The King's School, Worcester ISI Report 2024 Highlights
The King’s School, Worcester Foundation
ISI Report 2024 Highlights
We are delighted to have met all five criteria and to have received an extremely positive report.
• Leadership and management, and governance
• Quality of education, training and recreation
• Pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing
• Pupils’ social and economic education and contribution to society
• Safeguarding
We celebrate the receipt of our recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection report. The King’s School, Worcester Foundation has been endorsed by the ISI for its compliance.
The inspection which took place in November across all three Schools in our Foundation, King’s St Alban’s Prep, King’s Hawford Prep and King’s Worcester, assessed amongst a range of Independent School Standards, the leadership, management and governance, quality of education and safeguarding. In all cases, all three Schools were found to adhere to required standards.
Since 2023, ISI reports have ceased the awarding of single word judgements such as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’, instead making a series of evidence-based statements to evaluate schools’ provision.
Our three schools were found to be effective in all areas, with particular highlights including:
• Lessons …enable pupils to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding well.
• Achievement in public examinations is well above national averages.
• Teaching is typically effective and results in pupils making good progress throughout the school, including the early years.
• Pupils who have SEND receive tailored support which positively impacts their academic development.
• Pupils receive useful feedback from teachers that help them improve their work. In the Senior School the system used is highly effective in providing pupils with individual advice to enhance their learning and progress.
• Pastoral leaders create a supportive environment where students feel valued, safe and empowered to succeed academically, socially and emotionally.
• …the co-curricular programme offers a wide range of inclusive opportunities for pupils to explore interests and develop new skills and passions, often to a very high standard.
• From an early age, pupils learn about the importance of service and making a positive contribution to society.
We are very pleased indeed with the Inspectors’ findings, which clearly reflect our mission to seek excellence in all that we do and provide an outstanding preparation for life. I am delighted that the hard work from our pupils, teachers and support staff, along with the support from across the Foundation’s community, has been recognised.
We are proud that, as well as our excellent academic results, we offer a breadth of provision that includes an impressive sports offering, a thriving arts programme and an extensive range of co-curricular activities that enable pupils to find their passion in life. Importantly, our holistic approach helps each and every King’s pupil leave as a wellrounded young learner who can confidently step out into the world.
The full ISI report can be accessed here
Dr Alison Oliver Acting Head, The King’s School.
Pastoral leaders create a supportive environment where students feel valued, safe and empowered to succeed academically, socially and emotionally.
Across the foundation, leaders reinforce the message that the school culture is one that values kindness, respect, inclusion and equality.
The school’s knowledgeable and experienced governors provide challenge and support through a comprehensive committee structure.
[The governors] take a keen interest in pupils’ views, which they gather on regular visits. This enables governors to assure themselves that policies follow current guidelines, are widely understood and work well in practice.
Leaders routinely acknowledge pupils’ academic and other achievements, thus building confidence and motivation.
Leaders are well qualified, suitably experienced and carry out their roles effectively. They regularly analyse the effectiveness of all aspects of the school’s provision.
Leaders promote pupils’ wellbeing effectively.
Leaders use this information to create well-constructed school improvement plans that are implemented thoroughly and effectively.
Achievement in public examinations is well above national averages.
Most teaching in the senior school is characterised by strong subject knowledge and effective planning. Lessons incorporate suitable activities and teaching strategies that enable pupils to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding well.
[All staff] in the early years plan appropriate activities to suit children’s needs and stages of development. Children are encouraged to play, explore and discover for themselves.
At King’s St Alban’s teaching generally incorporates effective use of questioning, hands-on experiences and high expectations.
At King’s Hawford, teachers plan engaging lessons which, alongside high expectations, motivate pupils to try hard and present their work with pride. They plan activities that enable pupils to think critically and work independently and collaboratively.
Opportunities for adventurous play enable pupils to develop physically, socially and emotionally.
An electives programme in the sixth form enriches pupils’ learning by giving them the opportunity to develop skills in previously unfamiliar areas.
...the co-curricular programme offers a wide range of inclusive opportunities for pupils to explore interests and develop new skills and passions, often to a very high standard.
Effective careers guidance is offered throughout the senior school, ensuring that pupils are well advised about GCSE and A-level choices, as well as future careers. The ‘careers extravaganza’ and other events within the life skills programme ensure pupils are well prepared for life after school.
A calm and well-ordered atmosphere prevails at breaktimes, lunchtimes and between lessons.
The curriculum offers a diverse range of sports and opportunities for physical activity and is delivered effectively. It enables skills to be developed at all levels, from beginner to elite.
At King’s Hawford, leaders consistently provide opportunities for pupils across the school to think and learn for themselves…. They develop the resilience to accept mistakes as a learning opportunity. This has a strong positive impact on pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem.
King’s St Alban’s pupils are usually enthusiastic, self-motivated and achieve well.
Across the foundation... the school culture is one that values kindness, respect, inclusion and equality.
Throughout the school, effective PSHE supports pupils in developing trusting relationships with staff and their peers.
Leaders have drawn up clear behaviour policy which is well understood by all parties and implemented consistently. Effective behaviour management strategies help pupils to manage their emotions, promoting positive interactions.
The vertical house structure in the senior school is particularly effective in supporting this approach.
…pupils develop a sense of respect for others and an understanding of the importance of celebrating differences.
Pupils are given plentiful opportunities to develop leadership and interpersonal skills.
Choristers in particular feel a strong connection to the cathedral and value their role in upholding the traditions of such an ancient institution.
From an early age, pupils learn about the importance of service and making a positive contribution to society.
In the senior school, pupils are given numerous opportunities to develop their self-confidence, self-esteem and interpersonal skills. They act as leaders and mentors in a variety of areas including sports and activities, the CCF, as heads of house and as whole-school monitors.
Across the foundation, older pupils are encouraged to support and guide the younger ones, acting as influential role models.
Pupils across the foundation practise and gain deeper understanding of democracy through initiatives such as mock elections and school councils.
Leaders provide pupils with extensive opportunities to take on roles of responsibility. At King’s Hawford, elected pupils discuss different areas of school life and drive change and development across the school.
Leaders have established clear systems of communication which enable them to identify and address issues early.
Pupils are confident that they have a trusted adult who they can speak to if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable, and that prompt action will be taken to support them.
The school educates pupils effectively about personal safety, including risks they might encounter online.
Staff responsible for the school’s recruitment process ensure that these are rigorously implemented.
Leaders have provided a number of ageappropriate avenues for pupils to disclose issues about their welfare.
Arrangements for safeguarding are robust.
The safeguarding team is effectively led, appropriately trained and demonstrates a deep and up-to-date knowledge of statutory guidance.
Leaders have established clear systems of communication which enable them to identify and address issues early, preventing escalation.
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is a UK-based organisation responsible for the inspection of independent schools to ensure they meet certain standards of education, welfare, and regulatory compliance. It operates under the authority of the Department for Education (DfE) and inspects schools that are members of the Independent Schools Council (ISC). They are validated by OFSTED and accredited by the Government to conduct inspections.
The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is responsible for the inspection of independent schools and reports its findings to the Secretary of State for Education. The inspection process involves a detailed assessment of various aspects of a school’s operation. A team of inspectors visit the school to observe staff and pupils, review school documentation and pupil work, and conduct surveys and interviews with parents and pupils, ensuring a holistic understanding of the school.
ISI inspections are vital for maintaining high standards across the independent school sector, giving assurance to families and other stakeholders. They are important for the following reasons:
• Quality Assurance: They provide an assurance of quality to parents, giving them confidence in the school’s ability to offer excellent teaching, learning and care.
• Regulatory Compliance: ISI inspections ensure that schools comply with educational, welfare, safety regulations and standards of school governance and leadership, which is crucial for the overall well-being of the student.
• Continuous Improvement: The feedback provided by ISI following inspections helps to guide schools when enhancing their educational offerings and practices.
• Benchmarking: Inspections serve as a benchmark for schools to measure themselves against the best practices in education and pupil care.
These inspections help ensure that independent schools deliver excellent, wellrounded education.
ISI no longer assigns overall judgements or grades such as “Excellent,” “Good,” “Sound,” or “Unsatisfactory” to schools. Under the new ISI framework inspection reports focus on providing detailed evaluations of various aspects of school life, including leadership and management, quality of education, and pupil welfare. The reports award schools “met or “not met” against five key standards and offer a concise summary of their findings. This approach aims to offer a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of a school’s performance, moving away from singleword summaries to highlight specific strengths and areas for improvement.