Comment 002 January 1985

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STAFF APPOINTMENTS AT KING'S CLERICAL, SECRETARIAL AND ACADEMIC RELATED Appointments 3/12/84 Miss A Harvey, Arts Faculty 10/12/84 Miss M Skinner, Physics Dept 11/12/84 Miss C Peppercorn, Geography Dept 17/12/84 Miss 0 Forshaw, Wellington Hall Miss B Dix, Anatomy and Hum2/1/85 an Biology 2/1/85 Miss 0 Roberts, Assistant Refectory Manageress. 14/1/85 Miss R Harvey, Pharmacology Promotion 2/1/85 Miss C S Adams, moves from the Principal's Office to become Private Secretary to the Dean ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Dept of Electronic and Electrical Engineering 1/2/85 Or J K A Everard, New Blood Lecturer Dept of Computing 1/4/85 Mr S J Croft, Lecturer 1/1/85 Mr P A Hutchinson, Lecturer From 10 January until 15 June Mr Anthony Savile will be Acting Head of the Department of Philosophy during the absence of Professor Sorabji in the United States. ARRIVALS AT QEC Mr Frank Tracey, Shift porter/receptionist Mr William Witlea, Weekday night security man Miss Barbara Newell, Evening receptionist Mr Ronald Wiggins, Technician, Physics Department Mr Stephen Prowse, Library Assistant/ Typist Mr Tim Kenning, Technician, Electronics Unit Mrs Jane Vlitos has become a permanent lecturer on the full-time staff of the Nutrition Dept. DEPARTURES FROM QEC Mr Andrew James, Technician, Biochemistry Department CHELSEA COLLEGE Appointments 1/10/84 Or PS Adey, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Science and Mathematics Edu ducation 1/5/85

Mrs C Dawson, Research Assistant, Centre for Science and Mathematics Education

After extensive consultation within the departments concerned, the Management Committee has approved the following appointments as Heads of DepartmentsDesignate. The Council of the enlarged College is expected to ratify the appointments at the first opportunity after I August 1985, the Appointed Day.

For many people in King's, the joy of breaking up for the Christmas holidays was marred by the sad news that Mr Sid Bass, former Chief Technician in the Physics Department, died on Wednesday 19th December after a long illness.


Mr Bass came to the College in April 1957 and was one of the many invaluable members of staff who took early retirement in July 1984. During his last year at the College his strength of will and cheerfulness, whilst working often in great pain, were admired by many. However, anyone who really knew him would not have expected any less of him.

BIOCHEMISTRY Professor H R V Arnstein (Deputy Head - Professor H Baum ) *

His funeral on 27th December was attend路 ed by many friends and colleagues from King's.

Subject to appropriate provision being made for staged retirements, it is intended that appointments shall be for a period not exceeding five years in the first instance, commencing forthwith.

BIOLOGY Professor C B Cox BIOPHYSICS Professor R M Simmons HUMAN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Professor P J Peterson PHAR MACO LOGY Professor G V R Born (Deputy Head - Professor M Ginsberg) PHYSIOLOGY Professor P F Baker MICROBIOLOGY Professor S J Pirt NURSING STUDIES Dr J Wilson-Barnett NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE Professor 0 J Naismith PHARMACY Professor J W Gorrod *Professor Baum will assume the headship for a two year term with effect from 1.8.87 when Professor Robinson will become Deputy Head. An earlier decision to maintain separate departments of Plant Sciences and Zoology has been reconsidered and a single Department of Biology will now be formed under Professor C B Cox. In all other respects the departmental structure is as originally proposed. Pr.ofessor Arnstein will continue as Chairman of the Life Sciences Group until the Appointed Day when the Faculty will be formally constituted and a Dean elected.

Mr Bass leaves a widow and two sons, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy. DR D IVOR JOHN A memorial service was held in the Chapel on February 18 for the life and work of Ivor John, lecturer in the Dept of Chemistry who died suddenly before Christmas. An appreciation will be included in the next issue of Comment

TAX RELIEF AND PENSION SCHEMES You may have seen rumours in the press that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is thinking of changing the rules by which pension schemes are exempt from most forms of tax. We have been reassured by his recent statement in the House of Commons that he is not contemplating retrospective action on lump sums, so that there is no need to retire, perhaps prematurely, before the Budget in order to be sure of the lump sum benefit you have already earned. However, the Chancellor has most definitely not denied the general rumour that he is going to tax pension funds. If he does this could affect you personally. The University of London Superannuation Officer has written to point out that the possibilities include higher tax bills for members and pensioners, loss of future lump sum rights, and most worrying, greatly increased combined contribution rates. The employer's contribution rate might even rise to the point where, if the School is to continue to exist it must either with-

, draw from the pension scheme or substantially reduce the benifits, including those already earned. Some schemes might even become insolvent. The University will be making its own views known in the appropriate quarter. However you may wish to put YOUR views forward, for example by writing to the press or to your MP. In this respect the following information may be useful. PENSION FUND TAX RELIEFS There are 6 areas where pension funds get some form of tax relief: (a) member's contributions are exempt from tax; (b) employer's contributions are exempt from tax; (c) members do not pay tax on the employer's contribution; (d) the pension is taxed as earned income; (e) the lump sum is free of tax; (f) the investment income is not subject to income tax or Capital Gains Tax. All these areas are subject to very strict regulation by the Inland Revenue. REMOVAL OF (a) might, at first sight, be dealt with by changing to a non-contributory scheme. However, removal would change completely the nature and scope of Additional Voluntary Contributions, by which many members make up their benefits if these fall short of the maximum. REMOVAL OF (b) would, at first sight, have no effect on non-tax-paying bodies. However, we recall that the lifting of the National Insurance Surcharge, which universities did not pay, was accompanied by an increase in the normal NI contribution rate, which they do. Since a general effect of ending tax reliefs will be to discourage private occupational schemes, it will throw more people into the State system with presumably higher NI rates all round. At all events it will be wise to assume that employers' payroll costs will not diminish. REMOVING (c) would add substantially to members' tax bills. Members of staff would presumably be even more reluctant to join a communal plan and to that extent would be thrown back on their own resources, or on those of the State. CHANGING (d) would add to the tax bills of those pensioners, a minority, whose incomes lie in the higher rate tax brackets. TAXING THE LUMP SUM would seriously impair the only opportunity most people have of acquiring a substantial amount of free capital. It would also affect the plans which many people have made, 00 .the assumption of the lump

sum. which may involve large financial commitments. The Chancellor has only provided comfort for the lump sum earned up until Budget Day. REMOVING TAX RELIEF ON I VESTMENTS is especially serious. All our calculations, and actuarial valuations, have been done on the assumption that investment income is untaxed. The exact effect on any given fund would depend on a full actuarial assessment, but the broad implications are that contributions would need to increase by 60/75% to maintain the same level of benefits. In the case of USS this would mean a combined contribution rate of some 40% of payroll, while for SAUL the figure would be about 30%. The alternative to paying higher contributions is to give lower benefits. A reduction of about 40% of the benefits offered would bring USS or SAUL into balance. This would also apply, at least in part, to existing pensioners, whose past contributions have also been assumed to earn tax free income during their

remaining expectation of life. Schemes with a higher proportion of pensioners might actually become insolvent, but USS and SAUL could probably survive by reducing benefits currently in payment as well as those earned in the future. A QUESTION AND ANSWER GUIDE prepared by the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) Q What has prompted this campaign by NAPF? A There has been speculation that changes are going to be made by the Chancellor to the tax treatment of pension funds. NAPF, which represents occuJJational pension schemes in the public and private sectors, is concerned that ill-considered changes might have a disastrous effect on savings for retirement. Q How do the present tax concessions work? A Very simply. No tax is paid on contributions to pension funds, by employer

THE KQC FINANCIAL SITUATION The latest management accounts indicate that the KQC overall results for 1984/85 to date are very much in line with expectations. The budgeted result for the financial year ending July 31 1985 was a deficit of some £663k. Savings in staff costs arising from non replacement of vacant posts were expected to reduce this figure to around £500k. The latest figures, when projected forward to July 31 1985, suggest than an overall KQC deficit of around £500k is not unrealistic. The individual breakdown of the projected deficit in 1984/85 is as follows: Latest forecast £k (150) (200) (130)

King's College London Chelsea College Queen Elizabeth College



Overall full-time equivalent staffing figures, a prime factor in the control of college expenditure, stand at 1451. This figure is less than the projected number of staff in post at July 31 1985, but it is expected that committed replacements will close the gap by the end of the year. The comparison of actual staff in post as at December 31 1984 and the projected numbers in post as at July 31 1985 is as follows: Current Level Chelsea QEC King's Total 323 163 504 990 Academic depts Other areas 203 154 104 461 Total





Academic depts Other areas

King's 485 205

Projected Chelsea 350 161

Level QEC 168 107

Total 1003 473






The cumulative deficit now projected for the end of this financial year is some £4.0m and the associated external borrowing is estimated to be some £900k. KQC Finance Officer

or employee. Investment earned income on these contributions is also free of tax to help ensure that they accumulate a sum sum sufficient to meet commitments and pay a decent pension. But don't think that this means that tax is not paid. The Inland Revenue collected nearly ÂŁ2000m last year from income tax on pensions and this figure is growing. Q When were the existing concessions established? A It was a direct result of a Government decision to encourage people to provide for their old age out of their current earnings. This principle was established in the 1921 Finance Act, has been endorsed by every government since then and has been responsible for the evolution of occupational pension schemes over the past 63 years. Q So what are the rumoured changes? A Essentially, four fundamental ones 1. to remove tax rei ief on pension fu nd contributions 2. to tax investment income earned on these contributions 3. to tax the lump sum payable on retirement 4 to tax the employee on the employer's contribution. Q Would the impact of such changes be significant? A We think they would be shortsighted and possible disastrous. 1. taxing employee contributions would effectively abolish the principle established and discourage people from putting aside money in favour of more immediate needs. This would mean fewer people with pensions and therefore no benefit to the Treasury 2. A tax on employer's contributions would effectively stifle opportunities for growth and increased employment 3. a tax on investment income appears less damaging but could be as unprofitable. Our calculations show that a 30% tax on investment income could cut final pensions by up to 50% or force an increase of up to two-thirds in rates of contribution 4 to tax the lump sum would ignore the 'good faith' in which members have been paying contributions. Q Why should a tax on investment income have such a disproportionate effect? A One of the keys to the provision of decent pensions is to let the fund accumulate as much compound interest as possible. A tax on contributions or on investment income will both slow down the rate of growth. Q So you are opposed to any change?

A No, we are as keen as anyone to see the service improved in any way possible, but think it right to be alarmed by proposals that might end up cutting pensions or causing pension funds to close. We don't want to throwaway the 60 years put in to creating one of the most efficient pension movements in the world which has helped millions to enjoy their retirement in comfort and dignity.

COMMITTEE ON TRAINING FOR ACADEMIC STAFF News Round-Up Forthcoming courses and seminars of interest to members of the academic teaching staff: Seminar - Postgraduate Training 6 February, 2.15pm - 5.00pm, King~s Departments have already been circulated but further details are available from Gill Sales in Zoology (Strand, ext 2372) Wor,{shop - Improving Lecturing (arranged by the Centre for Staff Development in Higher Education) 19-21 February, Institute of Education Further details either from CSDHE, 55 Gordon Square, London WCIH ONU (636 1500 ext 497) or Stephen Harrow, Assistant Registrar (Strand ext 2689)

graduate Training) are without charge to members of KQC. Outside activities generally attract a course fee or registration charge but this can normally be met, wholly or in part, from CTAS funds. Contact Step hen Harrow in the Registry or Professor David Aspin (Education, Strand ext 2347) for information. CTAS also has a small library of books, pamphlets etc which may be of use to academic staff looking for new ways of presenting old truths. Two recent additions to the library, published by Technical and Educational Services Ltd are:

53 Interesting Things to do in your Seminars and Tutorials 53 Interesting Things to do in your Lectures both written by Graham Gibbs and Sue and Trevor Habeshaw. Although aimed at the poly market, the 'Interesting Things' suggested are by-and-Iarge quite applicable to teaching at university level; the somewhat eye-rolling titles of the volumes should not deter colleagues from asking to borrow them for a weekend speed read. Again, contact Stephen Harrow (Registry, Strand, ext 2689) CTAS hopes to have a regualr column in

Comment from now on, keeping


Workshop - Evaluating Teaching (CSDHE) in touch with developments in their craft. 26-28 February, Institute of Education Further details either from CSDHE, 55 Gordon Square, London WCIH ONU STUDENTSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS (636 1500 ext 497) or Stephen Harrow Workshop - Small Group Teaching (CSDHE EXHIBITIONS BURSARIES AND PRIZES 12-14 March, Institute of Education Further details either from CSDHE, King's College London offers a number 55 Gordon Square, London WCIH ONU of awards each year, which are open to (636 1500 ext 497) or Stephen Harrow. application by students of the College, Half-Day Conference - The Emotional some of which are listed below. For the Experience of Learning and Teaching current Session, these prizes refer only to 22 March, 9.30am-1.00pm, Tavistock those students who are registered at King' '; Centre, 120 Belsize Lane, NW3 5BA College but for the Session 1985/86 they Arral')ged by the Tavistock Clinic Trainwill be open to all students of the merged ing Office, for professionals in the field College. of education. Further details from Isca Wittenberg at the Tavistock Centre More information about these awards and (4357111) or Stephen Harrow. about others which are available can be Conference - Academic Standards 8-9 July, University of Southampton Arranged by the Society for Research into Higher Education Staff Development Group. Further details either from Dr R J D Rutherford, Faculty of Education, Ring Road North, University of Birmingham, PO Box 363 (021 472 1301 ext 2722) or Stephen Harrow CTAS can call upon funds to help those interested undertake training activities or attend seminars and meetings like those listed above. As a rule, events arranged by CTAS itself (eg the Seminar on Post-

obtained from Lesley Boyd, Registry (Room 5B/Main Building). All applications should be sent to Mr B E Salter, Academic Registrar, unless otherwise stated. Bursaries for Vacation Travel in France This award is open to undergraduate students (other than those in their final year) of all Faculties in the College, who have at least an '0' Level or equivalent qualification in French. The closing date for applications is Friday 15 March 1985. Mary Clarke Travel Exhibitions These exhibitions are open to women un-

dergraduate students in all Facu Ities who have satisfactorily completed full·time courses of study for at least three terms. Preference will be given to students in the Faculties of Arts, Laws and Natural Science. The closing date for applications is Friday 15 March 1985 Ronald Burrows Memorial Studentship This studentship is awarded annually to a graduate of a British university or of the University of Athens. Preference will be given to a student who has grad· uated with Honours from King's College. The closing date for application is 30 June 1985. Crompton Studentships The object of these studentships is to enable women students of French Lang· uage and Literature to attend a course of study at a University in France or Bel~ium. One or two studentships will be offered annually to women students who are, or have been fu lI·time students of King's College, and have lately comp· leted the course for the Honours degree in French of the University of London, or have been registered as research students in the Department of French of King's College for not less than one acad· emic year. Candidates for these student· ships must send their names to the Head of the Department of French not later than 30 April 1985. Berridge Studentships One studentship is offered annually for Research in Physiology as applied to public health. The closing date for application is 30 June 1985. Spackman Prize in Mathematics This prize is open to any full-time under-

THE KOC LIBRARY The merger of the three colleges will create on of the larger libraries in the UK, with a stock of around 750,000 volumes. However, the different traditions of the college libraries provides a host of problems in reconciling not only different library practices but different attitudes to library provision. To a large degree the Library will have to be redesigned from first principles and every facet of library operation will have to be reconsidered. With a staff of eighty scattered over fourteen sites and two dozen reading rooms, a great emphasis will have to be placed on management: managing the staff, to keep all the service points open for the longest possible hours; managing the stock, to make sure that it is on the appropriate site as departments move;; managing the

graduate student whose degree course contains a major component of mathematics. The prize will be awarded to the winner of a mathematical competition to be held in the Lent Term, under the direction of the Head of the Department of Mathematics. The closing date for applications is 14 February 1985. lan Healey Memorial Award This award is made annually to an undergraduate student who has shown particular promise in ecology to enable him or her to carry out an approved project on an ecological topic during their vacation. Students, who shou Id preferably have completed four terms of a BSc course, should submit an application no later than the last day of the Lent Term 1985. Ruggles·Gates Award This award will be made to a registered undergraduate student of the School of Biological Sciences, who has performed with distinction during the course and shown special promise for a career of original research, to assist the student to carry out research or study (eg vacation work or study involving travel) not in the normal range of undergraduate study for which funds would not be available through the usual channels. Students, who should preferably have completed four terms of the course, should, after consulting their teachers, submit an application between 15 February and the last day of term. Plumptre Prize for English Verse This prize is open to regular undergraduate students of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies in the second or third year of their course. The closing date will be announced on the Faculty noticeboard.


STUDENT Congratulations go to Mark McLellan, a Ph.D. student working in the Biology Department, who was awarded the Viviane Maggi prize for the best presentation by a young biochemist at tAe Annual Histochemistry meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society (the UK Histochemistry Society) held on 8 January 1985. Mark is currently a holder of the Queen Elizabeth College Research Scholarship and is in his second year of study for a Ph.D. The title of his paper was 'Chilling Damage in Tomato Leaf Protoplasts assessed by Flow Cytometry', and represents one of the earliest studies of this form of plant cell analysis which will be crucial to rapid development in plant biotechnology. The prize will be presented to Mark at the Annual General Meeting of the R'M.S. in May.

TERMLY ACADEMIC MEETING Members of the academic staff at Denmark Hill were joined by a number of colleagues from the Strand, Chelsea and Queen Elizabeth Colleges on Tuesday 22 January when Professor M D Rawlins of the University of Newcastle spoke on the subject 'Who Needs Clil'lical Pharmacology? We hope that even more will join us for the next meeting to be held in the summ-· er term; suggestions about possible topics for discussion would be most vwlcome and should be sent to the Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry.

alternative methods of providing the inforrr funds, to acquire a reasonable amount of ation which our users must have. new material as the real value of the budget declines. In keeping with this, Most libraries live in something of a rut there must be a greater emphasis on conserving and then exploiting to the fu 11 the with, at best, a very gradual evolution. resources we already possess. The physical The merger forces the new Library to look deterioration of printed material is a problem at every aspect of its operations and in so doing allows us an unexpected opportunity being tackled-at national level, but the age of the College ensures that we have more to make a leap forward in providing a than our fair share of books requiring conmodern library service. The next five servation, if they are to ;)e of use to reader~ years will br:i ng radical change as an inevitable consequence of the merger. The One of the most powerful tools for the Library's task is to ensure that by taking exploitation of the library is the computer. the best of our present practices and We hope to marry the Library's expertise in merging them with the best of current dealing with databases to the technical library thought, we finish up with a more expertise of the new computer centre in economic but superior service to the order to explore the whole area of informpresent one. ation provision. The Library should be much more than a simple repository of o G Law more or less well ordered books. We can The Librarian no longer afford to buy all the books which readers require and so we must look to



As from 21 January 1985 there will be an amendment to the timings of the above service and in future mail will be collected from the post room at 11.30am each week-day morning. Will all staff concerned please ensure that mail reaches the post room in good time to catch this service.

of twenty-five years of Chelsea's Biochemistry Bulletin by Or Derek F. Evered. Chelsea's Biochemistr'J ~,Sc was initiated by Or Evered in 1965 and has for many years been the largest in the UK. The College Archivist, Miss Patricia Methven, would \'.elcome further deposits of newsletters, photographs, special lecture texts, minute books and significant faculty or departmental files. She hopes everyone in KQC will particularly bear the Archives in mind when they are moving office or turning out!

WANTED - ONE MASCOT TYPEWRITER CONTRACTS RENEWABLE NOW The maintenance contract for the departmental typewriters is renewable from 1st January each year and listed below are the proposed prices for 1985. Cowper Business Equipment will be sending an invoice to the departments concerned which should be paid promptly if they wish to continue with the contract, or returned with a brief covering note if they wish to terminate the arrangement. Machine

Old Price

New Price

Manual Portable Electric Adler Golf Ball IBM Electronic

£18.00 £18.00 £40.00

£19.50 £19.50 £43.00



Queen Elizabeth College Students' Union is trying to recover its mascot prior to the merger. This is a cast iron griffon, notable for its weight (estimates vary from 150kg to 500kg). 'Greg' was last seen a couple of years ago at Wye College but we can find no trace of him at Ashford. Any news of Greg would very welcome.

RAG WEEK 1985 Last year a total of £2,000,000 was given to charities by the RAG Societies of Britain, No mean feat, I can assure you! At the moment I am bogged down with Police, Lord Mayors and publishers trying to sort out street collection permits and Rag Mags, our biggest source of income during Rag Week. I have just returned from the National Rag Conference held in November, where I learned so much about raising money. the ways and means and hope to implement some of these ideas in bettering the £1,600 given away last year.

Catherine Charnaud RAG CHAI RMAN



Neville Marsh, lecturer in Physiology at QEC is writing a history of Queen Elizabeth College from 1908 - 1985 and would be pleased to hear from anyone who has archive material which might be useful. It is enVisaged that it will appear as a hardback A5 publication of some 200-250 pages and liberally illustrated. If you have any memorabilia, advice or would like to help, please contact Neville Marsh (01 937 5411 ext 409). All items passed to him will eventually be placed in the Archives, unless otherwise wished by the owners.

Mechanical Engineering Dr M Yianneskis Rm 338 Norfolk Ext 2316

BIOCHEMISTRY ARCHIVES King's College Archives have properly become King's College London (KQC) Archives with a welcome first deposit

The display has been organised in association with Simmonds Bookshop, who have supplied the books and it features a selection of the titles given to us. If the display proves to be a success it is hoped to continue and expand the display over the coming months.

Rag Week lies between 2nd and 9th March and in next month's Comment I shall give more specific details of our activities· a note of warning· The Hit Squad is still around. Any enquiries about Rag should be sent to me cia The Students' Union and I shall deal with them as soon as possible.

DON'T THROW YOUR OLD STAMPS AWAY The residents of H.M. Prison Dartmoor have started a scheme to sort and sell used stamps and donate all the proceeds to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution The stamps are sorted on cards and weekly sales now amount to about £200. A cheque for £1000 has recently been presented to Appledore RNLI. If ~ ClU have used stamps your department could send them directly to Senior Officer BI<, Stamp Collection, M.M.P. Dartmoor, Princetown, Yelverton, Devon PL20, or if you only have a few send them to OC'vid Green, Geography Department, King's College, Strand Campus.

published by members of staff, there is now a display of books in one of the wi ndows on the Strand.

KING'S AUTHORS BOOK DISPLAY Following our request for details of books

Biblical Studies Dr F Watson Rm 563 Norfolk Ext 2502 Erratum In the article on Academic Planning in the first issue of Comment it was stated that the Faculty of Education will be exclusively postgraduate. In fact, as stated in the Education Faculty prospectus for 1985, units in Education are on offer to students on the Chelsea site. Once the Faculty is on the same site as the rest of the College, it is hoped to extend this offer to all students.




NEW YEAR HONOURS THE NOVEL Professor Randoph Quirk, Vic e-Chancellor of the University of London, w as created Knight Bachelor in the New Y ear Honours List Professor JIG Cadogan, mem ber of the Council and Fellow of the Col lege, was appointed CBE in the New Ye ar Honours List.

ROYAL HOLLOWAY AND B EDFORD - A NEW NAME At their December meetings th e councils of both Royal Holloway and Bedford Colleges agreed that the name of the college which results from the merger shall be known as Royal Holloway and Bedford New College. It is ant icipated that the new college will come into being by I August 1985. QUEEN MARY AND GOLDS MITHS' IN MERGER DISCUSSION In response to the Le Quesne Working Party Report The QMC Gover ning Body has indicated its willingness to explore with Goldsmiths' the desirabil ityand feasibility of a merger. Goldsmiths' Delegacy has agre ed to an enlarged membership of an ad hoc group which has been advising the Warden on negotiations with Q MC. In consultation with this group Goldsmiths' members on the joint committ ee with QMC were appointed. Five me mbers from each College have been ap pointed as follows: -QMC Principal Vice-Principal 2 academic staff Lay member of Go verning Body Secretary (in attend ance) -Goldsmiths' Warden Deputy Warden 2 academic staff Lay member of De legacy Registrar (in atten dance) The Vice-Chancellor has expres sed his hope that the Colleges might re ach a conclusion by the end of Febru ary so that a further report might be considered by the University's Joint Planni ng Committee at its meeting on Ma y 2.

Tuesday evenings at 6.15pm Strand Room 3B20 Lectu re tickets £ 1.10 each Tuesday Feb 5 MARCEL PROUST DU COTE DE CHEZ SW4NN Or B Howells, Lectur er in French TuesdayFeb 12 GALDOS La PROHIBIDO Or G Scanlon, Lecturer in Spanish Tuesday Feb 19 GARCIA MARQUEZ CIEN ANOS DE SOL EDAD Or W Rowe, Lecturer in Spanish GERMAN PLAY New Theatre, King's College DES TEUFELS GENE RAL by Carl Zuckmayer A realistic expose of life in the Third Reich, which explores a range of moral attitudes and conflicts. Des Teufels General is a gripping d rama, which, in its portrayal of eternal human conflict transcends its specific German setting - A must. 7.00pm, February 20,2 1,22 2.00pm matinee Febru ary 22 Tickets £1.50 via the Ger man Society Secretary

LEGG MEMORIAL LE CTURE PROMETHEAN POSSI BI L1TI ES AND BI L1ARY ADVENTUR ES by Professor L H Blumgart, Royal Postgraduate Medical School 4.30pm Thursday 7 Fe bruary in the Main Lecture Theatre, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Denmark Hill

Lent Term Seminars in the Department of History and Philosop hy of Science, Chelsea Thursday 10 January VOLTAIRE AS AN A MATEUR CHEM1ST by Or W Smeaton, University College London Thursday 17 January MAKING SENSE OF PROBAB I L1TY by Or P Milne, London Sch 001 of Economics

Thursday 24 January PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY AND THE ENGINEERING METHOD by Mr M C Duffy, Sunderland Polytechnic Thursday 31 January DUTCH BOOK ARGUMENTS AND SUBJECTIVE PROBABI L1TI ES by Mr R Black, University of Nottingham Thursday 7 February WHAT LOGIC DO WE NEED TO DO SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS by Professor N Tennant, University of Stirling Thursday 14 February CONTROVERSY AND MATHEMATICAL DISCOVERY - A HISTORICAL CASE BERNARD NI EUWENTIJDT'S CRITICISMS OF LEIBNIZ'S HIGHER ORDER INFINITESIMALS by Professor G Giorello, University of Milan Thursday 21 February CONDITIONAL AND TRUTH by Mrs o Edgington, Birkbeck College Thursday 28 February MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS IN FRANCE ISOQ-1830:S0ME HISTORIOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS by Or I Grattan-Guiness, Middlesex Polytechnic All meetings held in Room N25, Chemistry Building, Manresa Road at 2.15pm

Lent Term Postgraduate Seminar in Modern Greek Language and Literature Monday 14 January THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHN MALALAS by Brian Croke, Macquarie University, New South Wales Monday 28 January HEROES AND KLEFTS by John Campbell, St Anthony's College OXford Monday 4 February THEODORE PRODROMOS: THE RUSSIAN CONNECTION by Simon Franklin, Clare College, Cambridge. Monday 11 February GEORGE VIZYENOS AND HIS CHARACTERS by William Wyatt, Brown University and Clare Hall,Cambridge. Thursday 21 February POETRY; TIMELESSNESS, AND POWER: THOUGHTS ON CAVAFY,'T S ELIOT AND THE POST-STRUCTURALIST CONTROVERSI ES by Geoffrey Strickland, University of Reading (Joint Seminar with Dept of English) Room 238, Strand Building, King's at 5.30pm. Monday 25 February TWENTIETH -CENTURY GREEK DRAMA by Constantine Valakas, Trinity College, Cambridge Unless otherwise state(j, all meetings will be held in the Burrows Library, KCL at 5.00pm.

Public Lectures FEBRUARY Monday 4 1.05 pm - 2.15 pm Room 3B20 Centre of Medical Law and Ethic UNEMPLOYMENT AND HEALTH Or Stephen Farrow, MA, MD, B.Chir, MRCP, Deparunent of Epidemology and Community Medicine, Welsh ational chool of Medicine 2.00 pm - 3. pm Room 2808 Maxwell Society Lecture IMAGI G WITH VISmLE LIGHT: THE VERY LARGE, THE VERY SMALL AND VERY FAINT Professor J. c. Dainty, Imperial College 7.30 pm Room 6C Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies in association with The Hellemc Cultural Centre THE ENCOUNTER OF HELLENIC AND HEBREW THOUGHT I THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CENTURIES Professor John Zizioulas, niversity of Glasgow A series of five lectures Room 3B20 Monday 11 1.05 pm - 2.15 pm Centre of Medical Law and Ethics THE JEWISH CONTRIBlITION TO MEDICAL ETHICS Sir Immanuel Jakobowits, BA, PhD, DD, Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth 7.30 pm Room 6C Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies in association with The Hellenic Cultural Centre THE ENCOUNTER OF HELLENIC AND HEBREW THOUGHT IN THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CENTURIES Professor John Zizioulas, University of Glasgow A series of five lectures

Tuesday 12

Room 1806 4.30 pm Deparunent of Civil Engineering COLLOQUIA IN CIVIL ENGINEERING 1985 ACCOUNTING FOR HUMAN ERROR R. J. Bridle, Formerly Director, Transport and Road Researcb Laboratory The New Theatre 5.30 pm Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies THE F. D. MAURICE LECTURES 1985 CHURCH AND STATE IN FRANCE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: The General Assemblies of the Gallican Church Professor Jobn McManners, Regius Professor Emeritus of Ecclesiastical History, University of Oxford and Fellow of All Souls College

Tuesday 5

The ew Theatre 5.30 pm Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies THE F. D. MAURICE LECTURES 1985 CHURCH AND STATE IN FRANCE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: Throne and Altar Professor John McManners, Regius Professor Emeritus of Ecclesiastical History, University of Oxford and Fellow of All Souls College

AcmEVEMENTS OF SIR JOHN RANDALL, FRS Speakers: The Lord Zuckerman, OM, KCB, FRS- on SirJobn' invention, with Or H. A. H. Boo!, of the cavity magnetron and Its contribution to the winning of orld ar lI. Sir evill Mott, FRS, obel Laureate- on Sirjohn's contribution to solid state pbysics. Profes or Maurice illcins, CBE, FRS, obel Laureate - on SIr John's contribuuon to biological scien es.

Monday 18 1.05 pm - 2.15 pm Room 3820 Centre of Medical Law and Ethics LAW, MORALS AND SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD The Baroness Warnock, DBE, MA, BPhil, Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm Room 2808 Maxwell Society Lecture BIG BANG RADlA TION Professor D. H. Martin, Queen Mary College 7.30 pm Room 6C Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies in association with The Hellenic Cultural Centre THE ENCOUNTER OF HELLENIC AND HEBREW THOUGHT IN THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CENTURIES Professor John Zizioulas, University of Glasgow A series of five lectures

Tuesday 19

5.30 pm The ew Theatre Faculty of Theology and Religious tudies THE F. D. MAURlCE LECTURES 1985 CHURCH AND STATE I FRANCE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: Police Procedures and Religious Conformity Professor John McManners, Regius Professor Emeritus 0 Ecclesiastical History, University of Oxford and Fellow of All Souls College The Great Hall Wednesday 20 5.30 pm THE ADAM LECTURE 1985 CULTIVATING ONE'S GARDEN - THE STORY OF ADAM Miron Grindea, Editor of Adarn lnternacional Ruom 3B20 Monday 25 1.05 pm - 2.15 pm Centre of medical Law and Ethics IDGH-TECH ID-JACK Dr Roger Higgs, MA, ME, MRC:>, MRCGP, Director of the Department ofGeneral Practice Studies, King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry Room 2808 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm Maxwell Society Lecture HOLOGRAPHY Dr . Phillips, Loughborough University 7.30 pm Room 6C Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies in association with The Hellenic Cultural Centre THE ENCOUNTER OF HELLENIC AND HEBREW THOUGHT IN THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CENTURIES Professor John Zizioulas, University of Glasgow A series of five lectures

Tuesday 26

The New Theatre 5.30 pm The Joint School of Geograpby KCL-LSE ACTS OF GOD Thursday 14 4.15 pm - 6.00 pm The Great Hall An Inaugural Lecture by Professor Denys Brunsden, J(jng's MEETING TO COMMEMORATE THE SCIENTIFIC College London Next Issue: COPY DATE FEB 18; PUBLICATION LAST WEEK OF FEBRUARY

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