Pre-Prep Handbook

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Pre-Prep Handbook A Parent and Pupil Guide to Early Years and Key Stage 1


Tel: 01794 513231

Email: Respect Happiness




Welcome Message


Staff Photos: Management Team and Form Tutors


Staff Photos: Subject Teaching Staff and Teaching Assistants


School Day Timings School Bus Transport


Breakfast Club Early Birds Registration

9 Snack Lunch 10 End of the School Day After School Care 11 Tea Club 12

Curriculum Information Stroud Spirit

13 Parents’ Evening and Reports Sections 14 Communications with your Child’s Teacher 15

Important Email Addresses


Points of Contact




My School Portal


Parent Portal: Opt-in guidelines


Parent Portal: Pupil Photograph Consent Form


Parent Portal: Home Page Guide

Tel: 01794 513231



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CONTENTS Parent Portal: My Children


Parent Portal: Booking Clubs and Activities


The Virtual Learning Environment: VLE


The Virtual Learning Environment: Logging in


The Virtual Learning Environment: Parent Information


The Virtual Learning Environment: Viewing your Child’s Profile


The Virtual Learning Environment: Viewing the Class Blogs


The Virtual Learning Environment: Viewing the School Calendar


Matron: Pupils with Medical Needs


Matron: Allergy Aware/ Dietary Requirements Illness and Lateness Procedure

34 Absence Procedure 35

Guidance on Illness


Girls’ Uniform List, Stevenson: Uniform Supplier contact/ ordering details


Boys’ Uniform List, Stevenson: Uniform Supplier contact/ ordering details Boys’ and Girls’ Sports Uniform,

38 Uniform: Labelling information 39

Nearly-New Uniform


Lost Property School Policies


Security Coffee Morning


Stroud School Association


Form Representatives and Classlist

Tel: 01794 513231



At Stroud we believe that ‘school’ should be so much more than academic lessons in a classroom. We are hugely proud of our co-curricular provision. All our children experience a breadth of opportunities and are encouraged to make the most of their talents and abilities. Children are valued as individuals and provided with a stimulating, caring and disciplined environment. During the Early Years, children develop rapidly physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially and we therefore value each moment of a child’s life for what it is; precious and unrepeatable. We build solid foundations and instil a life-long love of learning in every child. Within Key Stage 1, we provide challenges that stimulate and develop your child in all areas of their learning, both inside and outside of the classroom. We see ourselves very much as a team and want you working with us, in partnership, to support your child’s education and social development.

Mrs Jo Humphreys Head of Early Years

Mrs Kirsten Walton Head of Key Stage 1

Tel: 01794 513231



Mrs Smith Headmistress

Mrs Mason-Campbell Deputy Head, Academic

Mr Stewart Deputy Head, Pastoral

Mrs Humphreys Head: Early Years

Mrs Graves Early Years Teacher, EYFS SENDCo

Miss Fessey Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Price Assistant Head, Operations

Mrs Walton Head: Key Stage 1

Mrs Hansen Early Years Teacher

Miss Torrance Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Roberts Early Years Teacher

Miss Gray Year 2 Teacher

Tel: 01794 513231

Mrs Andrews Pre-prep Teacher



Mrs Thompson LSA

Mrs Giles LSA

Mrs Symmons LSA

Mrs Jones LSA

Miss Upton LSA

Mrs Hodges LSA/ Forest School

Mrs Carroll LSA

Mrs Chambers LSA

Mrs van Zyl Head of Girls’ Games

Mrs Stapley LSA

Mrs Carr LSA

Mrs Weston LSA

Miss Waterman LSA

Miss Godwin LSA/Forest School

Mr Parker Head of Boys’ Games

Mrs Timms LSA /ELSA

Mrs Brown ELSA Assistant

Mr Preston MFL Teacher

Tel: 01794 513231

Mrs Boyes LSA

Mrs Fay Director of Music



SCHOOL DAY Nursery, Reception Early Years School bus transport Breakfast club (Dining room) Early birds (Early Years Library) Rolling registration and activities

Year 1 and Year 2 (KS1) For arrival 8.45am 7.45am – 8.45am

School bus transport Breakfast club (Dining room)


Early birds (Key Stage 1 Library)


Playground (optional)



Teaching session

9.00am – 10.30am

Teaching session

Morning break time/ snack


Morning break time/ snack

Teaching session Lunch Nursery: half day session children home Afternoon break time


11.00am – 12.00pm 12.00pm

Teaching session Lunch

12.30 – 1.00pm 12.30-1.15pm 1.00pm 1.15pm

Afternoon break time


Teaching session 1.00pm - 3.30pm End of school day

After school care/ snack Tea club (additional charge)


Teaching session


End of school day

3.45 – 4.30pm

After school care/ snack

4.30 – 5.45pm

Tea club (additional charge)

Tel: 01794 513231



SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORT The school operates a fleet of mini buses; these are used for a morning run to school via a number of pick up points. The bus routes are altered each year depending on parental need; please contact the school office for further details and booking. Places are booked on a termly commitment.

BREAKFAST CLUB Breakfast Club (for which there is an extra charge) is held in the dining room. It begins at 7.45am and finishes at 8.15am, when the children are escorted to Early Years and KS1. The breakfast team request that children are dropped off no later than 8.00am to enable time to eat a healthy breakfast. The children have a choice of cereal, yoghurt, toast, pastries and fresh fruit. The menu is adapted for the time of year, which includes porridge and hot milk in the winter.

EARLY BIRDS Children may arrive any time from 8.15am. Early Years: Early Years’ library. Key Stage 1: Key Stage 1 Library

Tel: 01794 513231



REGISTRATION Early Years: Rolling registration and activities begin at 8.30am in your child’s classroom. For the safety of our children, the front door is locked at 9.00am and registration is completed. If you arrive after 9.00am please ring the doorbell, take your child to their class and then go to the main School Office to register. Key Stage 1: From 8.30am your child should put their belongings on their peg. Please ensure your class teacher knows the child has arrived, and then take your child to the playground and hand them to the member of staff on duty. For the safety of our children, the door is locked at 9.00am and registration is completed. If you arrive after 9.00am please ring the door bell, take your child to their class and then go to the main School Office to register.

SNACK All drinks and snacks are provided for the children. During morning snack the children have milk or water and fruit. Nursery children are given water and a snack at 3.00pm. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children attending after school care are given water and a snack before the session begins. We advise children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to purchase a Stroud water bottle from Stevensons (uniform supplier) to be used in the classroom. Children in Nursery have access to water throughout the day. If you wish to celebrate your child’s birthday by bringing cakes in to share with the class, please ensure they are NUT FREE. Please speak with your child’s teacher or matron about other possible allergies within the class. Tel: 01794 513231



LUNCH The kitchen caters for all dietary needs including cultural requirements. We offer a range of foods which we encourage the children to try. Should your child have specific dietary requirements, please email matron and inform your child’s teacher. Lunch takes place in the dining room and a weekly menu is displayed on the classroom notice board and the school VLE: Early Years and Year 1: A two-course lunch is served to the children by a member of staff. Year 2: A canteen-style lunch (served by our catering team) is supervised by staff. Pupils select their own options in a family dining environment.

END OF SCHOOL DAY The Early Years: The front door is unlocked from 3.30pm for children to be collected from their classrooms. Nursery children’s half day sessions finish at 12.00pm, please collect your child from the front door. Key Stage 1: The outer classroom doors are unlocked from 3.45pm for children to be collected directly from their classrooms. If you wish for someone other than yourself to collect your child, please inform the School Office of their name, a contact telephone number and whether you will be using a password. In addition, if the person is not a parent already known to school, photo ID will be required. The office will pass on all information to the relevant members of staff. Please note, children will not be released to any adult that is unknown to school or to another parent, unless the School Office has been notified in advance. In the event that someone else should arrive without prior knowledge, parents will be telephoned for authorisation.

Tel: 01794 513231



AFTER SCHOOL CARE Children who need to stay after the end of the day attend after school care. Early Years: From 3.30pm – 4.30pm children will be supervised by staff. Please sign the list outside your child’s classroom if you require your child to attend. During the day, if your arrangements change please phone the School Office and they will inform your child’s teacher. Key Stage 1: From 3.45pm – 4.30pm children will be supervised by a member of staff organising the after school activity. These vary from term to term, for example construction, craft, iPads, rugby, cricket, athletics, Spanish and films. Sports clubs, Farm club, Country Dancing, Yoga, Ballet, TPA, Chocolate Muffin Club, Computer Explorers, Golf and Karate are booked via the Parent Portal. You will receive an email from the office to inform you when you are able to book.

TEA CLUB From 4.30pm – 5.45pm tea (for which there is an extra charge) is provided for both Early Years and Key Stage 1 children in the Early Years building. Tea club is booked via the Parent Portal: The children receive a light tea, for example, sandwiches, crisps, yoghurt, cake and fruit. The children must be collected by 5.45pm. Tel: 01794 513231



CURRICULUM INFORMATION Early Years: Throughout the year parents will receive updates of their child’s learning via an online learning journey. To ‘opt in’ to this initiative we ask you to please log into the parent portal. If you do not choose to ‘opt in’, you will not receive emails of your child’s observations.

Early Years Workshops: The staff run workshops which aim to develop your understanding of how we teach in the Early Years and provide ideas of how you can support your children at home. You will be informed of the dates for these. Key Stage 1: At the beginning of every half term, a curriculum newsletter is sent home, showing you what your child is learning and allowing you to aid your child at home with their learning. Tel: 01794 513231



STROUD SPIRIT Stroud is a member of the Prep School Baccalaureate (PSB) and works in tandem with over 30 schools nationwide to ensure our education model focuses on the development of skills alongside the acquisition of knowledge. Outside of our core values of Honesty, Respect and Happiness, we have chosen to focus on six key personal attributes and refer to these as the Stroud Spirit Birds; Teamwork Toucans (later referred to as Collaboration), Communication Cockatoo, Curious Cuckoo, Independent Eagle, Leadership Lorikeet and Resilient Robin. In Pre-Prep, these skills are explicitly taught and children are supported to develop their understanding of each skill. The skills are highlighted and celebrated as the children achieve them.

PARENTS’ EVENINGS AND REPORTS At the start of each academic year, there is a Presentation Evening. Teachers will outline the curriculum and the learning outcomes for the forthcoming year and how you, as parents, can support this learning at home. Parents’ evenings take place in the Autumn and Spring Terms and Summer Term for Reception. Dates are published in the school calendar and you are able to book an appointment with your child’s teachers through the Parent Portal. They give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and to view their work. Throughout the year, we operate an open door policy and are happy to answer any queries you may have. Please email your child’s teacher to make a convenient appointment. Early Years: Nursery children who join in the Autumn and Spring Terms receive an end of year report in July. Those who join in the Summer Term will receive a settling in Report at the end of the term. Reception children receive an end of year report in July. Key Stage 1: Children receive a Settling In Report with targets at the end of the Autumn Term and an end of year report in July. Tel: 01794 513231



SECTIONS Each child is put into a section when they join the school and are given a section badge to pin to their top. Please encourage your child to take care of this as there will be a charge if a replacement is required. There are three sections (based on the traditional house system): Greyhounds (blue), Bulldogs (red) and Terriers (yellow). They will remain in their section until they leave Stroud, forming a strong sense of allegiance and sporting camaraderie. There is great competition between the three sections and, as well as competing in sporting events, children strive to achieve sections stars. Our reward system is based on children earning stars in all areas of school life; for effort, achievement and courtesy. Each week, these are counted and added to the termly total. The section with the most stars win the section treat each term.

COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER We operate an open-door policy. However, if the discussion is something that will require more time, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher at a mutually convenient time. This is particularly important if it is something that would be better discussed away from the children. You are also welcome to email your child’s teachers, email addresses are below. Please use the following to help communicate with your child’s class teacher:  Email: please find a list of email addresses below.  Nursery: if you prefer please use the purple home-school link book for daily messages.  Reception, Year 1 and Year 2: please use the Yellow Reading Record Book for daily messages.

Tel: 01794 513231



IMPORTANT EMAIL ADDRESSES Head of Early Years Mrs Humphreys Reception Teacher Head of Key Stage 1

Mrs Walton Year 2 Teacher Early Years SENDCo

Mrs Graves Nursery Teacher

Mrs Roberts

Early Years Teacher

Mrs Hansen

Early Years Teacher

Miss Torrance

Year 1 Teacher

Miss Fessey

Year 1 Teacher

Miss Gray

Year 2 Teacher

Mrs Keep

Year 2 Teacher


Tel: 01794 513231



POINTS OF CONTACT The following chart provides you with the staff who you may need to communicate with depending on your inquiry.

Class Teacher

Head of Early Years Mrs Humphreys

Head of KS1 Mrs Walton

Assistant Head: Operations Mrs Price

SENDCo Mrs Gee

Early Years SENDCo Mrs Graves



Deputy Head Mrs Mason-Campbell

Deputy Head Mr Stewart

Headmistress Mrs Smith

Tel: 01794 513231



COMMUNICATION It is imperative that the School Office has your up to date e-mail addresses and mobile phone numbers. There are several methods of communicating information home. 1.

Stroud School My School Portal: The portal gives you access to a variety of information relevant to you and your child/children as well as using it as a tool to communicate with school. Further information on My School Portal is available within this handbook.


VLE (The Virtual Learning Environment): The VLE gives you access to a variety of information as well as an insight into your child’s learning. Further information about VLE is available within this handbook.


Text messaging will be used to advise you of any urgent messages, such as a school closure. To send a text message to school, please use 07520 631361 and include your child’s full name and class.


Letters home: School letters will normally be sent by email to you. All email communication to the school should be sent to Letters are available on the Parent Portal You will receive a termly newsletter called ‘Evolution’. Evolution will showcase some of the pupils’ work, academic and sporting achievements as well as information about upcoming events. Hard copies of letters are also available on request from the School Office.

  

In order to help with communication between parents and staff, we have listed staff email addresses in this booklet and they can be found on the Parent Portal: We would normally expect staff to reply to such messages within two workings days. During school holidays we would ask you to send emails to the School Office ( for them to be redirected or answered on behalf of staff who may be away on holiday. Tel: 01794 513231



MY SCHOOL PORTAL The portal gives you access to a variety of information relevant to you and your child. You will be able to filter events that are applicable to your child through the calendar. Parents’ evenings, Clubs and Tea Club will be booked through this system. Please report your child absent from school or request a leave of absence on the home page. Within the portal, you will be able to view the following information related to your child/children:  School Calendar

 Timetables

 Emails from school

 Absence reporting form

 Leave request form

 Clubs and Activities

 Parents’ evenings

 Link to sports sit

The portal can be found at When joining the school, you will be sent the link to register and details to log in for the first time. Please note: this will be sent within the first week of the Summer holidays.

Tel: 01794 513231



PARENT PORTAL: OPT-IN GUIDELINES Activating your account: once you have received the link to register via email 1. In your browser, go to 2. Select Logging in for the first time? Activate your account.

3. Enter the email address that you provided in the registration forms. Select Activate account. An email will be sent to you. 4. Check your email inbox. Please check your spam filters if you cannot find the email. 5. Open the email and select Activate Account. 6. Enter a password of your choice, then confirm it. 7. Click Activate Account.

Tel: 01794 513231



PARENT PORTAL: HOME PAGE GUIDE On the home page there are different options for you to select on the right hand side: Report absence: click on the shortcut to report your child absent. Leave request: click on the shortcut to request a leave of absence from school. This needs to be completed at least 14 days in advance. Calendar: links you to the school calendar. Clubs: provides a list of clubs and activities available during the term. You will be notified by email when the booking system is open to book clubs. Sports: links you to the sports fixturea calendar and information.

Tel: 01794 513231



PARENT PORTAL: MY CHILDREN Selecting the My Children tab provides a page with specific information relevant for your child or each of your children. Select your child, then from the menu on the left hand side you can select various options: Teacher Contacts, emails that have been sent to you from the School, a Parent Evening booking form, absence form and leave request form, as well as other information.

Tel: 01794 513231



PARENT PORTAL: MY CHILDREN My Details: you are able to view you and your child/children’s details, opt-in to the parent directory and set up data sharing between both parents linked to a pupil.

To update your contact details select edit Parent/Guardian Details.

Tel: 01794 513231



PARENT PORTAL: BOOKING CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES Clubs and Activities: all clubs and activities, including Tea Club are booked here. Select Clubs and Activities in the tool bar, then select the club you wish to book from the list of available options and then select from the dates available. Tea Club can be booked at any stage during the term. Most clubs and activities are booked prior to the term starting. You will be notified by email when the booking system is open.

Tel: 01794 513231



THE VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (VLE) The VLE has a wealth of information for children and parents. There is a section specifically for parents, to keep you up to date with important information for you and your child: This includes: Profiles for your child/children, Calendar, Clubs & Activities, Lost Property, School Dinner Menus, Policies, Internet Safety, Uniform, Sporting Fixtures and iPads. The VLE is a virtual classroom with resources and activities for your child to look through. Inside, you will find the latest news and images from the classroom. The year group blogs are updated weekly to provide you with an insight into what your child has been learning and experiencing. To access the VLE, use the link from My School Portal as this will automatically log you in.

Tel: 01794 513231



VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: LOGGING IN 1. In your browser, go to 2. Enter your credentials and select Log in.

Parent Dashboard: The Parent Dashboard is the first page you see when you log in. To return to the dashboard from any page, select Dashboard from the main navigation bar or click the School logo.

The dashboard contains links to: Profiles for your child/children, Calendar, Clubs and Activities, Lost Property, School Dinner Menus, Policies, Internet Safety, Uniform, Sporting Fixtures, iPads and Class Blogs. Tel: 01794 513231



Parent Information: The Parent Information area contains links to key information and pages that parents will find useful such as Lost Property and Uniform lists. 1.

In the main navigation bar, select Resources. Choose the My School section.


Select Parent Information.

Tel: 01794 513231



Viewing your child’s profile: 1.

In the main navigation bar, select Your Children.


Click on your child’s name to view their profile.


Pupil profiles contain key information such as:

Tasks Set: View the tasks that your child has been set. To view all their tasks, select View All Tasks. Use the filters and sorting options to find the tasks you wish to view. For example, you can change whether you see tasks in order of set or due date. The badges indicate if a task is done, overdue or marked. By clicking on a specific task, you can view the task history and the interactions between your child and their teacher. Posts, Comments and Edits: These are the lastest posts, comments or edits made by your child. Tel: 01794 513231



Viewing the Class Blogs: 1.

Select Dashboard. Select the Class Blogs button.


Select the relevant blog for your child’s class.

Tel: 01794 513231



Viewing the School’s Calendar: 1. A summary of the School’s calendar can be seen on the right hand side of the Parent Dashboard.

2. To view more events, select See more events. This opens the calendar for the full month.

Tel: 01794 513231




To view more information about an event, hover over it.


Customise your view using the menu bar at the top of the calendar. Choose between the List or Grid view and whether to display the calendar by Day, Week or Month. 5.To

Tel: 01794 513231

download the calendar as a standard .ics file, select Download in the bottom right.



Tel: 01794 513231




Mrs Alexander

Mrs Tanner

PUPILS WITH MEDICAL NEEDS Any pupil who becomes unwell or injured during the school day is referred to Matron. If necessary, you will be contacted to discuss the best course of action. Medicines, including cough linctus, anti-histamine, paracetamol and ibuprofen preparations, will only be administered to children when there is permission to do so. The following preparations are kept at school and, unless the school has been informed otherwise may be administered to a pupil if considered appropriate:  topical antiseptics; emollient skin creams; dressings Pupils are not normally permitted to carry medicines in school. If your son/daughter has an ongoing medical condition such as asthma, diabetes or allergies, please arrange to see Matron so that the most appropriate support can be provided throughout the school day. If your child is prescribed antibiotics, please ensure they have had 24 hours of the course before returning to school. If your child requires a prescription medication during the course of the school day a ‘short term medical needs administration of medication‘ form must be completed. Please see Matron for these forms, or they can also be collected from the school office. Medication or equipment can be safely stored in the medical room for use as necessary. Tel: 01794 513231



If your child requires hospital admission or attention at any time FOR ANY REASON, please inform Matron directly BEFORE returning to school. This includes X-rays, plaster cast, operations etc. Please be sympathetic to the “48 hour” rule after your child has been off with diarrhoea or vomiting. If your child has had a high temperature, they should not return to school until their temperature has returned to normal without the need of medication. ALLERGIES Dietary Requirements: All dietary requirements should be notified on the Medical Admission Declaration form initially, and thereafter by letter or email to Matron. Stroud School is Allergy Aware and caters for pupils with a wide range of medical needs, including but not limited to, gluten intolerance (Coeliac), nut and peanut, egg, and dairy allergies. We also cater for a wide range of cultural dietary requirements. Foodstuffs containing nuts should not be brought on site to reduce the risk of crosscontamination. Parents are requested to clearly label all food brought on site that maybe shared or sold for charity events. Food brought in for celebrations i.e. birthdays should be clearly labelled and handed over to the form teacher. HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT Within the state school system all pupils are offered a program of health screening. This service follows on from the developmental checks carried out by Health Visitors on preschool children but does not incorporate independent schools. The same service is offered at Stroud, the objective being to keep you informed of your child’s physical development with particular attention to sight and hearing. Also to raise his/her awareness of good health. RECEPTION YEAR – during the term that your child will be five, height, weight, vision, hearing tests and a general health and development questionnaire are carried out by our Matron. You will be notified in advance of any screening. Full information will be provided and written consent requested and the results will be shared with you. Tel: 01794 513231



ILLNESS AND LATENESS PROCEDURE In the event of your child arriving late, there is no need to telephone, please go to the School Office when you arrive so that your child can be registered. Should your child need to leave the school premises for an appointment or any other reason during the course of the school day, please go to the main office to sign out and sign in again on your return, if appropriate. Should your child be unwell and unable to attend school, please fill in the absence request form on the Parent Portal: or text on 07520 631361 (please include your child’s full name and class at start of the message) or phone on 01794 513231 in the morning. Please refer to the chart (on the opposite page) advising length of absence for more common illnesses. It is helpful to know why your child is ill to enable us to look for similar symptoms in other children. A very useful resource is The NHS Healthier Together website

ABSENCE/LEAVE REQUEST PROCEDURE We strongly recommend that pupils do not miss school for reasons other than illness or attending a family funeral. Please plan holidays within the school holiday dates, which are published in the school calendar and are on the Parent Portal.

Any request for absence other than illness should be requested using the leave request form on the Parent Portal: If request for leave is less than 14 days in advance, please email:

Tel: 01794 513231



To minimise the risk of transmission of infection to other children and staff Recommended period to be kept away from Rashes and skin school From onset of spots until lesions are crusted Chickenpox over and child is well. Cold sores (Herpes Simplex virus) None. Until lesions are crusted or healed. Seek advice Impetigo from your GP regarding antibiotics. Please advise Matron. Molluscum Contagiosum None, weeping lesions should be covered. Ringworm None. Scabies Until treated. Slapped cheek or fifth disease None but please notify school. (Parvovirus) None but please provide a latex sock for children Warts and verrucae who swim or use the showers in the case of a verruca but it should be treated. Diarrhoea and vomiting illnesses Until diarrhoea and/or vomiting has settled for 48 hours. The child should have eaten supper Diarrhoea and/or vomiting (with and had a normal nights sleep before returning or without a specified diagnosis) to school. A longer period of exclusion may be appropriate for children under 5. Respiratory None once child is well. Flu is at its most infectious just before and at onset of symptoms. Please do not send your child to school if the following apply: Flu (Influenza) Raised temperature above 37.5oC and due to a viral illness. Headache, runny eyes and nose, sneezing, persistent coughing requiring regular Paracetamol/Calpol or Nurofen. Others As advised by pharmacist or GP. Can return if Conjunctivitis treated as long as child does not feel unwell. Glandular fever Until child is well. Thread worms None but must be treated. Tonsillitis

Until child is well and/or treated with antibiotics.

Head lice

Please treat as necessary and check your child’s hair regularly using conditioner and a nit comb.

Tel: 01794 513231



GIRLS’ UNIFORM * Stroud navy coat * Stroud navy waterproof jacket and trouser set Black leather shoes Wellington boots Wellie socks * Stroud water bottle * Stroud book bag (Nursery to Year 2) / Stroud rucksack (optional in Year 2) WINTER UNIFORM


* Stroud tartan tunic/pinafore

* Stroud tartan dress

* Stroud green crew neck jumper

* Stroud green cardigan

Collared, short sleeved white blouse

White ankle socks

Navy tights

* Stroud green sun hat

* Stroud green knitted hat Mittens/Gloves

UNIFORM SUPPLIER: STEVENSONS All items * are to be purchased from Stevensons. You can order from Stevensons in the following ways: 1. Order online at  To register, enter ‘Stroud School’, select and follow instructions. 2.

Shop in store. For expert fitting advice and a range of other school essentials’ visit our Bournemouth branch; open 9.00am-5.30pm Monday-Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays.  148-150 Seabourne Road, Bournemouth, BH5 2JA  T: 01202 425192  E: 

Please direct any queries regarding uniform to: Tel: 01794 513231



BOYS’ UNIFORM * Stroud navy coat * Stroud navy waterproof jacket and trouser set Grey ankle socks Black leather shoes Wellington boots Wellie socks * Stroud water bottle * Stroud book bag (Nursery to Year 2) / Stroud rucksack (optional in Year 2) WINTER UNIFORM


* Stroud green/white striped short sleeve shirt * Stroud green crew neck jumper

* Stroud green/white striped short sleeve shirt * Stroud green crew neck jumper

Mid grey school trousers

Mid grey shorts (not cargo style)

* Stroud green knitted hat

* Stroud green sun hat


3.  

Telephone orders Call Customer Services Department on 01727 853262 and choose option 1. Available 9.00am-5.30pm Monday-Friday and 9.00am-5pm on Saturdays. Items will be posted to your home address.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION  If the weather is warm up to the Autumn Half Term, summer uniform may be worn at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Pupils will be reminded in assembly when to change between uniforms.  Please put a spare change of underwear, including socks into the bottom of your child’s kit bag for emergency use (Nursery and Reception children). Please ensure that children with long hair have it tied back – bottle green hair ties or bands are preferred. Tel: 01794 513231



BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SPORTS UNIFORM * Stroud green polo shirt with school logo * Stroud fleece top * Stroud green drawstring gym sack Black cotton shorts Black jogpants White ankle socks Velcro fastening outdoor trainers (Reception – Year 2) Velcro fastening indoor trainers (Year 1 and Year 2) SUMMER SWIMWEAR (Nursery to Year 2) Swimming costume/trunks Towel Dressing gown or t-shirt Crocs or flip flops Goggles

JEWELLERY As a health and safety measure, children are not permitted to wear jewellery at school. However, the following is allowed if necessary: small stud sleepers for newly-pierced ears, jewellery for religious reasons, medic alert bracelets. Please ensure that studs are removed or covered with tape on the days when the children have their games lessons. NAMING/ LABELLING INFORMATION All items of uniform and sports kit need to be clearly named with woven name tape, indelible marker or printed labels.  Jumpers, cardigans, shirts, blouses, pinafores and coats (inside back collar)  Skirts, trousers and shorts (inside back waistband)  Caps (stitched to inside band or written in permanent marker)  Shoes, trainers, and wellingtons (marked with indelible ink or printed label)  All personal items should be named with an indelible marker or a woven name tape. This includes book bags, towels, armbands, kit bags, hats, gloves. Tel: 01794 513231



NEARLY NEW UNIFORM The Nearly-New Uniform Shop is open on a Tuesday 8.30am—9.30am (during term time). During the first and last week of term the shop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30am – 9.30am. Items available to purchase from the shop are available to view on the school VLE: ‘Nearly-New’ Uniform for sale may be taken to Matron’s room together with a contact name. A reminder that we only sell uniform garments sold by Stevensons. Please ensure the uniform is washed and that you remove all name tags and take any items to Matron’s room in a clearly-named bag. Please make sure that there are no tears, holes, or missing buttons as we are unable to sell these items in the shop. If you would like any unsuitable uniform returned, please leave a note in the bag, otherwise we will donate it to a charity on your behalf. Please note that if any uniform is not sold within 3 terms, the school reserves the right to donate it to charity on your behalf. Please direct any queries regarding nearly new uniform to:

Tel: 01794 513231



LOST PROPERTY Please ensure that your child’s uniform and games kit, including shoes and boots, are clearly labelled in accordance with the instructions contained on the uniform pages. Lost property will be collected and stored in the cupboards on the mezzanine floor of the ASD Hall. Please look here if your child misplaces any uniform or games kit. Any named items will be returned to class. Unnamed items are collected and stored for a limited period of time. Any unnamed items left will be donated to charity. Please view the lost property list:

Tel: 01794 513231



SCHOOL POLICIES We have a comprehensive range of policies and procedures available to all parents. You can view these on our website about-us/policies/ or a hard copy is available on request from the School Office.

SECURITY All visitors must report to the School Office to be signed in. Early Years: The building is fitted with a security coded entrance. The building is unlocked from 8.15am - 9.00am for arrival and from 3.30pm - 4.30pm for collection. Outside of these time please ring the doorbell. Key Stage 1: The building is fitted with a security coded entrance. The building is unlocked from 8.30am—9.00am, and 3.45pm—4.30pm.

COFFEE MORNING From drop-off until 9.30am, parents are welcome to have coffee in the dining hall. This is a fantastic opportunity to get to know other parents and is always very popular. Any parents remaining in school after 9.30am must sign in as a visitor with the School Office.

Tel: 01794 513231



STROUD SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Every parent automatically becomes a member of the Stroud School Association (SSA). Our aim is to organise social events for the children, families and staff to help build the strong community and friendships that make Stroud such a special place. All the funds we raise from events such as the Christmas Fayre, Prosecco Party and Easter Egg Hunt are used to fund projects for the benefit of the children. If you are interested in helping the SSA, please join the SSA Volunteers group on Classlist, or email us on if you would like to find out more about joining the committee.

Tel: 01794 513231



FORM REPRESENTATIVES AND CLASSLIST Each class/year has a parent representative who organises contact details for each class/year group, social activities, volunteers to help at various SSA events and they are able to help answer any questions you may have. If you would like to become a representative or find out more please contact the SSA on Classlist: is an online parent communication network allowing you to communicate with other parents in the school whilst complying with data protection regulations. To join use the following link Select sign up as a parent and search for Stroud School, King Edward VI Preparatory School. You are able to create an account and add your children to their respective classes. Alternatively, you can contact your year/class representative and ask them to invite you by using your email address.

Tel: 01794 513231



CONTACT US Postal address:

Stroud School Highwood House Highwood Lane Romsey Hampshire SO51 9ZH


01794 513231




Mrs Smith: Headmistress

Mrs Mason-Campbell:

Mr Stewart:

Mrs Price:


School VLE site:

School Sports site:

School website:

King Edward VI website:

Honesty Respect Happiness Tel: 01794 513231



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