Comment 001 December 1984

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King's College London (KQC) newsletter

This dra wing of Chelsea College features on one of the College Christmas Cards and is available from the King's Road site. Other designs are on sale at Denmark Hill and the cards featuring the King's College cartoon are obtainable from the Porters' Desks on the Strand site.

King's comment ....

COMMENT is a new College newsletter. It replaces newsletters previously published within King's, QEC and Chelsea and is circulated throughout all the sites of KQC. It is primarily for all staff but is freely available to students, and will, it is hoped, carry regular information on student activities. COMMENT is both a formal and informal publication: formal in that it will carry news of staff changes, committee news, administrative planning and announcements; informal in that it aims to improve communication within College in a way that is lively and interesting.

COMMENT is produced by the KQC Information Office in the Strand site and is edited by the Information and Publications Officer. Contributions can be sent directly to this office or can be given to the following people on the major sites who have agreed to collect information: Mrs Judy Staight, Assistant Secretary at QEC; Mr Gerry Hughes, Assistant College Secretary at Chelsea and Mrs Mary Barringer, Assistant Secretary at Denmark Hill. COMMENT wants your involvement. Events on all sites can be publicised; new developments and new initiatives described; profiles of new staff, or not so new, included; reviews published and services offered; cartoons, drawings and photographs featured; achievements described and successes noted. COMMENT gives you the opportunity to get to know your College better and to benefit from what it can offer. It also gives you the chance to contribute. If you want an audience for YOI'r play or lecture; want to express a view; need support for your work; want to buy or sell something; have a service to offer or a grievance to air then COMMENT, with a circulation of over 3,000, gives you the space.

COMMENT, the newsletter for King's College London (KQC) looks forward to hearing from you. The copy date for the next issue will be Monday 21 January and COMMENT number 2 will be published in the last week of January.

DESMOND TUTU HONOURS HIS COLLEGE On Tuesday November 20 Bishop Desmond Tutu spoke to members of King's. His address was informal, warm and affectionate. The modesty and simplicity of his words conveyed a stronger and more moving statement of his belief than could any high rhetoric. An edited version is included inside. The written word cannot adequately convey the atmosphere generated in the New Theatre - packed to ove~flowing to pay tribute to Desmond Tutu's work and achievement, but it may serve to remind those present of his humour and sincerity and to give those unable to hear him some impression of the occasion.

l STAFF NEWS STAFF APPOINTMENTS AT KING'S CLERICAL, SECRETARIAL AND ACADEMIC RELATED Appointments 3/12/84 Miss A. Harvey, SectAsst, Arts Faculty 10/12/84 Miss M. Skinner, Sec, Physics Dept Resignations 7/12/84 Miss V. Rowe, Sec/Asst, Pharmacology 31/12/84 Mrs G. Ryland, Secretary to the Dean Change of Appointment 2/ 1/85 Ms L. Boyd moves from Postgraduate Registry to become secretary to the Academic Registrar. TECHNICAL STAFF Appointments 19/11/84 Miss M. King, Technician, Biochemistry 3/12/84 Miss J. Bellgarde, Technician, Animal Unit MANUAL STAFF Appointments 3/12/84 Mrs E. Mulholland, Ladies Cloakroom Attendant, Works Dept ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Department of Anatomy and Human Biology 1/ 1/85 Or R. F. Brooks, Lecturer 1/ 1/85 Or C. Coen, Lecturer 1/ 2/85 Or P. R. Gordon-Weeks, Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering 1/ 1/85 Or M. Yianneskias, New Blood Lecturer Promotions Or Richard Cammack has been made Reader in Plant Biochemistry and Or D. W. T. Vessey, Reader in Latin Congratulations go to Elizabeth Street, a lecturer in Human Environmental Sciences, who was awarded her Doctorate earlier this year. ARRIVALS AT QEC Mr William Witlea - Weekday night security man Mr Mark Barr - Carpenters' workshop Mr Mark Edwards - Cook/Chef Mr Glen Burton - Weekend night security man, Atkins Building

Mrs C. Pullen - Departmental Secretary, Mathematics Departures Mr Philip Birtles - Weekday night security man Mr Patrick Doran - Porter/Receptionist Miss Irene McCay - Evening Reception· ist Mr Frank Dabell - Warden Mrs Joyce Burns-Moyes, part-time secretary in Physics, retires at the end of the year. NEW APPOINTMENTS AT CHELSEA ABID, Mr S.S. Technician Assistant Animal House (Previously in post as a Porter) 2/ 1/85 BEAL, Miss K.P. Assistant Residences Manager, Lightfoot Hall 19/11/84 BHARDWAJ, Miss R. Research Assistant (Temp) - Pharmacology 1/11/84-

30/ 6/85 BOGERT, Mr A. Programmer /Development Officer (Temp) - Educational Computing Section, CSME 12/11/84-

11/11/85 COOPER, Miss S. L. Secretary (Temp) Educational Computing Section, CSME

1/11/84 - 31/ 3/86 D'SOUZA, Mr K.G. Technician - Department of Geology 10/12/84 HENNESSEY, Mr A.P. CarpenterBuildings Office 12/11/84 JARVIS, Miss L. Technician - Centre for Science and Mathematics Education (Previously in post as Technician in Chemistry) 15/10/84 JOANNOU, Mr C. L. Lecturer (Temp) Biochemistry 1/10/84 - 31/ 3/85 JONES, Miss J.S. Secretary (Temp) Assessment of Performance in Science Project, CSME 5/11/84 - 31/ 8/85 LANGLEY, Mrs S. PIT Domestic Assistant - Lightfoot Hall 14/11/84 MORRIS, Miss H. L. Research Assistant (Temp) - Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre 1/11/84 - 30/ 6/85 RICHARDSON, Miss F.M.C. Deputy Residences Manager - Malcolm Gavin Hall 15/10/84 SAREMI, Miss S. Secretary - Department of Biological Sciences 12/11/84 YOUNG, Miss J. Secretary (Temp) Department of Nursing Studies 19/11/

84 - 18/11! 86 Those leaving ANSELL, Or P.J. Technician (Temp) E.M. Unit, Department of Physics

2/ 1/85 FRANCIS, Miss M.E. Departmental Secretary - Academic Registrar's Department 2/12/84 GRAHAM, Mr C.S. Bar Assistant Catering 16/11/84

HADFI ELD, Mr S.T. Postdoctoral Research Assistant ('j'emp) - Department of Pharmacy 31/12/84 HAR LEN, Or W. Senior Research Fellow (Temp) - Assessment of Performance in Science Project, CSME 31/12/

84 KING, Sister O.K. Sister - Student Health Service 23/11/84 LAI, Miss K. L PIT Domestic Assistant - Lightfoot Hall 13/11/84

QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, BELFAST VISITING FELLOWSHIPS, STUDENT· SHIPS AND BURSARIES 1985-86 The following Visiting Fellowships and Studentships, with a closing date of 1 February 1985, and Bursaries, with a closing date of 1 March 1985, will be available at this University for 1985-86:Visiting Fellowships. Candidates are free to select field of research and should have already undertaken research to at least doctoral standard. Salary range £7,521 - £9,390 per annum with USS and travel allowances; tenure of one year from 1 October 1985. Leverhulme Commonwealth /American Visiting Fellowship. Candidates must hold, or be about to receive, a doctoral degree of a university or its equivalent in the Commonwealth or the USA. No restriction on research area. Value £500 nett per month plus travel and marriage allowances. Visiting Studentships. For good honours graduates of another university with research experience to undertake researd in any field of study. Value £3,100 £3, 150 per annum plus travel allowance and fees, tenable for 1 - 3 years. Riddel Hall Bursaries. At least one residential bursary will be available for 1985-86 to enable an undergraduate or graduate student from another university or similar institution in the British Isles or abroad to spend a period of study or research at the University. The bursaries may cover or contribute towards the cost of residential fees and maintenance in Riddel Hall, originally a privately-endowed women's hall of residence and nOll\ rebuilt within the University's residential complex. Preference will be given to women candidates. INSTITUTE OF IRISH STUDIES Applications are invited, to arrive no later than 31 January 1985, for two senior and at least two junior fellowship~ tenable in the Institute of Irish Studies from 1 October 1985 for research in any

field of study relevant to Ireland. Candidates for the senior fellowship, which is in the salary range £7,521 £9,390 with USS if appropriate and tenable for one year only, should be established scholars of several years standing. Candidates for the junior fellowship, which are worth £3,438 per annum plus fees and tenable for one year with possible renewal for a second, should normally hold a good honours degree and must have research experience. In addition, up to £300 is aVailable for expenses for visiting scholars. Application forms and further particulars from: Academic Council Office, The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast BD 1NN

NOTES ON THE MERGER Peter Gilbert, Assistant Secretary (Coordination) at King's provides for Comment a short resume of the 'story so far'. In April 1982, King's and Queen Elizabeth Colleges started discussions towards a merger and were joined in the autumn of that year by Chelsea College. The Appointed Day which has been set for the merger of the three Colleges is 1 August 1985, just over three years from the start of discussions. In that period a great deal has been achieved in creating a framework for the Combined College. Bill before Parliament The legal basis for the merger will be provided by the Bill which has now been laid before Parliament. This will extinguish the Charters of Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges and transfer their assets and liabilities to King's. It is important to note that King's will take over all the staff of the other two Colleges with their existing terms and conditions of appointment. The College cannot unilaterally alter any existing staff contracts. Tenure for those who have it will continue after the Appointed Day just as if they continued to be employed by their original College.

It is expected that some relatively minor changes to the King's College Charter and Statutes will be required to make them appropriate for the larger institution. These are still under discussion and since the Privy Council, to whom amendments must be submitted, has a duty to

Or David Owen in conversation with the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Randolph Quirk, at an informal reception for students and staff following Or Owen's delivery of the 1984 Commemoration Oration EUROPE AND ITS FUTURE on Monday December 3.

seek advice very widely it is unlikely that the changes will be approved before the Appointed Day for the merger. The Bill contains provisions for a Transitional Council and Academic Board representative of the three Colleges. Other changes can be dealt with in the interim period by amendment of Regulations. Some developments to date KQC has published a handsome undergraduate prospectus and a very attractive range of departmental prospectuses. An academic plan has been worked out with the approval of all three Colleges setting target student numbers within the low fee targets laid down by the University Court and estimates of high fee numbers. * Because KQC has had to accept a substantial cut in its low fee numbers, the Academic Affairs Planning Group has had an extremely difficult task in allocating targets to departments, and inevitably some departments have had to accept targets lower than they would have liked. It has also been necessary to work out target staff numbers for each department using agreed staff/student ratios of 10.5 for Science and 12.5 for Arts. Naturally some departments are above their staff targets and some are below. Departments with too many staff will not immediately lose the excess but it is expected that over a period of years by means of retirements and resignations they will be brought back to the required level. There may be occasions when a department loses a key member of staff, without whom the teaching programme would be jeopardised. In such cases permission will be given to fill the vacancy even in a department which is overstaffed.

A number of departments are already operating as single units. All Physics teaching is now centred at the Strand, and Chemistry and Mathematics are already on the way to full integration. Physics and Biochemistry at Chelsea and Queen Elizabeth are joining forces at Campden Hill Road. Further departmental moves will take place as accommodation becomes available. KQC cannot hope to be a single site by August 1985, but the aim is to rationalise the use of sites as much as possible to minimise travelling. Sites The question of sites is the biggest problem facing KQC. At the present time it is spread over nine teaching sites ranging in size from the main King's College campus to some very small outstations and extending from the Strand in the East to King's Road Chelsea in the West. This is not something which can change overnight and we will be entering on the merger faced with the problem of operating a single College which is spread over a wide area. This means carefu I planning and co-operation by all concerned. The ultimate aim is a single site for the whole College, since only in this way will the full benefits of the merger become apparent. To this end negotiations are in progress with the relevant Government departments to lease the East and possibly also the West Wings of Somerset House and to acquire Cornwall House, a large building belonging to the Government at the south end of Waterloo Bridge. These two buildings, together with the main King's site would provide enough space for the whole

College, and in the case of Cornwall House ample accommodation for laboratory-based departments. In the last few days the Department of the Environment has informed us that there is now no major obstacle to our acquiring Cornwall House and the East Wing of Somerset House. The West Wing could follow in due course. We will of course be selling off some of our existing property but even if, as we expect, the UGC allows us to retain 100% of the proceeds of these sales there will still be a substantial gap. All the money will not, of course, be required in one year. There is also the added factor that by concentrating on a single campus the College can save between £1.5 and £2 million annually in running costs. It makes sense, therefore, for the Government to provide substantial capital funding now in the expectation of reduced recurrent costs in the future. Westfield We are already collaborating actively with Westfield College which now has only some 450 students, all Arts-based. It would be premature to speak of another merger but in the long term there are great advantages in strengthening this bond. The Joint Planning Committee of the University has turned down proposals for a merger between Westfield and the Central School of Speech and Drama. Discussions are now in progress to see how the future of Westfield's staff and students can be safeguarded within the framework of London University. There is every indication that KOC will have a major part to play in this. Finance The road to financial recovery is a long one but the first steps along that road have already been taken. The three Colleges have made substantial reductions in staff, both academic and non-academic, by means of voluntary retirement under the terms of the Premature Retirement Compensation Scheme which finished on 30 September 1984. The total KOC staff now stands at around 1,470 of which 520 are academic. This number will need to be reduced to about 1,300 over the next few yea rs if the College is to keep within its budget. By 1 August 1985 it is estimated that the accumulated deficit of KOC will be £4 million. Part of this is accounted for by the non-replenishment of reserves but there will remain an outside borrowing requirement of £2 million on which interest has to be paid and which must itself be paid off in due course. *see article in next column

THE ACADEMIC PlAN FOR KING'S COLLEGE LONDON (KOC) Designing a balanced, integrated academic plan has been a complex process involving detailed discussion throughout the three Colleges. This is a summary of the document on which the Court Dialogue of October 25 was based. Some modifications of this plan are under discussion by the Planning Group for Academic Affairs. Faculty swucture The multi-faculty nature of the College is essential to its central role in the restructured University of London. Nine Faculties are planned: Arts, Clinical Dentistry, Clinical Medicine, Education, Engineering, Laws, Life Sciences, Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Theology and Religious Studies. Throughout the planning, care has been taken to maximise the strength resulting from the merger, particularly in pure sciences in view of their own importance and as foundations for related applied and vocational subjects. Arts-based subjects The present Faculties of Arts and Music will combine. They will continue to work closely with the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies and can look forward to the potential offered by the Courtauld Institute of Art move to Somerset House. The Faculty of Arts has been increased in Classics and Philosophy and its relatively wide academic range offers good future opportunities. However, continued support for the academic expertise of the smaller departments must be ensured in a climate currently encouraging reduced arts numbers. The merging of the Centre for Science and Mathematics Education with the Faculty of Education provides a complimentary focus to the Institute of Education in teacher-training and research. The new Faculty will be exclusively postgraduate but will be able to develop in-service training with other academic departments as appropriate. The ideally located Faculty of Laws will continue to build on its considerable reputation, already enriched by the specialist degrees in English and French and English and German Law. Science-based subjects Engineering will derive both strength and benefit from the merging of the Chelsea Department of Electronics with the King's Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering. The opportunity has been taken to reinforce Civil and Mechanical Engineering and close co-operation points the way to mutual academic development. The introduction of the B Eng and M Eng are a high planning priority. Life Sciences will have a student population of some 1400 and a potential which surpasses the considerable qualities of its various components. In addition to basic biological sciences and preclinical teaching there is a large group of sciences allied to medicine. This will give a significant and distinctive combination of basic science and applied and vocational subjects. Research potential is very high and teaching implications, including the interface with clinical teaching, are being explored. Nutrition, Nursing Studies and Pharmacy are of particular importance in this context. Physical and Mathematical Sciences already indicate formidable potential. Physics is established on the Strand, as is the expanded Mathematics Department. Chemistry is concentrated on the Strand and at Kensington and the new Department of Computing, assisted by Academic Initiative funds and transfers from Westfield, will fill an important gap in our current provision. A gap will, however, be created by the departure of Geology, scheduled for completion in 1985, which causes a problem for Geography, whose special interest in physical geography has been developed in close co-operation with Geology. Inter-collegiate links King's enhanced central role within the reorganised University will mean the continuation and strengthening of such links. Co-operation is particularly marked with our near neighbour LSE through extensive links in Geography and Mathematics and participation in inter-collegiate degree and lecture programmes,

particularly in the arts, is an essential part of College strategy. Additionally, the Arts Faculty is exploring areas of fruitful collaboration with Westfield College.


Student numbers Despite representing a 13% contraction on 1979/80 (the base year), figures, the following low-fee FT student number objectives have been accepted as a sound future base:

The Planning Group for Academic Affairs co-ordinates a strategy.

Arts Science Pre-clinical Medicine and Dentistry

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(Not including Clinical Medicine and Clinical Dentistry) These figures are entirely consistent with University planning and more than adequately reflect demographic trends anticipated by the Government: in short, the numbers are 'pre-shrunk'. Any further shrinkage would imperil the existence of some departments and, therefore, the academic plan itself. The Arts/Science ratio of 35:65 to which the combined College will move is a matter of concern Although accepting that current government policy points to increasing science numbers, the College has had to go further down this road than is comfortable. Library Specific financial support will be required for the complex task of merging the considerable library services and facilities but the opportunities offered by the rationalisation and improvement of these facilities are great.

Research Nowhere are the advantages of merger more clear than in the development of Research. The increased size of basic science departments allows for substantial development of the scientific research base and a central part of the King's strategy will be to ensure that high quality applied and industrially-linked research is fostered on a firm groundwork of basic scientific research. The size and scope of Life Sciences has immense potential for the development of basic and applied research programmes. Providing unified and adequate accommodation is of the highest priority so that at an early stage the exploitation of this potential may be seen. The College is particu larly alive to the field of Biotechnology and to the many possibilities within the School of Medicine and Dentistry. In 1983/4 a number of achievements with strong research elements have enhanced the School's scientific potential in collaboration with the College. The appointments facilitated by the Academic Initiative and New Blood programmes and the recent establishment of the Wellcome Foundation funded Unit of Analytical Pharmacology give every prospect of making good a previous deficiency in the medical undergraduate clinical training. The increased intake of dental students, following the closure of the Royal Dental Hospital, has strengthened Clinical Dentistry and the School is seeking to establish undergraduate and postgraduate research programmes at the Royal Dental Hospital. The Colleges are already committed to developing links with industry. Regular Research Seminars for industry now attract commercial sponsorship, last year from Texaco and this year from ICl. Many departments have individual and long-established links, particularly in the 'applied' elements of areas such as Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Nutrition and Food Science. Strong and valuable links such as those established by the Chelsea Department of Electronics, must be developed and co-ordinated to respond to the needs of specific industries. Conclusion This Academic Plan is both the foundation and justification for the merging of four separate Schools of the University: King's and King's College Hospital Medical School in 1983 and the resultant School with Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea in 1985. The care and co-operation of over 500 academics from four institutions in ensuring that this plan is a foundation for strength and excellence is the best guarantee of the future of King's College London (KQC).


The KQC Academic Plan highlights the importance of sound research planning, particularly in the sciences. Government has recently released funds for selected allocation to universities and the UGC has requested that universities submit detailed research schemes The University of London will make this submission but will not be looking to establish a central research plan, but rather to look at the balance of research activity across the federation. Although the University position is not clarified it has been accepted that several basic principles underlie any research strategy. A statement should be made of current research strength in order that its full potential can be realised and built upon, thus providing a sound base for high quality work. Research should utilise the full resources of the College and interdisciplinary approaches should be encouraged. All plans should take into consideration the wider scope of the Collegewide, University-wide and nationwide climate and needs. The College must act quickly in producing such plans, and, despite the fact that the initial thrust is in sciences, must stress the multi-faculty nature of its research activity. Members of the Group were asked to ipearhead this work. For Life Sciences Professor Arnstein is to liaise with other members in this area and with Professor C.B. Cox. Professors Burge and Gold are o liaise a response within the area of :>hysical and Mathematical Sciences. 'rofessors Arnstein and Burge will add itonally look at those matters which span ooth Faculties. Professor Black will act in Education and Professor Bately, acting with the Deans, will co-ordinate the Arts area. Professor Turner will be invited to act on behalf of Engineering. The Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry will be asked to deal with the area of clinical studies. The Deans of Laws and Theology will also be contacted for information, as will the Finance Officer. It is hoped that all inputs will be collated by the start of the Lent Term and that a first draft be ready by late January. The Management Committee and Joint Policy Committee will be kept fully informed.


"Well friends, good afternoon. I've come really to say thank you to my College; to eulogise the College; but w~ discovered when we were in this country that the British tended to be somewhat embarassed by success. I used now and again to go to Lords for a cricket match and if they were, say, playing against the West Indies, Ted Dexter would crack an almighty boundary and the English gentlemen would say 'well played'; and when, say, Sobers did something similar, well all hell was let loose. It seemed as if when you didn't have a crisis in Britain, the British felt that God had somehow done them out of their birthright! But I do want to pay a very very warm tribute to what happened to us, my wife, my children and I during our time in this country because I believe very firmly that it has had a very great deal to do with some of our witness back home....... In our country we speak about the fact that a person is a person through other persons and we don't come fully formed into the world, we learn how to be human by associating with others, and a solitary human being in very many senses is a contradiction in terms; and so my friends, we came to this country from a country where you didn't realise actually just how conditioned you had become and you didn't know that gnawing away at you was this worm which was sowing a horrible kind of self-doubt in you. You wondered ..... hether when they called you non-this, non-the other - you are a non- European

coming from non-Europe - whether in fact they weren't perhaps right; that, yes, you are human but you didn't know that eating away at your very vitals was this ghastly system that was calling in question the fact that you might be a child of God, and so one said, you see. Apartheid is evil, it's a traumatic thing; it causes a horrible kind of suffering. But that is not the worse feature of apartheid. The most horrible aspect of apartheid, a blasphemous aspect, is the fact that it can make a child of God doubt that they are a child of God, when you ask yourself in the middle of the night 'God, am I your stelFchild?'. The other day I was preaching at the funeral of one of the, no four, four of the casualties of the current unrest in our country, and I was asking what should have been a rhetori ~al question. There were about three thousand black students attending this funeral, a highly charged, emotionally, occasion and I said, I was asking, 'God, do you really love us as you love other people'. I obviously wasn't wanting an answer to that question. I was going to answer it myself, and blow me if they didn't say 'No!'. Well, that took the wind out of my sails somewhat and I had very sheepishly to try and say, 'No, no, no, despite all aPIF earances to the contrary, he does love us'. Well, we came to this country and you will say, but that is piffling and silly, but one of the first things I got to do was to put away my pass. It seems a very small thing but to know that we could walk about anywhere without being accosted by a policeman asking for a piece of paper which would determine whether I had the right, we had the right, to be where we were; and Lea and I often used to walk around Trafalgar Square late at night or even in the early hours of the morning, just for the fun of knowing we could walk there and nobody was going to ask us, 'Why are you around here? Didn't you know that a curfew decrees that black people shouldn't be around?'. And we used to traipse across the street and if I saw a policeman - whoo! - we'd go and accost the policeman, for the fun of being, well, first of all of being addressed as - well, I would say, 'Now I want

to go to so-and-so' and he says 'Well, yes SI R', SI R!, I tell you; and we would often ask for directions to places even when we knew where we were going! And not many of you, not having experienced what it means to be the victim of an oppressive system will not credit what I say. You didn't have to be looking around for signs to say 'Ah, I can use this door, or I can use that exit'. To be able to just walk around and use any exit. I mean, it's almost ineffable. It's difficult to express the sense of exhileration, of liberation, of being made to feel human, which you always believed about yourself and then discovered that actually you had been doubting that you were Small thing, a small thing - I went to a bank once, soon after we got into this country, and I was standing in the queue, and I was supposed to be served next, when a white man rushed in, obviously in a great hurry, and he decided he was going to jump the queue, and like a good Bantu from South Africa, I was going to let him do this, and then the teller said quite firmly, yet courteously, she said to him 'Sorry, it's his turn ~ meaning me. Now that is, for you, obvious, I mean, that ought to have happened. It wasn't so obvious to me even with all my kind of background where I'd never, as it were, worked for white people and had thought, well I know. what it means to be a human being. But I grew inches, just being able to be served when it was my turn, and so I went and told Mrs Venables (I still remember her name although it's donkey's years ago, don't ask when) and I said to her, 'You know, you are my pin-up now, because you don't know what you did for me. For you it was just ordinary courtesy and maybe equity. You were just saying that is how things happen in this country. But that was not so for me. And thank you very much. Thank you'. And then, coming to King's. I come from a country, you won't easily believe this, but in our country not just Bantu education, which is blatantly and obviously bad and inferior, but virtually all of our education is a defective education, because on the whole you are taught not so much how to think as what to think. You are given the right answers and passing exams means being able to regurgitate what you collected in your lectures; and coming here and being presented with almost a bewildering array of options, this was marvellous, and sitting at the feet of people who in my own discipline were household names. Mind boggling! Well, you couldn't sort of, I couldn't always contain myself. And here they were, I mean you could really touch them! . I want to thank this great College because I'm certain that we, my wife and I and our children, and certainly I learnt to have a proper kind of self-assurance. This College helped to exorcise for me, I hope it helped to exorcise completely, this debilitating sense of a negative self-image, feeling that you, because you are black, aren't quite up to scratch....... Well, we came away from here knowing something that is so jejune, so ordinary, so trite, and yet so thoroughly subversive in a situation of injustice and oppression. That we were human. And that is the greatest gift my College gave to me and you have a very real share, more than you can compute, in who we have become. You have a very real share in the ministry it has seen God to give us to carry out. You have a very real share in the Prize that has been . given to us, because I am using 'us' here not as the royal or the episcopal plural. It is the literal plural. Because I am quite certain that had I not had the experience of being here, had we not had the experience of being here, we wou Id have gone back home with enormous chips on our shoulders. Now, because we have met white people and suddenly seem to have made a tremendous scientific discovery, that actually white people aren't so bad, we are able, have been able, to go back to South Africa, and even when we have encountered horribleness we have known that, no, you can't have stereotypes, because that's exactly what they have been doing to us. That they are ordinary human beings, some of them good human beings and some bad human beings. And so we can walk tall, not because of any personal achievement but because of what you, here, - - continued overpage

ALLIANCE FOR SCIENCE November saw the launch of the Alliance for Science, a campaign jointly organised by ASTMS, AUT and IPCS. The Alliance aims to 'highlight the achievements of British research and development and to reverse the downward trend in innovative investment'. The campaign sets out to: Highlight the decline of research and development spending in comparison with the UK's major economic competitors Highlight the damage caused to the public R & D effort by spending cuts in the research councils, government research establishments and higher education Raise public awareness of R & D's crucial role in the regeneration of the economy Ensure that long-term high risk capital is available for investment in private sector R & D Ensure increased funding for public R & D, reversing the cuts of recent years Improve the links between public sector research bodies and industry, including measures to improve civil spin-off of defence R & D Highlight the disastrous effect that the economic environment is having on investment in innovation Campaign for better national R & D statistics and fuller company disclosures of data on R & D Secure trade union involvement in decision-making on R & D in the public and private sectors Develop a co-ordinated national science strategy Further information about the campaign is obtainable from ASTMS, at 79 Camden Road, London NW1 9EF, AUT, at United House, 1 Pembridge Road, London W11 3HJ or IPCS at 75-79 York Road, London SE1 7AQ

have done for us. And so, don't ever say 'What can I do?' and then shrug your shoulders in a kind of imagined impotence. You make a tremendous contribution. Your idealism, especially you young ones, your idealism is a great thing to have; even if you will maybe in a few years time have forgotten it. It is grea that you, and those who have gone before you who were your age, marched because they thought this would somehow make the world realise we ought not to destroy ourselves with a bomb, that those who were like you several years ago said, , it can't be that the world ought to be ordered in the kind of way in which it is ordered, but surely we can share', and you, they, made a difference. We've got things like Oxfam, we've got things like War on Want. And don't let anyone who is cynical tell you 'Oh, you are just chipping away at a massive problem, you are not doing anything, you are merely giving handouts'. Don't believe that. You must have, and you have dreams. You must dream that God has intended us for living together. And that's why he has made us different, so that none of us can ever achieve selfsufficiency. We must - isn't it wonderful! - we must be inter-dependent. Not even America can ever be able to survive on their own. Now, you might not be theological or anything like that, but I mean, I give you the theological reason for that, and that is how God intends it to be. God intends us to be a human community which is :I human family and hold on to that dream - despite all the eVidence to the contrary. For all manner of things shall be well. This is God's world, and he's got tremendous faith in you. That you are going to make a difference to how things pan out in his world. Thank you.

UNIVERSITY NEWS PRINCIPAL GOES TO HULL Or William Taylor, Principal of the University of London, has been appointed as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hull. He will take up his appointment in succession to Sir Roy Marshall who retires at the end of September 1985.

NEW V.C. TO BE ANNOUNCED The announcement 0: the new University of London Vice-Chancellor is expected at the meeting of Senate on Wednesday December 12. QUEEN MARY FELLOWSHIPS Queen Mary College has conferred Fellowships of the College on Professor Malcolm Bradbury, Or Paul Dean, Professor Samuel Glasstone, Alasdair Maclntyre, Professor Aubrey Diamond, Emeritus Professor Wynn Humpf,rey Davies, Mr M V Saville and Or Basil Charles Leicester Weedon. PRINCESS ANNE AT FOUNDATION DAY CEREMONY The Chancellor of the University, HRH The Princess Anne is seen here conferring the Honorary Degree of LLD on Sir Michael Clapham, KBE. At the celebration on November 14

The Princess, ably assisted by the Public Orator Professor Lesley Rees, also conferred Honorary Degrees on Professor Sir Derek Barton, FRS, F RSE; Professor Sir Raymond Firth, FBA; Professor Sir William Coldstream, CBE; Mr Denis Burkitt, CMG,FRS,FRCSE; Professor Geoffrey Elton, FBA; Miss Esther Simpson and Sir Huw Weldon, OBE,MC.

GE ERALNEWS LIBRARY NEWS LEXIS AT KI NG'S LEXIS, the world's leading computerassisted legal research service has been Installed at King's. The terminal is situated in Room 428 and the first group of Laws Faculty staff have already had their day-long training session at Butterworths. This was preceded in early November by two demonstrations by Sally Cooper of Butterworths on the new King's terminal. Robin Morse of the Faculty was able to complete a deal, purchasing ninety-five hours of time per year over a three year period, and this is to be used to train students in the use of LEXIS. The Faculty is arranging training for any interested Law lecturer, as well as for the Laws Librarian and her assistant. The pilot scheme for training students will begin in January and already over 40 third year students have signed up for the course. It is also hoped that the NEXIS service, covering many newspapers, will be available at King's in the near future. Over 6,500 people have been trained to use LEXIS in the United Kingdom. The first part of a new Commonwealth Library is due on line early in 1985. It will begin with the New Zealand Law Reports from 1972 and this library will join the already large English, French and American data bases. For further information, contact Vivien Fletcher, Laws Library ext. 2313 MUSIC LIBRARY RECORD SALE The sale on 14 November 1984 raised the gratifying sum of ÂŁ99.30 for the Music Library in a little over twenty minutes. Our thanks to all those who bought records - we hope you enjoyed your purchases. Mary Elliott and John Wagstaff Music Library

COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS The Postgraduate Prospectus is now available and copies can be obtained from the Registries of King's, QEC and Chelsea. Bulk supplies are available from the King's Registry on request. A new brochure has been produced for admissions and schools liaison promotion. It gives a short description of the com-

bined College, what it offers and what life will be like, and is attractively illustrated in a poster/brochure format, making it easy to post or take around and good for display. Called 'King's College London - An Introduction', copies are available from the King's Registry.

lISTERIAN COLLOQUIA AT DENMARK HILL The first colloquia were held on Saturday 1 December in the Faculty of Clinical Dentistry at Denmark Hill and were attended by 56 staff and student members of all three Faculties of the School of Medicine and Dentistry. The morning session was devoted to the subject of calcium and short lectures were delivered by Professor P. F. Baker, Dr R. Heaton, Dr P.B. Robinson and Dr T.J.B. Simons. After a sandwich lunch, funded by the Medical Sickness Society Limited, Professor H. R. V. Arnstei n, Professor S. Campbell, Professor C.D. Marsden and Professor D. Robinson spoke of their work in the field of inherited disorders. At the end of both the morning and afternoon sessions, time was allowed for free communications and posters were also on display. The occasion was judged to be very successful and our thanks go to all those who contributed. The audience was asked for suggestions for future topics and these and other comments will be taken into account when the next colloquium is organised, probably in about a year's time.

Library, which was displayed in the Principal's room, the Prime Minister and his delegation repaired to the Council Room where they met staff and students of the Portugese Department.

PHARMACOLOGY FUN RUN Nine members of the King's Department took part in the Hyde Park fun run at the end of September, namely, Mary Farey, Roland Featherstone, Robin Hoult, Mike Hudspith, David Leake, Terry McCarthy, Sussan Nourshagh, Christos Pagonis and Judy Phi lips. The team won one gold, three silver and five bronze medals. The money raised has been sent to the Coronary Prevention Group, a charity which aims to educate the public on how to bring down the alarmingly high death rate from heart attacks in the country. The team as a whole finished in the top half of all the teams taking part. They aim to enter a Department team again next year and hope that other departments might join them.

After viewing a selection of books from both the Portugese collection and the rare book collection of the College

KING'S THEOLOGICAL REVIEW The Autumn 1984 edition of the journal of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies is now available. It contains, among other things, articles by Christopher Moody (Chaplain, KCL) on the poetry of Edwin Muir; by Professor James Whyte (St Andrews) on the Problem of Authority; by Professor James Barr (Oxford) on Structuralism; as well as book reviews. Price: £1.50 (Students of KQC £l,OOl. from Faculty Office (1&: Main Building King's College).

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 14 December Computing in the Humanities, a one-day conference at King's College. Further details from Professor Wisbe'l (Department of German) or Mrs Christine Brown (Computer Centre). Tuesday 15 January Public Lecture: The Novel. Theodor Fontane by Mr Derek Glass (Department of German). 6.15 pm in Room 3B20, King's College. Admission by ticket only, available in advance from the Information Office, price £1.10 or on the door after 5.45 pm, price £1.20.

VISIT OF THE PRIME MINISTER OF PORTUGAL TO KI NG'S The Prime Minister of Portugal, Dr Mario Soares, who visited the United Kingdom from 20 to 23 November 1984 at the invitation of Her Majesty's Government, paid a visit to King's College on the morning of Wednesday 21 November. King's pioneered the study of Portugese at university level in the United Kingdom and the Department of Portugese and Brazilian Studies is now the leading centre of its kind in the Englishspeaking world. The Prime Minister and his delegation, which included the Portugese Ambassador in London, Dr Joao Hall Themido, were received by the Principal, Lord Cameron of Balhousie, the Vice-Principal, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, the Librarian and the Camoens Professor of Portugese.

the Company as there are many other backstage and front of house jobs that need doing.

BUDDING THEATRICALS WANTED Grosvenor Light Opera Company will be performing in the New Theatre from the 15 April to the 20 April 1985 inclusive, and this will be the third occasion when they have made use of the College facili1:ies. They perform as a group, only Gilb~rt and Su lIivan operettas, and next year will present Trial By Jury and The Sorcerer, and have asked that if anyone on the College staff is interested in joining their band, that they contact David Rayner, the Business Manager at Boodle Hatfield & Co., telephone number: 6297411. Meetings and rehearsals are held in the Central Institute at Bolt Court, {just off Fleet Street, opposite the Tipperary Pub} on Monday evenings from 7 to 9.30 p.m. and more frequently as a production date approaches. It is not necessary to be a singing member of

Monday 21 January Public Lecture: Gregory of Nyssa's 'Life of St Macrina' by Professor Arnaldo Momigliano, Hon KBE, Dlitt, FBA, Alexander White Visiting Professor, University of Chicago in Room 2B08, King's College at 5.30 pm. Admission free. Tuesday 22 January Public Lecture: The Novel. Franz Katka by Dr John White (Department of German). 6.15 pm in Room 3B20. Admission by ticket only, available in advance from the Information Office, price £1.10 or on the door after 5.45 pm, price £1.20. Tuesday 29 January Public Lecture: The Novel. Andre Gide by Professor Norma Rinsler (Department of French). 6.15 pm in Room 3B20, King's College London. Admission by ticket only, available in advance from the Information Office, price £1.10 or on the door after 5.45 pm, price £1.20.

HISTORY LECTURES AT LSE Professor Wolfgang Mommsen, Director of the German Historical Institu e, will be giving a course of ten lectures this year in the Lent term on the theme 'Bismarck and Imperial Germany in International Affairs, 1867-1890'. They will be held in the Passmore Edwards Room, a lecture hall on the ground flool of the main' uilding (A.85). They will take place on Wednesdays from 10 to 11, beginning on Wednesday 16 January 1985.

the Nelson Mandela Hall (Macadam Building).

KING'S COLLEGE LONDON SOCIAL CLUB PRESENTS THE KING'S COLLEGE NEW YEAR DANCE The 1985 King's College New Year Dance will be held on Friday 4 January 1985 from 7.30 pm to 12 midnight in

The main College buildings will close and open over Christmas as follows:

Further details are obtaina~le from any of the Social Club Committee members and tickets will be available from the Committee members after Wednesday 12 December 1984. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!



closes 21 Dec 21 Dec

opens 4 Jan 2 Jan


20 Dec (4.00pm) 2 Jan 24 Dec 2 Jan (but not completely closing down - there will be one administrative staff present throughout the period, ex路 c1uding Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day),

Term begins on Wednesday 9 January, except for first and final year Nursing Studies students, Geography students and third year students combining BSc and PGCE who begin their term on Monday 7 January. Courses in the Clinical Faculties continue throughout the year.


A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND GOOD WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE IN KQC *****************************************************************************************

All staff children under 5 are invited to a

CHRISTMAS PARTY AND CAROLS IN THE KING'S COLLEGE CHAPEL on Monday 17 December in Macadam G01 3 - 5 pm Games, tea, cartoons and a short carol service before going home. If you would like to bring your under-5's, please complete the tear-off slip below and give it to the Chaplain at King's College (Strand) or phone him on 836 5454 ext. 2373 or 2333. Offers of help with decorations ( 12 - 1 on 17 December) and with supervising/providing games (2.30 - 4 on 17 December) wou Id be much appreciated. Places will be limited.

To: The CHAPLAIN, King's College (Strand) 1) We would like to help at the party: NAME (Block capitals please)


2) We would like to come to the party and carol service: PAR ENT'S NAM E






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WRITE AND REPORT FOR "COMMENT" King's College London (KQC) covers such a wide range of activities that it is difficult for one Office to keep track of everything that's going on. That's where you come in. Not only do we want you to let us know what's happening in your area c:f work but we'd like to involve people in actually gathering news from other areas Listed below are some of the ideas we're after. You may have others. So, if you are interested in writing for "COMMENT" fill in this form and send it back to the Information Office at the Strand as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you and to printing your articles. NAME--------------------------------------------------------------DEPARTMENT---------------------------------------------------------ADDRESS------------------------------------------------------------TEL NO & EXTENSION ---------------------------------------------------I would be interested in writing and reporting for 'COMMENT', particularly on _.-----------------

Signed --------------------------------

Date -------------------

SOME IDEAS Staff, departmental events, plays and lectures, research in progress, items for sale, purchases required, reviews of London plays or rvstaurants, new acquisitions, visitors to College, College visits overseas, new publications, articles of historical interest, up-to-date detials of services on certain sites.... Photographs, drawings and illustrations are always required as are items such as puzzles or crosswords, on any theme.




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