Merry Christmas & a happy new year
Frost Fairs Until 1831 the Thames froze in hard winters, and ice fairs were
11 inches for 91 days, and this is the fair illustrated in the painting featured
set up on the river by the water-men who were otherwise deprived of their
on this card. People from all backgrounds mingled on the ice. Booths
livelihood. After the old London Bridge was demolished in 1831 the flow of
were set up serving wines, spirits and beer, and fires were lit on hearths
water was no longer restricted, the freezing ceased and the fairs could
to roast pigs, toast bread and heat sack (Spanish wine). There was music
no longer take place. The earliest fair is recorded in 1309, and thereafter
and dancing, bowling, bear-baiting and cock-fighting, and also petty crime in
impromptu fairs were established whenever the water
the form of brawls fired by the alcohol, pick-pockets,
froze. Sometimes they lasted for only a few days, but
cheats, cut-purses and courtesans. The 1683-4 Fair
between 1564 and 1813 there were eight major Frost
attracted thousands of people and included football
Fairs which went on for much longer. In the ‘Great Frost’
matches and fox hunting.
of 1683-4 the Thames was frozen over to a depth of
With thanks to Jennifer Anning.
The image: Frost Fair on the Thames, with Old London Bridge in the Distance, painting formerly attributed to Jan Wyck (1640-1700), c.1685 by English School, (seventeenth century). © Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, USA