Road Diet Informational Sheet

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FIRST AVENUE ROAD DIET Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians will soon enjoy a safer experience in Moore Park KOP. This spring, Upper Merion Township and King of Prussia District are implementing the First Avenue Road Diet. This new configuration, used around the country to create a more pedestrian-friendly roadway, can reduce traffic accidents by an average of 29% according to the US Department of Transportation.

Introducing a visionary neighborhood at the center of $1B in economic development, that is redefining the work-life experience in the Philadelphia region.

What is a Road Diet? This infrastructure improvement will reduce travel lanes on First Avenue to one in each direction and add a center turning lane, bicycle lanes on both sides of the street and a signalized, accessible crosswalk between American Ave. and Moore Rd.

Questions? 484.681.9452

Artisitic Rendering of the First Avenue Road Diet

Construction Schedule Total noticeable construction is expected to last approximately 46 days or less and is expected to cause minor disruption to commuters on First Ave. • Construction activity will NOT take place on the roadway during rush hour traffic from 6-9 AM and 3-8 PM. Flaggers will be on site if lane closures are necessary. • Phase 1 involves signalization work, excavation and construction of curbs, ramps, sidewalks, island median and midblock crossing between Park Ave. and Allendale Rd. • Phase 2 involves milling, overlay and restriping First Ave. • Signalization work ESTIMATED TIME: 4 days • Excavation/prep work on curbs and sidewalks on Allendale Rd. and American Ave., intersections and mid-block crossing ESTIMATED TIME: 13 days

Introducing a visionary neighborhood at the center of $1B in economic development, that is redefining the work-life experience in the Philadelphia region.

• Form/pour curbs and sidewalks ESTIMATED TIME: 13 days • Milling and overlay along First Avenue between N. Gulph Rd. and Allendale Rd. at night (8 PM-5 AM) ESTIMATED TIME: 6 days • Striping roadway


• Install road signs and signalized crossing ESTIMATED TIME: 5 days During construction a full-time inspector will be on-site to monitor progress and address concerns that arise.


Questions? 484.681.9452

Funding for the First Avenue Road Diet is provided by Upper Merion Township and through a grant from the Federal Highway Administration’s Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), administered by PA Department of Transportation. Engineering and design services were prepared by Pennoni Associates, Inc. with funding from King of Prussia District. The project contractor is Highway Materials, Inc. and construction inspection services are provided by Remington & Vernick Engineers.

FAQ How was it determined that First Avenue needed a Road Diet? Why not Moore Road? First Avenue was selected over Moore Road because it is the main thoroughfare through Moore Park KOP (formerly the King of Prussia business park) and would have a positive safety benefit for the most property owners.

What portions of First Avenue will be addressed? The First Avenue Road Diet will be most noticeable between the Moore Road intersection and Allendale Road intersection. This stretch of roadway will have one travel lane in each direction, a dedicated center turn lane and bike lanes on each side. The intersections at Moore Road, American Avenue and Allendale Road will have the same, or better, turning lane configurations they have today. The entire First Avenue lane configuration can be viewed in the Signage & Pavement Marking Plan posted on the project webpage.

Introducing a visionary neighborhood at the center of $1B in economic development, that is redefining the work-life experience in the Philadelphia region.

Who is paying for this project? This project is funded by a $431,000 grant from the Federal Highway Administration’s Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), $314,000 provided by Upper Merion Township’s Motor Fuel Tax Fund for road resurfacing projects and $78,400 by the King of Prussia District to cover design and administrative expenses. $452,000 was originally allocated to milling and repaving First Avenue by UMT and, due to lower than expected project costs, UMT will save approximately $138,000.

How will construction impact AM and PM rush hours? As with any road construction project, there will be minor disruptions to the commuters using First Avenue. However, no construction activity will take place on the roadway during the hours of 6-9 AM and 3-8 PM and all milling and repaving will occur at night.

Will the new configuration cause more traffic?

Questions? 484.681.9452

The Road Diet will not increase the volume of vehicles on First Avenue but it is anticipated that it will increase the commute time during the PM rush hour by a few seconds more than the existing configuration. However, it will make the roadway safer for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists.

FAQ Will truck traffic be affected in any way? The Road Diet will not impact truck traffic. The new lane configuration will only use painted markings.

Are you narrowing the roadway? No, the width of the roadway will remain the same from curb to curb.

What improvements will benefit pedestrians? A signalized mid-block pedestrian crossing will be added near the Park Avenue intersection. In addition to this crossing, twelve ADA compliant curb ramps will be added at the First Avenue intersections of American Avenue and Allendale Road.

How long will the project take? Approximately 46 days. Construction will start in June:

Introducing a visionary neighborhood at the center of $1B in economic development, that is redefining the work-life experience in the Philadelphia region.

• Signalization work: Approximately 4 days • Excavation and construction of curbs, ramps, sidewalks, island median and midblock crossing between Park Ave. and Allendale Rd: Approximately 26 days • Milling and overlay along First Avenue between North Gulph Road and Allendale Road will take place overnight (8 PM – 5 AM): Approximately 6 days • Striping the roadway: Approximately 5 days • Installing road signs and signalized crossing: Approximately 5 days During construction a full-time inspector will be on-site to monitor the progress and address concerns that arise.

Are you adding traffic lights? No.

Where do cyclists go at the end of the bike lanes?

Questions? 484.681.9452

Cyclists can utilize adjacent roads as before. Planning efforts are underway to increase connections between existing bike paths and multiuse trails including the Schuylkill River Trail, Chester Valley Trail, Valley Forge National Historical Park and UMT’s Crow Creek Trail.

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