Parental HE Presentation

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Name that University!

Lower VI Higher Education Programme [ For Parents]


Fire exits Muster point Wilton Rd Exit

Work Experience:

Mrs Mandley

The GAP Year:

Mr Wood

Extra Academic Examinations:

Mr Hunt

E.M.A .

Miss Jordan

What follows is a “potted version” of the information your son or daughter has received. Please refer to the HE guides that have been published and distributed: Higher Education: Information For Parents Higher Education: Student Handbook Planning A Gap Year Other booklets at appropriate times….

Higher Education Factors we ask students to consider What is HE? Why study at this level? Types of study? Where to study? When to apply? What to study? How to find out more? How to apply?

What is HE? Sorry – but we have to cover the basics, too Higher Education = Education beyond VI Form, and beyond A level

FIRST DEGREE COURSES B.A. Bachelor of Arts B.Sc. Bachelor of Sciences B.Ed. Bachelor of Education B. Eng. Bachelor of Engineering M.B. Bachelor of Medicine LLB Bachelor of Law

Why Bother? Reach full potential Discover other people [!] Rapid Promotion All Graduate professions Easy escape route It SHOULD be enjoyable

The Glass Ceiling? Graduate Only Recruitment Journalism & Publishing Law Teaching Nursing Psychology Radiography

Taking Responsibility

Armed Forces – Officer Care professions Supervisory roles Accelerated Management schemes

The list goes on………

From Research To Application. What to do? Where to go? Research should be taking place NOW

What type of course? Approximately:50,000 + courses to choose from! 424 HE Institutions to research/visit !! Basic Choices of type of course:Single honours? Joint honours? Combined or Modular? Sandwich course? Erasmus?

Types of Honours Degree Courses Most courses last 3 years NB:Medicine [5] ,Vet Sciences [6] , Architecture [7]

MSc/MEng courses usually 4 years BA language courses involve 3rd year abroad Sandwich courses can be ‘thick’ or ‘thin’!

What Type of University? Collegiate Universities

Durham, Oxbridge

Metropolitan/Redbrick Universities

Manchester, Bristol

Campus Universities

Warwick Birmingham

Technological Universities

Imperial, Heriot-Watt

‘New’ Universities

Portsmouth, BUWE

Non-British Universities [£££££]

Antipodes, US, EU

Leagues Within Leagues Oxbridge Tompkins Table [ Cambridge] Norrington Table [Oxford] Russell Group 1994 Group

Leagues Within Leagues Oxbridge Tompkins Table [ Cambridge] Norrington Table [Oxford] Russell Group 1994 Group

Approximately 98% of our students go on to University Between 70-85% of KES students manage to achieve places in the “Top 25” universities BUT There are alternatives: Foundation Courses – Art/ Fashion/Design Year Out – GAP Employment Forces

What subject to study?

Interests Motivation for a course Ability Stamford Test & other Psychometric testing

When To Apply? Pre A-level = THIS September for next year [direct entry] Deferred Entry = THIS September but for the year after next [Take a gap year because you can] PQA = September AFTER A levels are secured [Take a GAP year after reviewing the situation]

Matching Ambition to Ability: be REALISTIC or be PQA Past results [GCSE profile] Predicted results UMS at AS level Examples of past offers in a particular subject UCAS ‘Entry Profiles’ Heap’s Degree Course Offers

Research Use the IT facilities

Other Sources Prospectuses Hard /Electronic Heap The Times Online The Times Good University Guide The Guidance Centre The guidance booklet you’ve been given Unistats and similar comparative sites

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School intranet – under Student Guidance MOST IMPORTANTLY:Your child’s TUTOR


Students have been actively encouraged to take INITIATIVE in researching data.

Source :HESA

% employment

Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Science




Subjects allied to Medicine




Biological Sciences




Combined Subjects


Social Studies


Agriculture and related subjects


Historical and Philosophical Studies


Mathematical Sciences


Physical Sciences


Business and Administrative Studies


Creative Arts and Design


Architecture, Building, and Planning


Engineering and Technology


Mass Communications and Documentation


Computer Sciences


The School of Pharmacy Royal College of Music The University of Surrey

100% 98.% 96.9

Royal Agricultural College


The University of Nottingham


The University of Lancaster


The University of Oxford


Aston University The University of Salford

92.3 85.2

The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts London Metropolitan University


London South Bank University



Graduate Employment Figures Source: The Guardian

The school web site……

has useful links

Individual prospectuses are at www. ‘anyuniv’

Compare different sources – Individual University departments will provide detailed information

The UCAS website

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Useful sections for parents

Incredibly useful sections for students

Course Search – changes each year, but is brilliant!

There are MANY different methods of searching for University courses The UCAS entry profiles are the most useful guides to requirements

Useful Resources kept in the Guidance Centre

Jargon RAE TQA Completion Rates AABb offers Cover ratios Tariff A* only at A2 level

Calculating points‌..or go to






















Perspective Bristol University has 1,800+ applicants for 100 places in History On average only 5.6% of applicants were successful The ISCUS survey reports a 19% success rate for applicants from Independent schools

< 7% of students attend independent VI forms.…………

Oxbridge application = an inexact science Each year around 10% of KES students proceed to Oxbridge. Oxford OR Cambridge? Is it the right place for a specific course? Oxbridge applications continue to rise – possibly due to outreach programmes. “Deselection” is also on the increase. Avoid applications for the same subject AND college – RMG can advise on college. **** the average successful applicant has ‘around’ 8 A* grades @ GCSE. Even excellent candidates with 11A* may fail to secure a place., but there is no hard ‘rule’. Extra examinations are a major factor in selection. “Candidates with less than 90% in their AS subjects will be in a materially weaker position than the AVERAGE applicant.” Trinity College Cambridge [ my italics]

Medicine At least grade B English GCSE + LOTS of Wk. Exp Need AAB minimum predictions at A level [This may rise: A*A A is possible] “Some” medic schools don’t like 2nd applications [Use BMA & Entry Profiles] Candidates need to be mentally ‘tough’ 0.5 offers per candidate A LONG wait to hear BMAT /UKCAT should be a mix Can use the 5th choice – BUT without concessions in the personal statement

The UCAS Process Indicator A2 grades in February [ P1] Discuss 4 or 5 choices with tutor Visit Universities [ parents welcome] AS levels Post AS level decisions [UMS %] Post AS, A level predictions [P2] EARLY in September [PQA implications] Apply from September 1st Pred. grade review at half term only

The ‘Form’ Apply training in late June – Weds 29 TBC Complete personal details Draft personal statement - drafting now, but review before end of academic year Complete form either during Summer break or as soon as possible thereafter Pay UCAS online and ‘send’ to referee’

The Reference HE1s to subject teachers in July Tutors compile draft reference once the application is marked as complete and sent to them All applications to RMG for approval HM ‘signs’ & sends N.B: DEADLINES. Students sometimes forget that they’re only half way through the process at the point that they press ‘send’. They may need a little ‘chivvying’

Open Days Students should discuss suitability with Tutor BOOK place with RMG or KJ - please indicate parental places required PLEASE use coaches not private transport wherever possible Cost varies according to coach hire ÂŁ6 + London: Departmental = [Student travel] We do NOT encourage students to drive themselves!!

Dates to Remember: Main Open Day period is after AS examinations . Many are now at weekends Please use the web site Portsmouth He Fair Cardiff Exeter Royal Holloway Nottingham Exeter Bath Bristol Oxford

11th March 6 April [ !] 14 June 15 June 18 June [Sat] 22 June 23 June 30 June 7 July

DEADLINES etc 1st September Speech Day Week before half term At least 10 working days to process System closes @ Christmas

Work Experience:

Mrs Mandley

The GAP Year:

Mr Wood

Extra Academic Examinations:

Mr Hunt

E.M.A .

Miss Jordan

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