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Volume 1, Issue 1 February³September 2010

South Asia & Gulf Region

RS News Letter «« (GXFDWLRQ PXVW enable young people to effect what they have recognized to be right, despite hardships, despite dangers, despite inner skepticism, despite boredom, and despite mockery from the world. « .XUW +DKQ

Mr. Sumer Singh, Regional Director,

SA & Gulf Region

Dear All, First of all my congratulations to Amar on this first issue of our Regional Newsletter. There is a world wide interest in Round Square like never seen before. Whatever the reasons, we must be doing something right! When I became the Head of a Round Square school in 1988 there were 17 members; now there are 83. in our Region, then called the Indian Region, there were 6 and now there are 17 Global members and 10 Regional members. The other significant change I see is that more students in each school are now aware of the organisation and what it stands for. This is important and we must build on this further by offering even more opportunities through more conferences, exchanges and service options. Apart from this I would like to see us aim for two clear targets: x x

Transform the Katapathar project which already has the involvement of multiple schools, into a model RS development project with a school, then a health centre and then a resource centre and so on and so forth. Bring in schools from unrepresented countries like Pakistan and Georgia.

Thank you for inviting me to share some of my thoughts. Good wishes, Sumer Singh



Punjab Public School, Nabha 2009 was a landmark year for The Punjab Public School Nabha. The school joined the league of prestigious schools on October 11, 2009 when Prince Andrew, the Duke of York solemnized the investiture ceremony at Mayo College, Ajmer (The school had become the regional member of Round Square in 2006). PPS became the rightful claimant to the Round Square flag and its philosophy of internationalism, democracy, environment, adventure and leadership and serYLFH .XUW +DKQ·V IUDWHUQLW\ JRW D PHPEHU IURP WKH ODQG RI Punjab which is already replete with examples of true democratic values, leadership of an unparalleled magnitude which involves facing the challenges upfront and taking the underprivileged along, adventure and service which is the very breath and life-force of this most happening state of India. Besides, internationalism and environment assume more importance today than they ever did. In a highly globalized world of today any head of state giving any statement or making any move affects all nation states directly. We cannot remain truncated. Likewise, climate change and other environment related issues have worldwide ramifications. So

the stage was set, the timing was golden perfect and the Nabhaites more than keen to grab the opportunity to be a part of the German education's initiative to be truly global in thought and action.

In addition to this, hosting the Senior Regional Round Square Conference was another milestone in the history of the school. The corridors of PPS were abuzz with baraza thought waves and brainstorming pulsations. It provided the most accurate and poised impetus for the eclectic aspirations at Mayo. Mr. B. S. Bhatnagar, the former regional director of Round Square, and an eminent educationist, who started his teaching career at The Punjab Public School, Nabha inaugurated the Conference and also delivered the first keynote address on the theme ² ´Democracy ² Empowering the UnderSULYLOHJHGµ. The delegates visited the famous Pushpa Gujral Science City at Kapurthala on the penultimate day and thoroughly enjoyed their outing to the renowned place. «« WKH WKHPH ² ´Democracy ² (PSRZHULQJ WKH 8QGHUSULYLOHJHGµ.

The 2nd keynote address was delivered by Mrs. Gunmeet Bindra, Principal, VJDS, Hissar. She explored the leadership aspect of a democratic country like India and stressed on the urgent need of visionary leaders to rid the nation of various ills. Mrs. Daman Duggal, Principal, Vivek High School, Chandigarh was the guest of honour at the closing ceremony. Mrs. Duggal had earlier inspected the school for its regional and global membership of Round Square, and her report was instrumental in PPS becoming a global member of Round Square.



Vidya Devi Jindal School, Hisar VDJS was privileged to host the Round Square Pre Conference tour in October 2009. 26 students and 6 teachers in all from St. Clement, Toronto, Tiger Kloof, South Africa, Louiselend, Germany and Gordonstoun, UK were the part of this tour. Apart from visiting Delhi, Amritsar, Kurukshetra, Jaipur etc, the delegates visited VDJS to experience the rich culture not only of India but particularly of VDJS. One of our students also visited Stanford Lake College, South Africa for an exchange program.

The delegates appreciated the warmth and excitement with which the guests were received into the folds of the VDJS family for a short stay on the campus. The visit reinforced the process of developing an international outlook, strengthening cross-cultural understanding and giving a VSHFLDO LPSHWXV WR 9'-6· mission for paving the way for ´JOREDO FLWL]HQVKLSµ VDJS was also happy to have the delegates from The Millennium School, Dubai who were visiting on an exchange program. «««« 9'-6· PLVVLRQ IRU SDYLQJ WKH ZD\ IRU ´JOREDO FLWL]HQVKLSµ

The activities that were organised during the visit included interactive workshops on Dance, Creative Arts and Indian Cuisines. The natural variety and unique diversity that these activities offered helped foster learning and sharing amongst the peer group. The delegates learnt the creative art of telling stories through the concept of ´VWRU\ VDFNVµ 7KLV ZRUNVKRS RQ ¶VWRU\ VDFNV· ZDV FRQGXFWHG E\ WKH WHDFKHUV and students from Lancaster Girls Grammar School, UK who were with us for an academic exchange program. Apart from being good hosts, VDJS students attended Regional Round Square Conferences held at The Sanskaar Valley School, Bhopal, Punjab Public School, Nabha, Pathways World School, Gurgaon and The Daly College, Indore.



Chittagaong Grammar School

Walkathon ÂŤ WR UDLVH awareness about nature among our city dwellers.

Bengali New Year Carnival, amount collected from the carnival (over US$ 4,000 every year) is donated to charity organizations.

Charity Iftar Party for the orphans is held every year in CGS



Vivek High school, Chandigarh Vivek 90.4 FM is Chandigarh's First Community Radio Station which serves to bring the community together and focus on the common man's day to day concerns and help to realize local aspirations. The Vivek High FM is an initiative of the school to provide service to the community through the radio which is now enjoying renewed interest and relevance and has great potential for communication, information, awareness and entertainment. It addresses issues relating to health, education, environment, agriculture, social development, community development etc.

PUSTAK School ² Pustak is a school adopted by Vivek High, for under privileged children. The students regularly interact with these children by organizing their sports day, picnics, celebration of festivals like Raksha Bandhan, Diwali, Dusshera, Christmas etc. In addition, one class visits Pustak every Tuesday (One section of a class per week through out the academic session). Vivek students also hold craft workshops, Power point programmes on health issues, Child security, Story telling sessions etc.

Fund raising projects are taken up for the Chandigarh Society for rehabilitation of mentally handicapped people, Sahatya ( Sahyog society for cancer patients ) and other local organizations.



The Daly College, Indore

The Daly College hosted Junior Regional Round Square Conference on Environment from July 16, 2009 to July 20, 2009. Fourteen schools including the Daly College participated in this conference in which The Environmental Audit of the Daly College was presented along with Carbon Footprint calculations. The conference was a success and played a pivotal role spreading awareness about the environment. The Daly College also conducted a Pre-Conference tour named the Golden Triangle that covered Delhi-Agra-Jaipur for Round Square International Conference 2009. There were 63 delegates who opted for the tour and were taken around places of historical interest. A group of seven students of grade 7 and 8 and three staff members of Fern Hill School, Canada visited Daly College on a cultural tour from January 8 to January 28, 2010. A group of 5 students and one teacher visited NASA, UN and Florida. A group of 21 students and 2 teachers visited The Brauer College, Australia. The student delegates UHSUHVHQWHG WKH 'DO\ &ROOHJH DW 露 th International Community Development & Leadership 6XPPLW 路 RQ &UHDWLQJ 1DWLRQDO :HDOWK IRU ,QWHUQD tional Wellbeing" organized by Modern School, New Delhi from November 7, 2009 to November 15, 2009. A delegation of six students from the Senior School attended a conference titled DAIMUN which is Dhirubhai Ambani International Mock United Nations from December 19 to December 22, 2009

Environmental education is our way to the future. While empowering individuals to restore and mainWDLQ WKH HDUWK路V QDWXUDO V\VWHPV LW DOVR VXSSRUWV WKH wellbeing of future generations by promoting sustainable life styles. The Daly College Students started the green Club after the initiative taken at the Round Square International conference Canada in 2008.The motivational efforts of Dheeya Somayia , Nishant Makhijani, Suryadev Singh, Rhea Sanghi, Nikhil kela and Hirni Desai the Green Club took the immediate task of reduction in Vehicular Pollution, Water Management, Generation of Bio Gas and reduction in power Consumption. The project of Bio Gas generator was appreciated at the Young Round square Conference of Americas. Virgin Unite has funded the project by offering 675$ . Two successful Eye camps were conducted in February 2008 and February 2009. It was a joint venture of Daly College and / 路 ( U P L W D J H School , France. In February 2009 it was organised in Tillore village, 25 Kms from Indore .



Motilal Nehru School of Sports, Rai

A rally was organised by the students of class IX to create awareness about female foeticide among the people of Sonipat from Civil Hospital to Railway Station. The rally was flagged off by the Civil Surgeon of Sonipat, Dr. Punia.

The students of Class X organised a Star Gazing programme on 02 October ,2009 at Rai village in which locals participated enthusiastically.

The students of Naval Wing of NCC of MNSS, Rai organised tree plantation drive, planting around 300 trees in the school campus.

The students of Classes XI & XII serving the students and villagers at Community dinner on 18th Dec., 2009.



Indian School, Al Ghubra, Oman The Round Square Carnival is a most popular fun filled charity event at ISG. The RS Student Committee organise it every year very successfully. It includes various g a m e stalls like Sponge the Clown, Roadshot, PS2, Hit the Bottle, Curly Soccer, Paint G a m e etc. Other counters include Henna, Face Painting, Hair Spray, Food stalls , Baked goods which are very popular with visitors. The footfalls are very high and a lot of funds are raised by the students.

The Round Square Day was celebrated with full vigour and enthusiasm starting with the presentation at the School Assembly followed by fund raising events like Bake Sale etc. ISG Staff also contributed generously on this occasion. Under the drive "My Dream Oman Green", the Principal and the members of the Staff planted saplings on the campus to protect the environment.

Two successful Eye camps were conducted in February 2008 and February 2009. It was a joint venture of Daly College and / 路 ( U P L W D J H School , France. In February 2009 it was organised in Tillore village, 25 Kms from Indore . Community Service is a vital component of RS at ISG and our students collected and supplied innumerable bottles of water and tetra packs of juices to the people seeking amnesty at the Indian Embassy in Muscat.



Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya provides an enriching experience to the students through interaction and sharing, which helps in the develop ment of an individual in all spheres of life. S.K.V. is actively involved with Atma Jyoti Awasiya Drishtiheen Vidyalaya. It is an ashram and home for blind girls. The students of our school regularly visit and contribute by helping the less fortunate ones with not only cash and in kind b ut also by collaborating our activities with them.

Our school is also working with a Non-profit organisation ROSHNI (Rehabilitation Opportunities, Service and Health for the Neurologically Impaired). Games and sports are organized for the mentally challenged students of ROSHNI

The school helps in selling products made by the children of ROSHNI. S.K.V. encourages the students to perform a substantial number of service hours in school sponsored service projects as we believe that a child is like a sapling, waiting to stretch out like the mighty oak.



Dhirubhai Ambani International School The school timetable takes care of a significant number of hours dedicated to encouraging children to explore a wide range of Creative Pursuits and take part in Community Service. Every Wednesday, students dedicate quality time to community service projects, associated with different NGOs in Mumbai. Akanksha is an NGO that educates underprivileged children from the ages of 3 to 17. At the DAIS Akanksha Learning and Training centre our students teach the children in school from Mondays to Fridays between 3.00 and 5.30 pm. They help them with their reading, writing, and Mathematical skills, by preparing worksheets, teaching them hands-on science in the laboratories, having fun learning games for simple Math etc. They also help improve their social skills such as how to greet people, and how to communicate clearly. In between their academic lessons, they also teach them the skills of Chess. The 'Across the Road' service project is a school initiative serving people in the underprivileged areas adjacent to the school. Working with the community of Motila near DAIS, students strengthen English language and numerical skills of young children and local women. Students work with people relocated from local slums, and design and execute programs designed to help them find employment.

Pratham is an organization dedicated to the abolition of child labour and the rehabilitation of those affected. Our students work alongside volunteer teachers at Pratham, helping the children with their English, Math, and encouraging their sense of creativity through art, drama and music. In the year 2006, in support of Pratham, our children conceived and produced a music video, exemplifying their contribution to the crusade to abolish child labor. The film was telecast nationally, on TV channels. Every year the school RUJDQL]HV WKH ´$QQXDO 6FKRRO &$6 )HWH¡¾ D fun-filled event of games and cultural shows, with the objective of raising funds for the NGOs our children work with.

Indo-French Schools, an exchange service project between our school and L'Ermitage School, Paris and The FrancoIndian school of Bombay, organize an Eye-Camp, for over 1500 children, from poor BMC schools. The students visit areas in Malad, Navi Mumbai where all-day camps are setup, with the examination of eyes, finding remedial solutions for poor eyesight.



The Lawrence School, Sanawar

RS related activities undertaken by Sanawarians

The Scindia school, Gwalior All around the country there are many children who are bit different to us. They have no home, no food and some are physically challenged. So, in order to help these children some organizations take initiative to provide better opportunities. We the students of The Scindia School got an opportunity to meet one such organisation called ROSHNI. A camp for these children was organised in Gwalior and we took part as volunteers. We were all set to meet the children. We saw their creative work which included cards and posters made by them. Some were good at singing and dancing. While they performed we cleaned the camp area and helped the group. After doing all this it gave an immense feeling of satisfaction to all of us. We discovered that these children were more or less like us and some were talented, too. Shivam Agarawal続XI

Community Service at the Labour Camp in Jhansi



The Assam Valley School Junior Red Cross The following work has been done by the JRC volunteers in the last semester: x Visit to the orphanage "Naba Prabhaat" : The JRC volunteers regularly visit the orphanage in Tezpur and help the children. They helped in watering the plants, helped the children in their work and also played with them. Sweets and other eatables were distributed. x Visit to the School for Handicapped Children in B. Chariali: The JRC volunteers visited the school for disabled children in B. Chariali, The students spent a day with them, playing with them and helped them in their chores. They even participated in a cultural event organised by the children of the orphanage. Our school donated a music system which was asked by the school.

Literacy Programme Students participated actively in imparting basic education to the students of the KGMT School in Harchurah. Basic manners like wishing the time of the day was taught. The International Literacy Day is observed on 8th September every year. To mark this occasion, the students of the Literacy Programme along with the teachers-in-charge paid the weekly visit to the Kasturba Gandhi Memorial School on the 14th of September, but with a difference. On behalf of The Assam Valley School, a few things were donated to the school to commemorate this special occasion. With the help of two electricians from AVS, two much needed fans were installed in the singleroomed School. Along with the fans, a wall clock, dusters, a globe and also five large floor mats to cover the bare mud floors on which they normally sat, were given. In addition to these, chalks, slates, pencils, erasers and note books were distributed.

SOCIAL SERVICE LEAGUE On the 31st of May, 2009 the clean up drive at SESSA was conducted. 13 students accompanied by two teachers participated in this programme. A plot was selected in SESSA near the stable. The people residing in the neighbouring quarters were involved too. The students cleaned up the plot using the instruments provided to them by the people residing in that area. They appreciated the fact that we came there and helped to clean up a small part of their neighbourhood. Outing for SESSA children: Fifty children from SESSA and the members of the SSL along with the teachers visited the Eco camp. The students also visited the occupants of SESSA and spent an evening with each family talking to them and interacting with them trying to find out their difficulties. HOLY CHILD ORPHANGE: We had three visits to this orphanage: In the first visit we interacted with the children and the staff of the orphanage. During the second visit, as the examinations were being conducted for the children at the orphanage, the members of SSL helped them to prepare for the next day's exam. Some of the students helped prune the hedges of the orphanage. During the third visit the games department of AVS donated cricket bats, soccer balls and basket balls to the orphanage through the pupils and they spent time playing with the children.

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