Astronomy - Word Search Activity

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Un i v e rs e

A N A s t r o no m y

A C t i v i t y! Have what it takes to discover the next great celestial object? An astronomer needs a logical head and the patience to uncover the mysteries of the Universe.


A nswer Ke y

In st ruc tors Page CLUES 1. A space rock orbiting the sun....................... A S T E R O I D 2. The central part of a star or planet.............. C O R E 3. Path one object takes around another....... O R B I T 4. An oval-shaped path is….............................. E L L I P T I C A L 5. The stretching of objects in space into strings........................................ S PAG H E T T I F I C AT I O N 6. A person who studies the universe............... A S T R O N O M E R 7. The distance light travels in one year........... L I G H T Y E A R 8. A ball of hot, bright gas.................................. S TA R 9. All of space and everything it contains....... U N I V E R S E 10. Of or like a star................................................ S T E L L A R 11. A person who travels in space..................... A S T R O N AU T 12. When one celestial object hides................. E C L I P S E another from view 13. A measure of brightness............................... M AG N I T U D E 14. A layer of gas surrounding a planet............ AT M O S P H E R E 15. T hin, rocky layer covering

a planet’s surface.......................................... C R U S T

16. One complete rotation on an axis.............. S P I N

17. Molten rock that flows.................................... L AVA

18. H ollow in the surface of

a planet or moon.......................................... C R AT E R

19. Visible surface of a star.................................. P H OTO S P H E R E

20. A force of attraction between objects...... G R AV I T Y

21. The line around which a planet rotates...... A X I S 22. An object held in orbit by gravity............... S AT E L L I T E 23. What surrounds Saturn.................................. R I N G S 24. The Sun’s superhot outer layer of gas......... C O R O N A 25. A building that houses telescopes.............. O B S E R VATO R Y

A Basher Astronomy Vocabulary


Searc h

Test your astronomical knowledge by decoding the clues below. Once you’ve found the answers, look for the words in the puzzle. It’s tricky—like deep space there is no gravity—they could be up or down, frontwards or backwards in any direction.


Number of letters

1. A space rock orbiting the sun 2. The central part of a star or planet 3. Path one object takes around another 4. An oval-shaped path is… 5. The stretching of objects in space into strings 6. A person who studies the universe 7. The distance light travels in one year 8. A ball of hot, bright gas 9. All of space and everything it contains 10. Of or like a star 11. A person who travels in space 12. When one celestial object hides another from view 13. A measure of brightness 14. A layer of gas surrounding a planet 15. Thin, rocky layer covering a planet’s surface 16. One complete rotation on an axis 17. Molten rock that flows 18. Hollow in the surface of a planet or moon 19. Visible surface of a star 20. A force of attraction between objects 21. The line around which a planet rotates 22. An object held in orbit by gravity 23. What surrounds Saturn 24. The Sun’s superhot outer layer of gas 25. A building that houses telescopes

(8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (4) _ _ _ _ (5) _ _ _ _ _ (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (17) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (4) _ _ _ _ (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (5) _ _ _ _ _ (4) _ _ _ _ (4) _ _ _ _ (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ (11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (4) _ _ _ _ (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (5) _ _ _ _ _ (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ (11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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