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Curriculum Information

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Early Years: Throughout the year parents will receive updates of their child’s learning via an online learning journey. To ‘opt in’ to this initiative we ask you to please log into the parent portal. If you do not choose to ‘opt in’, you will not receive emails of your child’s observations.

Early Years Workshops: The staff run workshops which aim to develop your

understanding of how we teach in the Early Years and provide ideas of how you can support your children at home. You will be informed of the dates for these. Key Stage 1: At the beginning of every half term, a curriculum newsletter is sent home, showing you what your child is learning and allowing you to aid your child at home with their learning. If your child requires hospital admission or attention at any time FOR ANY REASON, please inform Matron directly BEFORE returning to school. This includes X-rays, plaster cast, operations etc. Please be sympathetic to the “48 hour” rule after your child has been off with diarrhoea or vomiting. If your child has had a high temperature, they should not return to school until their temperature has returned to normal without the need of medication.


Dietary Requirements: All dietary requirements should be notified on the Medical Admission Declaration form initially, and thereafter by letter or email to Matron. Stroud School is Allergy Aware and caters for pupils with a wide range of medical needs, including but not limited to, gluten intolerance (Coeliac), nut and peanut, egg, and dairy allergies. We also cater for a wide range of cultural dietary requirements. Foodstuffs containing nuts should

not be brought on site to reduce the risk of cross

contamination. Parents are requested to clearly label all food brought on site that maybe shared or sold for charity events. Food brought in for celebrations i.e.

birthdays should be clearly labelled and handed over to the form teacher.


Within the state school system all pupils are offered a program of health screening. This service follows on from the developmental checks carried out by Health Visitors on preschool children but does not incorporate independent schools. The same service is offered at Stroud, the objective being to keep you informed of your child’s physical development with particular attention to sight and hearing. Also to raise his/her awareness of good health.

RECEPTION YEAR –during the term that your child will be five, height, weight, vision, hearing tests and a general health and development questionnaire are carried out by our Matron. You will be notified in advance of any screening. Full information will be provided and written consent requested and the results will be shared with you.

Mrs Alexander Mrs Tanner


Any pupil who becomes unwell or injured during the school day is referred to Matron. If necessary, you will be contacted to discuss the best course of action. Medicines, including cough linctus, anti-histamine, paracetamol and ibuprofen preparations, will only be administered to children when there is permission to do so. The following preparations are kept at school and, unless the school has been informed otherwise may be administered to a pupil if considered appropriate:  topical antiseptics; emollient skin creams; dressings

Pupils are not normally permitted to carry medicines in school.

If your son/daughter has an ongoing medical condition such as asthma, diabetes or allergies, please arrange to see Matron so that the most appropriate support can be provided throughout the school day.

If your child is prescribed antibiotics, please ensure they have had 24 hours of the course before returning to school.

If your child requires a prescription medication during the course of the school day a ‘short term medical needs administration of medication‘ form must be completed. Please see Matron for these forms, or they can also be collected from the school office. Medication or equipment can be safely stored in the medical room for use as necessary. Stroud is a member of the Prep School Baccalaureate (PSB) and works in tandem with over 30 schools nationwide to ensure our education model focuses on the development of skills alongside the acquisition of knowledge. Outside of our core values of Honesty, Respect and Happiness, we have chosen to focus on six key personal attributes and refer to these as the Stroud Spirit Birds; Teamwork Toucans (later referred to as Collaboration), Communication Cockatoo, Curious Cuckoo, Independent Eagle, Leadership Lorikeet and Resilient Robin. In Pre-Prep, these skills are explicitly taught and children are supported to

develop their understanding of each skill. The skills are highlighted and celebrated as the children achieve them.


At the start of each academic year, there is a Presentation Evening. Teachers will outline the curriculum and the learning outcomes for the forthcoming year and how you, as parents, can support this learning at home. Parents’ evenings take place in the Autumn and Spring Terms and Summer Term for Reception. Dates are published in the school calendar and you are able to book an appointment with your child’s teachers through the Parent Portal. They give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and to view their work. Throughout the year, we operate an open door policy and are happy to answer any queries you may have. Please email your child’s teacher to make a convenient appointment.

Early Years: Nursery children who join in the Autumn and Spring Terms receive an end of year report in July. Those who join in the Summer Term will receive a settling in Report at the end of the term. Reception children receive an end of year report in July. Key Stage 1: Children receive a Settling In Report with targets at the end of the Autumn Term and an end of year report in July.

Each child is put into a section when they join the school and are given a section badge to pin to their top. Please encourage your child to take care of this as there will be a charge if a replacement is required. There are three sections (based on the traditional house system): Greyhounds (blue), Bulldogs (red) and Terriers (yellow). They will remain in their section until they leave Stroud, forming a strong sense of allegiance and sporting camaraderie.

There is great competition between the three sections and, as well as competing in sporting events, children strive to achieve sections stars. Our

reward system is based on children earning stars in all areas of school life; for effort, achievement and courtesy. Each week, these are counted and added to the termly total. The section with the most stars win the section treat each term.


We operate an open-door policy. However, if the discussion is something that will require more time, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher at a mutually convenient time. This is particularly important if it is something that would be better discussed away from the children. You are also welcome to email your child’s teachers, email addresses are below.

Please use the following to help communicate with your child’s class teacher:  Email: please find a list of email addresses below.  Nursery: if you prefer please use the purple home-school link book for daily messages.  Reception, Year 1 and Year 2: please use the Yellow Reading Record Book for daily messages.

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