Kirsten Walton Head of Key Stage 1Please do contact your child’s form tutor should you need any further information.
Year 1
Kirsten Walton - krw@stroud-kes.org.uk
Kate Andrews - kba@stroud-kes.org.uk
Pip Roberts - pr@stroud-kes.org.uk
Year 2
Laura Fessey - lmf@stroud-kes.org.uk
Lisa Pike - lsp@stroud-kes.org.uk
A very warm welcome to Pre -Prep at Stroud School. We believe that ‘school’ should be so much more than academic lessons in a classroom. We are hugely proud of our co-curricular provision. All our children experience a breadth of opportunities and are encouraged to make the most of their talents and abilities. Children are valued as individuals and provided with a stimulating and caring learning environment, where each and every one of them can flourish.
Within Pre -Prep, we provide challenges that stimulate and develop your child in all areas of their learning, both inside and outside of the classroom. We see ourselves very much as a team and want you working with us, in partnership, to support your child’s education and social development.
I hope you find the following information useful and further details can be found on our website https://stroud.kes.school/
The team are looking forward to welcoming your family to Stroud and getting to know your child.
Each classroom has a teacher and a learning support assistant, although the children will interact with all staff within the department.
Making school a happy place requires several things, one of the most important of which are the adults present. We have an experienced, energised and talented team, who welcome the children with broad smiles. Our children know that their teachers notice them and they feel reassured and safe.
We operate an open-door policy and we are here to help. Please feel free to speak to us at drop off or pick up. If you would like to discuss something in more detail, please contact us to make an appointment.
In Pre - Prep, the curriculum is rich, engaging, exciting and challenging. The curriculum is taught in half-termly topics, such as ‘Turrets and Tiaras’, ‘Reach for the Stars’ and ‘Blooming Marvellous’.
We believe that children learn best through first-hand experiences and give them plenty of opportunities to learn in this way. The children are encouraged to discover, question and relish their learning in order to gain a deeper understanding.
Children are taught by their class teacher in whole-class and small-group sessions, and also learn independently within the classroom and outdoor provision.
The children are taught by specialist teachers for Music, French, PE and Games, Swimming, Forest School and Beach School.
The day-to-day curriculum is enriched through half-termly trips, visitors and whole-school events such as Languages Day and STEAM Week, where pupils take part in themed activities that provide inspiration and encourage collaboration.
Our facilities offer a wide range of exciting indoor and outdoor learning areas. We have a dedicated Pre -Prep library and computer suite, and we have a number of Forest School sites in our woodland, an outdoor swimming pool, riding arena, tennis courts and adventure playground.
We know all our children in Pre -Prep extremely well: what makes them tick, where their strengths lie, where they need support. We mould their educational experience to bring light into their eyes and to enable to them to aim high and be all that they can be.
We believe variety is key to making school fascinating. Give children lots of different ways to experience learning and they will thrive and be hungry to learn more.
Our smaller class sizes mean we have more time to teach, discuss and support. It also means we are light on our feet and able to plan and
Children are unique and we understand that children enjoy different aspects of school life. There is plenty of time built into the school day to play independently, to get outdoors, and to do Art, Drama, Sport and Music. Outdoor learning also appeals to and suits many children. Children have sport three timess a week, as well as Forest School or Beach School.
Our children become more powerful learners through our 5c’s approach, which concentrates on learning dispositions. The 5c’s are thoughtfully woven into every aspect of life at Stroud. The 5c’s are: Collaborative, Curious, Creative, Considered and Committed.
Pre - Prep is located within the Woodall building and the school day is from 09:00 until 15:30 Monday to Friday. Wraparound care is available from 07:45 - 17:30 daily.
• 07:45 - 08:15
• 08:15 - 08:30
• 08:30 - 09:00
• 09:00
Breakfast in the Dining Room (no booking required)
Early Birds in the Pre-Prep ICT Suite
Arrival at the Pre -Prep front gate
If you arrive at school later than registration, we ask that you register your child at Reception in Highwood House. If you need to collect your child during the school day, please go via Reception to collect them.
• 09:00 - 10:30
• 10:45 - 11:05
• 11:05 - 12:00
• 12:05 - 13:15
• 13:15
• 13:15 - 15:30
• 15:30 - 15:45
• 15:30 - 16:15
• 16:30 - 17:30
Morning session
Playtime and snack (provided by school)
Morning session
Lunch in the Dining Room, followed by playtime
Afternoon Session
Home Time/Snack (provided by school)
After School Clubs (booked before the start of term via the Parent Portal)
Tea (needs to be pre-booked via the Parent Portal)
If you arrive at school later than 5.30pm, your child will be in Highwood House supervised by a member of Senior Staff.
Your child’s progress will be continually assessed throughout the academic year. This will be through informal, day-to-day observations and more formal summative assessments at the end of units, at the end of each term and at the end of the academic year.
Reports are sent home at the end of the Autumn and Spring terms, along with personalised targets for each child. At the end of the academic year, a full report is sent home with grades for attainment and attitudes to learning, and also targets.
There are regular evenings set aside for parents to discuss pupils’ progress with members of staff.
Individual learning needs are supported by our SENDCo and Learning Support Department, where staff liaise closely with class teachers and parents to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to succeed.
Reading with your child is vital. Research shows it is the single most important thing you can do to help your child’s education. It is best to read little and often, so try to put some time aside every day.
Think of ways to make reading fun - you want your child to learn how pleasurable books can be. If your child is enjoying talking about the content of a particular page, linger over it is long as you like!
It is also important to show how we use Maths skills in our everyday lives and to involve your child in this. Identifying problems and solving them can also help your child develop their Mathematics skills.
Talk about different shapes around the home, let your child handle money and work out how much things cost or the change from a purchase. Play games such as bingo to speed up instant recall of numbers and number facts. Encourage everyday counting as steps, jumps or skips in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s both forwards and backwards.
If your child is unwell, please fill in the absence request form on the Parent Portal: https://my.stroud-kes.org.uk/login
Any pupil who becomes unwell or injured during the school day is referred to one of our school nurses. If necessary, you will be contacted to discuss the best course of action.
Medicines, including cough linctus, anti-histamine, paracetamol and ibuprofen preparations, will only be administered to children when there is permission to do so.
If your child requires medication whilst at school, their medicine should be given to one of our school nurses in the medical room. A short term medical needs administration of medication‘ form must be completed. Please see Matron for these forms, or they can also be collected from the school office.
If your child is prescribed antibiotics, please ensure they have had 24 hours of the course before returning to school.
If your child has sickness or diarrhoea, they must be 48 hours clear of the last symptoms before returning to school. Children who are unwell and have a high temperature (>38 degrees), should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can, to reduce the spread of infection. They can return to school when they no longer have a high temperature and they are well enough to attend.
Stroud School is Allergy Aware and caters for pupils with a wide range of medical needs, including, but not limited to, gluten intolerance (Coeliac), nut and peanut, egg, and dairy allergies. We also cater for a wide range of cultural dietary requirements. Foodstuffs containing nuts should not be brought on site to reduce the risk of cross-contamination. Parents are requested to clearly label all food brought on site that may be shared or sold for charity events. Food brought in for celebrations i.e. birthdays should be clearly labelled and handed over to the form teacher.
Water bottles
Birthdays Sun Protection
Your child is allowed to drink water whenever they require throughout the day and we ask that your child brings a reusable plastic water bottle to school everyday. Our school water bottles are available from Stevensons. These should only contain water and be clearly named.
Birthdays are important days for the children and we enjoy sharing these special days with them.
Children are welcome to bring in cakes or sweets for their birthday, but these must be nut-free, in accordance with our allergy awareness policy. It must be clearly labelled and handed to the class teacher.
On sunny days, ‘once a day’ sunscreen should be applied at home prior to coming to school. However we would also ask that you send in a named bottle of sunscreen so that your child may re-apply it later on in the day, especially after swimming. Children should bring in their school hats.
Holiday Requests
Requests for absence should be made through the Parent Portal.
Stroud is a vibrant school, with lots happening every week. We share our exciting news stories in the following media:
The Stroud Bulletin
A round up of all information and news is emailed to parents every Friday evening. This also contains essential information about the following week and upcoming events, replacing individual letters.
Twitter (@Stroud_school)
News stories as they happen.
Facebook (@Stroudschool)
News stories for you to share with your friends and family.
Instagram (@stroudschool)
News stories as they happen.
School Website stories page : https://stroud.kes.school/67/latest-news
The Stroud Parent Portal provides direct information to families about their child and the school.
Inside this secure area, parents can access information about the school, such as the calendar as well as child specific information including timetables and school reports.
Parents’ evenings, Clubs and Tea Club are booked through this system. Please report your child absent from school or request a leave of absence on the home page.
The Portal can be found at https://my.stroud-kes.org.uk/login. When joining the school, you will be sent the link to register and details to log in for the first time. Please note: this will be sent within the first week of the summer holidays.
Every parent automatically becomes a member of the Stroud School Association (SSA). Our aim is to organise social events for the children, families and staff to help build the strong community and friendships that make Stroud such a special place. All the funds we raise from events such as the Christmas Fayre, Prosecco Party and Easter Egg Hunt are used to fund projects for the benefit of the children.
If you are interested in helping the SSA, please join the SSA Volunteers group on Classlist, or email us on thessacommittee@gmail. com if you would like more information about joining the committee.
In December 2019, Stroud achieved ‘Excellent’ – the highest possible grading – in its latest Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).
The top grading was achieved in both academic achievement and personal development, and was recognised as such from Nursery to Year 8. The ISI is the Ofsted equivalent for independent schools, approved by the Department for Education. This was the first inspection of this type that the school has had since 2011 and follows a Regulated Compliance Inspection in 2017 which the school passed with no recommendations.
A copy of the full inspection report can be found on our website:
All of our school policies can be found on the Stroud School website: https://stroud.kes.school/402/policies
Uniform A
• Stroud navy coat
• Stroud navy waterproof jacket and trouser set
• Black leather shoes
• Wellie boots
• Wellie socks
• Water bottle
• Stroud bookbag (Nursery to Year 2)
• Stroud rucksack optional KS1
• Stroud tartan pinafore
• Stroud green crew neck jumper
• Collared, short sleeve white blouse
• Navy tights / Long navy socks
• Stroud green knitted hat
• Gloves
• Stroud tartan dress
• Stroud green cardigan
• White ankle socks
• Stroud green sunhat
Please note:
• Uniform is either A or B, and not a combination of both on the same day
Uniform B
• Stroud navy coat
• Stroud navy waterproof jacket and trouser set
• Black leather shoes
• Grey ankle socks
• Wellie boots
• Wellie socks
• Water bottle
• Stroud bookbag (Nursery to Year 2)
• Stroud rucksack optional KS1
• Stroud green/white striped short sleeved shirt
• Stroud green crew neck jumper
• Mid-grey school trousers
• Stroud green knitted hat
• Gloves
• Stroud green/white striped short sleeved shirt
• Stroud green crew neck jumper
• Mid-grey school shorts (not cargo style)
• Stroud green sunhat
• The change to summer uniform is after the Easter Holidays. If the weather is warm up to the Autumn Half-Term, summer uniform may be worn at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Winter uniform should be worn exclusively after Autumn Half-Term
• Children with long hair should have it tied back with black, navy or green hair accessories
Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name. Lost property will be collected and stored in cupboards on the mezzanine floor in the ASD. Please look here for any items misplaced. Please view the lost property list Stroud School (stroud-kes.org.uk)
All items * are to be purchased from Stevensons. You can order from Stevensons in the following ways:
1. Order online at www.stevensons.co.uk
To register, enter ‘Stroud School’, select and follow instructions.
2. Shop in store.
For expert fitting advice and a range of other school essentials’ visit our Bournemouth branch; open 9.00am-5.30pm
Monday-Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays.
148-150 Seabourne Road, Bournemouth, BH5 2JA
T: 01202 425192
E: bournemouthbranch@stevensons.co.uk
3. Telephone orders
Call Customer Services Department on 01727 853262 and choose option 1. Available 9.00am-5.30pm Monday-Friday and 9.00am-5pm on Saturdays. Items will be posted to your home address.
Please direct any queries regarding uniform to: nearlynewuniform@stroud-kes.org.uk
Nearly new uniform items can be viewed or purchased at https://stroudschool.square.site
We deliver an enriched and inclusive sports programme, providing pupils with the opportunity to participate in both inter and intra-school sport as they progress up the school. Enjoyment and inclusion at all levels of competition are central to our ethos. We are extremely proud of the range of opportunities and our performance pathways, empowering pupils to learn, develop and thrive beyond their expectations. All pupils are encouraged to do their best, whatever their level of sporting ability, and we celebrate each individual journey.
Pupils are taught by specialist sports staff, and are supported by wider school staff for fixtures, tournaments and festivals. Our departmental aim is to enhance the pupils’ exposure to a range of sports and activities, enabling them to develop a lifelong love of sport and well-being.
Mr J Parker Director of SportSport at Stroud aims to:
• Provide opportunities for all, regardless of ability
• Develop enjoyment, creativity, teamwork, discipline, respect, independence and sportsmanship
• Encourage team spirit and identity
• Promote the importance of physical fitness and exercise
• Develop physical, psychological, tactical and technical skills
• Develop skilful, committed, competitive and intelligent performers
• Introduce a wide variety of sports to build confidence, and a platform for the future
• Promote links with local sports clubs to support development
Wellington Sports Ground
Wellington sports ground is shared with King Edwards VI School, Southampton, and consists of 33 acres of playing fields, six tennis courts, four netball courts and a full-size water based astro, allowing the school to host large tournaments and play a range of schools on a regular basis. A large pavilion with eighteen changing rooms, a kitchen and catering facilities for over one hundred students is also located on-site.
Main Field
Our main field, set at the entrance of our rural green environment with the backdrop of the main house, hosts five football pitches, seven rugby pitches, two all-weather cricket fields and outdoor cricket nets. There is also an all-weather synthetic track and long jump pit and grass running track for athletics.
Sports Hall
The school has a full-size sports hall equipped with a large viewing gallery, changing rooms indoor cricket nets, a netball court, a basketball court and four badminton courts. Outside the building, we have two netball courts and two tennis courts.
Swimming Pool
Stroud School has a heated outdoor swimming pool which is used in the Summer Term for all year groups. Aside from weekly swimming lessons, children also have the opportunity to sign up for Snorkelling clubs after school.
Naming Sports Kit
• Please label kit with only your child’s initial and surname
• All items of clothing need to be clearly named with woven name tape, indelible marker or printed labels
• Shoes, trainers and boots named with indelible ink or printed label
Sports Kit - Look Smart, Feel Smart
We believe looking smart sends a strong statement about togetherness and shared endeavour in the pursuit of excellence at all levels of competition. Sports kit should be worn with pride, encouraging children to feel pride in themselves as well as the school. Please ensure your children are always equipped with the correct kit for lessons each week.