13 minute read
Chapter 2 – Inventory and Analysis Property Owner Input
The King of Prussia District representatives and study consultants met with ten of the twelve property owners or managers on their sites to explain the project and how their properties might be impacted by their partnership in the Moore Road Multi-Use Trail and Linear Park. An overview of Moore Park, a preliminary graphic of the Moore Road Trail alignment and the consideration of the connection to the Schuylkill River Trail West as part of the project was provided in advance of the meetings. Common comments/ concerns included:
• What physical items on my property may require relocation? Can the trail be re-routed to avoid these items?
• Am I or the King of Prussia District responsible for the maintenance around and the clearing of snow from the trail?
• What additional costs are involved with having the trail on my property?
• How does the trail impact any future plans for the re-development of my property?
Site Reconnaissance
The consultant team walked both the entire length of the existing and planned First Avenue Linear Park as well as make several visits along the length of the proposed Moore Road Trail to assess existing conditions, challenges and opportunities. It is intended that typical design features and amenities from the First Avenue project will carry through to Moore Road (seating, lighting, trash receptacles, bus shelters and planting beds.)
The site visits were used to assess current traffic patterns and stormwater management system features that may impact trail alignments but also look for opportunities to create beautiful amenities within the suburban/ urban environment of Moore Park.
Existing Conditions
Moore Park and the Moore Road area are typical of many areas in Upper Merion in that there exists moderate to steep grades especially adjacent to local streams. Trout Creek bi-sects the project area and existing grades immediately to the north and south of the Creek are steep. From the First Avenue intersection with Moore to the Creek there is a grade drop of almost 60 feet to the creek. From the Creek to the Valley Forge Road intersection there is a grade rise of another 20 feet.
Moore Road and the majority of Moore Park are part of the Trout Creek watershed. In the Stormwater Management Report of 2019 performed for Upper Merion Township, hydraulic and hydrologic analyses of the seven (7) major streams were performed to identify areas prone to flooding. Though Moore Road at Trout Creek was not identified as a ‘known flooding area’, the areas proposed for trail crossing of the Creek at the mid-point of the project area occupy both the 10-year and 25-year flood area. ( See Appendix.)
A culvert replacement project of the Trout Creek crossing at Moore Road was completed in 2019. The roadway surface elevation is above the projected 100-year flood elevation by three feet. Final engineering for pedestrian bridges will require strict compliance with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) requirements and all technical conditions for applications for a PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit through a Standard Joint Permit Application.
(Albite-Chlorite Schist) Wissahickon Fm (Oligioclase Mica Schist)
Kaarst Geology
Based on a USGS Geological Survey of the Valley Forge quadrangle, Upper Merion Township and Moore Park specifically occupy a moderately high region of Kaarst geologic features when compared to all quadrangles in PA. The specific ‘Sinkhole Location Map’ prepared for Upper Merion Township indicates that Moore Road falls into ‘Zone 1’ with a high incidence of subsidence activity. All structural foundations for trail features, most especially prefabricated pedestrian bridge piers, must account for Kaarst geology in final design.
Transit Connections
Existing Transit
Moore Road currently has both SEPTA bus service and the local shuttle services of the ‘Rambler’
(Upper Merion Township operated). The SEPTA Bus Route 125 uses Moore Road and Eighth
Avenue for service to the Valley Forge Casino and as a turn-around. The 125 Route makes stops at the Valley Forge Towers and near 760 Moore Road access drive on Valley Forge Road. With the future construction of the SEPTA Rail Extension to King of Prussia with a proposed parking garage, Route 125 service is expected to continue on Moore Road. The ‘Rambler’ is a residential amenity for Upper Merion residents servicing residential neighborhoods and local shopping establishments, including The Village at Valley Forge. Current stops include the Valley Forge Towers at the northern terminus of the project area and Heuser Park immediately east of Moore Park.
Chapter 3 – Moore Road Trail / Linear Park Alignment Analysis
Trail Design Fundamentals
The design and construction of trails should follow specific technical safety standards. As a starting point, preliminary design identifies the type of trail user and establishes which technical standards are acceptable. The Moore Road Trail will serve pedestrians and cyclists ranging from child-level to experienced levels of cyclists. Relevant guidance manuals include:
• AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Officials) - Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities
• NACTO (National Association of City Transportation Officials) - Urban Bikeway Design Guide
• MUTCD (Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices)
• PA DCNR (PA Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources) - Pennsylvania Trail Design and Development Principles
• ADA (American with Disabilities Act) Guidance for Outdoor Recreational Activities
The Moore Road trail will be considered a multiuse trail and incorporates the following design criteria:
Minimum Width
Maximum Slope
A typical ‘toolbox’ of trail design items assumed to be incorporated into the Moore Road shared use trail include crosswalks, ADA curb ramps, rapid flashing beacons, ‘hand man’ pedestrian crossing signals, pedestrian refuge islands and existing traffic signal timing modifications.
10 Ft.
Desired maximum of 5%; Maximum of 8% slope for a distance of 200 ft. with minimum required landing of 20 ft. Max. 2% cross slope
Minimum Horizontal Clearances from vertical obstructions 2 Ft. from edge of trail
Trail Material (use disturbance and erosion potential considered)
Trail Signage (required for safe trail navigation and crossings) Trail signage to be provided for grade changes, crossings and for educational/ cultural purposes; compliance with Upper Merion Township standards
ADA Compliancy Crossings, curb ramps and landing areas to be in compliance with PennDOT Guidance Manual and ADA standards
Trail Design and Engineering Considerations
The King of Prussia District will work with individual property owners to secure easements for the design and construction of the trail. During site visits and meetings with owners/representatives, trail orientation and technical challenges for the final design phase were noted and discussed. Descriptions are from south to north.
1000-1020 First Avenue
This site is the southeastern terminus of the project area’s east side. A large, wooded buffer currently exists between Moore Road and site parking allowing the proposed trail to take advantage of a shaded, secluded character. Final engineering phase considerations:
• Siting of a ‘park-let’ amenity space (seating/ tables/ plantings/ specialty paving) and bench/ trash receptacle area with connection to parcel parking area
• Moderate (5%-6%) existing slopes along trail alignment to parcel boundary at Trout Creek
• Woodland tree evaluation for selective tree and invasives removal
• Eastern pedestrian bridge southern abutment location
• PA DEP permit requirements for FEMA requirements and all technical conditions for applications for a PA DEP Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit Through a Standard Joint Permit Application.
1100 First Avenue
This site represents the southwestern terminus of the project area’s west side and the future terminus of the King of Prussia Rail Extension. A rail station and parking garage are proposed at this site. Final engineering considerations:
• Existing grades require an alignment that maximizes trail length to meet the 8% maximum grade requirements with retaining walls
• Coordination with SEPTA and/or developer on redevelopment site design
• Western pedestrian bridge southern abutment location
Aqua PA Access (Rogers Road)
Trail crossing of Rogers Road will meet all criteria for ADA compliant driveway crossings.
700 Moore Road (Moore Irwin House/ Burgess Arboretum)
The Moore Irwin House and the Burgess Arboretum are valued historic and ecological resources in Upper Merion Township. The King of Prussia District and consultant team met with members of the Shade Tree Commission responsible for the planned renovations of the House and grounds that make up the officially-designated arboretum. Key ecological considerations of the Arboretum were researched and presented in the April 2021 “The Burgess Arboretum-Tree & Landscape management Plan” completed by the Morris Arboretum’s Forestry Consultants. Trees of importance have been categorized and mapped. Final alignment and engineering considerations must include:
• A review of all trees recommended for removal, pruning recommendations
• Consideration of invasive/ exotic tree recommendations
• Coordination with Morris Arboretum and Shade Tree Commission during construction documentation phase
• Western pedestrian bridge northern abutment location
• PA DEP permit requirements for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) requirements and all technical conditions for applications for a PA DEP Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permit Through a Standard Joint Permit Application.
• Investigation of relocation and restoration of existing historic stone wall currently located on adjacent property
• Bench/ receptacle locations to be coordinated with any Upper Merion Township plans for future access and the restoration of the Moore Irwin House.
Moore Road
The proposed trail begins a moderate climb uphill. Final engineering considerations:
• Review quality trees within this alignment for restoration considerations
• On-site drainage swale requires incorporation into trail grading and stormwater management
• Utility pole relocation required just north of Rogers Road crossing
• Bench/ trash receptacle area to be determined
720 Moore Road
The current site with bank has a generous setback along Moore Road and low slopes allowing for a simple alignment along the Moore Road curbline. Final engineering considerations:
• Relocation of current commercial signage at northwest corner of the site
Moore Road
The recent re-development of this site in 2020 has introduced the first residential use on Moore Road. The luxury residential apartment complex of 250 units compliments the current corporate uses and is strategically located to take advantage of the transit opportunities proposed at the First Avenue/ Moore Road intersection. Discussions with property management indicate large resident interest in ‘longer walking routes’ to desired destinations. Final engineering considerations:
• Park-let construction at southern portion of site with connection to site parking and walkway.
• Coordination with 8th/ Moore Road intersection improvements.
1004—1006 West Eighth Avenue
The available space for the proposed trail is a challenge at this site location. Existing parking occupies the area closest to Moore Road as the Moore Road profile begins to decend. In conjunction with 1001-1003 West Ninth Avenue, an assessment of parking requirements for current tenants and future re-development potential may present options for a trail alignment that reduce the overall cost of construction. Final engineering considerations for the trail alignment presented:
• Required retaining walls to maintain trail elevations in proximity to Moore Road elevations
• Three (3) utility pole relocations ; trail clearances are challenged by available horizontal area.
1001-1003 West Ninth Avenue
This portion of the trail on this site is a localized high-point on Moore Road. Available space for the proposed trail proves to be the greatest challenge at this site location. Existing parking occupies the area closest to Moore Road at a point in the Moore Road profile where elevations begin to fall considerably. Final engineering considerations for the trail alignment presented:
• Required retaining walls to maintain trail elevations at Moore Road profile elevations.
• Relocation and reconstruction of property signage on the northern portion of the site.
• Two (2) utility pole relocations; trail clearance here is tight
• Coordination with Ninth Avenue/ Moore Road intersection improvements; right-of-way needs for signalization improvements. (Rapid flashing beacons)
1000 West Ninth Avenue
Trail alignment on this site is most impacted by an existing parking driveway aisle and the outfall of the stormwater management system of the site immediately to the north. The outfall and culvert crossing under Moore Road of the system occur at an established low point on the site which further impact trail grading. Final engineering considerations:
• Coordination with 9th Avenue intersection improvements
• Joint evaluation of stormwater management systems (see 1002 West Ninth Avenue description below) for options that allow greater flexibility and cost savings for trail alignment.
1002 West Ninth Avenue
This site represents the steepest portion of the proposed trail as it terminates at the Valley Forge Road (SR 0023) intersection. The hill along the western site boundary with Moore Road also acts as the western boundary of the stormwater retention system for the site. The narrow strip suitable for the trail will require retaining walls on both sides. Currently, there exists no suitable level space for a trail crossing landing at this important intersection. (See Intersection Improvement section below.) Final engineering considerations:
• Evaluation of parking requirements for this site
• Re-design and construction of alternate stormwater management system allowing greater flexibility of trail grading
760 Moore Road
This former operations center is the north terminus of the trail at Valley Forge Road (SR 0023) and is the largest single building within the project area. This site has been considered for the evaluation of a trail connection from the Moore Road Trail to Schuylkill River Trail West. (See Chapter 5: Moore Road Trail to Schuylkill River Trail West).
The existing alignment of the site driveway access on Moore Road (offset from Ninth Avenue) has caused traffic issues on Moore Road at peak hours. The site is located below the elevation of the Moore/ SR 0023 intersection corner by almost 35’ at its highest point. This grade differential drops at the site’s eastern-most driveway access onto Valley Forge Road near Mancill Mill Road. Discussions with the current site owner indicate that re-development plans are not complete at this time. A trail and extended connection to a regional trail system are desired amenities but will need to be balanced with truck movement, parking and site security. Traffic concerns could be ameliorated with the consideration of a realignment of the current Moore Road access drive with Ninth Avenue. (See Intersection
Improvement section below.) Final engineering considerations:
• Maintaining trail grade requirements of less than 8% with a retaining wall and increased trail length within this site section
• Final trail alignment must avoid a large gas utility junction box located adjacent to the eastern curbline of Moore Road.
• 1 utility pole relocation required
Currently, over 20,000 employees call Moore Park ‘home’. As it continues to evolve, the need for safe pedestrian movement on Moore Road becomes more important than ever before. Safety considerations require pedestrian and cyclist crossings of Moore Road be kept to a minimum. For this reason, the Moore Road Trail is proposed on both sides of the road. Properties within and adjacent to the project area have the potential to be re-developed. Safe connections to properties remains a core principle for Moore Park.
Intersection Improvements
The consultant team evaluated intersection and roadway improvements to ensure that parcels can be adequately served by commercial vehicles while also providing for trail user safety. The following Moore Road intersections were evaluated in this study: Moore Road and Valley Forge Road (SR 0023), Moore Road and 9th Avenue/ 760 Moore Road Parcel Drive, Moore Road and 8th Avenue. Additionally, the intersection of Valley Forge Road and Mancill Mill Road was evaluated in Chapter 4-Connection to Schuylkill River Trail West. Plans are contained in the Appendix.
Moore Road & Valley Forge Road (SR 0023)
Challenges/ Concerns:
Limited area to provide an adequate landing for a trail crossing of SR 0023 at the southwest corner of the intersection with Moore Road. (Noted in 1002 Ninth Ave parcel analysis above.)
Improvements Investigated:
• Crosswalks are proposed for all four (4) legs of the intersection
• A preliminary evaluation was done to consider the elimination of one of the two (2) Moore southbound travel lanes at the SR 0023/ Moore Road intersection after the right-turn movement.
• The removal of this lane would provide additional space to create a trail landing along the crosswalk area, lessening the impact of the trail on the stormwater basin function of the slope.
• Additional evaluation (traffic studies) and coordination with PennDOT 6-0 is required.
• Required trail signage to be included.
Moore Road & 9th Avenue/ Aligned Driveway of 760 Moore Road
Challenges/ Concerns:
Based on historic peak hour traffic concerns on Moore Road due to the skewed alignment of the current driveway and the west side of 9th Avenue, it would be beneficial to both the site redevelopment and proposed trail to investigate improvements at this location. (The site analysis for 760 Moore Road above noted the current re-development plans being undertaken by the owner. )
Improvements Investigated:
Proposed alignment of the 760 Moore Road site driveway with 9th Avenue. The advantage of this re-alignment is the safe location of a trail crossing with predictable vehicular movements.
• A dedicated left turn lane is proposed from southbound Moore Road into the 760 Moore Road parcel.
• The two existing northbound Moore Road travel lanes would continue to the current three lane (2 left-hand turn lanes; one straight/ right hand turn lane) arrangement at the SR 0023 intersection.
• Revise curb lines for full turning movements of WB-50 commercial vehicles.
• Provide a ‘splitter’ island/ channelized right turns out of the site to reduce crossing distances for the trail users.
• Provide a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) for the Moore Road crossing. Based on the average annual daily traffic (AADT) of Moore Road and the posted 35 mph speed limit, this is an acceptable treatment based on Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines.
• Roadway pavements markings for trail crossings
Moore Road & 8th Avenue
Challenges/ Concerns:
Parcels east of the Moore/ 8th Avenue intersection have heavy commercial truck movements and options to reduce crossing distance for trail users are limited.
Improvements Investigated:
• Proper signage and pavement markings on both the 8th Avenue and Moore approaches to give motorists advance warning of the trail
• Provide a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) for the Moore Road crossing. Based on the average annual daily traffic (AADT) of Moore Road and the posted 35 mph speed limit, this is an acceptable treatment based on Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines. The removal of this lane would provide additional space to create a trail landing along the crosswalk area, lessening the impact of the trail on the stormwater basin function of the slope.
• Additional evaluation (traffic studies) and coordination with PennDOT 6-0 is required.
• Required trail signage
Trail Plan, Sections & Renderings
The following plans, sections and photorenderings illustrate the trail concepts along Moore Road. Please refer to the Appendix for a trail plan with proposed grading.