Basher Science: Oceans_ Who Am I Activity

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W ho A m I?


AC t i v it y ! The most recent tally of all ocean life counted 230,000 species, with at least four times that are still awaiting discovery. Crab

A nswer Ke y

In st ruc tors Page Who Am I? 1. Jellyfish 2. Killer Whale 3. Lobster 4. Seahorse 5. Sea Turtle 6. Anglerfish 7. Penguin 8. Great White Shark 9. Porpoises and Dolphins 10. Moray Eel

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Who Am I?


Use the clues from Oceans to figure out each ocean creature. 1. I ’m 90% water, have no brain or central nervous system, but I do have venom-tipped tentacles. I’m a ___________________.


2. I’m a huge merciless beast that can live up to 80 years. I can be found in oceans all over the world, though I do prefer cold waters. I’m highly intelligent and like to travel in a troop. I’m a _____________________.

3. I’m a popular crustacean with five pairs of legs. My blood is blue, and I like to hide under rocks and in crevices. People tell me I’m a delicious delicacy. I’m a ________________. 4. I can be found in shallow, tropical, and temperate waters. I’m a slow swimmer with a long face and a potbelly. I’m also the only male animal in the whole world that can get pregnant. I’m a ________________________.

5. I live in the sea, but I breathe air. The ocean is my home, but I go ashore to lay my eggs. Sadly, I am on the brink of becoming an endangered species. I’m a ______________.

6. I live in the darkest depths of the sea. In order to catch unsuspecting prey, I dangle a glowing lure in front of my mouthful of long, curved teeth. I’m a ________________.

8. I’m the ocean’s largest predatory fish. I have huge jaws, and have three rows of over 300 sharp teeth. Other animals and people are terrified of my bite! I’m a ____________. 9. We’re very intelligent mammals that live in pods. We’re very friendly, and are found all over the world. We love jumping, can learn tricks, and communicate with one another with clicks and whistles. We’re___________________.

10. I’m long and wiggly, a master of camouflage, and have razor-sharp teeth. I hunt at night, and often hide and wait for my prey in old pipes and portholes of sunken ships. I’m a _______________________.

7. I’m a cute and chubby Antarctic sea bird that cannot fly—it’s a good thing I can swim fast! My streamlined body, flipper wings, and heavy bones help me bounce off rocks and slide down ice. I’m a _________________________.

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