Here is the balm for the survival of bodily death.
The first writing composed from three-dimensions.
Small, fired-clay objects found in the Middle East.
The paste and grit of the Maine jars.
Some flame-like discharges of the Gulf of Carpenteria.
Very striking and perplexing radio sources,
and that vessel of superluminal earth, containing cascading spheres.
This huge assemblage of marvelously intricate petroglyphs reserved for the oligarch of the Gobi Desert.
There are some redshift makepieces,
some rapid genomic changes from Triassic formations.
Solar System Debris.
A Sun-earth-moon system, indistinguishable from the lunar day.
Some powdered mercury from Salonta, that mimics the hosts and convinces others to be led toward slavery.
A glacial erratic, transported by flood waters for long distances.
Coagulated, super-cooled states, enough to fill an inner void.
A large fraction of a lightning superbolt.
A stone structure 25 feet in height,
and some tobacco made from the forgotten Russian creature known locally as the Chuchunaa; Over two metres tall, unable to talk, clad in deerskin.
This solid fabric is from the island runways where geese frequently took to flight.
A maze of walls, courtyards, and chambers.
Upon that light from the spokes . . . the symmetry of human passions.
The Great Silence.
This confounding prediction distorts measurements of the decreasing length of the day.
Ninety-three natural lasers in the terrestrial skies.
An intact fossil record.
A classical case of serendipity.
Pull the levers of The Morning Glory using no apparent physical mechanism and give me the little brass beaker which is on my steed.
Someone took out an immutable machine, an octagonal figure covered with a veil.
Wilt thou have the self-reproducing von Neumann machines for galactic exploration?
A theoretical reassessment of magic, written upon the Baltic Mystery Object?
It is composed of Wild Curlew centred within each other, coupled by some dark shadow, the feathers have been bleached in the ammonia of toxic-mitochondria. It represents on one side all the births that have taken place since the arrival of mankind, and on the other all the births which shall take place until the end of the world.
But if thou knew that which I have in my little box! Turn that. Strive to open it. No one has been able to. Embrace me; I will tell thee.
One might speculate upon this imitation serpentine,
extracted venom from the paratoid glands,
and radiohalos in coalified wood.