Kingfisher Family newsletter - December 2020

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K I N G F I S H E R FA M I LY Light in dark times From the Philippines Hello Pastor, we thank God for His faithfulness and caring to the body of Christ here, due to the typhoon Ulysses that destruct the harvest and houses of many Filipinos. Its now only that we have access on internet, thank God for all your prayers we are all safe and protected by our Savior Jesus Christ. Church in Pantay is good and stable, only the church in Sibug is affected, And yet, there is light… the roof of the kitchen were destructed. Our Dumagat Even in the midst of this great education shelter were in good shaking around the world, we condition too, only some minor can see evidence of the Lord repairs needed, due some holes at work, bringing hope, healing in their roof, thank God no lives and light in the darkness. affected,.We praise God for all your prayers, Amen” (Pastor Noel From Zimbabwe Del n) Greetings Pastor James, am pleased to be testify on how “We can see you , pastor Ollie and the entire evidence of the King sher international family church. You have brought Lord at work, smiles relief and new lease of bringing hope, spiritual revival to us here.We always share insights of all the healing and Sunday service series and light in the weekly updates.We have to darkness” reach disadvantaged and their families with the gospel of peace.We are witnessing many From Malawi coming and accepting Jesus “The church is still meeting Christ as their personal saviour.” weekly and more people are (Pastor Joseph Maravanyika coming to the Lord and joining the Church” (Pastor Charles Mithowa)












As we approach the end of 2020, we can probably all agree that this is a year the likes of which we would be glad to never see again! Pandemic, lockdown, social distancing, self-isolation, Rnumber…these are all words that have become part of our everyday conversations. Meanwhile, massive typhoons batter the Philippines,

From Indi “Had a rst event after lockdown in Haridwar. Church was packed with new people, almost every body prayed the salvation prayer and 22 were baptized.” (Pastor Simon Haq) “A new fellowship is opened (in the New Delhi area) with Rajasthani people.” (Pastor Simon Haq) And the effects of the Gift Day that was held at the International Day of Prayer are still being felt around the world, with bags of food and essentials going out to hundreds of desperate families around the world Even in the darkness there is light! As we see from testimonies in this edition of King sher Family News, God is working even in the midst of very dif cult circumstances. Your story may or may not be represented in this newsletter, but can you think of something to praise God for right now? God is still God and He is still bringing light in the darkness, which is the theme that we particularly focus on at this time of year. What light has He brought into your darkness of late?

A message from Pastor Ollie So this autumn, at King sher Tredworth, we have been asking the same question that the Jews asked over two and a half thousand years ago, recorded in Psalm 137, ‘How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?’ For them, life as they once knew it had gone, their temple destroyed, separated from loved ones and exiled to Babylon. Singing the Lord’s song seemed all but impossible. Now most of us haven’t been exiled from our own country and taken to a foreign land, but what we have experienced this year is a sense of captivity, we’ve even called it lockdown! And we have experienced being in a strange land, this is not the existence we had this time last year, and so much of what we had built and depended on has been taken from us. Who could have imagined that twelve months on we would be under such restrictions, our community groups suspended, separated from people we love, unable to meet together to worship, not allowed to even sing corporately, and so the question of Psalm 137 verse four has become very pertinent. Never mind the logistics of how we can sing, some of us are battling with our mental health, we’ve suffered * all sorts of loss when it comes to work and nance, the virus itself has taken a toll on people’s health, over a million people worldwide have died of this disease already, and there is an increase in fear and anxiety as to what the future holds, and the last thing most of us think of doing is singing the Lord’s song!!

where our freedom has been impeded it seems incongruous to be singing a song of praise and victory, and the temptation, like the Jews in Babylon, is to hang up our harps, to step back, to sit down, to give up, to lose hope, to cry over all that was. But that wasn’t the end of the story for the Jews, and where we are now is not the end of the story for us. Through the prophet, Jeremiah, the people of Israel were encouraged to keep living, to keep connecting, to keep building, and to keep sowing. We might not understand why we are here, we might not like it, but God is still working His purposes out, there is a future ahead that we need to get ready for so let’s not use this as an excuse to stop or to dwindle in our faith, let’s do what we can to multiply!! For me, it has been so helpful during this season to be reminded of the vitality of a song, words and melodies that can refocus our distracted minds on who God is and what He has promised; to remind us of the power of praise, that can lift us above our circumstances and access the very present help of our God in times of trouble; to listen to the songs of deliverance that God surrounds us with! In fact Isaiah 12:2 says, “See, God has come to save me. I

will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” Isaiah 12:2 NLT There are so many bene ts to us singing, body, soul and spirit, and so many reasons to lift our voices even when circumstances do not seem conducive to that. So my encouragement has been to get some praise and worship music on, to ll our minds, our hearts, and even our mouths with the truth of God’s Word as we hear His song and as we choose to sing it! It has been wonderful to hear testimonies of the songs people are listening to which are helping them to refocus and remember. Hebrews 10:23-24 says, “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we af rm, for God can be trusted to keep his promises. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.” I can only encourage you to keep listening, keep singing and keep sharing with each other and we will nish this year strong! You can access a Spotify playlist of praise and worship songs. It’s called, ‘I will Sing!’ Go play it loud.You can also join us every Sunday online at king or via YouTube - King sher Church. where you can also listen to our latest music project, ‘Not nished yet’. Check out our library of books/CD’s via the church website, and we would love you to join one of our Connect groups that are currently meeting every fortnight via Zoom. Stay in touch. Pastor Ollie









In this strange land we nd ourselves in




News from King sher Church

News from King sher Church On the road to Emmau Thoughts from my journey with Jesus - by Sandra Ashenford Sandra Ashenford is a member of the King sher Church family at Tredworth. She was introduced to Jesus at primary school but has spent most of her adult life in the company of sceptics and non-believers. This is a series of light-hearted blogs in which she re ects on the challenges of growing in faith and sharing the Good News amidst the pressures of a modern life

The second lockdown forced many of my family and friends to once again shut up shop and sit at home binge-watching box sets. The Crown was apparently the series of choice on this occasion As I run a childcare setting it was business as usual so there has been no extra time for television. I have, however, been binge-reading Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple stories – I’m on book four out of fourteen. The older I get, the more my affection grows for sharpwitted silver-haired women, both in ction and real life I also found time to watch the whole of Season One of The Chosen. This is a series about the lives of the apostles and how they

come to meet and follow Jesus, and it is very beautifully done. It’s available to watch on YouTube, or you can download the app, and I highly recommend it

woman, who gave me the name of Lisa Jane Sims. At six weeks old I was adopted by a couple, who changed my name to Sandra Jane Cortis

In one early episode, taking its inspiration from Isiah 43:1 – “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine” - a woman known by the name Lillith (a name in Jewish lore linked to demons) is suffering from horrendous ts and seizures until Jesus cures her and calls her by her true name of Mary

A few years later, my adopted mum left her husband for another man. They had a child and married and, because divorce was rather shameful in those days, my last name was legally changed so that we all shared the same family name. I became Sandra Jane Underwood

It set me thinking about names and their importance, and why some characters in the Bible are known by different names. Saul becomes Paul after his conversion on the road to Damascus, for example, and Simon the sherman becomes Peter (from the Greek Petros, for stone), the rock on which Jesus builds his church (Matthew 16:18) I have been known by a few different names myself. No, I don’t have a string of aliases as I it from one dodgy escapade to another, the name changing was due to my rather strange start in life I was born in a Bristol mother-andbaby home to a young unmarried

Thirty-six years ago I changed it for one nal time, when I married Matt and became Sandra Jane Ashenford. Out of all those names there are only two I regard with any affection: Ashenford, because it is the name that links me with my lovely family, even though three out of my four daughters have exchanged it for a new family name, and Jane, the only name I have had my whole life I share it with two of my favourite people – the ctional Jane Marple, and the author Jane Austen. Jane means “God is gracious” and I think that’s a pretty good name to have

Christmas services at Tredworth and Westgate All services are online unless otherwise stated - join us at www.king Christmas Day Servic • Tredworth 10am • Westgate 11a



Carol Servic Sunday 20th Decembe 6p






























Natavity Service Sunday 20th December • Tredworth 10a • Westgate 11a

Sunday 27th Decembe • Tredworth - 10am, get together via Zoo • Westgate - 11am, short service and brunch in The Cavern

News from King sher Church Positives that have come out of lockdown We asked our Tredworth congregation to tell us something positive that they discovered during lockdown. Here are some of the answers that they gave: pace Spending social distance tim iated the slower e with two of our have really apprec to rush around so neighbours, getting to know I them better. Also on ving I’m grateful that Ollie's suggestion, I have bee of life and not ha great for me having n thankful for ve things lockdown has en be s ha granted much. It every night. Also thankful tha e and t our families are safe , to study, to writ me time with my ore time to read ctive investment of at this time. It also gave me m the time to raise money effe family that I never for two children's charities by to see that as an ! er than a luxury making facemasks. th ra e would have had my tim otherwise. I’m also I have connected mo ser thankful for how clo n re with others since ow gr ve ha we Go at d th the l pa ndemic started than fee I p, ever before. It’s been has been teaching me As a Connect grou w have a meeting online each tim a e no wh e en W . I’ve been able to tal h this in some ways k to, or video t each other throug on new routines in my or ch at pp su wi th to , fri le en ab ds who I ha relationship with Him, wi of us live week. Being th for a long time. Pe ven’t been in touch portant. Quite a few ople have been more time has been so im le to see each other via video from the rubble of my available in many case ab ng our ini s, so it’s been nice for our own so being sta su old s rou rd tine wa s. to me, as I can often str s helped uggle with loneliness. chats each week ha spiritual well-being. mental and • Finally have a quiet time each morning (from starting to use Lectio 365 • Prayer life has improve • Focussed on being thankful (despite being stressed managing a work team from home, and getting Coronavirus • Communication has increased and improved with friend • More quality time with my husband and son at hom • Connect group relationships have grow • Reduced travel time by 1.5 hours a day by working at hom • Work activities seem less stressfu • Can put music on and listen to that during the working da • Have coffee and lunch with my wif • Able to walk the dog each lunchtim • Reading the Bible more - it is secured as a daily habi • Walking with family, and with friend • Forged stronger friendships with work colleagues (working together practically all the time) reducing feelings of isolatio • Appreciate job a lot more and value friendships at wor • Learning to grow in my relationship with God when He seems near or far awa

• Thankful for morning catch-ups with friends online (during PE with Joe • Gardening was lovely - had good crop • Completed lots of project • Reset by breaking from the normal routine and changing perspectiv • Lot more appreciative about wor • Less stressed about things I have no control ove • Love video calling instead of just callin • On target to have read the bible in a yea • Have loved walking with whoever will walk with me • I rediscovered art and drawing, which I never had time for before • I’ve had the opportunity to help people that I wouldn’t have had the time to before • I’ve spent so much more time in my garden between work tasks. It’s been good for me and good for the garden • I’ve been able to nally do jobs that needed doing that I wouldn’t normally have the time to start. It’s been less stressful as a result. • I have started walking again, which is good for me • I’ve caught up on recorded Christian TV broadcast programme • Creativity has increased

The kindness of strangers, overwhelming. My neighbou as well as friends, has been truly rs, and friends, have been ver y kind and offered their help whenever it’s needed. In my parents’ neighbourhood someone put people can request help, We together a WhatsApp group where had never met these people yet they were willing to go before and time and time again to the chemist to pick up our medications and also get essentials from the sup ermarket.

First thin g the morn in ing I go for a 2 5 minute w alk while liste n to the Le ing c 365 re e tio cti also go fo on. I ra I’ve been very lonely becau se I’ve been shielding minute wa 25 and I haven’t been able to the evenin lk in go out, but it has g. It encouraged me to read my become a ’s connect with God. This ma Bible more and routine n kes me feel better ow. and comforted and it rem inds me of God’s love and presence. It makes me happy.



































things like d pleasure in simple has also we ne re d un fo ve ha I . It and going for walks -to gardening, cooking in t the priorities life e and been a time to rese ar ds en fri d ecious family an remember how pr actually got ing my Bible - I have ad re to spend time ent. into the old testam

a real During lockdown found y we aut be at appreciation of wh n’t do we , tep ors do have on our me ho m fro les mi vel tra have to see or go on an aeroplane to ! on ati cre Gods amazing

News from King sher Treasure Seekers Christmas at The Cavern Here in the Cavern we have embraced the Christmas season and added some fabulous Christmassy avoured Cavern Shakes and Steamers - there are loads of avours to choose from. December sees the reintroduction of the Cavern Loyalty Card - get your card stamped each time you buy a drink and once you have 10 stamps you will be entitled to a free hot drink!







Why not come and have fun with our Photo Booth - for just 50p you can have a photo taken and either have it printed straightaway or emailed to you. The photo booth will be available from 1pm-5pm Monday to Saturday and 3pm-5pm on Sunday. Plus The Cavern is going to have a live music Christmas Carols event - the date is yet to be con rmed so make sure you follow the Cavern on Facebook, Instagram,

Twitter and TikTok for details of upcoming events. The Cavern tombola is running throughout all of December. It’s just 50p a ticket and we have hundreds of amazing Christmassy prizes just waiting to be won During December The Cavern will be open from 10am-10pm Monday to Saturday and from 3pm-10pm on Sundays. We are so excited that we now have a new Cavern Manager and Chef joining our team soon - so watch this space

News from King sher Treasure Seekers Handmade gifts at the Treasure Seekers Hub Why not have a handmade Christmas this year? There’s plenty of choice at Treasure Seekers Hub for your art and crafting needs. If you want to give a gift this Christmas (either something you've made or as a kit) there is something to suit every person and every pocket. The Hub is open 7 days a week up until Christmas so do pop along to have a browse, or check out our online shop Proceeds from all of our outlets come back into funding the wider work that we do

Opening Hour Monday: 11am-2pm Tuesday: 10am-4pm Wednesday: 10am-4pm Thursday: 10am-4pm Friday: 11am-4pm Saturday: 10am-4pm Sunday: 12.30-4.30pm

Christmas Production with a difference! Performing Arts has still been happening this term but with a difference! Over zoom, participants have all been able to try all the groups on offer and have managed to create a drama, learn to use a puppet, enjoy music and percussion, learn some Makaton and two dances!




Everyone has been working really hard on this Christmas themed production and we are in the middle of putting it all together for the online show

which is happening on 11th December, kicking off with our Dance Party at 10am with the show following at 10.30am. We can't wait to see the results. It has been wonderful seeing everyone each week although still not the same as in person. The show will be available for everyone to view so if you would like to "watch" the show email for further information.

News from the King sher Family King sher Resources The Journey - £4.99 It is just a few weeks to go until Christmas and here is a great idea for that illusive Christmas present!

failures. Rather, it provided the setting for being shaped into the nation that God needed them to be.

The Journey is now back in print and available to purchase. This book looks at the forty-year journey that the Israelites took between leaving captivity in Egypt and arriving at the Promised Land. They were sent on that journey to learn some crucial, nation-building lessons - lessons that laid the foundations for the kind of nation they were destined to become when they were nally in the Promised Land.

Times change, but the lessons remain the same. These six lessons that are highlighted in The Journey are still absolutely relevant for us today and are still being used by the Lord to shape us into the people and the Church we need to be. Priced at just £4.99 for the digital copy and £4.99 for the paper version (with FREE postage and packing between now and Christmas) this is a great Christmas present to get for someone, or maybe keep and read for yourself.

This forty-year journey was not aimless and it was not an extended punishment for their previous

The God of Promise - £5.99 There are literally thousands of promises made in the Bible; promises people make to each other, promises people make to God, and most importantly of all, promises that God makes to us. Every single promise that He makes is backed up by a particular guarantee: the honour of His name (Psalm 138:2

based on the outworking of a series of promises made to us by God Coming to understand those promises and, more importantly, the promises He has made in your life is an adventure that leads to some life-changing discoveries. Are you on that adventure with the God of Promise yet

King sher International Family stands as testimony to the truth that, when God makes a promise, He keeps it. The amazing growth and development of this Family of churches and ministries that stretches around the world is









Both books are available to buy online at: king

GET INVOLVED WITH THE NEWSLETTER In order for this newsletter to grow and develop, we need your help! If you go to any King sher event and have taken a great photo, then please post it on our Facebook page or email it to Kirsty at kirstydalley@king The copy deadline for the next issue (due out in March 2021) is 18th February If you would like to get involved in the production of the next newsletter then email us with your particular area of interest. Hope you enjoy hearing all that is happening across the King sher Family!

King sher Churc Moor Stree Tredwort Glouceste GL1 4N www.king info@king +441452 30433
















Š King sher Church, 2013

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