Senior School Curriculum June 2014

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King George V School


Senior School Curriculum


Honestas Ante Hornores

School Mission, Aims and Values King George V School is ambitious in developing its fine traditions of high achievement and creativity in an engaging, enjoyable and sustainable learning environment. We aim to celebrate diversity in an inclusive and supportive international community.



Honestas Ante Hornores

Message from the Principal

I am delighted to introduce you to this booklet which gives you practical guidance about our Senior School. You will find the Senior School at KGV an environment that emphasises high achievement in all its different forms. We want our students to do well and support them to do so. We also want them to be properly prepared for the decisions they have to make about progression to Higher Education and the world of work; we also want them to participate in a wide range of activities outside the taught curriculum that we think are essential for a good education; we also want them to have fun ! These are lofty ambitions and the only way we can fulfil them is with your support and with the development of warm and trusting relationships between home and school. We look forward to building these relationships and travelling with you on the exciting journey that is the Senior School experience. Ed Wickins KGV School Principal



Honestas Ante Hornores

Welcome from the Head of Senior School KGV is a school which is built upon fine traditions. The students are at the heart of its decision making. KGV is always forward looking in pursuit of the very best from all of its community, be that academic achievement or learning in its wider context. KGV Senior School is a community of over 750 students across Year 11 to Year 13. We pride ourselves on our home-school partnership, as well as our tutoring programme, aimed at offering all students the individualised support they need to be successful in their chosen programmes of study. As a forward looking team of Tutors, Heads of College, Careers Advisers, Support Staff and Head of Senior School, together we strive to meet the aims of the Senior School; • To work closely with the Middle School in our joint pursuit of providing individualised support and care for all students through our tutoring programme. • To provide an induction programme for Year 10 students which will enable a smooth transition from the Middle School. • To provide students with quality and consistent tutoring opportunities so that academic and social progress is monitored and reviewed with regular target setting. • To offer an holistic curriculum that meets the needs of all students skills, abilities and future plans. • To provide a comprehensive Careers and Guidance programme that will support a student’s application to tertiary education and beyond. • To maintain effective communication and consultation between school, students, parents and outside agencies. With Senior Students pursuing 3 main pathways, namely (i) GCSEs, BTEC Pathway and the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD), the Senior School is an extremely busy environment with students striving for individual academic success and recognition. At KGV, we also feel it is paramount that we promote life-long learning skills and that we develop interpersonal skills across these courses, so that Senior Students are equipped not only academically, but also socially to face the ever changing demands of the world of work. To this end we have chosen the IBD Learner Profile as a basis for our fundamental values and principles and as a framework for identifying the attributes which create all-rounded and socially equipped young leaders of tomorrow. Senior School students have recently been involved in a series of workshops designed to producing a KGV specific response to the generic attributes identified in the IBD Learner Profile. Please refer to the following page which highlights the attributes we feel are important to develop in the Senior Students at KGV School.



Honestas Ante Hornores

KGV Learner Profile




KGV students have a diverse range of opportunities to formulate independent queries and undertake independent research to answer these queries. KGV senior students believe that both Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay facilitate the development of this attribute.


KGV students enjoy learning new things and experiencing new situations, as this allows students to become well informed. Students become more knowledgeable about worldly and local issues through attending lectures given by guest speakers and conducting research for their school projects and coursework.


KGV students are eager and ambitious to think and analyse skills beyond the superficial implications. Students enjoy exploring a variety of works and issues within and outside of class, often showing insightful and creative analysis. Students believe that their thinking skills are developed through ToK classes, where many different perspectives are required to be differentiated and connections are made to link knowledge issues.


KGV students have grown to be great communicators through a wide range of activities but primarily through Student Voice. Whether it is Inter-house Competitions or Community Service activities, students collaborate effectively with each other. They are attentive during group projects, and are always willing to voice and opening up to new ideas. All this, as a result, develops students’ confidence and ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner.


As the school motto Honestas ante Honores encourages students should act with honesty and claim responsibility for their actions regardless of its benefit or consequence. It is important to be principled and stick to commitments such as CAS and academic study alike. Students constantly set goals and targets to achieve and work towards them with great determination.

Open Minded

Students enjoy being in such a culturally diverse school as KGV. Students feel that the open-mindedness is emphasized and encouraged in all parts of the curriculum, most notably in religion and philosophy, where a broad range of perspectives on contentious issues are considered. Challenge Week stimulates this characteristic as students must be willing to accept new things when in different environments.


There are many opportunities within KGV to serve the wider community, such as Flag Days and our VTG Fundraising weeks. KGV students have a reputation for participating in a variety of charity and community service activities to benefit our community. At KGV the tutoring system upholds this, tutors and tutees alike care for each other because by doing so we can create a loving and friendly atmosphere in the school community.

Risk Takers

Every now and then it is important to try something new and intuitive. Despite the element of uncertainty within a specific task Risk-takers take initiative and approach situations with courage and confidence, they challenge themselves to be the best. Responsible risks related to CAS and academics are encouraged at KGV.


As a KGV student it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a balance of working hard, relaxing and exercising to ensure a personal well being. An activity that can regulate a balanced student is CAS. At KGV the healthy eating policy aids students to be balanced.


From coursework to Inter-house dance choreography, students at KGV often make insightful reflections regarding their performances in all fields. Reflecting is an opportunity for students to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Ways to improve on the weaknesses should always be identified so that future works or performances can be better always open to, and willing to voice, new ideas.



Honestas Ante Hornores

Using this booklet This booklet is designed to give you a flavour of the KGV Senior School experience and the opportunities available to students in Year 11 to Year 13. Two further supporting documents are also available • Senior School Options Booklet – this booklet provides detailed information on the nature of courses available for students in Years 12 and Year 13. It breaks down the various components of the BTEC Pathway and IBD courses and will explain the specific subject material covered as well as assessment requirements. This should be studied in depth during the Autumn Term of Year 11, as students make their option choices. • KGV Senior School Supporting Documents – this booklet provides the KGV community with an overview of all the policies and procedures relating to the GCSE, BTEC Pathway and IBD courses. Student Development The following section identifies how students are supported throughout the 3 years they spend in the Senior School. Regardless of age or courses studied, all students can expect the same high standard of care and guidance through the following mechanisms

Senior School Support Tutoring

All Senior School students are placed within a tutor group which comprises of Year 11, 12 and Year 13 students. In groups of approximately 20 students, each tutor group has a lead Tutor and in many cases a supporting tutor who students will meet on a daily basis. Following the first two lessons of the day, all students attend a 20 minute tutor period during which time tutors will check-in with students, ensure notices are shared before focusing on one of a number of possible tutoring tasks. With the 3 main principles of tutoring being: 1. Knowledge of the Individual, 2. Knowledge of each other in the tutor group and 3. Knowledge of your place in society, tutoring activities are designed to promote interaction and discussion. In many cases students will lead activities with tutors facilitating whilst on other occasions tutors will share newsworthy events and promote class debates. The tutor is always the first point of contact and will know each student in their care from an academic perspective as well as personally. 1:1 Discussions

Each term, tutors will meet formally with each of their tutees on an individual basis to discuss academic progress and set targets in each of their subject areas. Tutors will focus on study plans and look at effective ways of learning. Conversations will also cover co-curricular pursuits and student’s involvement in the wider KGV and Hong Kong community.



Honestas Ante Hornores

Heads of College

Students are also allocated a Head of College, who, alongside the tutor, ensures that academic and social development needs are met. Heads of College will monitor academic progress and where the need arises either congratulate students on success or put support mechanisms in place to encourage further progress. Heads of College work in pairs and support 9 tutor groups, being the second point of contact for parents. Discussion Weeks Every term, class teachers will support students in setting realistic and SMART targets. Individualised in their focus and achievable in nature, targets are set to enhance learning and improve grades. These targets are recorded and regularly reviewed. They will form part of discussions at Subject-based Parent Consultation Evenings. Parent Consultation Evenings

Year 12 and 13 parents are invited into school twice during the academic year. On one occasion they will meet with tutors to discuss progress from an holistic viewpoint. For both BTEC Pathway and IBD courses, it is essential that achievement is consistent across all elements of the course and we believe that the tutor is the best placed channel of communication to discuss general progress. Subject teachers will have the opportunity to meet parents on a separate occasion, during which time discussions are very much focused on the progress made in individual subjects. Year 11 parents come into school twice within the academic year. Firstly, during the Autumn Term, parents will be heavily involved in Option Choice process. In November an Options Evening is held when there is also an opportunity to meet and discuss option choices with the tutor. Later in the year, parents will come into school for the Subject-based Parent Consultation Evening.



Honestas Ante Hornores

The Wider Curriculum KGV House System KGV has an established and deeply embedded House system, through which all staff and students participate in a wide variety of events to discover which House will win the most points to take the annual House Cup. Be it Crozier, Nightingale, Rowell or Upsdell, all students are attached to a House. Many of our Senior Students are often House or Event Captains who co-ordinate events and manage students in their care. Assemblies Each week the Senior School will meet either as a whole Senior School or in smaller House assemblies. These assemblies alternate each week and allow achievements to be recognised and celebrated. During these occasions we draw heavily on our Student Leaders and use these forums to promote upcoming KGV community events. Student Leadership Student Leadership positions are highly sought after at KGV School and staff annually have an incredibly hard decision choosing from a high quality set of applications for the following positions: Senior Prefect/ Prefect: KGV Head Boy and Girl are each supported by 2 Deputies. These 6 Senior Prefects are responsible for leading 60 Prefects as they commit to working with staff on numerous projects each year. Student Council: Student voice is extremely important at KGV School and the Senior School Student Council is a highly respected avenue for students to air their views and to be formally involved in school decisions. House Captains: Each of the 4 Houses elects a male and a female House Captain who, along with 2 deputies respectively, will co-ordinate annually over 25 House events. They will lead and motivate over 400 students to try to win the annual House Cup.



Honestas Ante Hornores

PE and PSE Most students in Year 11 will be studying between 8 – 10 (i) GCSE courses. Alongside these lessons, all students are also involved in weekly PE and PSE lessons. KGV strongly believes in promoting a healthy lifestyle and, as part of the Healthy Eating Policy, all students are provided with a compulsory PE lesson. PSE in Year 11 is also a compulsory part of the curriculum. During these weekly hour sessions, students are taken through a series of ‘awareness’ sessions, aimed at raising the profile of issues such as internet safety, personal safety, as well as disability awareness. The course also looks to prepare students for Year 12 and Year 13, by introducing issues such as study skills, time management, academic honesty, communication and research skills. During these sessions we often invite experts into school to speak to the students about issues such as binge drinking and drug abuse.



Honestas Ante Hornores

Making an Informed and Realistic Decision It is essential that a strong home-school partnership is maintained throughout the decision making period, as students will rely heavily on the support of the school and parents during this important time. At the end of Year 10, the Senior School Team will introduce themselves to you and explain the process, the timeline and the sources of information available to you and your son/ daughter throughout the Autumn Term. It is essential that you regularly log-in to LIONeL and access the information there, as well as use the Senior School Options Booklet as a secondary source. All policies relating to these choices and the timelines involved, can be found in the KGV Senior School Supporting Documents booklet.

Senior School Experience: Year 11 When students enter the Senior School in Year 11, they are already over halfway through their academic pathways of (i)GCSEs, BTEC or a combination of both courses. The Senior School Team will monitor progress on these pathways. Decisions over Year 12/13 Diploma Pathways happen early in the Autumn Term. Year 12 and Year 13 Students in Year 12 and Year13 will study either the Business Technology Education Council (BTEC) or the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD). Both Diploma pathways are recognised admission pathways for university and offer students a wide choice of subject matter as well as level of academic rigour.



Honestas Ante Hornores

Business Technology Education Council (BTEC) BTEC is a qualification created by Edexcel, using BTEC Level 3 as the core foundation for its curriculum. Designed as a Diploma ideal for students who have a clear vocation and talent in one of the offered BTEC courses, BTEC offers students an exciting pathway in Art, Media, Performing Arts, Business, ICT or Sports Studies. BTEC enables students to study in-depth their chosen pathway, as well as learning the practical skills which are essential for success in these career choices. Some KGV students will focus entirely on completing the BTEC Level 3 courses and receive a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma. This, on its own, is recognized by universities and respected by employers. Students have two options within the BTEC pathway. They can opt for the full BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma or alternatively, they can choose to study two BTEC courses and study one as a Major (Diploma Level) and the other as a Minor (Subsidiary Level). Students following the Extended Diploma, also study IB Maths (SL), IB English (SL), Work Skills and PE as part of the Core Curriculum. Those on the Major/ Minor Pathway study Literacy, Numeracy, Work Skills and PE. Or alternatively, this second group of students can embark on a work placement.

BTEC is continually assessed through coursework and written assessments. Students will only sit examinations if they have opted for the Extended Diploma and are studying IB Maths and/or English. Therefore students should bear this in mind when considering their own learning styles and success criteria. If a student has a passion for one of the offered BTEC courses and prefers to be assessed through coursework rather than external examinations, then the BTEC pathway is an ideal choice.



Honestas Ante Hornores

The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) The IBD is a rigorous and widely recognised international qualification accepted by universities all over the world. Promoting an holistic and broad curriculum, the IBD is the Diploma of choice for over 85% of Senior School students at KGV School. Students opting for the IBD will choose 3 subjects to study to a Higher Level (HL) and 3 subjects to study to a Standard Level (SL). With each of these 6 subjects awarded a maximum of 7 points, students can achieve 42 points through successful completion of these two year courses. On top of the HL and SL subjects, students also complete a CAS (Creativity, Action and Service) programme, a two year Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course and a 4000 word academic Extended Essay. Collectively, CAS, TOK and EE are known as the IB Core and provide students with a possible 3 extra points, making the full IBD worth 45 points. Students will find universities offering placements for students who are awarded between 24-45 points (see below for a visual representation of this Diploma)

Detailed course descriptions can be found in the Senior School Options Booklet, which also contains information on how each of the components of the IBD is assessed. The IBD enables students to study a wide range of subjects, to either HL or SL and promotes international-mindedness as students learn about themselves and their place in society, locally, nationally and internationally.



Honestas Ante Hornores

The IB Core An exciting new development for Year 12 in 2013 is the introduction of a new IB Core Course. In previous years, all IBD students have been involved in weekly sessions of Theory of Knowledge (TOK) plus a weekly session of PSE (Personal and Social Education). The Senior School Team has designed a hybrid version of these courses, combining each of their strengths and offering students an holistic package focusing on learning how to learn as well as how to learn effectively. Using a themedapproach students will have 2 hour weekly sessions looking at developing their critical thinking skills by analysing contemporary world issues. Students will be encouraged to assess the origin of their knowledge, the accumulation of viewpoints and the reliability of evidence. Careers Advice KGV has a strong team of advisers, experienced in guiding students through their university applications. Students will formally meet the 4 Careers Advisers in group sessions in Year 11, where they will be introduced to the services on offer, with particular emphasis on guiding students through the option choice time in the Autumn Term. Students will also be encouraged to attend the numerous lunchtime sessions, when visiting university representatives will visit KGV School, giving a taste of university life in UK, US, Canada, HK and Australia. The Careers Team will be on hand at Parent Evenings, plus through scheduled appointments to speak to parents/ students together about possible career/university aspirations. In Year 12, all students are given an individual careers interview with an assigned Careers Adviser. During this meeting the conversation will start to focus students’ thoughts on possible future countries of study/ universities/ courses. During the Summer Term, the Careers Team will hold a series of group sessions, highlighting the processes/ timelines necessary for students to make successful university applications at the start of Year 13. Again, the Careers Team will be on-hand to speak to parents as and when necessary. Students in Year 13 work closely with the Careers Team as university applications are finalised. The Careers Advisers are always on hand to offer guidance and support. Alumni While the schoolwork ends after year 13, we believe all ex-students and alumni remain part of the KGV community for a lifetime. We invite all year 13 students to join the alumni database before they move on to University and various other endeavours after graduation. By signing up as free members, they become a part of a growing worldwide alumni network that includes graduates who attended KGV as far back as the 1930’s. We are able to help them connect with other alumni, keep them up to date with school news and events, invite them to reunions, and inform them of ways to get involved with and give back to the school. Our goal is to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between KGV and its students that lasts well into the future.



Honestas Ante Hornores

FAQs about the Senior School How are tutor groups assigned? Heads of College will allocate Year 11 students to tutor groups taking into consideration academic ability, gender, nationality, Diploma pathway. We aim to create a well-balanced tutor group. When I can I apply to hold a Student Leadership position? Year 11 students can put themselves forward for positions within the Student Council. The rest of the positions are available for application to Year 12 students, with students taking up their positions in January of Year 12. Student Leadership positions run from January in Year 12 to December in Year 13. How many university applications can I make? Eight. When are we allowed to have Late Arrival/ Early Leave privileges? Year 13 students can apply for these privileges from October and as long as expectations in behaviour, punctuality and attendance are maintained, these privileges can be used throughout Year 13. Year 12 students can apply for Late Arrival/ Early Leave privileges from the summer term. They will re-apply for these positions in Year 13. Can I be excused during school time to attend doctors/ dentist appointments? Students and parents are encouraged to maximise teaching and learning time by making appointments outside school time. Please refer to the Attendance Policy in the KGV Senior School Documents booklet.



Honestas Ante Hornores

When a teacher is absent do I complete my work under supervised conditions in the Hall? Independent study is promoted during Year 12 and Year 13. Students are assigned work when a teacher is absent but they can chose a quiet venue to complete the necessary tasks. For the final 6 weeks of Year 11, students are also allowed to choose their own quiet venues to complete work when a teacher is absent. Is the Senior School uniform different to Middle School? The Senior School upholds high standards with regards to their uniform. Students wear the beige uniform (blue in Middle School). Full details can be found on the KGV website. Students are reminded that only 1 ear-ring is permitted in each lobe, and nail varnish is not allowed. Students should also ensure that footwear is appropriate i.e. shoes are black and polishable. When will university predicted grades (levels) be published and will they be fixed/ non-negotiable? Students and teachers will be discussing UPG(L) throughout Year 12, with preliminary UPG(L)s being issued in the summer term of Year 12. These grades/levels are then re-assessed in the Autumn Term Year 13 before university applications are completed. Students should remember that all work completed in the ID and IBD is considered when UPG(L)s are set and should not wait until the first term of Year 13 before they start demonstrating real potential. Students and parents should not appeal directly to teaching staff for these grades/ levels to be changed. Area/Responsibility



Director of Learning: Head of Senior School

Carole Beer

Head of College: Crozier & i/c CAS

Dean Beard

Head of College: Crozier & i/c Coaching

Louise Kadri

Head of College: Nightingale & i/c TOK

Clive Duddy

Head of College: Nightingale & i/c BTEC

Andrew Deakin

Head of College: Rowell & i/c EE, Year 11 PSE

Michael Pritchard

Head of College: Rowell & i/c student leadership

Scott Hooper

Head of College: Upsdell & i/c Student progression

Ashley Tranter

Head of College: Upsdell & i/c assemblies

Amanda Lockie

Head of Careers

Chris Wightman

Careers Adviser: Crozier

Berina Chan

Careers Adviser: Nightingale

Terence Yau

Careers Adviser: Rowell

Cecilia Lau

Deputy Principal for Senior School

Tim Carrell

Senior School Administrator

Sabrina Ko

Careers Administrator

Chris Kuh


King George V School 2 Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港 九龍 天光道 General Enquiry: (852) 2711 3029 Fax No: 2760 7116 Website: Email:

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