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Chapter 1: Introduction Background

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Project Phasing

Project Phasing

Established in 2010 by ordinance by Upper Merion Township, the King of Prussia District serves as a catalyst for economic development as a private, not-for-profit business improvement district. District programs and services focus on maintaining King of Prussia as a vibrant and attractive area through work on physical improvements, land use & zoning recommendations, tax policy affecting business owners and residents, marketing & communications, and vital transportation needs. The organization has proved itself a true community partner through philanthropic endeavors that benefit organizations such as the Upper Merion Community Cupboard, Upper Merion School District, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the Valley Forge Park Alliance.

The King of Prussia District boundary now encompasses Moore Park, the King of Prussia Mall and the new Village at Valley Forge to the north of SR 202 and has recently been expanded to include Renaissance Park to the south of SR 202.

Moore Park

Moore Park was formerly known as the King of Prussia Business Park located in the heart of King of Prussia at the intersection of the region’s most vital transportation routes: I76, I276, SR 0023, and SR 0422. Established in the 1970’s, the King of Prussia Business Park location was a logical and convenient extension of the transportation system that was designed and constructed to serve the burgeoning motor vehicle commuting suburbs. As its name indicated, serving businesses during work hours was the focus of its planning and layout. As Upper Merion Township responded to the demographic and economic shifts of the past twenty years, The King of Prussia District and Township embarked on a new vision for the area setting a plan in motion for the integration of commercial, retail and residential land uses for the area. Rezoned in 2014 as mixed use, ‘Moore Park’ became the new name, using the Moore-Irwin House (quarters for Gen. Muhlenberg during the Valley Forge encampment) as local inspiration for a new identity.

Moore Road Trail Study Objectives

The Moore Road Multimodal Trail/ Linear Park Concept Study follows the successful First Avenue Linear Park project (2017-2023) as a transportation improvement directly impacting safety and accessibility for both the corporate and residential residents of Moore Park. The completed trail will promote and enhance Moore Park as the walkable, mixed-use location that it was envisioned to be---a beautiful and visually appealing corridor that showcases a public/ private collaboration for a vibrant future.

The Concept Study will:

• Evaluate the feasibility and identify challenges of constructing a 10’-wide multimodal trail on both sides of Moore Road from its intersection with First Avenue to its intersection with Valley Forge (SR 0023) to the north.

• Provide typical cross-sections of the planned trail

• Investigate pedestrian bridge crossings of Trout Creek that are a part of the trail

• Communicate to all affected property owners on the development of the future trail

• Estimate probable costs of construction, and

• Evaluate options for a connection from the Moore Road Multimodal Trail to the Schuylkill River Trail West and points beyond.

Planning Context of Moore Road Multimodal Trail / Linear Park Regional Planning Context

In the Philadelphia region, King of Prussia is currently ranked as the third largest employment center behind Center City and University City and exists at the intersections of the most vital transportation corridors in southeast PA: I76, I276, SR422, and SR202.

King of Prussia has been affected by the reliance on its workers and residents having an existing transportation network that has been challenged to keep pace with the growth of travel demand. KOP has continued to prosper and grow despite congestion and less-than-reliable commute times. Future transportation improvements including multimodal facilities for pedestrians and cyclists are important consideration for both future growth and equitable transportation access. SEPTA’s King of Prussia Rail initiative to extend rail service from Norristown to King of Prussia is an important regional project that will enhance access to KOP and will make access to King of Prussia more convenient and equitable. (See project description that follows) Similarly, suburban communities in Montgomery County and Chester County have embraced the need for encouraging pedestrian and bicycle movement amongst and between employment centers, residential communities and important recreational amenities like the Schuylkill River Corridor and Valley Forge National Historic Park.

Relevant Land Use, Planning, Zoning and Transportation Initiatives & Studies Walk Montco/ Montgomery County Walkability Study 2016

A detailed ‘look’ at pedestrian movement in Montgomery County was completed by the Montgomery County Planning Commission. While existing inventory of sidewalks in Upper Merion Township shows some sidewalks in residential neighborhoods, connections to commercial areas and available transit in King of Prussia is lacking. King of Prussia is noted by the County as a ‘designated growth area’ (DGA). All DGAs in the County are recommended to have sidewalks installed.

The Circuit

Montgomery County has placed a high priority on the completion of the Circuit Trails network, a 750-mile network connecting people to jobs, park and waterways. To date, over 300 miles have been constructed with many miles in planning, acquisition or design stages.

Approaching completion is the long-awaited connection between the Chester Valley Trail in Chester County to the Schuylkill River Trail East in Norristown, representing the connection of two significant regional trails linking the N-S and E-W axis of Circuit Trails.

Most notably related to Moore Park is the ‘North Gulph Road Connector’ currently in the ‘planned’ stage. This link connects the Valley Forge National Historic Park with the burgeoning mixed-use community of the Village at Valley Forge. A study to consider the options available in this extremely complicated transportation corridor was completed in 2019. See description below.

North Gulph Road Trail Feasibility Study 2019

The ‘North Gulph Road Connector’ study examined the feasibility of connecting the Valley Forge National Historic Park to the Village at Valley Forge mixed-use development with Moore Park and eventual connections to the Chester Valley Trail. The confluence of the PA Turnpike, US 422 and US 202 and the crossing of Trout Creek within a three-mile distance represents significant challenges for the trail. Six (6) sections were studied; and the connection to the First Avenue Linear Park trail to the Moore Road Multimodal Trail and Linear Park represents another planned connection to this location.

Local Planning Context

King of Prussia Mixed Use Zoning District

In 2014, Upper Merion Township re-zoned the area known as the King of Prussia Business Park to a ‘mixed use’ district to encourage the development of corporate, commercial and residential uses. Since its adoption, several residential projects have been constructed. In 2018, the area was re-named ‘Moore Park’ to better reflect the new vision for the area with expanded live-work opportunities. The vision for Moore Park embraces the ‘live-work-play’ trend that have proven so successful in many areas of the country. In that context, Moore Park is beginning to realizes its prominence as a commercial / residential real estate and employment center.

Upper Merion Draft Comprehensive Plan 2019

Moore Park occupies ‘Planning Area 1’ of the Township Comprehensive Plan. Notable major transportation improvements projects within this planning area include:

• SR 0023 (Valley Forge Road) at Mancill Mill & Beidler Roads: Re-Alignment: PennDOT is in the final design stage of this project at the beginning of 2023. Geometric improvements at this location will improve safety and levels of service as well as replace the roadway crossing of Trout Creek.

• SR 0023 (Valley Forge Road) and North Gulph Road: Intersection improvements.

• PA Turnpike Interchanges in King of Prussia: Feasibility study of the construction of a new PA Turnpike interchange with direct access to the Freedom Business Center within Moore Park has been completed. Additionally, a Henderson Road Interchange has also been studied. Both projects have direct access to light rail stations proposed by the SEPTA KoP Rail Extension.

• SEPTA: King of Prussia Rail Extension: Final design of a preferred route to extend passenger rail from the existing NHSL (Norristown High Speed Line) terminus in Norristown approximately 4 miles into King of Prussia began in Summer 2022. Two station stops are planned for First Avenue within Moore Park at Allendale Road and at

Moore Road. The Moore Road station represents the terminus of the rail extension. A parking garage is also planned for that location. The incremental and coordinated approach of SEPTA and DVRPC reflects the following core planning principles:

◊ Make walking and biking as comfortable as possible

◊ Encourage development that supports transit

◊ Capitalize on place-making opportunities

◊ Elevate the transit experience.

Upper Merion Township also acknowledges that sidewalk connectivity in the Township has a moderate level of service as sidewalks connections are incomplete and noticeably lacking on the eastern and western boundaries of the Township.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) :


Both DVRPC and SEPTA addressed the critical importance of TOD principles at Moore Park in King of Prussia in a planning study that examined a 10-20 year outlook for TOD development in the area and specifically at the proposed rail stations in King of Prussia.

• ‘King of Prussia Rail Project’ Study, DVRPC-2019. Key takeaways:

◊ TOD: Parking management; regulatory changes; diversify building types

◊ Pedestrian & Bike Infrastructure: Close the gaps; enhance safety

◊ Placemaking: Park and trail connections; public realm improvements

◊ Funding Sources: Implementation methods.

• ‘King of Prussia Rail Transit Oriented Communities Open Houses’ SEPTA-Spring 2022. Public input to station planning. Comments included:

◊ First/ Moore Station: Walkable, bikeable connection to Valley Forge Park and trails desired; the desire to improve the Moore-Irwin House and Arboretum

◊ General: safety, security, construction noise/ effects mitigation

Upper Merion Township/ Township-wide Stormwater Management Plan (2020)

Trail and connectivity improvements like all other types of earth disturbance projects must comply with the local requirement and stormwater ordinances. Upper Merion updated a previous stormwater management study completed in 1995 with current drainage area and impervious coverage data incorporated into the hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. Public participation was part of the process that identified and prioritized flooding concerns in the Township.

Moore Road, Valley Forge Road/ Mancill Mill Road and First Avenue/ American Avenue were all areas of concern in the Trout Creek watershed due to inadequate culvert size. (Note: The Moore Road culvert was replaced in 2019.)

Property owners who grant easements for the construction of public trail amenities on their properties are ultimately responsible for managing stormwater should disturbances exceed the thresholds noted in Chapters 140A & B. However, impervious surface disconnection methods employed in the final design of these amenities may help to mitigate the need to structurally address the control of volume and rate of runoff.

The Township and King of Prussia District are collaborating on recommendations for trail/ pedestrian connection redevelopment guidelines in stormwater management ordinances in the KPMU Mixed-Use zone.

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