward VI School
November Bulletin 24 November 2017
he autumn term is moving into its final phase with the cast of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ preparing for the last few days of intense rehearsal and performance. The Children in Need appeal has increased charity sales while preparations for the Carol Service at Romsey Abbey are keeping our musicians busy. Many in the Upper Sixth are now rather nervously waiting for the outcome of UCAS applications with many already securing good offers.
King Edward VI School Carol Service You are warmly invited to join us on Monday 11 December at 7.30pm
As you will be aware we had an inspection in September conducted by the Independent Schools Inspectorate [ISI]. We are very pleased with another excellent report. It is worth noting that this is a compliance and regulatory report with the focus firmly on how far the School meets the standards set out by the ISI and the Department for Education. It has a different flavour as a result and the judgements are binary in character. We either meet or do not meet the various standards under scrutiny. I am delighted to note that the School remains fully compliant in all areas and there are no recommendations for improvement. A link giving a full copy of the report may be found here.
at Romsey Abbey Church Lane Romsey SO51 8EP The service will be followed by mulled wine & mince pies
We have had a good term so far on the sports field making excellent use of the new facilities at Wellington with some enjoyable highlights including county and regional successes for several of the girls' hockey teams and the senior netball squad. Our rugby players have been busy with particular success for the senior sides and some fine performances from our younger players. Our footballers and our basketball players go from strength to strength and even our sailors are still fully involved in spite of the weather!
There is very limited parking at the Abbey but there is free parking after 4pm in any of the car parks in Romsey Town Centre.
Charities Commission Christmas Stalls Crush Hall 15/18/19 December
A J Thould, Head Master
There will be games and all sorts of Christmas paraphernalia to buy with small change!
The deadline for changes to school lunch arrangements for the spring term is:
4pm on Friday 1 December, 2017
It will not be possible to meet requests that arrive after the deadline. Please email giving pupil name, tutor group and the change intended.
LAST DAY OF TERM The last day of term will end at our usual time of 3.55pm
No action is required if arrangements are to continue as at present.
Any request using the dinners@kes email address will be acknowledged. 1
Curriculum Support
Adult Choir Carol Service Rehearsal
All children at King Edward’s have, as a matter of principle, equal access to the School’s curriculum, notwithstanding any disability or identified learning difficulties.
All singers will need to attend the massed rehearsal with the pupil choir on Thursday 7 December in the School Hall.
Please click here for information regarding the support KES can offer.
Communication with KES staff
Montpellier 2018
Please note that if you need to communicate with a member of staff, use the official email address which uses the staff initials followed by
Copies of passport and EHIC cards need to be sent to and the survey regarding allergies and dietary requirements, recently circulated, needs to be completed.
Parents’ Information Evening dates: Aachen Christmas Market: Monday 4 December – 7-8pm in the Hospitality Suite On 5 and 6 July the whole school is off timetable for two days. Each year group has a theme and we are aiming to provide something fun and educational for everyone to do during the two days. The entire First Year will be camping, whilst other year groups will be given a choice of activities. For those who haven't already opted for a residential trip, options will be distributed in the near future.
Mutterstadt Exchange: Thursday 1 February – 7-8pm in the Hospitality Suite Montpellier: Tuesday 13 March – 7.30-8.30pm in the Hospitality Suite Andalucía: Thursday 15 March – 7-8pm in the Hospitality Suite
More information can be found here.
Pupils are advised to attend trip information evenings with parents.
Forthcoming KES PTA Event Friday 23 March, 2018 Quiz Night
Trips launched for 2019 Ski 2019: 30 March - 6 April 2019. The annual ski trip to Serre Chevalier, France is open to pupils currently in the First, Second and Third Year. Further information can be found here. This trip is proving to be very popular so it is advised to book early to avoid disappointment.
More details to follow. HELPERS WANTED! KES PTA is the King Edward VI School Parent Teacher Association.
Nepal 2019: 13 July - 3 August 2019. An exciting 16-day expedition that includes sightseeing in Kathmandu, crossing the Ngadi River, a climb to Thorong La mountain pass, and exploring the beautiful landscapes of Kagbeni. Open to pupils currently in the Fourth and Fifth Year. Further information can be found here.
It functions to support the School by uniting parents, past pupils, governors and staff in fund raising and social events. We would give a warm welcome to any parent who could spare us some time to join our various teams and committees. If you are interested in joining us, please email Jill Leask (Chair of KES PTA) at and she will be happy to discuss details.
All future planned trips for 2017-2018 can be viewed here.
Travelling to School
There will be a hockey kit sale on Thursday 14 December run by representatives from in the Atrium between 1 - 2pm and 4 - 4.45pm. They offer excellent advice on all kit and will have a good range of sticks, shin pads, gloves, etc to suit all budgets together with excellent customer care.
We would like to remind all your sons and daughters who walk or cycle to school that during the dark winter months, their visibility to other road users can be a real issue and the wearing of appropriate safety equipment is very important. They can see the cars as they travel to School but motorists cannot always see them without appropriate lights or visibility jackets.
All boys in First to Third Years will do hockey in games during the final week of term and all next term and this is an opportunity to ensure they are fully equipped.
Remember too that safety helmets save many lives each year.
School Christmas Lunch Summer Camp First Year Neon Disco
Pupils who do not usually have School lunches but would like a Christmas lunch on the last day of term are able to purchase a ticket (£4.30) from the accounts office from Monday 4 December.
Friday 8 December 6.30 - 8.30pm Tickets £4 on KESPAY
Deadline for the sale of tickets is 15 December.
We are sorry we had to postpone the last disco but we very much hope that the whole year group will be able to attend the new date.
Staff & Parent Prayer Tuesday 5 December 1-2pm in the Commemoration Room All welcome
Money raised will go towards our Sixth Form Summer Camp project, which is a self-funded holiday in the New Forest for local Young Carers aged 8-11, to give them respite from the challenges they face every day at home.
Please be reminded that the School operates a 5mph speed limit on site and that it is critical that all drivers adhere to this limit for the safety of students.
Please email Mrs Hawker on if you would like your child to stay between the end of school and the disco and arrangements can be made.
Sailing News KES has an active and very well equipped Sailing Club at Southampton Water Activities Centre (SWAC). Sailing takes place at weekends during the Autumn and Summer Terms. SWAC is a Royal Yachting Association recognized training centre and is offering a number of courses specifically for KES pupils in the Easter holidays including Beginners, Intermediate and Start Windsurfing.
Classics Trip to Italy 2019 The Classics and Humanities departments are organising an exciting educational tour of Rome and the Bay of Naples for all year groups from 2 to 9 April, 2019.
The courses will run from 16 -20 April. Numbers are limited and will be on a first come first served basis. The fee for the course is £130, which includes an RYA logbook and certificate. Click here for more information. The Sailing Club provides its members with many hours of fun throughout the year and looks forward to welcoming new members. More information can be found about the school sailing club on the website and directions to SWAC can be found here.
We will spend two days in Rome, visiting the Forum, Palatine, Colosseum, Pantheon and other sites. We then travel to Sorrento visiting Pompeii, Vesuvius, Herculaneum, the Roman villa of Oplontis and Solfatara.
If you have any queries regarding the courses, or School sailing in general, please do not hesitate to contact me at the School (
The cost is £875 and deposits of £200 can be paid via KESpay. For more information, please contact Mrs Meredith on
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 1 Dec Tuesday 5 Dec Wednesday 6 Dec Friday 8 Dec Monday 11 Dec Friday 15 Dec Thursday 21 Dec Monday 8 January Tuesday 9 January
INSET Day Please note: Fourth Year Parents’ Evening Closing date for 11+ and 13+ applications A more comprehensive Summer Camp Disco calendar, which is updated Carol Service - Romsey Abbey - 7.30pm and reviewed regularly, is available on our website Aachen Christmas Market trip: returns 17 Dec Term Ends INSET Day The Charities Commission will be having a food Spring term begins collection this Christmas between 4 and 8 December for the local charity Southampton City Mission, who distribute food to local people in need. A list of desired items will be circulated in the near future.
Sotonensis 2017 has now been published and pupils should be bringing a copy home. If you would like a preview, please click here.
WORLD WAR ONE HISTORY DAY After a successful similar event last year, the History department are holding a World War One History Day for all Third Year pupils on Friday 19 January. This is intended to act as an introduction to the main issues of the Great War, covering amongst other things Trench Warfare, Women and the War and recruitment, and should serve as a useful foundation for the work on 1914-18 that the pupils will do later in the year.
Contact for a spot and to access the gate code.
A polite reminder to all parents and pupils to be mindful of the residents when parking and dropping off in our local area.
YOUNG ENTERPRISE A team of students have worked together through the Young Enterprise programme to design and make their very own hockey stick brand. They are offering affordable, customisable high quality hockey sticks for outdoor and indoor hockey with a percentage of their profits going to charity.
Message from the Nursing Team If your son/daughter brings an inhaler into School please make sure it is named as unfortunately, nameless inhalers have to be disposed of, due to health and safety requirements. If you wish to discuss this or other matters, please contact the Nursing team on 023 80799213.
Please email if you require further information. 4