Senior School Pathways In 2020 KGV celebrated outstanding student results in all of our programmes. Students on the BTEC Diploma, International Baccalaureate Diploma programmes and (i) GCSE courses achieved commendable grades. International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma 193 students completed the full IB Diploma with a 100% pass rate overall. Of those students studying for the full Diploma, 94.8% achieved 30 points or more and 36.3% achieved 40 points and above. 19 students completed the very demanding Bilingual Diploma. One of those students scored a perfect 45 points. Four KGV students achieved the outstanding result of the maximum 45 points. Our average score for core points was 2.01. For the Extended Essay (EE), 22 students opted to complete this under the subject of ‘World Studies’. The most popular EE subjects were World Studies, English and Economics. Once again KGV students have achieved remarkable results and many of these students are now heading to highly respectable tertiary institutions around the globe.
(I)GCSE Our students achieved impressive results at GCSE. Students in year 11 completed GCSE and (i)GCSE examinations. Depending on exam board, some subjects use the new 9-1 grading system while others continued with A*-E. 6 students received 10 A* or 9 grades and a further 11 students received 9 perfect scores. Approximately 28% of all grades received by KGV students were either A* and 30% were level 9. 97% of all results were between A* and C with 98% between 9 and 4.
BTEC Diploma We continue to be a center of excellence for BTEC with Edexcel awarding three of our students outstanding achievement awards. The confidence in BTEC is reflected in the outstanding BTEC results of our cohort with 20 of the 26 students gaining the Level 3 Extended Diploma at triple Distinction star D*D*D* (full marks at BTEC) and one of those students gaining an additional D*. There was a 100% pass rate for all students entered for the BTEC qualification. Our congratulations to students who also achieved the Level 2 BTEC qualifications. Students obtained places directly on to degree programs in a wide range of countries. Our BTEC pathway is designed to give students personalized learning, the opportunity to specialize and a chance to create a portfolio of work to evidence their skills and abilities. Many of our students also completed further Mathematics and English courses. We have seen our students achieve many successes in and out of the classroom. We are proud of our continued links with the community and business with several students completing a one day a week work placement.