Sports Handbook 2021-22
Physical Education and Sport at Stroud School As an inclusive school, we aim to provide all children with the opportunity to participate at the appropriate level in both inter and intra-school sport. Enjoyment at all levels is central to our ethos, and we are extremely proud of the pathways provided for our children to access sport at Stroud. We offer a range of performance pathways where children can learn, develop and thrive. We foster a ‘One Team, Forever Undaunted' mind-set in all environments. Children are encouraged to do their best at all levels of competition, celebrating their achievements along the way. Dep Developing Physical Literacy in our youngest children begins in Nursery. Initialising their sporting development uty with a ‘FUNdamentals’ programme that is specifically designed to take into account the physiological, Safe psychological and developmental stages of the child. Children are encouraged to develop a firm basis of guar ding coordination, balance, agility and movement skills required for sport in order to foster a lifelong love of sport. Offic Specialist games staff coach through small-sided games and activities aimed at developing sporting acumen. In er Emil KS1 the pupils have the opportunity to experience competitive sport against other schools organised by Solent y Sport. Con nell SAs the children progress through the school, some thrive on competition and show increased potential in their p development. It is important to recognise all ability levels and standards of competition to ensure safety and or tenjoyment in every sporting environment. We may select teams based on ability level or standard of Ecompetition, offering a pathway to competitive fixtures and tournaments with local state and independent v schools. Others simply prefer to participate for the pure enjoyment and physical benefits of sport. We support e these pupils with more training, and a fixtures programme at a reduced level of frequency, intensity and nt sphysicality. C o We offer Sports Days, Swimming Gala’s, Cross Country, Alternative Sports, Section Events and extra-curricular or diclubs, providing all children with the opportunity to train and compete together, in environments which develop n the core elements of sport at Stroud - enjoyment, creativity, teamwork, discipline, respect, collaboration, at or independence and sportsmanship. e c @ ia p s.Physical Education provides the opportunity for children to: u Acquire and develop physical, psychological, tactical and technical skills. k
Aims and Purposes
Perform with increasing physical competence and confidence in a range of sports and activities. Develop enjoyment, creativity, teamwork, discipline, respect, collaboration, independence and sportsmanship. Become skilful, committed, competitive and intelligent performers. Experience winning and losing and react appropriately. Win with modesty and lose graciously, whilst learning in all circumstances. Understand what it takes to persevere, succeed and acknowledge others’ success. Understand and accept the impact team selection has on everyone, showing resilience in disappointment and kindness in success. Take the initiative, lead activity and focus on improving aspects of their own performance. Respond to a variety of challenges in a range of physical contexts and environments. Set SMART targets and goals to achieve individually or as a team. Discover their aptitudes and preferences for different sports and activities. Make informed decisions about the importance of exercise in their lives. ∙ Develop positive attitudes to participation in physical activity. Understanding and reacting to feedback. Develop links with local sports clubs to support development.
Pathways and Development Introduction: Children are taught by specialist sports staff and are supported by wider school staff for fixtures, tournaments and festivals. Our departmental aim is to enhance the pupils’ exposure to a range of sports and develop a lifelong love of sport. We do not have an elite mentality towards sport at Stroud. It is important for children and parents to recognise that our pupils develop at vastly different rates. A child may be highly physically advanced in their early development, and later plateau. Likewise, others develop later through Middle School and reach higher levels of performance in Senior School. Our performance pathways include a combination of regular training, extracurricular clubs, midweek fixtures, weekend fixtures and our Performance Development Programme. Higher Performance This programme is designed to support highly self-motivated children who demonstrate excellent levels of physical, tactical, technical and psychological skill in PE and Games lessons, midweek fixtures, section matches or extra-curricular clubs. Tournaments and weekend fixtures may be more regular, and selection for the Performance Development Programme will be based on an individual sporting basis. Intermediate Performance This programme supports children who have demonstrated an increased level of physical, tactical, technical and psychological skill in PE and Games lessons, midweek fixtures, section matches or extra-curricular clubs. Weekend fixtures may be more regular. Foundation Performance This programme is designed for all children to access. It supports the foundation stages of development in PE and Games lessons, midweek fixtures and section matches. Children are encouraged to attend a range of extracurricular clubs to develop their skills. Occasional weekend training sessions may be included at Stroud. Participation in external club sport is highly recommended to benefit further development.
All year groups As all children learn the skills and techniques for sports, and gain knowledge and understanding, they will be continually assessed and placed in relevant working groups according to the sport or activity. They will also be assessed with regards to which teams they play in, and depending on each individual’s rate of progress, they will move teams accordingly. It may be necessary for children to play in a different team for a period of time (up or down) in order to maximise their progress and improvement. Team selection will be at the discretion of the games staff who teach and frequently monitor the children. No team is “set in stone” for any age group or ability level. Team selection should support all levels of development, and children can move teams for a variety of reasons. We will always select children to participate at a safe and enjoyable level of competition. Safety is incredibly important and despite the commitment or enthusiasm of a child, it may not be appropriate to select them for a team that they are not physically, tactically, psychologically or technically able to compete in. There are children who will need to be continuously challenged in their pursuit of excellence within highly competitive teams, regularly playing against strong opposition. Others may need to be challenged by opposition of a similar standard; and others to simply participate in sport for enjoyment and physical benefits. Some children are naturally gifted athletes and are able to maintain high performance levels at ‘A team’ standard across more than one of the major sports played at Stroud. Therefore, to support their development, he/she may be challenged at this level regularly. We aim to provide fair competition against other schools so that matches are enjoyable, safe and motivating for the children, regardless of the standard of the teams. On occasion, this may require the teams or rules of the game to be adjusted accordingly on the day. We appreciate your support in helping us to ensure that the children have a positive sporting experience and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
Fixtures and Team Selection Year 3 – 4 play on Thursday afternoon and Saturday, and Years 5 – 8 play on Wednesday and Saturday throughout the year. Pupils, if selected, are expected to make themselves available for the Saturday fixtures. Home matches are played at Stroud School or at Wellington Sports Ground. Parents are welcome and encouraged to spectate and support the teams. Members of staff running the teams will set up cancellation procedures for the pupils in the case of bad weather. All details for fixtures can be found on our website. Team sheets should be available online on Monday morning each week. For further details, please read the fixtures information page. Year 1 - 2 (Under 6 - Under 7) We introduce the experience of fixtures off site through attending Solent Sports events. Children participate in athletics, racket sports and multi-sport events against other local primary schools. These events help prepare the children for increased exposure to competitive fixtures in Year 3. Year 3 - 4 (Under 8 -Under 9) We aim to introduce these year groups (U8’s - U9s) to competitive sports gradually in the winter term as they are still learning individual skills and techniques alongside team play. We will endeavour to provide every child with at least two matches per term. To encourage enjoyment, we will aim to play mixed ability teams, however, we will also play in ability groups dependent on the sport and opposition. Lessons include mixed ability training, as well as higher and lower level group training. They will play more frequently and more competitively as they progress through the school. Year 5 – 8 (Under 10 - Under 13) The higher performing children in the year group are expected to play for the 1st or A team in their sports. Both boys and girls will be encouraged to reach as high a standard as possible. The 2nd/B and 3rd/C teams are aimed primarily at encouraging pupils to enjoy competition against other teams of various standards. Our intention for these teams is to play them, where possible, against an opposition of a similar strength for a positive experience. We endeavour to provide the children with at least four midweek matches per term. We cannot commit to alternate weeks/matches. However, we aim to provide training whenever possible on those Wednesdays when pupils are not selected for fixtures. The school will endeavour to provide outdoor pursuits when neither a fixture nor training is possible. Weekend fixtures will be more regular for the A teams in these year groups.
Tournament Selection Teams representing Stroud at county, regional or national competitions will be selected from the best available players. Children in lower age groups may play up a level (ie a Year 5 pupil in a Year 6 tournament) to benefit the team and give the school the best chance of success. There are limitations for selection in some instances where children must compete in the correct age group to their year.
External Sports Clubs We highly recommend children participate in a wide range of sports and activities outside of school. PE staff are very happy to talk with parents about external provision. Please visit for information on external club sport.
Team Selection - Limiting Factors There are many limiting factors that affect fixtures and team selection: Although we try to play as many teams as possible (A’s, B’s, C’s etc.), not all our children can play at the same time or for the same number of matches. There are constraints of staffing, transport, pitches and availability of our players and the opposition.
Not every school can put out more than one team or a team that matches our standard to ensure a safe and enjoyable match. We will adjust teams accordingly to create safe and competitive games.
Some schools play their U8 and U9’s on different days and therefore are unable to play against us on a Thursday or Saturday. Whilst we select as many children as possible whenever we can, there may be specific and individual issues relating to technical ability, as well as health and safety; which limit the number of teams/players that schools (including us) can offer for matches. The A team are the higher performing players in the year group. We recognise that all children develop at different rates, and in order to challenge the fringe players of the C team we aim to select them, on merit, to represent the B team at appropriate fixtures. We will maintain a core group of B team players and hope that this rotation will maintain healthy competition for places. B team fringe players can also rotate into the A team where appropriate and safe. We will endeavour to arrange as many C team games as possible each term to allow all children to enjoy inter-school matches. These may be stand-alone fixtures or triangular games with the B team against other schools. There are some children who find fixtures and tournaments more challenging and less enjoyable. However, Sports Days, Swimming Gala’s, Section Matches, Cross Country and extra-curricular clubs provide those children with the opportunity to access sport or activities for their personal development and enjoyment.
Photography/Videography The safety of the children is of paramount importance and there are pupils whose photos are not allowed to be taken for various reasons. Therefore, whilst at events that involve children from other schools please refrain from any photography unless permission has been sought and given from a Stroud member of staff. During sporting events that only involve Stroud pupils, we welcome you to take photographs and video your own children. However, if these happen to capture an image of another child please do not put them on any social media sites.
Fixture Information and Calendar Subscription There are a number of ways to locate fixture information: The sports website (SOCS) is designed to benefit our planning and communication with parents. Fixtures will be scheduled online and linked to the school calendar. Parents should regularly check the sports website for updates on fixtures and training. Staff will email parents for confirmation of attendance at weekend fixtures. However, we expect parents to interact with the website and calendar for midweek fixtures or tournaments. Please ensure your contact details remain updated with the school. Please visit the following link: This link will take you to the sports fixture calendar where you can select the date, sport and team information. By choosing the small blue figure to the right you will be accessing the team sheet for the particular match that you have chosen. The password is StroudTeams.
The calendar can be accessed electronically on website. It is also available to download on iPhones/iPads. To subscribe/download, go to the calendar on the website. Once on the calendar click ‘see more events’ at the bottom of the page. Next, scroll to the bottom and select ‘subscribe/download’. This will add all school events to the calendar on your device. Currently, this may not be possible on an android device.
We have a Stroud VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) which includes information on sport as well as a ‘Fixtures PRO’ link from the school website which includes match information and availability lists. This is accessed by entering the ‘Parents’ section on the main school website and then selecting the ‘Sports Fixture’ link. An app can be downloaded onto your phone to enable you to access information easily on the move.
All team sheets are put up on the sports noticeboard and are found via the sport fixture link/app. This includes all of the information that is needed for the match.
Cancellation telephone numbers are on the sports fixtures link.
Children in Year 3 (Under 8) and Year 4 (Under 9), play inter school matches on some Thursdays as well as Saturdays.
Children in Years 5 – 8 (Under 10 – Under 13), play in matches on both Wednesdays and Saturdays according to the calendar. Some Wednesday matches may return to school after 4.30pm so please be careful of booking outside clubs on Wednesday evenings that begin early after school.
Please avoid arranging events such as parties that involve large numbers of children from a year group who are involved in matches. It significantly affects the teams we are able to play. We prefer to honour our bookings and to maintain positive relationships with other schools. We aim to avoid last minute changes or cancellations where at all possible.
In the event of cancellation of a Saturday fixture, the member of staff responsible for the match will let you know via text or email. However, Mr Parker’s telephone number is on the sports website in the case of any problems on the day.
Mouthguards The school policy is to endorse all Sporting Governing Bodies in their guidelines surrounding the use of dental protection within PE and Games. All pupils taking part in Rugby and Hockey at the school throughout the year will require a mouthguard. Titan Mouthguards will be catering for all students wishing to purchase a custom, dental-fit mouthguard with their remote E-Fitting service, allowing pupils to have their mouthguards fitted and received in advance of the start of the 2021/2022 school year. If you wish to take advantage of this service, please complete your online order form by clicking the following link: As well as their standard styles, Titan has designed a School Special Edition with the school colours and crest. The mouthguard cost is £34.99, with all replacement/spare guards at a reduced cost of £30. Titan’s prices are vastly reduced from dental practices and similar services and include:
E-Fitting with a Video Call Fitting Appointment to have the student’s impression supervised by a member of the Titan team. Custom mouthguards, manufactured with triple laminate technology and hand finished to achieve the highest level of protection available. Student’s name embedded on under-side. Free delivery.
Those with a fixed brace should also follow the link. Titan also provide mouthguard options for those with a fixed brace and your preferred fitting method can be selected on the school’s online order form. If you prepare a boilfit option, please visit: For a faster production time, please place your order and return your impression to Titan before 20/08/2021. If ordering in September and October, please allow a 10-15 working day production time, due to increased production demands. Any questions on school mouthguards or any of the details above should be sent directly to Titan (not to school staff) via their customer service email address:
Health and Injury If your son/daughter is required to be off games due to illness please send an email or a note to the games staff and the medical team (Matron). If they are required to be off games for any length of time due to a medical issue please email the the medical team who can then forward the information to the games staff. It is important to keep us informed when your son/daughter is fit to participate again. Information about any medical condition that will affect their participation is greatly appreciated in order for us to monitor the appropriate level of activity, especially when returning from injury.
Return2Play We are proud to have partnered with return2play, the UK's leading sports medicine partner for schools. This system will improve all injury management at Stroud, and help the sports staff and medical team to communicate effectively with parents. Access to expert doctors online is an option for children who suffer suspected concussion either inside or outside of school. What is the R2P Injury Management System: The R2P Injury Management System is an innovative, whole-school, cloud-based platform which makes it quick and easy for us to safely manage all of our pupil’s injuries. It will help provide expert medical care to pupils, reducing time spent on admin, and ensuring full compliance with the latest regulations and protocols. Record Injuries: Whether it’s a small bruise, a broken bone or a concussion, we can quickly record injury details on a secure online system. Automate Communication: At every stage of a player’s recovery, automated notifications make sure that everyone from parents, teachers, to the pupil’s sports club(s) outside of school, know exactly what is going on. Access Expert Doctors: Concussed pupils can get timely access to the UK’s most experienced doctors for their required appointments. Convenient and accessible appointments in the R2P innovative telemedicine clinics mean no more waiting times. Check Injury Statuses: The pupil’s detailed ‘Injury Passport’ means we can keep up to date with our pupil’s recovery and view details of any current or old injuries.
SPORTS EVENTS AT STROUD We enter and host a number of sporting events, these include:
Pre Prep Sports Day Middle and Senior School Sports Day Section Swimming Gala Section Matches Gym and Dance Performance Evening Stroud Inter-School Cross Country Competition (Hosted at Stroud) Monthly Cross Country races throughout the Winter and Spring Terms (These are during lessons) U8 Mixed Football Festival (Hosted at Stroud) U9 Boys Football Tournament (Hosted at Stroud) U10 Boys Football Tournament (Hosted at Wellington Sports Ground) U11 Boys Hampshire Hockey U13/12 Girls Cricket Tournament (Hosted at Wellington Sports Ground) U10 Girls Netball Festival (Hosted at Wellington Sports Ground) U10 Girls Netball Tournament U11 Girls Hampshire Hockey U11 IAPS Rugby (Hosted at Wellington Sports Ground) IAPS competitions
There are a number of IAPS events that we are able to enter if we have a suitable competitor or team. We are able to put the children forward for these high level competitions in the following sports: Racquet Sports Basketball Chess Fencing Golf Judo Hockey Netball Skiing Karate Rugby Squash Swimming Sailing Cricket Tennis Triathlon If your son/daughter is particularly talented in any of the above individual sports and regularly competes in events outside of school please let Mr Parker know if you are interested in entering them into the relevant competition.
Year 3 Girls
Year 3 Boys
Year 4 Girls
Year 4 Boys
Year 5 Girls
Year 5 Boys
Year 6 Girls
Year 6 Boys
Year 7/8 Girls
Year 7/8 Boys
1st ½ Winter Term
Alternative Sports, Swimming and Hockey
Alternative Sports, Swimming and Football
Alternative Sports, Swimming and Hockey
Alternative Sports, Swimming and Football
Alternative Sports and Hockey
Alternative Sports and Football
Alternative Sports and Hockey
Alternative Sports and Football
Alternative Sports and Hockey
Alternative Sports and Football
2nd ½ Winter Term
Health Related Fitness and Hockey
Health Related Fitness and Football / Rugby
Health Related Fitness and Hockey
Health Related Fitness and Football / Rugby
Health Related Fitness and Hockey
Health Related Fitness and Rugby
Health Related Fitness and Hockey
Health Related Fitness and Rugby
Health Related Fitness and Hockey
Health Related Fitness and Rugby
1st ½ Spring Term
Curriculum Gymnastics and Netball
Curriculum Gymnastics and Rugby
Curriculum Gymnastics and Netball
Curriculum Gymnastics and Rugby
Curriculum Gymnastics and Netball
Curriculum Gymnastics and Rugby
Curriculum Gymnastics and Netball
Curriculum Gymnastics and Rugby
Curriculum Gymnastics and Netball
Curriculum Gymnastics and Rugby
2nd ½ Spring Term
Racquet Sports and Netball
Racquet Sports and Hockey
Racquet Sports and Netball
Racquet Sports and Hockey
Racquet Sports and Netball
Racquet Sports and Hockey
Racquet Sports and Netball
Racquet Sports and Hockey
Racquet Sports and Netball
Racquet Sports and Hockey
1st ½ Summer Term
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
2nd ½ Summer Term
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
Athletics Track & Field, Cricket and Swimming
GIRLS SPORTS UNIFORM (Year 3-8) Stroud green P.E. polo shirt with section colour (Greyhounds – Blue, Terriers – Yellow, Bulldogs – Red) Stroud Skort Stroud match shirt Stroud mid-layer
Stroud kit bag Outdoor trainers Indoor trainers (non-marking soles) Spare pair underwear after muddy activities Optional Extras: Skins - base layer top and/or base layer leggings. (Black)
Stroud waterproof track top Stroud tracksuit trousers Stroud green games socks White sports socks Stroud water bottle Black poly cotton shorts and/or fitted black cycle shorts AUTUMN
Hockey Stroud match shirt
Stroud match shirt
Stroud matrix cricket shirt
Stroud section shirt
Stroud section shirt
Stroud cricket slipover
Stroud Skort
Stroud Skort
Stroud cricket trousers
Stroud green games socks
White sport socks
White sport socks
Hockey stick (optional Year 3)
Abdoguard (Y5-8)
Shin pads
Bat, helmet, pads, gloves (optional)
Gum shield / Mouthguard Athletics Fitted black cycle shorts Swimming Year 3 & 4 ONLY
Stroud section polo shirt
Black or green swimsuit
White sport socks
Goggles (optional)
Running spikes (optional)
Towel Flip flops
Swimming Black or green swimsuit Goggles (optional) Towel Flip flops
BOYS SPORTS UNIFORM (Year 3-8) Stroud green P.E. polo shirt with section colour Fitted black cycle shorts (Greyhounds – Blue, Terriers – Yellow, Bulldogs – Red)
White sport socks
Stroud games top
Outdoor trainers
Stroud black rugby/football shorts
Indoor trainers (non-marking soles)
Stroud Midlayer
Spare pair underwear after muddy activities
Stroud waterproof track top
Optional Extras:
Stroud tracksuit trousers
Skins - base layer top and/or base layer leggings. (Black)
Stroud kit bag
Stroud green games socks White sport socks Stroud water bottle Black poly cotton shorts (PE)
Stroud black shorts
Stroud black rugby shorts
Stroud matrix cricket shirt
Stroud games top
Stroud games top
Stroud cricket trousers
Stroud green games socks
Stroud green games socks
Stroud cricket slipover
Football/ rugby studded boots
Rugby/ football studded boots
White sports socks
Shin pads
Gum shield / Mouthguard
Bat, helmet, pads, gloves (optional)
Gum shield / Mouthguard
Scrum hat (optional)
Scrum hat (optional)
Shoulder pads (optional)
Shoulder pads (optional)
Fitted black cycle shorts Stroud section polo
Hockey (2nd half) Stroud black shorts Swimming Year 3 & 4 ONLY
Running spikes (optional) White sports socks
Stroud games top
Black or green trunks
Stroud green games socks
Black or green trunks
Goggles (optional)
Hockey stick (optional)
Goggles (optional)
Gum shield / Mouthguard
Flip flops
Shin pads
Flip flops
Football (1st half)
Stroud black football shorts
Stroud black rugby shorts
Stroud matrix cricket shirt
Stroud games top
Stroud games top
Stroud cricket trousers
Stroud green games socks
Stroud green games socks
Stroud cricket slipover
Football/ rugby studded boots
Rugby/ football studded boots Gum shield / Mouthguard
White sport socks
Scrum hat (optional)
Bat, helmet pads, gloves (optional)
Shin pads
Shoulder pads (optional) Athletics Fitted black cycle shorts Stroud section polo White ankle sports socks Running spikes (optional) Rugby (2nd half)
Hockey (2nd half)
Stroud black shorts
Stroud black shorts
Black or green trunks
Stroud games top
Stroud games top
Goggles (optional)
Stroud green games socks
Stroud green games socks
Rugby/ football studded boots
Hockey stick (optional)
Flip flops
Gum shield / Mouthguard
Gum shield / Mouthguard
Scrum hat (optional)
Shin pads
Shoulder pads (optional)
Uniform Supplier and Labelling Uniform supplier: Stevensons - All items are to be purchased from Stevensons, you can order in the following ways: Order online at
To register, enter Stroud School, select and follow instructions
Shop in store for expert fitting advice and a range of other school essentials visit our Bournemouth branch, open 9am-5.30pm Monday-Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays. 148-150 Seabourne Road, Bournemouth, BH5 2JAT: 01202 425192 E:
Telephone orders:
Call Customer Services Department on 01727 853262 and choose option 1. Available 9am-5.30pm Monday-Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturdays. Items will be postedto your home address. The following items are only available from Matron:
Stroud School Kit Bag (Year 3-8) Stroud School Book Bag (Replacements for Pre-Prep)
Sports Kit - Look Smart, Feel Smart We believe looking smart sends a strong statement about togetherness and shared endeavour in the pursuit of excellence at all levels of competition. Sports kit should be worn with pride, encouraging children to feel pride in themselves as well as the school. Please ensure you child(ren) are always equipped with the correct kit for lessons and fixtures each week.
Additional Information
If the weather is warm, summer uniform may be worn at the beginning of the AutumnTerm. Please put a spare change of underwear, including socks into the bottom of your child’skit bag for emergency use (Nursery and Kindergarten children). Please ensure that children with long hair have it tied back – bottle green / black hair ties or bands are preferred.
Jewellery As a health and safety measure, children are not permitted to wear jewellery at school. However, the following is allowed if necessary; small stud sleepers for newly pierced ears, jewellery for religious reasons, medic alert bracelets. Please ensure that studs are removed or covered with tape on the days when the children have their Games or PE lessons.
NAMING GARMENTS All items of clothing (including underwear, shoes and Wellingtons) need to be clearly named with woven name tape, indelible marker or printed labels.
Jumpers, cardigans, shirts, blouses, pinafores and coats (inside back collar) Skirts, trousers and shorts (inside back waistband) Caps (stitched to inside band or written in permanent marker)
Shoes, trainers, plimsolls and Wellingtons (marked with indelible ink or printed label)
All personal items should be named with an indelible marker or a woven name tape. This includes book bags, towels, armbands, kit bags, hats, gloves.
Please use 1” (25mm), black on white background woven name tags sewn to the outside of the garment as indicated below.
Please label kit with only your child’s initial and surname on outside of garment as indicated below with large print labels. Please direct any queries regarding uniform to
Nearly New Uniform Shop The school also has a nearly new uniform shop which sells school uniform and games kit. All items in stock can be found on your purchases will be sent home with your child within 2-5 days of your order. ‘Nearly new’ uniform for sale may be taken to Matron’s room together with an itemised list and contact name. Please ensure that all clothing is clean and that name labels have been removed. Faded, worn or mended items will not be put forward for sale. Please note that if any uniform is not sold within three terms, the school reserves the right to return it to parents or donate it to charity on their behalf.
LOST PROPERTY Lost property will be collected and put upstairs in the ASD Hall. Items that have not been claimed after a week will be taken away and logged onto the system. Any named items will be returned to class. Property will be reunited with owners much sooner if it is named! We have created a lost property list for you to check online to see if your missing items have been found: If you think an item belongs to you please send an email to ( and your numbered item will be left to claim on the lost property rail. This list will be updated regularly and each item will be kept for three months, if they are not claimed they will be given to charity.
Stroud Expectations of Behaviour at Sports Matches
Find out all arrangements and times by reading the games noticeboard. Girls must come to matches wearing their match shirt and school skort unless told otherwise. A tracksuit is required for before and after the match. Boys are to check the team sheet for information about whether to wear match kit or uniform when attending any matches. When travelling to away fixtures we expect quiet behaviour on the bus or coach. All passengers should stay seated with their seatbelts properly fastened. At the end of the match the Captain is to raise three cheers for the opposition and the children are to shake hands with their opposition and the umpire/referee. Children may be required to shower after rugby training or fixtures. A towel should be in their kit bag throughout the winter months. At all times you must be smart in appearance, courteous in manner and considerate of others. After matches children are to remain with the member of staff responsible for them until it is time to sign out. Pupils must not leave without signing out.
Match Tea
Pupils are expected to stay to match tea at home and away matches. Good manners are expected at all times. As hosts at home fixtures, you must ensure your opposition are served first and that you share tables. When tea is on the lawn at Stroud, in the summer or early autumn, we expect players to mix with the opposition. On no account must there be any ball games or other distractions when in the garden. During match tea at Stroud and at other schools, children are to sit with their team to eat the food provided. Pupils are not allowed to eat from the Parents’ tea. However, on some occasions, teachers may hand out excess food once they have spoken to the catering staff. You are expected to stay until the opposition have left and, on leaving, players must shake hands and say thank you to the opposition. The Captain must also thank the umpires/referees and catering staff. Children will be brought to parents once tea has finished. We kindly request that all parents refrain from entering the children’s match tea area, especially at other schools.
SPORT IN IAPS SCHOOLS Stroud is a member of the IAPS (Independent Association of Preparatory Schools). As part of the conditions of membership we agree to the following guidelines. Code of Practice for coaches, match officials, pupils, parents and spectators: Sport is a very important element of life in our schools. It is participated in and enjoyed by large numbers of boys and girls of all ages and abilities. This code of conduct aims to ensure that this enjoyment and participation remain at the heart of all we do.
Parents Remember that children develop at different rates and react differently to the same pressures. Don’t force an unwilling child to participate in sport; he or she is not playing to satisfy your ambitions. Children are involved in organised sport for their enjoyment and not yours. Encourage your child to always play by the rules. Teach your child that effort and teamwork are as important as victory so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment. Turn defeat into victory by helping your child work towards skill improvement and a positive sporting attitude. Never ridicule or shout at your child for making a mistake or losing a competition. Children learn best by example. Applaud good play by members of all teams, not just your own. Do not question publicly the officials’ judgement and never their honesty. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children’s sport. Recognise the value and importance of coaches. Allow them to decide what is best. They give their time, energy and experience to provide guidance for your child. Set an example by being friendly to the opposition parents. Emphasise enjoyment and fun. Praise and reinforce effort and improvement. Be aware of the physical demands that sport places on your child. Participation in both school and club matches may be too much for some individuals. Priority should be given to playing for the school as stated in the terms and conditions of many schools. Pupils All pupils should: Play for the fun and enjoyment of it, not just to please their parents or coach/teacher. Where rules apply, try to learn them and stick to them. Accept decisions; let their captain or coach ask any necessary questions. Control their temper and be a good sport. Remember to respect their opponents and the match officials. Remember that the aim of the game is to have fun, improve skills and feel good. They should not show off nor attempt to score the most points/goals etc. Work equally hard for the team as for themselves. Their team’s performance will benefit alongside their own. Treat all players as they themselves would wish to be treated. They should not bully nor take unfair advantage of any player either on their own or on the opposition’s side. Co-operate with their coach, team-mates and opponents – without them there would be no game. Appreciate and respect the adults who make these opportunities possible. Spectators Spectators should remember the following: Children play organised sport for their own fun. They are not there solely to entertain you and they are not miniature adults nor professional sportsmen and women. Do not harass or swear at players, coaches or officials Applaud good play by both sides and show respect for your team’s opponents. Without them there would be no game. Never ridicule or scold a child for making a mistake during a competitive match of any kind. Condemn the use of violence in all forms. Respect the decisions made by officials. Encourage players always to play to the rules. Relax and enjoy the game whether your team wins or not. Remember that young people learn by example so make sure that yours is the right one!
Physical Education Department Staffing Structure Director of Sport Mr J Parker Teachers of Girls’ Games
Teachers of Boys’ Games
Mrs L Beaumont, Mrs J Kent and
Mr B Morgan
Mrs J van Zyl
@Stroud_Sport Follow us on Twitter