Stroud School Handbook 2019 - Draft

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Senior School Handbook A Parent and Pupil Guide to Middle School

Tel: 01794 513231





At Stroud we believe that ‘school’ should be so much more than academic lessons in a classroom and we are hugely proud of our co-curricular provision. All pupils are encouraged to take advantage of every opportunity to make the most of their own talents and abilities. Stroud pupils are considered part of the Senior School when they enter Year 6. The Senior School Team is looking forward to welcoming your child into the Department, and if you have any concerns at all then do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s form tutor. This booklet aims to provide you with as much information as possible to help your child settle in quickly and happily into our Senior School, whether they are moving on from our Middle School or are new to the school. It is at this time that you will be considering next steps for your children. Making a decision on future schooling can seem daunting with so many possibilities to consider. Mrs Renouf, the Senior School Assessment Coordinator has a wealth of experience in this area and she will communicate with you in due course with information on examinations, requirements and key dates. I very much look forward to meeting you and working with your children during this exciting phase in their school careers. Mr Christopher Brailsford-Cox Head of Senior School. Tel: 01794 513231


Mrs Mason-Campbell Deputy Head—Academic

Mr Worrall Headmaster


Mr Brett Maths Teacher

Mr Jackson Deputy Head—Pastoral


Miss Bain Humanities Teacher

Mr Brailsford-Cox Head of Senior School

Miss Brooker Humanities Teacher



Mrs Fay Director of Music

Mr Morgan Games Teacher

Mrs Martin Head of English

Tel: 01794 513231


Mr Parker Head of Boys Games


Mrs Renouf Head of Maths

Miss Brewer Head of Art

Madam Lopez Head of MFL

Mrs Price ICT Co-ordinator

Mrs Beaumont Girls Games

Mr Reid Out door Learning

Mrs Duncan Middle School Teacher

Mrs Kent Girls Games

Mr Atwal Assistant Network Manager

Tel: 01794 513231

Mrs Gee SENco

Mrs Dolbear LSA

Mrs Whitman LSA

Mrs van Zyl Head of Girls Games

Mr van Zyl Boys Games

Mrs Wilcox English Teacher

Mrs Haigh Science Technician


SCHOOL DAY 7.45 am

Breakfast Club


Early Arrival

8.40 am


10.30 am

Morning Break

12.55 am

Lunch Break

1.55 pm


4.30 pm

End of Day


Prep tea

4.45 pm - 5.15 pm


4.45 pm - 5.45 pm


4.45pm – 5.45pm


5.45pm – 6.45pm

Late Gym Club

SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORT The school operates a fleet of mini buses. These are used for a morning run to school via a number of pick up points. The bus routes are altered each year depending on parental need. Please contact the school office for further details and booking. Places are booked on a permanent basis and a termly commitment. Tel: 01794 513231CLUB BREAKFAST


Breakfast Club (for which there is an extra charge) is held in the main dining room. It begins at 7.45am and finishes at 8.15am when the children go to the hall in the main school. The Breakfast Team request that children are dropped off no later than 8am to enable time to eat a healthy breakfast. The children have a choice of cereal, yoghurt, toast, pastries and fresh fruit. The menu is adapted for the time of year which includes porridge and hot milk in the winter.

EARLY ARRIVAL Pupils who arrive between 8.15am and 8.30am are to go straight to the hall in the main school building with their bags. A member of staff will be on duty in the school hall from 8.15am to supervise. At 8.30am pupils will be taken into the playground, weather permitting, until the bell rings for registration at 8.40am.

REGISTRATION It is very important that pupils arrive punctually in the mornings for registration at 8.40am. On some days registration times might be one of the few times that pupils see their form tutors if they don’t happen to be taught by them on that particular day. This is valuable pastoral time allowing pupils to organise themselves and their belongings for their lessons. During this period, the form tutor will share notices for the day or information concerning up-coming events. It is also a time for the pupil to share news or issues with the class, or form tutor.

SNACK Children may bring in a small healthy snack for morning break if they wish. Tel: 01794 513231 Email:

As we are a “nut free” school please do not give your child nuts or products that ‘may contain nuts’. There are water fountains in various locations around school for the children to have access to water. However, children are able to bring a water bottle into school for daily use as well as matches. A Stroud water bottle can be purchased from Stevensons (uniform supplier).

LUNCH The kitchen caters for all dietary needs. We offer a range of foods which we encourage the children to try. Should your child have specific dietary requirements, please email matron and inform your child’s teacher. Lunch takes place from 1.00pm in the dining room, where a canteen style two-course lunch is served to the children. A weekly menu is posted on the school VLE: menu.

END OF THE DAY Year 6, 7 and 8 children return to their classrooms, after assembly, to collect their belongings and are dismissed by their form tutors. Unless they are staying for prep or after school clubs, pupils will then leave via the back stairs entrance (Prefects may use the front door) and meet you at the end of the terrace.

PREP TEA Many pupils opt to stay on after school to do prep or other activities such as clubs. These513231 pupils will have teaEmail: (a light snack and drink) as soon as they are Tel: 01794

dismissed from the classroom and then make their way to the prep room.

PREP Pupils in Senior School are expected to do prep most days.  Half prep: 4.45pm – 5.15pm  Full prep: 4.45pm – 5.45pm

An hour’s prep will be set 4 days a week. One day is left free to enable pupils to participate in clubs or to catch up if other evenings prove problematic due to after school activities. In Year 6 children will record details of prep in their prep diary which is given to them at the start of term. In the Senior School preps are recorded on the VLE. All children are trained how to use their iPad and the VLE as an organisational tool at the beginning of term. Some prep may be submitted online depending on the task set and will be made explicit during lessons. If you feel your child has applied himself/herself diligently for that period of time then we would ask you to make them stop. On top of a busy day we feel that home/relaxation time is very important. If for any valid reason your child has not been able to complete their prep on the designated evening then please email the form tutor who will try and organise a time for your child to catch up. Many pupils in the Senior School opt to do their prep at school as it is then complete before leaving school. Pupils need to tell form tutors in the morning if they are staying for prep. If your child has signed into prep at morning registration and you wish to take them home at 4.30pm, please inform the office so the register can be changed. At 5.15pm and 5.45pm pupils can be collected from the dining hall where they will be checked off as they are collected. If you arrive later than expected, pupils will be collected from the reception hall in the main school building. We would request that you try to avoid taking your child out of Tel: 01794 513231


prep at odd times as it can be disruptive to other pupils if there are constant disturbances.

CLUBS In the Senior School the number and variety of clubs increase. Information and details on clubs, and the ability to book your child into these clubs is available on My School Portal. This gives you the chance to discuss with your child the options available and select accordingly. We do stress that replies have to be received by the given date to help ensure the options can be accommodated. Once committed to the club, we expect pupils to attend for the whole term, or the duration of the club. Senior pupils are expected to complete their prep after attending a club and hand it in on time as normal. Clubs normally start at 4.45pm but finish times vary. We do ask parents to check the finish times and pick up their children promptly. Pupils will be checked off and dismissed from the hall by the member of staff running that club. In the event of a child not being picked up from an off-site activity, such as hockey at Wellington, they will be brought back to school. Those staying for any clubs that finish at 6.45pm will be given a cooked tea at 4.30pm. If your child has signed into a club but you wish to take them home at 4.30pm, please inform the office so the register can be changed.

COMMUNICATION It is imperative that the school office has your up to date e-mail addresses and mobile phone numbers. There are several methods of communicating information home. 1.Tel: 01794 Stroud School My SchoolEmail: Portal: 513231

The portal gives you access to a variety of information relevant to you and your child/children. Further information on My School Portal is available within this handbook. 2. 

 

Letters home: All school letters will be sent by email to you. All email communication to the school should be sent to You will receive a half termly newsletter called ‘Evolution’. Evolution will showcase some of the pupils’ work, academic and sporting achievements as well as information about upcoming events. Letters are also available on the Parent Portal: Hard copies of letters are also available in the main school hall.


Text messaging will be used to advise you of any urgent messages such as a school closure. To send a text message to school please use 07520631361.


In order to help with communication between parents and staff, we have listed staff email addresses in this booklet and they can be found on the Parent Portal: We would normally expect staff to reply to such messages within two workings days.

During school holidays we would ask you to send emails to the school office ( for them to be redirected or answered on behalf of staff who may be away on holiday.

POINTS OF CONTACT Serious concerns referred to the Pastoral Deputy Head or Academic Deputy Head will always involve the Headmaster. The form tutor or Head of Department may refer you to our SENco, Mrs Gee, should they feel there is a learning support need.

Tel: 01794 513231


Pastoral Concerns

Academic Concerns

Form Tutor

Form Tutor

Mr Brailsford-Cox

Mr Brailsford-Cox

Head of Department

Head of Department

Mr Jackson

Mrs Mason-Campbell

Deputy Head —Pastoral

Deputy Head —Academic

Mr Worrall

Mr Worrall




Year 6 Form Tutor

Miss Ellen Bain

Year 6 Form Tutor

Miss Claire Brooker

Year 6 Form Tutor

Mrs Tanya Faye

Year 7 Form Tutor

Mr Ben Morgan

Year 7 Form Tutor

Mrs Suzy Martin

Year 8 Form Tutor

Mr Jack Parker

Year 8 Form Tutor

Mr Chris Brailsford-Cox

Head of Senior School

Tel: 01794 513231


MY SCHOOL PORTAL The portal gives you access to a variety of information relevant to you and your child/children. You will be able to filter events which are applicable to your child though the calendar and parents’ evenings will be booked through the system. Within the portal you will be able to view the following information related to your child/children:  Timetables  School calendar  Emails from school  Absence reporting form  Leave request form  Clubs and Activities

 School Sports  Parent’s evenings

The portal can be found at When joining the school you will be sent the link to register and details to log in for the first time.


The VLE has a wealth of information for children and parents. There is a section specifically for parents to keep you up to date with important information, for you and your child: browse-resources/information. The VLE is a virtual classroom with resources and activities for your child to look through. Inside, you might find the latest news and images from the classroom. To access the VLE use the link from My School Portal as this will automatically log you into the VLE.

CALENDAR All families receive a hard copy of the school calendar. This can also be found on the: 01794 Portal: 513231 Email:  Tel:Parent

The VLE:

To add the calendar to your phone or mobile device select subscribe via the calendar link on the VLE.

PREFECTS To develop leadership qualities and teamwork skills, as well as instil a sense of responsibility, all pupils are given the opportunity to become prefects in Year 8. Pupils are invited to apply for positions at the end of the Summer Term in Year 7. Roles such as Head Boy/Girl, Deputy Head Boy/Girl and Head or Deputy of Section are seen as key leadership positions and all prefects work as a team to fulfil various tasks such as assisting with younger pupils during wet breaks, ICT, library and the equipment shop. Prefects run their sections and act as ambassadors for the school when showing visitors around. They are viewed as good role models; they gain certain privileges within the school and are distinguishable by wearing a different tie.

EQUIPMENT Throughout the Senior School we endeavour to develop pupils’ personal organisation skills. It is therefore expected that pupils arrive at lessons with all necessary books and equipment. The following equipment list is given in your child’s513231 homework diary and we would encourage you to ensure your Tel: 01794 Email:

child has everything he/she needs and that it is clearly labelled. Please check your child’s pencil case regularly and ensure missing items are replenished. The school equipment shop (open at break times) stocks items at very reasonable prices. Please also not that a biro should not be used as the sole writing pen. All pupils in Year 7 and 8 are expected to bring in their own Apple iPad Handwriting pen

Homework diary (Year 6)



Scientific calculator

Red biro

Eraser and sharpner

Compass/ Protractor

Glue Stick



French/Spanish dictionary

Dictionary (home use)

Pencil crayons

(minimum specification iPad2, with insurance and robust case) into school to use during lessons and for prep.

PARENTS’ EVENINGS AND REPORTING At the start of each academic year there is a Presentation Evening outlining the curriculum, learning outcomes and expectations for the forthcoming year. This will also give you an opportunity to meet the staff who will be teaching your child. Parents’ evenings take place at various times during the academic year, and Tel: 01794 513231


these are a chance to discuss your child’s pastoral and academic progress. Dates are published in the school calendar and you are able to book an appointment with your child’s teachers on My School Portal. We operate an open door policy. If you have any queries please email your child’s Form Tutor to arrange a convenient meeting. We endeavour to keep parents well informed of their child’s progress. At the end of the Autumn Term parents will receive a short report identifying effort and achievement grades in all subject areas. There will also be a Personal and Social comment from their respective Form Tutors. Following the end of year examinations, all pupils will receive a detailed end of year report with exam results, effort and achievement grades, a teacher comment for all subjects and a form report.

EXTRAS Lessons for musical instruments, riding and speech and drama are all extra to the curriculum. At Stroud, we encourage Tel: value 01794a513231 Email: and breadth of education opportunities, but please be aware

that children are withdrawn from class lessons for ‘extras’. We therefore strongly recommend that pupils take on no more than two ‘extra’ in any term. ‘Extra’ music and speech and drama lessons are timetabled on a rota system to avoid missing the same class lesson each week. There is some scope for Extras to be timetabled at 8.30am, but this is not always possible, and may be for a maximum of one term, to share the slot between pupils. Parents are also welcome to talk to Mrs Fay ( about musical Extras, or Mrs Reid ( about speech and drama.

SECTIONS Each child is put into a section when they join the school and are given a section badge to pin to their top. Please encourage your child to take care of this as there will be a charge if a replacement is required. There are three sections (based on the traditional house system); Greyhounds, Bulldogs or Terriers. They will remain in their section until they leave Stroud, forming a Tel: 01794 513231


strong sense of allegiance and sporting camaraderie. There is great competition between the three sections and, as well as competing in sporting events, children strive to achieve sections stars. Our reward system is based on children earning stars in all areas of school life; for effort, achievement and courtesy. Each week these are collected and counted and added to the termly total. The section with the most stars win the section treat.

REWARDS Our reward system is based on children earning stars in all areas of school life; for effort, achievement and courtesy. Each child will have a ‘Class Dojo’ account where stars are logged. They will also be given a section card to record stars earnt outside the classroom. Each week the stars are counted and added to the termly total. Stars are awarded for:  Achievement in all areas of school life – academic, sport, music and Tel: 01794 513231


  

drama Effort in all areas of school life Specific improvement in a certain area Helpfulness and good manners

Gold Stars represent a major achievement or improvement, eg:  Consistent high standard of progress and attainment over a period of weeks in a particular subject/ work  Consistent progress across the curriculum in a term  Consistent helpfulness to a member of the school community Gold star certificates are handed out in a Celebration Assembly where the children are individually congratulated. Gold stars are worth 10 section stars and count towards winning the section treat. The top star earners in each class are presented with a prize in the end of term assembly.

SANCTIONS Negative behaviour is dealt with in a positive and supportive manner in class. However, when this does not have the required effect we have a card system to provide further support. The system: Step 1: Teacher gives a verbal warning. Step 2: Teacher puts the child’s name on the board. Step 3: Teacher gives a mark next to the name. Step 4: The child is given a Green card.

Tel: 01794 513231


Green Cards: Green cards are given for low level, consistently disruptive behaviour where the classroom management system has not resulted in a positive change. This could also be for rudeness, repeated poor organisation or disruptive behaviour not consistent with our core values of Honesty, Respect and Happiness. A child can be given a Green card by any member of staff and they then must take this card to their Form Tutor to explain what has happened. At this point the Form Tutor will work with the child in a supportive manner to put in place any systems that might be required to help. Action plans will be drawn up by tutors for persistent collectors.

Yellow Cards: For significant rudeness, swearing or disruptive behaviour. A refusal to comply with direct staff instructions, physical aggression or deliberately hurtful actions towards peers. It could also be awarded for misusing iPads or Social Media.

If a child is given a Yellow card they must hand it to the Head of Department who will discuss the issue with the child and put into place any systems that might help the child modify their behaviour. There will also be a sanction as Tel: 01794 513231


decided by the Head of Senior School and, as a parent, you will be informed.

In the case of extreme behaviour your child will be issued with a Red card and a Headmaster’s Referral’ which are the final 2 levels of the Behaviour, Rewards and Sanctions Policy.


If you have any queries or concerns regarding the issues in this information, please refer to Mrs Pepe Alexander, Mrs Sarah Keith or Mrs Trish Tanner, who will be pleased to help. PUPILS WITH MEDICAL NEEDS Any pupil who becomes unwell or injured during the school day is referred to Matron. If necessary, you will be contacted to discuss the best course of action.

Tel: 01794 513231


Medicines, including cough linctus, anti-histamine, paracetamol and ibuprofen preparations will only be administered to children when there is written permission to do so. The following preparations are kept at school and unless informed otherwise may be administered to a pupil if considered appropriate:  tropical antiseptics, emollient skin creams, dressings Mrs Keith Mrs Alexander Mrs Tanner

Young children are not permitted to carry medicines in school. If your son/daughter has an ongoing medical condition such as asthma, diabetes or allergies, please arrange to see Matron so that the most appropriate support can be provided throughout the school day. If your child is prescribed antibiotics, please ensure they have had 24 hours of the course before returning to school. If your child requires a prescription medication during the course of the school day, a ‘short term medical needs administration of medication’ form must be completed. These can be found on Matron’s desk and can be left there with the medication if Matron is not present. Medication or equipment can be safely stored in the sickroom for use as necessary. If your child requires hospital admission or attention at any time FOR ANY REASON please inform Matron direct BEFORE returning to school. This includes X-rays, plaster cast, operations etc. Please be sympathetic to the “48 hour” rule after your child has been off with diarrhoea and vomiting or has had a high temperature due to viral illness.

Tel: 01794 513231


DIETARY REQUIREMENTS All dietary requirements should be notified on the Medical Admission Declaration form initially and, thereafter, by letter or email to Matron. The school operates a COMPLETE ‘nut free’ policy and children ARE NOT ALLOWED to bring nuts or nut products into school.

To contact Matron email:

ILLNESS AND LATENESS In the event of your child arriving late, there is no need to telephone, but would you please go to the school office when you arrive so that your child may be registered and signed in for relevant prep, clubs or tea. Should your child need to leave the school premises for an appointment or any other reason during the course of the school day please go to the school office to sign out and sign in again on your return, if appropriate. Should your child be unwell and unable to attend school please fill in the absence request form on the Parent Portal: login or text on 07520 631361 or phone on 01794 513231 in the morning. Please refer to the chart (over the page) advising length of absence for more common illnesses. It is helpful to know why your child is ill to enable Tel: 01794 513231


us to look for similar symptoms in other children.

ABSENCE/LEAVE REQUEST We strongly recommend that pupils do not miss school for reasons other than illness or attending a family funeral. Please plan holidays within the school holiday dates which are published in the school calendar and on the Parent Portal. Any request for absence other than illness should be requested using the leave request form on the Parent Portal: If request for leave is less than 14 days please email:

Tel: 01794 513231


To minimise the risk of transmission of infection to other children and staff Recommended period to be kept away from Rashes and skin school From onset of spots until lesions are crusted over Chickenpox and child is well. Cold sores (Herpes Simplex virus) None. Until lesions are crusted or healed. Seek advice Impetigo from your GP regarding antibiotics. Please advise Matron. Molluscum Contagiosum None, weeping lesions should be covered. Ringworm None. Scabies Until treated. Slapped cheek or fifth disease None but please notify school. (Parvovirus) None but please provide a latex sock for children Warts and verrucae who swim or use the showers in the case of a verruca but should be treated. Diarrhoea and vomiting illnesses Diarrhoea and/or vomiting (with or without a specified diagnosis)

Until diarrhoea and/or vomiting has settled for 48 hours. The child should have eaten supper and had a normal nights sleep before returning to school. A longer period of exclusion may be appropriate for children under 5.


Flu (Influenza)

None once child is well. Flu is at its most infectious just before and at onset of symptoms. Please do not send your child to school if the following apply: Raised temperature about 37.5oC and due to a viral illness. Headache, runny eyes and nose, sneezing, persistent coughing requiring regular Paracetamol/Calpol or Nurofen.


Glandular fever Thread worms

As advised by pharmacist or GP. Can return if treated as long as child does not feel unwell. Until child is well. None but should be treated.


Until child is well and/or treated with antibiotics.

Head lice

Please treat as necessary and check your child’s hair regularly using conditioner and a nit comb.


Tel: 01794 513231


BOYS UNIFORM * Stroud navy Blazer * Stroud navy Mistral Jacket * Stroud green crew neck jumper (optional) * Stroud school tie (Years 6 and 7) Grey ankle socks Black leather shoes Wellington boots

* Stroud Water bottle Rucksack (pupils choice) WINTER UNIFORM


Mid grey school trousers White long or short sleeved shirt

Mid grey shorts (not cargo style) or trousers White short sleeved shirt

* Stroud green knitted hat

* Stroud green baseball cap

UNIFORM SUPPLIER: STEVENSONS All items * are to be purchased from Stevensons. You can order from Stevensons in the following ways: 1.

Order online at 


To register, enter Stroud School, select and follow instructions.

Shop in store. For expert fitting advice and a range of other school essentials visit our Bournemouth branch, open 9am-5.30pm MondayFriday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays.   

148-150 Seabourne Road, Bournemouth, BH5 2JA T: 01202 425192 E:

Tel: 01794 513231


GIRLS UNIFORM * Stroud navy Blazer * Stroud navy Mistral Jacket * Stroud school tie (Years 6 and 7) Black leather shoes Wellington boots * Stroud Water bottle Rucksack (pupils choice) WINTER UNIFORM


* Stroud tartan kilt

* Stroud tartan dress

* Stroud green crew neck jumper (optional) Collared, short/long sleeved white blouse Navy tights

* Stroud green cardigan (optional) White ankle socks * Stroud green baseball cap

* Stroud green knitted hat


Telephone orders 

Call Customer Services Department on 01727 853262 and choose option 1.

Available 9am-5.30pm Monday-Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays. Items will be posted to your home address.

The following items are only available from Matron:  Stroud School Kit Bag— Please label these on the ends of the bag and/

or add an easily identifiable key ring.

Tel: 01794 513231


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If the weather is warm, summer uniform may be worn at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Please ensure that children with long hair have it tied back – bottle green hair ties or bands are preferred.

Jewellery As a health and safety measure, children are not permitted to wear jewellery at school. However, the following is allowed if necessary: small stud sleepers for newly pierced ears, jewellery for religious reasons, medic alert bracelets. Please ensure that studs are removed or covered with tape on the days when the children have their games lessons.

NAMING GARMENTS All items of clothing (including underwear, shoes and Wellingtons) need to be clearly named with woven name tape, indelible marker or printed labels.  Jumpers, cardigans, shirts, blouses, pinafores and coats (inside back    

collar) Skirts, trousers and shorts (inside back waistband) Caps (stitched to inside band or written in permanent marker) Shoes, trainers and Wellingtons (marked with indelible ink or printed label) All personal items should be named with an indelible marker or a woven name tape. This includes book bags, towels, armbands, kit bags, hats, gloves.

Tel: 01794 513231


NAMING SPORTS KIT Please label only your child’s initial and surname on the outside of the garment as indicated below with large print labels. Please use 1� (25mm), black on white background woven name tags sewn to the outside of the garment as indicated below.

Socks On sole of foot

Shorts/Skorts/ Track pants Left hip area

Swim suit/ Trunks Left hip area

All tops Left breast area underneath school crest

Please direct any queries regarding uniform to:

Tel: 01794 513231


NEARLY NEW UNIFORM Nearly new uniform shop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the first and last week of term 8.30am – 9.30am and 3.30pm – 4.30pm. All other weeks Tuesday 8.30am—9.30am. Items available to purchase from the shop can be found on the school VLE: ‘Nearly new’ uniform for sale may be taken to Matron’s room together with a contact name. A reminder that we only sell uniform garments sold by Stevensons however, we are no long selling socks and swimwear. Please ensure the uniform is washed and that you remove all name tags and take any items to Matron’s room in a clearly named bag. Please make sure that there are no tears, holes, or missing buttons as we are unable to sell these items in the shop. If you would like any unsuitable uniform returned please leave a note in the bag, otherwise we will donate it to a charity on your behalf. Please note that if any uniform is not sold within 3 terms, the school reserves the right to donate it to charity on your behalf. Please note: As of the end of the academic year, 2017/2018, we will no longer accept items of uniform or sporting kit that is not on the current uniform list and does not have the current Stroud School, King Edward VI Preparatory School logo. Please direct any queries regarding sales or purchase to:

LOST PROPERTY Tel: 01794 513231


Please ensure that your child’s uniform and games kit, including shoes and boots, is clearly labelled in accordance with the instructions contained on the uniform pages. Lost property will be collected and stored in the cupboards on the mezzanine floor of the ASD Hall. Please look here if your child misplaces any uniform or games kit. Any named items will be returned to class. Unnamed items are collected and stored for a limited period of time. At the end of a half term, all lost property items will be displayed in the ASD Hall for you to look through. Any unnamed items left will be donated to charity. Please view the lost property list:

SCHOOL POLICIES We have a comprehensive range of policies and procedures available to all parents. You can view these on our website about-us/policies/ or a hard copy is available on request from the School Office.

STROUD SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Every parent is automatically a member of the Stroud School Association, which is run by a committee who organise social events throughout the year. Any funds raised are for the benefit of the children in school. If you are interested in becoming an active member of the committee, please see the school office.

COFFEE MORNING From drop-off until 9am, parents are welcome to have coffee in the dining hall. This is a fantastic opportunity to get to know other parents and is always very popular. Can parents please leave the dining hall by 9.30am on a Wednesday as the space is needed for an assembly.

USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS Postal address: Tel: 01794 513231

Stroud School Email:

Highwood House Highwood Lane Romsey Hampshire SO51 9ZH Telephone:

01794 513231




Mr Worrall, Headmaster:

Mrs Mason-Campbell, Academic Deputy Head:

Mr Jackson, Pastoral Deputy Head:

Mrs Gee, SENco:


School VLE site:

School Sports site:

School website:

King Edward VI website:

Honesty Tel: 01794 513231




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