Dutch Yellow Tail - The future of fish is here

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Winner of the 2018 Horecava Innovation award

Recommended as green choice by

Preferred product partner of

THE FUTURE OF FISH IS HERE And now available fresh from the Netherlands year-round, with daily deliveries across the EU and to the US.


A warm welcome from one of the most cutting edge aquaculture companies in the world. Innovation, sustainability, knowledge and a courageous vision come together in the breeding of our unique Yellowtail Kingfish: The Dutch Yellowtail. We are extremely proud of

organizations that participated

the quality of product we deliver.

in this magazine and to our

By combining and sharing

employees for their great effort,

knowledge and experience,

commitment and dedication.

we have built a unique company

It is inspiring to see how the

on a beautiful location on the

team keeps our complex

shore of the Oosterschelde.

operation running around the

We are grateful to all parties

clock. Together we have managed

for their contribution in

to create a serious and yet

transforming Kingfish Zeeland

pleasant atmosphere and

into a reality. We would like to

working environment. And of that,

address a special thank you to the

we are particularly proud.

Thank you for reading, Ohad Maiman,

CEO Kingfish Zeeland


Van harte welkom bij ĂŠĂŠn van de meest bijzondere aquacultuurbedrijven ter wereld. Innovatie, duurzaamheid, kennis en lef vieren hoogtij bij de kweek van onze unieke Yellowtail Kingfish; de Dutch Yellowtail! Door kennis en ervaring met elkaar tecombineren en te delen hebben we een uniek bedrijf opgezet, op een prachtige locatie direct aan de Oosterschelde.


AN AMBITIOUS PLAN Kingfish Zeeland is a young and dynamic company, with founding team Ohad Maiman, Kees Kloet, Hans den Bieman and Itay Young being the driving forces behind the company. Their ambition is quite unique:

and Kees, searched for a suitable

contractors and engineering

to spearhead a new technology

location and further developed

suppliers. More and more industry

and become an industry leader

their plans for the establishing

leaders from various disciplines

in a new sector: land based

of Kingfish Zeeland. At the start of

joined the revolutionary and

aquaculture. Ohad first learned

2015, Hans joined Ohad and Kees,

innovative company, placing

about land based aquaculture

bringing in his vast experience

their trust in the vision of the

as VP of Business Development

as the former CEO of marine

founding team. At the end of 2016

of a large private investment

harvest, the largest aquaculture

Kingfish Zeeland bought an former

company, and was so fascinated

company in the world.

oyster farm, neighboring their

by its potential, so he left his job

To complete the well-rounded

site in Kats (province of Zeeland)

with the goal of starting a new

capabilities of the executive

and converted it to a small-scale

company focused solely on

management, the team recruited

Yellowtail Kingfish farm, starting

becoming the next sector leader.

Itay Young, a former senior banker

operations by mid 2017, when

In october 2014 he met Kees while

at HSBC that has joined the

the company introduced a unique

visiting a technology supplier in

founding team and is now Kingfish

new fish to the European market:

Copenhagen. Kees was at the

Zeeland’s full time CFO.

the Dutch Yellowtail.

time the only farmer with hands on experience in raising Yellowtail


Kingfish on land, and his knowledge

Kingfish Zeeland was founded

played an important role in the

in late 2015, and spent most of

establishment and development

2016 securing investors and bank

of the company. Together, Ohad

financing, and engaging architects,


Kingfish Zeeland is een jong en dynamisch bedrijf. Ohad Maiman, Kees Kloet, Hans den Bieman en Itay Young zijn de drijvende krachten achter de onderneming. Hun ambitie is groot en uniek en vanaf 2015 zochten ze samen naar een geschikte locatie voor hun project in de aquacultuur. DE EERSTE LEVERING

In 2015 vond de oprichting plaats van Kingfish Zeeland en gedurende 2016 werd veel tijd besteed aan het vinden van investeerders en een bank en het betrekken van architecten, aannemers en technische leveranciers. Eind 2016 kocht Kingfish Zeeland een oude oesterkwekerij in Kats (provincie Zeeland), waar tot eind oktober 2017 werd gebouwd en verbouwd. 2017 was ook het jaar dat de unieke Dutch Yellowtail op de markt werd geĂŻntroduceerd. In oktober van dat jaar vond de eerste levering plaats.



Dutch Yellowtail 7



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and sustainable production, and are

has proven to be perfect: Kingfish

excellent product, bred in a healthy

always looking for ways to push the

Zeeland is situated directly by the sea

and sustainable way. We started

bar even higher. At the start of 2018,

and allows the seawater to be purified

cultivating the Dutch Yellowtail, with

more than 20 employees are active at

and filtered into the basins. At the

the goal to develop other types of

Kingfish Zeeland. Our team takes their

same time, it is an ideal base to ship

fish and seafood over time.

responsibility seriously and personally,

orders to customers, since Zeeland

Our motivation is to become the

contributing the creation of a very

has a well developed cold chain

market leader in advanced technology

special work environment.

infrastructure with a global reach,

aquaculture and to be able to deliver

The approach is solutions oriented and

allowing Kingfish Zeeland to ship fresh

the highest possible quality, with

the employees are involved with the

daily to its customers: top chefs, high

the smallest possible impact on the

building of a strong company culture.

end restaurants and premium retailers

environment. We believe in responsible

The location on the Oosterschelde

in Europe and the United States.


Onze missie is om de wereld te voeden met excellente producten die op een gezonde en duurzame manier gekweekt worden. Dat is ook de reden voor de kweek van de Dutch Yellowtail. Het is onze drijfveer om marktleider te worden in aquacultuur ĂŠn om de hoogst mogelijke kwaliteit te leveren. KINGFISH ZEELAND | 5

24/7 OPTIMAL CONDITIONS In order to deliver a healthy product, the fish must grow in healthy and optimal conditions. Fish are very sensitive animals. If they have any form of stress, they stop eating and develop diseases. We provide a pleasant and

water, originating in the

them an optimal species to

clean environment and healthy

Oosterschelde. And enabled

raise in land based farming.

organic food, customized by our

by cutting edge purification

The addition of antibiotics is

proprietary formula, containing


not necessary due to the

the complete set of high grade

combination of healthy food

nutrients our fish needs to stay


and a clean and stress free

healthy and grow well.

We aim to re-create the

living environment. This is very

In addition, the living environment

natural living environment,

important for the taste and

is constantly monitored and

from temperature, to oxygen

quality of the fish, and conditions

kept at optimal condition.

levels, and up to the right water

are maintained to keep the fish

This means, among other things,

flow. In nature the Yellowtail

healthy, and we continuously

a superb quality of the clean

Kingfish swims in schools, making

monitor their well being.


Om een gezond product te kunnen leveren, moeten de vissen op een gezonde en ontspannen manier groeien. Wij zorgen voor een aangename en schone leefomgeving en gezonde voeding. De vissen krijgen biologisch voer dat we zelf hebben ontwikkeld en we hebben veel geĂŻnvesteerd in een goed zuiveringssysteem. CONSTANTE CONTROLE

De natuurlijke leefomgeving hebben we zo goed mogelijk nagemaakt. Het zuurstofgehalte in het water is prima in orde, de temperatuur van het water houden we goed op peil en we monitoren continu het welzijn van de Dutch Yellowtail. Door deze excellente condities is toevoeging van antibiotica niet nodig en dat is belangrijk voor de smaak en de kwaliteit van de vis.




Yellowtail. So they can enjoy the fresh

by innovative management.

very pleased with the taste, quality and

and pure taste. We like to inspire

From power point to reality, the team

applications of our Dutch Yellowtail.

everyone who loves to cook and

has encountered and overcome

to empower their creativity and

various unique challenges

culinary skills.

encountered when a new way of doing

We have a wonderful co­operation with top chefs around the world, including cooperations with such excellent organisations such as the Jeunes Restaurateurs Europe (JRE). In top restaurants around the world, our fish is now prepared and used in various dishes and preparation methods. Due to the firm texture and the unprecedented pure taste, this fish has proven to be very popular for various applications. Dutch Yellowtail can be served as sushi or sashimi and can be smoked, cooked or grilled as fillet or whole fish. In addition, our fish is a good alternative to the endangered Bluefin Tuna and Swordfish. It is our mission to make every professional cook or home cook familiar with the Dutch

forms, and intends to continue to do so. POSITIVE REVIEWS

“For the future we have great plans.

Two months after the first delivery

By working hard we want to become

of our Dutch Yellowtail, we were

the market leader in the cultivation

awarded overall winner of the

of Yellowtail Kingfish. At our current

Horecava Innovation Award 2018,

location we still have enough space

which underlines our quality and

to expand. We are still in a developing

sustainable way of farming.

phase regarding the growth of Dutch

“Farmed on land without antibiotics

Yellowtail, but it is very likely that we

or chemicals, this is a tasty and

will eventually start cultivating other

sustainable alternative for fish such

fish species and seafood. And due to

as Bluefin Tuna and a gamechanger in

high interest from the US market, it is

the world of farmed fish,” noted the jury.

only natural that we will eventually set

Other professionals seem to agree.

up an operation in the us. It is expected that fish consumption


will continue to increase and we intend

Kingfish Zeeland is a young, progressive

to continue to work hard and be

and unique company that is driven

there to supply that growing demand.


Onze afnemers zijn enthousiast over de smaak, de kwaliteit en de toepassingen van onze Dutch Yellowtail. Met les Jeunes Restaurateurs Europe (JRE) hebben we een prachtige samenwerking. Onze vis is zeer geliefd vanwege de stevige textuur en de ongekend zachte en pure smaak. Dat horen wij ook van andere professionals. INNOVATIE

Kingfish Zeeland is een jong, vooruitstrevend en uniek bedrijf, dat gedreven wordt door een innovatief management. Ook voor de toekomst hebben we mooie plannen. Met hard werken willen we met onze Dutch Yellowtail marktleider worden in de kweek van de Yellowtail Kingfish. Op onze huidige locatie is voldoende ruimte om verder uit te breiden en ook in Amerika is er veel interesse voor ons product. 8 | KINGFISH ZEELAND


I love the texture and taste of the fish.

Santiago Torijos, Atelier Rodier, Paris, France


The freshness of the fish is unique. As well as the healthy way it's cultivated. Marc Dixon, The Kings Arms, Floggburgh, United Kingdom


The meat of the fish is perfect for all kind of dishes. Leonardo Vescera, Il Capriccio, Italy



SUSTAINABILITY IS AT THE CORE OF EVERY CHOICE WE MAKE Sustainability and respect to the environment is a guiding thread running through our company’s philosophy and values. At Kingfish Zeeland it is not about maximum capacity, but about high quality production with the smallest impact on the environment. We provide a pleasant and

swims in schools, making them an

from egg to harvest ‘on land’ at

clean environment and healthy

optimal species to raise in land

this scale. The process is very

organic food, customized by our

based farming. The addition of

complex and requires substantial

proprietary formula, containing

antibiotics is not necessary due

expertise. We are excited to

the complete set of high grade

to the combination of healthy

have brought together a tier one

nutriants our fish needs to

food and a clean and stress

team of experts and dedicated

stay healthy and grow well.

free living environment. This is

professionals, allowing us to push

In addition, the living environment

very important for the taste and

the boundaries of the land based

is constantly monitored and

quality of the fish, and conditions

aquaculture sector, and to pursue

kept at optimal condition.

are maintained to keep the fish

our place at the forefront of a

This means, among other things,

healthy, and we continuously

new way of producing high quality

a superb quality of the clean

monitor their well being.


water, originating in the Oosterschelde. And enabled


by cutting edge purification

Kingfish Zeeland introduced


an innovative concept to the global seafood market:


producing a sustainable high

We aim to re-create the natural

quality fish locally, previously only

living environment, from

available from far away producers

temperture, to oxigen levels,

with problematic production

and up to the right water flow.

practices. Worldwide we are the

In nature the Yellowtail Kingfish

first to grow the Yellowtail Kingfish


Duurzaamheid loopt als een rode draad door ons bedrijf. Het gaat bij Kingfish Zeeland niet om de maximale capaciteit, maar om de meest hoogwaardige productie met de minste impact op het milieu. Zo draaien we volledig op groene stroom en halen we het water dat we in de bassins. INNOVATIE

Kingfish Zeeland heeft een nieuw businessconcept geïntroduceerd op de Nederlandse markt. Wereldwijd zijn wij zelfs de eerste die op deze schaal de Yellowtail Kingfish kunnen kweken ‘op het land’. Het proces is complex en vraagt om expertise. Door kennis te bundelen met andere, goed opgeleide experts, kunnen Kingfish Zeeland heeft een nieuw businessconcept geïntroduceerd op de Nederlandse markt.


T + 31 113 74 54 61 E info@kingfish-zeeland.com W kingfish-zeeland.com

Address Oost-Zeedijk 13 4485 PM Kats, The Netherlands

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