Pupils cannot drift, hide or get lost at King's; our relatively small size and strong community are a key to our success. Day pupils are fully integrated into our six boarding houses which provide all pupils with outstanding support.
King's Bruton is a remarkable school with over 500 years of history. We are blessed with a wonderful location in South Somerset. There are over 350 pupils at King's and the key to our success, and increasing popularity, is to combine our relatively small size and strong community with a highquality, full boarding education.
In recent years, we have had outstanding GCSE, A Level and BTEC results with the vast majority of our pupils going on to their first choice of university. Our hockey teams have reached 12 National Finals, there are over 70 pupils in our full Choir, our Chapel Choir sings Evensong in regional cathedrals every term, whilst our 200-seat theatre is the venue for outstanding drama. The School was honoured to host Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to open our new Music School in 2019 as part of our 500th celebrations. Our thriving CCF is one of the oldest in the country, and over half of our senior pupils undertake Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
King's pupils are encouraged to respect themselves and others, to adopt a positive attitude, and to strive to be the best they can be. Pupils leave here confident but not arrogant and fully prepared to contribute to life beyond the School gates. King's is a busy, happy and thriving community and we would be delighted to welcome you for a visit, we are confident that you will be impressed.
Ian Wilmshurst, MA (Cantab)
We place a very high value on a genuinely holistic education in which every individual pupil is given an opportunity to flourish and develop. Central to this are our three pillars:
What makes King's a remarkable school is the quality of the education we offer all our pupils. We provide academic strength and breadth, resulting in places at top universities to sought-after apprenticeships. Our music is exceptional and our sport is strong.
Parents can choose to send their children to King's as a boarder or a day pupil. All pupils, whether day or boarding, join a House.
Day pupils participate fully and proudly in House activities. This fosters a cohesive pupil community across the whole school whilst also developing a positive, competitive spirit in House competitions.
King's has Saturday morning school for all pupils followed by sport fixtures. Pupils are then able to enjoy a wide range of activities over the weekend. There is always a majority (around 80%) of boarders who stay ‘in’, ensuring a lively and active weekend community.
King's has a warm and supportive boarding community, and provides a comprehensive all round education in which pupils of all ages are valued as individuals.
The School has a strong Christian ethos, and encourages and supports pupils in their spiritual growth and faith. At King's we believe it is healthy and right to take matters of faith seriously and that investigation should be risk free and full of fun.
Combine small size with high quality and the result is a successful school (for ages 13 to 18), where every pupil is supported to meet their full potential.
Academic success at King's culminates in acceptances at top UK and international universities as well as places on outstanding apprenticeship programmes. At King's we provide the academic environment for all pupils to thrive and succeed, but also recognise that a top university place may not represent success to all. We nurture and guide the individual along their personal path to reach their own academic, career and life goals.
Academic results are only part of what makes a well-rounded and confident young adult. We strive to ensure that all pupils participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. Participation in Duke of Edinburgh (Silver and Gold) and the Combined Cadet Force - including the Ten Tors expedition - is encouraged and very popular. Participation in sport and music is encouraged, and pupils can also benefit from a range of other activities including art, drama, astrophotography, silversmithing, KSBMotorSport, swimming, Rock Band, karate and skateboarding to name but a few.
The destinations of pupils, from King's Bruton Sixth Form, are characterised by variety, with pupils being individually supported to find their best fit. Over the past three years, over 90% of pupils applying to university have attained places at one of their top two choices, including prestigious institutions, such as the University of Oxford and many elite Russell Group universities, as well as on competitive courses, such as Medicine. The diversity of destinations has seen pupils achieve places at
leading overseas universities, including Berklee College of Music Boston, Chicago University, University College Maastricht, Sciences Po and Les Roches (Switzerland). We are equally delighted by the success of pupils reaching market-leading apprenticeship destinations, such as Cushman and Wakefield, as well as offering further support to those who wish to enter the job market directly on leaving King's.
King’s Sixth Form pupils go on to a wide range of destinations. No one destination type is held above another, the approach is to inform pupils of their options and then support individuals to find their best fit destination. Pupils have many opportunities to meet with UK and international universities and apprenticeship employers to help imform their decisions. Here are some of the many destinations that pupils have gone to in recent years, including degree apprenticeships, UK and international universities.
King's performs at a high level in our core sports of Rugby, Hockey, Football, Netball, Cricket, Athletics and Tennis, and fully supports all pupils in providing opportunities to represent the School at sport. Girls’ Cricket and Football are increasingly popular, whilst our Athletic Development Programme supports pupils who have participated, currently participate or have the potential to participate in sport at a representative level. This support includes tailor-made Strength and Conditioning as well as individual and small group coaching and mentoring.
In 2019, we were honoured to have The Queen Elizabeth Music School opened by Her Majesty The Queen. This state-of-the-art building offers musicians an unrivalled base for music accomplishment. There are outstanding recital venues and recording studios and a huge number of performance opportunities for pupils. King's offers musicians the scope to join a variety of orchestras, bands and choirs.
King's has a dedicated Learning Support Department which caters for a variety of learning requirements. We ensure at the outset that we are capable of fully supporting the needs of a pupil so they are able to access the breadth of our curriculum. We are a CReSTeD school, registered and audited by the Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils.
Every year, King's welcomes overseas pupils from many countries including Germany, France, Spain, Kenya, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, Belgium, Brazil, Fiji, Switzerland, Dubai, Barbados, Bolivia, Papua New Guinea, South Africa and Azerbaijan. These pupils fully participate in life at King's and we, in turn, benefit from the wide cultural variety they bring to the School.
Overseas pupils, who do not have English as their first language, are invited to join EAL classes to improve their English language skills and complete qualifications in the internationally recognised Cambridge Suite examinations.
Pupils benefit from dedicated departments offering the latest teaching aides and technologies set in both modern and historic buildings. The sports facilities include excellent rugby pitches, cricket pitches, 2 x astros, tennis courts, netball courts, an indoor sports centre and gym. We have the use of a 25m indoor pool nearby at our prep school, Hazlegrove. We also benefit from an observatory, a beautiful historical Memorial Hall, The Queen Elizabeth Music School, the Fitzjames Theatre, an academic Sixth Form Centre and Sixth Form Social Club.
With ex-Servicemen in teaching roles and at senior management level, and a Registrar, herself an ex-Army wife, King's has a deep knowledge and understanding of the CEA system and the unique circumstances associated with military life.
A Forces Discount of 20% is currently available for all Forces families irrespective of whether they are in receipt of CEA.
King's Bruton Combined Cadet Force offers pupils the opportunity to learn military skills, develop initiative, self-reliance, endurance, resourcefulness, responsibility and leadership.
The School works hard to ensure our provision remains affordable for Service families whilst ensuring the best levels of education and care.
The emphasis is on flexibility and understanding Forces families.
Each week there are over 70 activities for pupils to choose from...
“TheKing'scommunityisagenuinesourceof prideforusallintheSchoolandthisisexemplifiedbythegenerational linksthatsomanypupilssharewiththeirOldBrutonianfamilymembers.” Ian Wilmshurst, Headmaster.
In a school that is over 500 years old, it will come as no surprise to discover that some of the current pupils are relations of past pupils. What is somewhat more surprising, however, is that in a school of only 350 pupils, over forty of them are descendants of Old Brutonians. Indeed, several pupils are third generation Brutonians. This speaks volumes about the enduring strength of the King's Community. It demonstrates that King's is not just an ancient institution of learning, but also where lifelong friends and memories are made. Strong ties regularly draw Old Brutonians back to visit the School, and it is wonderful that what they see today encourages them to send their own children to King's Bruton. Since “life is a journey and not a destination” (as the American, Ralph Emerson, once said), it is encouraging that these Old Brutonians appreciate that the King's education has assisted them in their own journey, and wish the same for their own children.
“WebothfeelveryfortunatetohavebeeneducatedatKing'sandconsiderourselvesveryluckytobeabletogive ourchildrenthesameeducation.Schoolfacilitiesmovewiththetimes,staffandpupilscomeandgo,buttheethos andcultureatKing'sremainsremarkablysimilartowhatweexperienced.Ourchildrenareveryhappyandbeing nurturedintheverybestof environments”.
“IlovethatIamfollowinginthe footstepsof bothmyfatherand grandfather.Theirreminiscing andthefamiliar‘backinmyday’ remindsmeof whataveryspecial placeKing'sBrutonistomy family”.JS
“Asthegranddaughterofan Old Brutonian, I love that we havesharedhistoryandsimilar experiences.Ienjoyhearingmy grandfathertellmeaboutthetimes that he had when he was at school andcanreallyimaginehiminthe samebuildingsasustoday”. FH
“Theideaof beingatthesame schoolasmyfather,grandfather andmanyotherrelativesis somethingthatIwillneverfully grasp.KnowingthatIhavesatin thesameclassroomsandplayed onthesamepitchesalwaysamazes me”. DL
“It is wonderful to walk inthefootstepsof mydad atthisschool,especially knowingthatwearehaving similarexperiences,both onthesportspitchesand in the same classrooms, as wellaswalkinginthesame corridorsandsleepinginthe samedorms.Itisespecially cooltowalkpasthisname on the Blackford Head of Houseboardeverydayand knowingthathewaspartof theBlackfordfamilyatone point,andIamnow”. JA Beingthesonof anOB,Ihave grownuplisteningtostoriesand experiencesthatmyfatherhadhere back in the late 80s. It fascinates me to see how the School and its environmenthaschangedorindeed, insomecases,stayedthesame.I oftenthink,asItakepartindaily schoollife,whatmyfatherwould haveseenorthoughtof certain things,whetheritwouldhavebeen similarordifferentforhimorjust entirelynew.Itisafascinatingand strengtheningexperiencecoming tomyfather’sschool,andI’mtruly gratefulforit.JZ
“HavingfamilywhowenttoKing's beforeme,makeslearningatKing's justthatlittlemorespecialand givesmeastrongerandgreater connection to the School.” ES
“MydadwasinOldHouse andmymuminWellesley, nowI’minPriory.Itfeels specialthatmyparentsmet andwerefriendsatKing's andendedupmarried. King’swillalwaysbepartof myfamilyhistory,especially asbothmyGrandfathers wereatKing'stoo”. CG
King's Bruton combines a 500 year-long tradition of British history and culture with a narrative of modernity, creativity and innovation in education. The small country town of Bruton affords a healthy, safe and serene location, yet King's is within easy reach by road and rail of London and the vibrant university cities of Bath, Bristol and Exeter.
Our education policy is to ensure international pupils are engaged in every area of school life with an aim to encourage individuality, dynamism and confidence and the ability to collaborate and build mutually beneficial relationships.
While ensuring that contemporary teaching expertise and technological developments underpin the learning at King's, our school ethos is to promote a respect for history and tradition - our proudest example of which was being granted a visit from Her Majesty The Queen on the occasion of the opening of our new Music School to celebrate our 500th anniversary.
The state-of-the-art Queen Elizabeth Music School boasts a recital hall, classrooms and individual teaching rooms, a professional recording studio and a purposebuilt percussion centre.
A grounding in Literature and the Arts is key for a rounded education and to stimulate creativity. All pupils are given access to a wide and stimulating variety of literature, including modern poets (Heaney, Duffy, Angelou), established playwrights (Shakespeare, Ibsen, Shaw) and innovative novelists (Yoon, Stevenson, Crace). The tradition of Music and the Visual and Performing Arts is exemplary at King's. Many of our actors have been accepted into the National Youth Theatre and the National Youth Music Theatre, whilst others have joined the profession onstage and backstage. Our choirs sing in cathedrals around the country and King's pupils have gone on to study music at Oxford and Cambridge universities
Scientific subjects, Design, and Hospitality are taught in professional laboratory and workshop environments where hands-on learning promotes confidence, adaptability, and all-important problem-solving skills
Classroom learning is integrated with field trips, cultural trips to galleries, inter-school science and mathematics challenges at a range of venues from Stratford to Oxford to London. International pupils visit the Houses of Parliament in London where they receive a bespoke tour and attend a workshop.
The location of the School and the extensive grounds enable pupils to benefit from first class sporting opportunities as well as outward bound adventure and personality-building experiences such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
Intercultural communication and social skills are promoted. Pupils engage in social events where situations of easy social exchange are enjoyed. Pupils are encouraged to be independent and enjoy freedoms in the boarding house and when going into the town of Bruton. They can shop and cook dishes from their home cuisine in the Hospitality Department in recognition of international festivities. Above all, we value the cultural contribution of our international pupils and our aim is to promote their happiness and success inside our school and beyond, to develop confident, adaptable and dynamic young men and women who will move with ease into the future.
EAL is offered as an additional extra subject to all pupils whose first language is not English.
The purpose of lessons in EAL is to raise the level of English for non-first-language pupils so that they are able to access both academic and social life with total effectiveness.
International pupils will aim to sit IGCSE English as a Second Language examination in Year 11 (5th Form) and to take the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) examination or the Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) in Year 12 (L6th Form) as required for UK or American university entry.
Pupils follow an ongoing programme of academic English development, based on the Cambridge ESOL learning criteria and syllabi, which enables them to learn English in greater depth whilst reflecting upon, and so developing, how their first language is used.
Pupils take EAL lessons in their free periods, instead of Modern Foreign Language lessons or general Physical Education. Pupils also have the opportunity to sit GCSE and A-Level language examinations for their first language.
There is an additional cost for EAL lessons.
Based in the beautiful South West of England, in the ancient town of Bruton in Somerset, King's is easily accessible by road, rail and air. Surrounded by countryside and with the benefit of being in the centre of a small town with a range of amenities, as well as having easy access to larger cities, King's offers the best of both worlds.