2022 ENTRY
Please note that all applications for scholarships/exhibitions should be accompanied by a one-page reference from the candidate’s relevant Headteacher or Head of Department. All information on the reference should be relevant to the past two years. All applications should be supported by and signed by the candidate’s Headteacher. The maximum financial value of any non means-tested scholarship or award or combination thereof is 20% of the fees.
ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship papers will be set in English, Maths, French, History, Geography, Science and Verbal Reasoning. Latin and Religious Studies papers are optional. All candidates will be interviewed by the Headmaster. Closing date for entry: Friday 28th January 2022 Date of examinations: Monday 21st to Wednesday 23rd February 2022
Candidates should have reached 1st team level sport in all three terms and, above all, show potential. Applicants should submit a homemade video of themselves demonstrating their skills, why they love sport, and why they want to be a King's Sports Scholar. This should include imagination & creativity. On Assessment Day, candidates will be tested on a number of attributes including attitude, leadership, athletic ability as well as sport specific skills, and all candidates will be interviewed by the Headmaster. Sports Exhibitions Assistance towards the cost of 1 to 1 coaching and/or participation in the School’s Athletic Development Programme may be awarded to candidates who do not quite reach scholarship level, but who show potential. Assessment for exhibitions is the same as for scholarships. Closing date for entry: Monday 3rd January 2022 Date of assessment: Friday 28th January 2022
MUSIC SCHOLARSHIPS & EXHIBITIONS Candidates should offer two instruments (which can include voice) and are expected to be of Grade 5 standard or above on their first instrument. On Assessment Day, candidates will be required to play two contrasting pieces on their first instrument and one piece on their second (and any subsequent instrument/s). They will also be tested on scales, arpeggios, sight reading and aural skills, and all candidates will be interviewed the Director of Music and the Headmaster.
Music Exhibitions Assistance towards the cost of instrumental lessons may be awarded to candidates who have not yet reached the scholarship level but who show real musical potential. Assessment for exhibitions is the same as for scholarships. Closing date for entry: Monday 3 January 2022 Date of audition: Thursday 27th January 2022 rd
Candidates should present a portfolio of work undertaken within the past two years, to be submitted no later than Monday 24th January 2022. On Assessment Day, candidates will be asked to undertake some practical tests to show creativity, group work and their ability to comment earnestly about the subject, and will be interviewed by members of the Art Department and by the Headmaster. Closing date for entry: Monday 3rd January 2022 Date of assessment: Wednesday 26th January 2022
Design & Technology focusses on design and solving problems for real people in the real world. This needs resilience, tenacity and a willingness to evolve work. All applicants should submit a portfolio of work, no later than Monday 24th January 2022, which demonstrates the complete journey of design, explaining why they have designed something, who the client is and how the final product works in its environment. The whole story should be detailed, including problem solving. On Assessment Day, candidates will be set a practical task, and will be interviewed by the Head of Design Technology and by the Headmaster. Closing date for entry: Monday 3rd January 2022 Date of assessment: Wednesday 26th January 2022
Candidates are required to show a strong and proven interest in theatre and performance. On Assessment Day, they will be expected to perform a two-minute monologue of their choosing, and to participate in a practical workshop with other applicants and current pupils, where creativity, collaboration and problem solving will be assessed. All candidates will be interviewed by the Headmaster. Closing date for entry: Monday 3rd January 2022 Date of assessment: Wednesday 26th January 2022
Candidates are expected to show talent in two areas outside the classroom. If Sport is offered, 1st Team experience in at least two terms’ sport is expected. If Music is offered, candidates should be of Grade 5 in at least one instrument (which may include voice). Candidates will need to show their ability of promise in their chosen areas of activity and will be interviewed by the Headmaster and the Head of Department in their chosen fields. Closing date for entry: Monday 3rd January 2022 Assessments will be on the same day and in the same manner as the main scholarship day of their specific talent/s.
This form should be completed by the parents of the candidate, and be supported by, and signed by, the Head Teacher of the applicant’s current school. Please send to: Gilly Bunday, Registrar, King's Bruton, The Plox, Bruton, Somerset, BA10 0ED. Name of candidate: Date of birth: Tel. No: Name of parents: Address:
Email: Present school: Since: Please indicate which scholarship or award you are entering for: Academic:
Optional Papers:
Chosen sport(s): (please name your two main sports) 1.
1st Instrument: Latest Grade: Mark:
2nd Instrument: Latest Grade: Mark: 3rd Instrument: (if applicable)
Latest Grade:
Art: Design & Technology: Drama: All Rounder Award:
Please name which two elements for the All Rounder you will show. 1.
Please use the space below for any information you think might be relevant to this application.
Please note: 1 It is a condition of every scholarship/award given that its value remains confidential between the successful applicant’s parents and the School. 2 All candidates applying for a scholarship/award must already have been offered and accepted a place to King's Bruton. 3 Candidates may enter for a maximum of two scholarships/awards. 4 The maximum financial value of any non means-tested scholarship or award or combination thereof is 20% of fees. Should you not need a reduction in the fees and would therefore be willing to donate any financial award towards the School’s bursary awards, please tick this box. This will, in no way, affect your child’s chance of being awarded a scholarship. Further details may be obtained from: Gilly Bunday, Registrar, King's Bruton, Somerset, BA10 0ED. Tel: 01749 814251 Email: Parent Signature: Date: Head Teacher Signature: Date: (Must be signed by Head Teacher of current school to endorse application).
@KingsBruton /KingsBruton @KingsBruton /KingsBruton1519
w w w. k i n g s b r u t o n . c o m
King's Bruton The Plox Bruton Somerset BA10 0ED