Prize Giving 2022

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Tuesday 13 December 7.00pm
The Dobson Theatre Chief Guest Virginia Stuart-Taylor

Dear Pupils, Parents and Friends

Welcome to King Edward VI School’s Prize Giving Ceremony. The School was founded in 1553, under Letters Patent of King Edward VI, by the will of the Revd William Capon, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, and Rector of St Mary’s, Southampton. Today the School is proud to be one of the country’s leading co-educational day schools for nearly 1000 students. Students are invited to push themselves academically whilst enjoying an extraordinary range of co-curricular activities and opportunities. The School actively continues to strive towards fulfilling our aims that all our children flourish.

Order Of Proceedings

Paul Robinson, School Chaplain, invites the auditorium to stand. Remain standing until the end of General Thanksgiving.

Music Stage party enter Hymn – all sing

Our God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast And our eternal home.

Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same.

Under the shadow of thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is thine arm alone And our defence is sure.

General Thanksgiving

A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone, Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun.

Our God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home.

Isaac Watts O.E.

Paul Robinson to lead – all say Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we your unworthy servants give you most humble and hearty thanks for all your goodness and loving kindness. We bless you for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but above all for your immeasurable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And give us, we pray, such a sense of all your mercies that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we show forth your praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to your service, and by walking before you in holiness and righteousness all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, for ever and ever. AMEN.

Edward Reynolds, Bishop of Norwich, O.E.

At the end of Thanksgiving stage party will sit, followed by the audience.

Chair of Governors’ Welcome Applause

Welcome from the Head, Neal Parker


Clarinet Solo Performed by Thomas Andrews


of Chief Guest Applause

Prize Giving Ceremony Applause

Address by Chief Guest Applause

Vote of thanks proposed by Head of School Applause

Head of Year Awards Presented by Head of Section

Head of School Year Awards Presented by Head of School

The National Anthem

All stand to sing

God save our gracious King; Long live our noble King; God save the King! Send him victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us God save the King!

The audience remains standing while the stage party leaves the stage and exits the theatre Students should reunite with their parents and exit to the concourse

Prize List 2022

Pryor Prize

First Year

Emily Doughty

William Hines

Merengnage Sasini De Costa

Jasmine Setchell

Letong Shentu

Joshua Vandervelde

Bastick Award

Second Year

Aryan Devchand

Anyi Dong

Afi Norgbey

Hannah Pugh

Priya Sahu James Salter

Third Year

Maxim Bean

Emilia Dass Kishan Dulai Zhiqing Gao Isaac Pinnell

Rosa Shepherd Nathan Yam

Fourth Year

Katherine Ardern-Jones

Charlie Aspinall Eve Cameron Oliver Chambers Rio Gawne-Cain

Raaghav Sharma Rosalind Turner-Hall

Tongyuan Wang

Fifth Year

Sophie Blaydes

James Cox Matthew Evans Benjamin Groves Sophie Hews

Isabelle Nutbourne

Samuel Thimbleby

Upper Sixth Prize for Contribution to School Life

Anna Aksenova

Alexander Brain

Huw Dunlop

Isabella Finlay

Aaron Henderson

Claudia Leeming

Abbie Morton

Adam Titcombe

Alex Zhou

Main School Endowed Prizes

Some students who have been awarded these endowed prizes have also been awarded a scholarship. They will be invited to collect their award when the scholarships are called.

The Lycée Victor Grignard Trophy

Euan Sinclair

The Robin Lawson Prize

Letong Shentu

The Dudley Brazier Prize for Design and Technology

Aryan Devchand

The Worner Poetry Prize

Samantha MacNaughton

The Irish Prize For Drama

Nell Sarton

The Gill Hall Classics Prize Sophie Carter

The Gill Wright Prize For Classics

Kishan Dulai

The Kettle English Prize Sophie Cowan

The Religious Studies Prize

Georgina Wheeler


Upper School Scholars


Aleksander Birdsall

Alexander Bourne

Holly Chambers

Emilia Dass

Kishan Dulai

Yasmin Finlay-Khomssi

Zhiqing Gao

Alice Higenbottam

Joshua Kileff

Rosa Shepherd Peggy Tomson

Nathan Yam Music

Joshua Kileff Rosa Shepherd Nathan Yam Drama

Isabella Holden Samuel Redhead Art Max Henderson Peggy Tomson

The E P Abraham Scholarship

Sophie Carter

Sophie Cowan

Tafadzwa Mvurume William Read Tessa Tomson Rebecca Vaughan Michael Wong

The FL Wooley Scholarship

Savinu Ariyawansa

Max Bouras

Foundation Scholarship

Celia Brabazon

Afjal Chowdhury Adele Congreve

Oliver Ginns Alexander Hegedus-Adkin

Sophie Kileff Isabel Smith Lucy Walker Sam Webb

The Chant Music Scholarship

Sophie Kileff

Choral Music Scholarship

Lucy Walker

Sixth Form Music Scholarship

James Booth

Sophie Kileff Nell Sarton Boheng Shen Thomas Waggett

Lucy Walker

Sixth Form - Sport Sam Andrews Toby Andrews Sophie Blaydes Peter Burnand Rory Duncan Hugo Evans Melanie Georgiou Michaila Jankovich-Bésán Gus Moxon Elinor Sharp Erin Woo

Special Prizes Special Awards

The Avent Integrity Prize

Amelie Acketts

The Chipperfield Prize For Integrity

Chloe McIlroy

The P & A Love Memorial Prize

Poppy Culver Alexander England

The Ian Bruce Charity Prize

Sumiya Alam

The Governors’ Prizes

Isabel Murphy Ellie Small

The Godwin Public Speaking Prize Rebecca Chamberlain

The JRTA Award For String Music

Jemima Hughes

The Colin Diaper Prize For Music Thomas Andrews

The Macmillan Prize For Leadership

Sophia Skenderis

The Head’s Art Prize

Emily Ardern-Jones

The Head of Year Award is for a pupil who has made excellent progress academically, socially and emotionally.

The Head of School Award is for a pupil who has shown kindness and a caring attitude towards members of the School community.

Head of Year Award - First Year

Freddie Adeney Olivia Barbé Tunde Frajka-Williams William Lamb Jemima Saint

Head of School Award - First Year Finnley Paynter

Head of Year Award - Second Year Rivinu Ariyawansa Hector Eynon Chloe Sadler-Abert Jonah Watson Eliza Yue

Head of School Award - Second Year Arabella Apps

Head of Year Award - Third Year Yasmin Finlay-Khomssi Liam Goodman Jacky Liang James Mobley Peggy Tomson

Head of School Award - Third Year Joshua Kileff

Special Awards

Head of Year Award - Fourth Year

Lap Yan Clement Lee

Emily Knowles

Ellie Orton

Fabian Otten

Oscar Sadler-Abert

Head of School Award - Fourth Year Josephine Salter

Head of Year Award - Fifth Year

Claudia Hargreaves Callum Jacob

Isla Osman Kobe Stavonhagen Georgina Wheeler

Head of School Award - Fifth Year Suraya Hughes

Head of Year Award - Lower Sixth Matthew Dodd

Samuel McIlroy Thomas Norman Phoebe Rogers

Katherine Ryan

Head of School Award - Lower Sixth Sophie Keeble

Head of Year Award - Upper Sixth

Jack Costigan

Charles Duffin Rosalind Dye

Sylvi Pickering Katie Smart

Head of School Award - Upper Sixth Sumiya Alam

Endowed Subject Prizes (Sixth Form)

The Cook Prize For Biology Amber Chen

The Business Prize Tom Mason

The Frederick Drew Memorial Prize For Chemistry Ben Deans Alex Zhou

The Anthony Hall Prize For Classics Sophia Skenderis

The Guilmant Prize For Computer Technology Marcus Shaw

The Dudley Brazier Prize For Design & Technology Florence Bestford

The Stewart Prize For Economics Poppy Culver James Jellett

The English Language Prize Kate Leask

The Roberts Prize For English Emma Appleby

The Fogarty Prize For French Sylvi Pickering

The Robert Goslin Prize For Modern Languages Tasmiah Safat-e-Jannat

The John Bevan Prize For Geography Rosalind Dye

The T R Small Prize For Spoken German Eric Bentham

Endowed Subject Prizes (Sixth Form)

The Stephen Noyce Memorial Prize For History

George Coltart

The Collett Memorial Prize For History Benedict Charlton

The Magowan Prize For Mathematics

Michael Beck-Papageorgiou Charlie Smeeton

The Sergeant Prize - Further Maths

Marcus Shaw

The Sergeant Prize - Maths James Jellett

The Scanlan Prize For Music Freya McCauley

The Music Technology Prize James Tall

The Philosophy Prize Isabella Roe

The Politics Prize Poppy Culver

The Geoffrey Cockett Prize For Physics and Communications

Patrick Gordon

The V A And Joyce Bailey Prize For Physics

Charlie Smeeton

The Psychology Prize

Abigail Tebb

The Spanish Prize

William Chambers Benjamin Le Poidevin

The Sports Science Prize Emilia Walker

The Robert Twigg Prize For Drama

Lucy Walker

The Waterman Essay Prize Ruben Da Costa

The Ralph Morley Memorial Prize Hannah Gawne-Cain

Head’s and Waller Prize

The Prize For Deputy Heads of School

Charlotte Dunkley Kirstin Haines

Alice Leather Russell Pugh

The Prize For Head of School Mirire Okitikpi

Notes on Scholarships


In electing Scholars, the Governors aim to mark and encourage intellectual qualities of the highest order.

Entrance Scholarships are awarded by the Governors to pupils entering the First or Third Year. Some of these Scholarships may be awarded for special proficiency in Music, Art or Drama.

Upper School Scholarships are awarded by the Governors to pupils at the end of their Third Year.

The E P Abraham Scholarships were founded and endowed in 1979 by Professor Sir Edward Abraham, CBE, MA, DPhil, FRS (1925-1931) from the E P A Cephalosporin Trust. The Scholarships are available to pupils entering the Sixth Form to study Chemistry or Biology and are tenable for two years.

Sixth Form E P Abraham Award is an award made by The Sir Edward Abraham Memorial Fund. Sir Edward (1913-1999) was born in Shirley and attended the School. He was in the original Penicillin team at Oxford in the 1940s and developed another range of antibiotics “The Cephalosporins” which are still used extensively around the world to cure infections. In his lifetime Sir Edward was a generous friend to the School and benefactor of many pupils. His Memorial Fund supports Scholarships with bursarial assistance to pupils from the maintained sector, in the first instance, who wish to study Chemistry and/or Biology in the Sixth Form at the School.

The F L Woolley Scholarship was founded and endowed in 1979 by F L Woolley, FCA (1917-1921), who was Clerk to the Governors from 1949-1977 and Vice–Chairman of the Governors of the School from 1984-1996. The Scholarship is available to a pupil entering the Sixth Form and is tenable for two years.

Foundation Scholarships are awarded each year to not more than three pupils entering the Sixth Form and are tenable for two years.

Sixth Form Scholarships For Art, Design & Technology, ICT and Drama were established in 2002. They are awarded after discussions within the relevant departments and are intended for those pupils regarded as having achieved very high standards within their subjects and who are judged to have considerable further potential. The Scholarships are tenable for two years and are subject to review in March.

The Pirelli General Scholarship was endowed on independence in 1979. It is awarded to a pupil entering the Sixth Form and is tenable for two years.

The Chant Scholarship and a number of Governors’ Scholarships for excellence in musical performance are awarded to students entering the Sixth Form and are tenable for two years.

The JRTA Award For String Music was established in 1985 by Professor and Mrs R Scurlock in appreciation of the opportunities afforded by the School for participation in music for stringed instruments to their four sons.

The Ben Smith Scholarships for Drama and Sport were established in memory of Ben Smith (2000-2017) who tragically died in May 2017. He was a keen sportsman and had a passion for drama. The awards will be made to two incoming pupils who have excelled in these areas.

Notes on Main School Academic Prizes

Main School Academic Prizes

The D E E Pryor Awards for First Year Prizes were founded and endowed in 1996 by Mr D E E Pryor, BA, who served the school for 40 years (1954-1994) as Assistant Master, Head of the Lower School, Registrar and Deputy Head Master.

The Bastick Awards were founded and endowed in 1988 by a legacy under the will of Mr Frederick Vernon Holme in memory of Sidney L Bastick (1907-1913).

The Avent Prizes For Integrity were founded and endowed in 1989 by the family of R G Avent (1912-1989), a Master at the School for 26 years (1950-1976), to perpetuate his memory.

The Chipperfield Prizes For Integrity were founded in 1900 by Robert Chipperfield, Chairman of the Governors 18771905, and are awarded mainly in the Fourth Year.

The Lycée Victor Grignard, Cherbourg Trophy, is awarded to a pupil in the Third year for excellent work in French. It commemorates the exchange between Lycée Victor Grignard, Cherbourg, Quatriéme pilote and Form III/2 in the Summer of 1961.

The Robin Lawson Prize given by the family of Mr R V Lawson, a member of the staff (1936-1969), and Head of Modern Languages for 22 years until his death in 1969, is awarded annually for the best oral work in French in First Year.

The T R Small Prize For Spoken German was established in 1989 by T R Small (1923-1928), President of the Old Edwardians’ Association 1964. The Prize is awarded in the Sixth Form for proficiency in spoken German.

The Jefferson Prize For Information Technology was established in 1992 by Dr and Mrs A Jefferson, whose three eldest sons were educated at the School. It is awarded every two years to a pupil in the Upper or Lower School who demonstrates excellence in Information Technology.

The Worner Poetry Prizes were endowed in 1993 by a bequest from the will of Mr Philip Worner (OE). They are awarded for poetry written by members of the Lower School, Fourth Year and Lower Sixth.

The Ian Bruce Charity Prizes were established in 2004 to reward outstanding commitment to fund raising and community service work.

The Irish Prize For Drama first awarded in 1994, was established by Mr Brian Irish, past President of the Old Edwardians’ Association. It is awarded for excellence in Dramatic performance below the Sixth Form.

The Partridge BMW Engineering Prize was established in 2019 to promote Engineering-related studies. It is awarded to a pupil demonstrating proficiency within this area of study.

The Gill Hall Classics Prizes given in memory of Gill Hall by her husband, Martin Hall, Director of Music from 1984-2005 and an anonymous donor. Gill Hall was a member of staff (1977-1999) and Head of Classics from 1991 until her death. They are awarded annually in the Lower and Upper School.

The Gill Wright Prize For Classics awarded to the Second Year pupil who has shown outstanding endeavour and progress throughout the year.

The Kettle Prizes for outstanding work in English in the Lower and Upper School were endowed by Chris Kettle, teacher 1980-2007, Head of English 1998-2002.

Notes on Prizes

Sixth Form Academic Prizes

These are awarded for academic excellence.

The Magowan Prizes For Mathematics were founded in 1949 by a legacy under the will of Robert Magowan MBE (1891-1895 Foundation Scholar).

The Sergeant Prize for Mathematics. Michael Sergeant was a former Head of Mathematics at King Edward’s and part of his endowment to the School was to award book prizes to the most outstanding Mathematicians.

The Ronald Fogarty Prize is awarded annually for French reading. It was established in 1960 by the widow of Ronald William Fogarty (1917-1923), who was Honorary Treasurer and President–Elect of the Old Edwardians’ Association at the time of his death on 30th January 1959.

The Dudley Brazier Prize For Design And Technology were established in 1996 by Mr W Dudley Brazier, JP, FRICS, FCIOB (1926-1930), Governor and Chairman of the Building Committee (1973-1995) appointed a Fellow of the School in 1995. The prizes were awarded to help encourage high standards in the practical aspects of the Design and Technology syllabus.

The Guilmant Prize For Computer Technology was established in 1992 by John Guilmant (1925-1932), President of the Old Edwardians’ Association 1967, and past Editor of the Old Edwardians’ Association Journal.

The Governors’ Prizes were established in 2004 for exceptional achievement in co-curricular activities.

The Business Prize is awarded to the best Sixth Form student in this subject.

The Psychology Prize was established in 2013 for excellence in this subject.

The Spanish Prize was established in 2013 for excellence in this subject.

The Sports Science Prize was established in 2013 for excellence in this subject.

The V A Bailey And Joyce Bailey Memorial Prize For Physics was founded and endowed in 1966 by the late Mrs Joyce Bailey in memory of her husband, Professor Victor Bailey (1910-1913), Exhibitioner of the Queen’s College, Oxford.

The Geoffrey Cockett Prize For Physics And Communications was established in 1994 by Mr G H Cockett, President of the Old Edwardians’ 1992. It is awarded to any pupil taking A level Physics who is placed in the top six in the year and who has demonstrated enthusiasm, initiative and communication skills.

The Cook Prize For Biology was established in 1979 by Dr Peter Cook and is awarded annually in the Sixth Form for outstanding work in Biology.

The R F Collett Prize For History in the Sixth Form was founded and endowed in 1946 by friends in memory of Reginald F Collett (1915-1919), for many years treasurer of the Old Edwardians’ Association.

The Stephen Noyce Memorial Prize For History was established in 1999 by the family of Stephen Noyce (1985-1992), who died in 1998. It is awarded each year to the best Lower Sixth historian.

The Stewart Prize was donated in 1985 by Mrs M V I Smith in memory of her Old Edwardian brother, Mr Stanley Stewart. It is awarded annually to the best Upper Sixth Form Economist.

The Roberts Prize was established in 1969 by F G Roberts MA, a Master (1932-1968), in memory of the long association of himself and of his family with the School, and is awarded for work to university scholarship standard in English.

The Anthony Hall Classics Scholarship was established in 2009 to recognise an outstanding contribution to Classics.

The Waterman English Essay Prize was established in 1997 by Professor A M C Waterman (1941-1949) and his brother Mr P N R Waterman (1942-1952). This is awarded for the Extended Project Essay.

The English Language Prize was established in 2006 for outstanding critical and creative evaluation of language in different forms and contexts.

The Robert Goslin Prize is awarded to the most outstanding Sixth Form linguist.

The John Bevan Prize For Geography in the Sixth Form was founded in 1979 by a legacy under the will of John S Bevan, FCIS (1911-1917), who was a Governor of the School from 1966 until his death in 1978.

The Colin Diaper Prize For Music was founded and endowed in 1983 by Colin Malcolm Diaper, President of the Old Edwardians’ Association 1982, and subsequently a Governor of the School, for meritorious work or performance in connection with the activities of the Choir.

The Derek Scanlan Award For Music was founded and endowed in 1975 by Mrs Eileen Scanlan to perpetuate the memory of her husband, Mr D I G Scanlan, MVO, OBE, (19281936), who, at the time of his sudden death in May 1973, was Honorary Auditor of the Old Edwardians’ Association (London Branch).

The Robert Twigg Prize For Drama was established in memory of Robert Twigg (1985-2002), Deputy Head of School 2002. He was tragically killed in a car crash in December 2002. Robert had a love and flair for theatre. He was a talented dramatist, both directing and acting in many school productions. The Robert Twigg Prize for Drama is to be awarded annually for academic work in Theatre Studies, a course Robert was following at the time of his death.

The Martin Skipper Prize was founded by Martin Skipper (1994-2001) in 2002 to be awarded annually to the Lower Sixth pupil who has excelled himself or herself in the study of Philosophy by showing an outstanding ability to grasp the fundamentals of this classical subject.

The Woodford Prize is awarded to aspiring Law students.

The P&A Love Memorial Prize was established in 1999 at the instigation of Mark Chiverton, BA Hons (Oxon) (1990-97), Deputy Head of School (1996-1997), and funded by the Love and Chiverton families in memory of Pamela Love (d 1997). Mrs Love was the widow of the Reverend Arthur Love, former Head of Geography at the School. The award is made to a pupil in the Upper Sixth who has demonstrated consistent integrity throughout their two years in the Sixth Form.

The Politics Prize is awarded to the most outstanding Sixth Former studying Politics.

The Godwin Public Speaking Prize was founded by James Lawrence Godwin (1992-1999, Head of School 1998-1999) in 1999, to be awarded annually to any pupil in the School who excels themselves and shows distinction in Public Speaking.

The Ralph Morley Memorial Prize was founded and endowed in 1957 in memory of Ralph Morley MA Member of Parliament for Itchen (1929-1931) and (1945-1954). It is awarded annually to the Chief Librarian and the Archives Librarian.

The Macmillan Prize For Leadership in the Sixth Form was founded and endowed in 1981 by Mr Murray Albert Macmillan (1920-1923).

The Waller Prize for the Head of School and the Deputy Heads of School was founded in 1953 by a legacy under the will of George Albert Waller, Clerk to the Governors (19071933) and a Governor of the School (1933-1948).

The King Edward VI Goblet is awarded to a member of the School Community, past or present, who has brought particular credit to the School. The King Edward VI shilling, the centrepiece of the Goblet, was presented to the School by Mrs Sarah Saunders Davies, a member of the Governing Body. The Goblet was first awarded in September 2001.

The Tony Allen Photography Trophy is awarded for excellence in photography.


HM Lord - Lieutenant of Hampshire


Chair: Mr A J Morgan MA (Oxon), FCA, ATII (7)

Vice-Chair: Mr I H Rudland (7)

M Chaloner MA (Cantab) Barrister-at-Law (7)

Mr N Challis CEng, BEng, MIStructE (7)

Mr A J Connell BSc (2)

Mr D S Dhanda (7)

Reverend J M Finch (1)

Mr D P Geddes (7)

Mr J J Gray BSc FCA (7)

Mr A Jones (7)

Miss P S Kirk B.Ed Cert.Ed (7)

Mr A Knibb BA (Hons), B Arch, ARB, RIBA, Chairman Hampshire RIBA (7)

Dr J E Mitchell MA (Cantab), MBBS, DRCOG, DCH (7)

Mrs C G Musker Chartered MCIPD (7)

Mrs H V Nicholson MA (Oxon) MSc (4)

Mr W A Oscoft BSc (7)

Mrs W P Swinn BDS, LDS, RCS (7)

Dr A L Thomas MA, PhD (Cantab), CBiol, MRSB (7)

Cllr A D Winning (5)

The Governors wish to express their gratitude to the following donors of Bursaries at the School:

The E. P. Abraham Cephalosporin Trust

Messrs. Elliott Brothers Pirelli General plc

Clerk: Mr R V Maher BA (Econ), ACA 1. Ex officio

The Frank Misselbrook Foundation

The F. L. Woolley Trust

These and the many other donors to the Bursary Fund, too numerous to mention by name, enable the Governors to offer bursaries to parents who would otherwise be unable to send their children to the School.

Appointed by the Old Edwardians’ Association

Appointed by the Hampshire County Council

Appointed by the Senate of the University of Southampton

Appointed by the Southampton City Council

Appointed by the Board of Directors of the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce 7. Co-opted

KING EDWARD VI SCHOOL Wilton Road, Southampton SO15 5UQ 023 8070 4561 | |

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