Basher Basics: Weather_ What Type of Weather Am I Activity

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W hat T yp e o f W eat he r A m I?

r e t h a e A W

A C t i v i t y! While there are some places on this planet where the weather doesn’t change much from day to day, in other places, not only does the weather vary from one day to the next, but it can even change dramatically in the course of 24 hours! Let’s take a closer look at the different types of weather.


A nswer Ke y

In st ruc tors Page What Type of Weather A m I? 1. Hurricane 2. Rainbow 3. Hail 4. Cloud 5. Fog 6. Lightning 7. Tornado 8. El Ni単o 9. Wind 10. Sun

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W h at T y pe of W e at he r Am I?

Read the clues below, then fill-in-the-blanks with the correct Weather word.

1. I am a destructive weather system that brings very strong winds and rain. I’m a_________________________ . 2. I’m often seen after a storm or in the spray coming from waves and waterfalls, my multicolored bands of color are a sight to behold. I’m a___________________________ . 3. I’m a frozen ball of ice formed in cold storm clouds, then plummet down to Earth. I’m___________________________ .


4. I’m a large collection of water droplets or ice crystals in the sky that form when air cools and water vapor turns to liquid. I’m a__________ . 5. I form when cold air is trapped beneath a warm air mass, then disappear when things heat up. I’m____________________________________ . 6. I’m a sudden burst for electricity from the clouds. I’m________________________ . 7. I love to create chaos and destruction with my high wind speeds, and twisting tube of air. I’m a_________________________ . 8. I’m a “tropical terror” that breezes in around Christmastime to upset the normal interaction of the ocean and atmosphere. I’m ___________________ . 9. I sure do get things moving, when I huff, and I puff, and I move air masses around. I’m ____________________________ . 10. I’m the center of the solar system, the brightest thing in the sky, and provide energy to drive climate, weather, and life on Earth. I’m a___________________ . Like us on Facebook for trivia, giveaways, and contests.

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