3 minute read
Friends of King's Bruton
from The Dolphin - 2021
By Karalyne Hyde
Friends Committee
The Friends of King's Bruton is a volunteer committee run by staff and parents past and present.
The aim of the Friends Association is to provide a helpful network for parents and staff to get to know each other, as well as raising money to support the School’s chosen charities, school projects and luxury extras for the children, Houses and School Departments. We work alongside the School’s Events Manager to organise events throughout the year.
On the 22nd May 2021, we successfully held our 67th Annual General Meeting - by Zoom. Little did we know that this would be our 3rd Friends Committee Meeting by Zoom since lockdown in 2020. Bids from Houses and Departments were presented to the committee for consideration. Despite lockdown and the ensuing lack of events being able to take place since ‘Swing Into Spring’ last March, we are very pleased to report that we were able to support all requests.
The increasingly popular Chess Club were successful in their bid to receive a wonderful giant outdoor chess set for everyone to enjoy. The Dolphin Garden group were thrilled to receive tools, mesh and a mini polytunnel. Food Studies asked for a deep fat fryer, the Philosophy Department requested a visualiser and Learning Support had three significant pieces of artwork by a former pupil, framed. The Sports Department requested a VEO camera and stand, the Sixth Form Centre asked for a chess set and an Umbra Photo Display and some lighting went to the 6th Form Club. The Music Department were awarded some new robust, stackable music stands and the Biology Department received a replacement fish tank and some house plants. Arion House were grateful to be awarded reading lights and canvasses. Wellesley House were delighted with their BBQ and Pizza oven, Priory asked for a fire pit (to be adorned with the Friends of King's logo) a swing chair and Wii games, New House had two extra large canvases, a secondhand PlayStation 4 with extra controller, a FIFA game and new pool balls and cues. Old were given a fire pit (with the Friends of King's logo) and an events shelter, and Blackford requested a donation towards the framing of an Olympic Freestyle Skiing Vest in honour of OB Lloyd Wallace!
We were also pleased to be able to pledge a generous donation towards the future building of the new Pavilion on Hyde.

We were sorry to have say “goodbye” to four committee members who have all worked tirelessly for The Friends of King's Bruton for many years: Rose Vigers-Belgeonne (Bids Coordinator) Sarah Main (Secretary) Adrian Garnon (Treasurer)
Col Mike Sykes OBE (Chair)
On behalf of The Friends Committee, and the whole of the King's community, we would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of them for their amazing support and commitment, they will be sorely missed!
The Friends Committee is always keen to welcome new members, to help with its work in deciding where best to provide financial support, as well as arranging social and fundraising events. If you would like to find out more about The Friends, and how to get involved in any way, please click or scan the QR Code to go to the Friends webpage.